The dark Night Of Anti-Semitism Is Always Descending On The Right


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
And yet lands on the Left. Every time. A play on words from Jean-François Revel that just happens to be true in this case.

Check this out, dims -- Explain this one away....

Ace of Spades HQ

Is the NY Times trying to become the paper of record for the UK Labor party? Because Jeremy Corbyn and Ken Livingstone would love a print of this. Here's the cartoon, which would also fit well in many Muslimnewspapers to illustrate articles about Jews harvesting the blood of Muslim babies for matzoh or Israel using American technology to control the weather over Iran.

And here is the bullshit non-apology apology.


Notice the weaselly blaming of some wayward division of the NY Times? Let's face it...some editor or editors thought it was just fine, and that speaks volumes about the current (and past) tone at the Times. They hate religion (except Islam), they hate Judaism, they hate Israel, and they withdrew the cartoon not because they realized that it was an out-and-proud example of their Jew-hate, but because they got called out on it.

How many times, in here, have we read dims bad-mouthing Trump and/or Conservatives in general for sticking up for Israel, the only somewhat Free Country in the entire part of the World? How many? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands is more like it.

And why do they feel non-threatened? Why do they think it's just okie-doke?

For one thing, the mods in here won't ban them for eternity, like they should be (on general principles alone) and for another, they get their guidance from the DGF in the LS Media.

Check it out. Here's the cartoon in case you're curious....


Had to get it before the Slimes wipes it from history, a'la Joe Stalin, forever.

Bet you're proud, huh dims? You should be.

dimcraps are....... Well, you know what they are.

And the truth is -- So do they. They just don't care.
Lori Gilbert-Kaye, that's her name . . . another victim to the oldest hatred . . . anti-Semitism.
May the wounded in the Synagogue shooting have a full and speedy recovery.
And we wonder why things like the recent Synagogue massacre happen?

Don't. Look no further than the DISGUSTING FILTH. A mass murder is like Christmas Morning to the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media.

Look at their faces when they talk about it..... Phony concern coupled with masked glee. A feeling of importance, a reason to pontificate on why they're so superior to -- Everybody.

They really are The Enemy of The People.

And we wonder why things like the recent Synagogue massacre happen?

Don't. Look no further than the DISGUSTING FILTH. A mass murder is like Christmas Morning to the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media.

Look at their faces when they talk about it..... Phony concern coupled with masked glee. A feeling of importance, a reason to pontificate on why they're so superior to -- Everybody.

They really are The Enemy of The People.

The reason there have been so many church shootings is because of the wall to wall coverage.
If somebody walks into a school and starts capping kids, that's all they talk about for days. Right now there are nuts planning attacks. They're just waiting for the right moment. And it's not because of guns. It's because of hatred and the insanity we see every day in the news.
I don't want to start a new thread on this. It deserves one. It deserves several.

But if you're wondering why the DISGUSTING FILTH isn't going ape-shit over this?

Simple: They're not sure they can pin it on the Right. That it might, as has happened innumerable times already, boomerang back and hit leftist scum in the nuts.......

BTW, is any of our leftist posters missing today??

Congregation Chabad Shooting Suspect Refers To Trump As A 'Zionist, Jew-Loving, Anti-White, Traitorous C**s***er'

According to reports from ABC News and CNN, the suspect, identified as John T. Earnest, published “an anti-Semitic and anti-Trump manifesto online” prior to the attack.

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