The Death and Destruction Party on Display

One of the saddest scenes in a constellation of upsetting images, is this black entrepreneur watching his life's efforts being destroyed by those egged on by the Leftists/Democrats.

MAGA infiltration using trained rioters is a common practice among Republicans
The protesters are peaceful.

It is the MAGA infiltrators who are doing the damage
The coronavirus didn't work out for ya, so send rioters in instead of peaceful protest. Liberal tolerance on display.

MAGA is sending trained infiltrators to incite violence in Democratic areas
Nope this is the type of things you loons do. The Obama playbook.

Republicans have pulled out their Rules for Radicals playbook and are burning down our cities and blaming Democrats
Democrat mayors and governors have no problem arresting a group of friends for getting together in defiance of their stupid shutdowns but they don't do shit when a liberal mob assembles to burn and loot their city. Liberals are fucking dangerous to this country.
Same goes for Repubs you just won't admit it.
The protesters are peaceful.

It is the MAGA infiltrators who are doing the damage
The coronavirus didn't work out for ya, so send rioters in instead of peaceful protest. Liberal tolerance on display.

MAGA is sending trained infiltrators to incite violence in Democratic areas
And you have proof of this?
This is a PC thread

You don’t need proof, all you need to do is cut and paste shit off the internet

You lose
The protesters are peaceful.

It is the MAGA infiltrators who are doing the damage
The coronavirus didn't work out for ya, so send rioters in instead of peaceful protest. Liberal tolerance on display.

MAGA is sending trained infiltrators to incite violence in Democratic areas
Nope this is the type of things you loons do. The Obama playbook.

Republicans have pulled out their Rules for Radicals playbook and are burning down our cities and blaming Democrats
only way to figure out who is really behind this is to start arresting large numbers of these people, trace their contacts and actions over the last several months.

This has nothing to do with Floyd at this point, obviously, These people are using this incident as cover to undertake a widespread anarchy type terrorist action. They need to be jailed, their organizations identified, designated as terror groups and every single person that so much as sent out a text advocating this shit should be arrested and jailed for as long as the law allows.

If we stand idly by and just wait for this to burn off, do nothing about the underlying organizations behind this, it will happen again. They have already been allowed to organize in plain sight, gain organizational structure, formulate plans and organize materials to a level to put this into motion. There are records of this activity out there, without a doubt. If they are allowed to walk, it will be worse next time.
The protesters are peaceful.

It is the MAGA infiltrators who are doing the damage
The coronavirus didn't work out for ya, so send rioters in instead of peaceful protest. Liberal tolerance on display.

MAGA is sending trained infiltrators to incite violence in Democratic areas
Nope this is the type of things you loons do. The Obama playbook.

Republicans have pulled out their Rules for Radicals playbook and are burning down our cities and blaming Democrats
Russia gate
And now riots
Give up, you're not going to defeat Trump. Don't you think you ruined enough lives already, because you lost an election?
1. At its center, all Leftism/Progressivism is aimed at the destruction of tradition, custom, laws and heritage.
Is it any surprise that the attacks on civilization that we are witnessing this week are, largely, in Democrat run enclaves?

2. Or that the Marxist/ANTIFA thugs get support from Democrats?
"Video: Kamala Harris Attends George Floyd Protest Outside White House"

3. "Joe Biden Finally Addresses Riots While His Campaign Staffers Donate Cash To Bail Out Rioters"

4. "Remember this week when it comes time to vote in November. What we’re seeing across America is what Democrats have created coming to fruition; it’s the natural end result of a progressive philosophy that works overtime to absolve individuals of their responsibility and place blame on others for political advantage. It’s rage for the sake of motivation to vote, to hate, to not think. It has worked for progressives in the past, and there’s no reason to believe it won’t work for Democrats now. But in order to work, it has to destroy. Liberalism, progressivism, or whatever they choose to call the Democratic Party’s agenda, kills.
It kills people, it kills businesses, it kills communities."

5. Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

From Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, “…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.”
Their leader is in the middle of it...............

The protesters are peaceful.

It is the MAGA infiltrators who are doing the damage
The coronavirus didn't work out for ya, so send rioters in instead of peaceful protest. Liberal tolerance on display.

MAGA is sending trained infiltrators to incite violence in Democratic areas
Nope this is the type of things you loons do. The Obama playbook.

Republicans have pulled out their Rules for Radicals playbook and are burning down our cities and blaming Democrats
Republicans have studied Alinsky well

Their infiltrating peaceful protests to create havoc is just an example
1. At its center, all Leftism/Progressivism is aimed at the destruction of tradition, custom, laws and heritage.
Is it any surprise that the attacks on civilization that we are witnessing this week are, largely, in Democrat run enclaves?

2. Or that the Marxist/ANTIFA thugs get support from Democrats?
"Video: Kamala Harris Attends George Floyd Protest Outside White House"

3. "Joe Biden Finally Addresses Riots While His Campaign Staffers Donate Cash To Bail Out Rioters"

4. "Remember this week when it comes time to vote in November. What we’re seeing across America is what Democrats have created coming to fruition; it’s the natural end result of a progressive philosophy that works overtime to absolve individuals of their responsibility and place blame on others for political advantage. It’s rage for the sake of motivation to vote, to hate, to not think. It has worked for progressives in the past, and there’s no reason to believe it won’t work for Democrats now. But in order to work, it has to destroy. Liberalism, progressivism, or whatever they choose to call the Democratic Party’s agenda, kills.
It kills people, it kills businesses, it kills communities."

5. Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

From Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, “…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.”
Their leader is in the middle of it...............

View attachment 343386

Well....they can't antagonize their constituents.
The protesters are peaceful.

It is the MAGA infiltrators who are doing the damage
The coronavirus didn't work out for ya, so send rioters in instead of peaceful protest. Liberal tolerance on display.

MAGA is sending trained infiltrators to incite violence in Democratic areas
Nope this is the type of things you loons do. The Obama playbook.

Republicans have pulled out their Rules for Radicals playbook and are burning down our cities and blaming Democrats
Republicans have studied Alinsky well

Their infiltrating peaceful protests to create havoc is just an example
Like I said, you loons need to grow up and accept Trump is YOUR president and will be till 2025. Don't you think you have ruined enough lives because you didn't get your way?
1. At its center, all Leftism/Progressivism is aimed at the destruction of tradition, custom, laws and heritage.
Is it any surprise that the attacks on civilization that we are witnessing this week are, largely, in Democrat run enclaves?

2. Or that the Marxist/ANTIFA thugs get support from Democrats?
"Video: Kamala Harris Attends George Floyd Protest Outside White House"

3. "Joe Biden Finally Addresses Riots While His Campaign Staffers Donate Cash To Bail Out Rioters"

4. "Remember this week when it comes time to vote in November. What we’re seeing across America is what Democrats have created coming to fruition; it’s the natural end result of a progressive philosophy that works overtime to absolve individuals of their responsibility and place blame on others for political advantage. It’s rage for the sake of motivation to vote, to hate, to not think. It has worked for progressives in the past, and there’s no reason to believe it won’t work for Democrats now. But in order to work, it has to destroy. Liberalism, progressivism, or whatever they choose to call the Democratic Party’s agenda, kills.
It kills people, it kills businesses, it kills communities."

5. Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

From Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, “…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.”
It just proves what I have said. Does anyone want these Savage Rioters running the country?
These riots are being perpetrated by Republican infiltrators looking to divert attention from the Presidents shameful handling of the Coronavirus which led to the death of 100,000.

The riots started within days of the death toll hitting 100,000.
I think not

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