The Death and Destruction Party on Display

It goes all the way back to "The Great Society". Replace a Father with a Welfare Check.

I'll see your LBJ indictment, and raise you a(n) FDR!

He brought Marxism to America.

Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg lays it all out so clearly. Democrats of the forties were enthralled by the fascists and wanted to emulate them. They did and they still do. Fascism is on the far left as shown in this political spectrum:

View attachment 343403
More Conservative revisionism

Fascism is a far right political belief
Did you forget? Fascism was defeated in WW2 . No longer exists. But more than one third of the WORLD is still under Communism. Fascism is the word ,like Racism ,that commie Left wingers hurl at Regular Americans.
It goes all the way back to "The Great Society". Replace a Father with a Welfare Check.

I'll see your LBJ indictment, and raise you a(n) FDR!

He brought Marxism to America.

Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg lays it all out so clearly. Democrats of the forties were enthralled by the fascists and wanted to emulate them. They did and they still do. Fascism is on the far left as shown in this political spectrum:

View attachment 343403
More Conservative revisionism

Fascism is a far right political belief
Did you forget? Fascism was defeated in WW2 . No longer exists. But more than one third of the WORLD is still under Communism. Fascism is the word ,like Racism ,that commie Left wingers hurl at Regular Americans.
Fascism was defeated by Liberal Democrats
The protesters are peaceful.

It is the MAGA infiltrators who are doing the damage
The coronavirus didn't work out for ya, so send rioters in instead of peaceful protest. Liberal tolerance on display.

MAGA is sending trained infiltrators to incite violence in Democratic areas
If that’s true then why would democrats be donating bail money?

You’re an idiot.
Trump sent in his MAGA infiltrators to distract attention from his killing of 100,000 Americans this week.
1. At its center, all Leftism/Progressivism is aimed at the destruction of tradition, custom, laws and heritage.
Is it any surprise that the attacks on civilization that we are witnessing this week are, largely, in Democrat run enclaves?

2. Or that the Marxist/ANTIFA thugs get support from Democrats?
"Video: Kamala Harris Attends George Floyd Protest Outside White House"

3. "Joe Biden Finally Addresses Riots While His Campaign Staffers Donate Cash To Bail Out Rioters"

4. "Remember this week when it comes time to vote in November. What we’re seeing across America is what Democrats have created coming to fruition; it’s the natural end result of a progressive philosophy that works overtime to absolve individuals of their responsibility and place blame on others for political advantage. It’s rage for the sake of motivation to vote, to hate, to not think. It has worked for progressives in the past, and there’s no reason to believe it won’t work for Democrats now. But in order to work, it has to destroy. Liberalism, progressivism, or whatever they choose to call the Democratic Party’s agenda, kills.
It kills people, it kills businesses, it kills communities."

5. Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

From Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, “…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.”
Wrong wrong wrong. The white supremacist pigs created this environment. Now they will be voted out, fired, and jailed for their crimes!!!
If that’s true then why would democrats be donating bail money?

You’re (rightwinger) an idiot.

rightwinger (sick) would have to double his intellect to rise to the level of an idiot.
That's why I have him on Ignore. Complete waste of time. Add him to your list and your life will be better for it. I'm here to help everyone. It's just that the Left doesn't want any help at all. That would require them to admit they were wrong, which they never do.
It goes all the way back to "The Great Society". Replace a Father with a Welfare Check.

I'll see your LBJ indictment, and raise you a(n) FDR!

He brought Marxism to America.

Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg lays it all out so clearly. Democrats of the forties were enthralled by the fascists and wanted to emulate them. They did and they still do. Fascism is on the far left as shown in this political spectrum:

View attachment 343403

One of the books I always recommend!

Here's another:

If that’s true then why would democrats be donating bail money?

You’re (rightwinger) an idiot.

rightwinger (sick) would have to double his intellect to rise to the level of an idiot.
That's why I have him on Ignore. Complete waste of time. Add him to your list and your life will be better for it. I'm here to help everyone. It's just that the Left doesn't want any help at all. That would require them to admit they were wrong, which they never do.

rightwinger (sick) would have to double his intellect to rise to the level of an idiot.
Look up the word (sic) and then tell us who the idiot is
Last edited:
1. At its center, all Leftism/Progressivism is aimed at the destruction of tradition, custom, laws and heritage.
Is it any surprise that the attacks on civilization that we are witnessing this week are, largely, in Democrat run enclaves?

2. Or that the Marxist/ANTIFA thugs get support from Democrats?
"Video: Kamala Harris Attends George Floyd Protest Outside White House"

3. "Joe Biden Finally Addresses Riots While His Campaign Staffers Donate Cash To Bail Out Rioters"

4. "Remember this week when it comes time to vote in November. What we’re seeing across America is what Democrats have created coming to fruition; it’s the natural end result of a progressive philosophy that works overtime to absolve individuals of their responsibility and place blame on others for political advantage. It’s rage for the sake of motivation to vote, to hate, to not think. It has worked for progressives in the past, and there’s no reason to believe it won’t work for Democrats now. But in order to work, it has to destroy. Liberalism, progressivism, or whatever they choose to call the Democratic Party’s agenda, kills.
It kills people, it kills businesses, it kills communities."

5. Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

From Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, “…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.”
Wrong wrong wrong. The white supremacist pigs created this environment. Now they will be voted out, fired, and jailed for their crimes!!!

There are no elected 'white supremacists."

None. Zero.

But the term is effective with the least
It is one of those terms, like 'boogey man' that is used to fuel other immature minds.

Let's prove it:
There are no white supremacists. The term is a created 'term of art' to camouflage the real villains, the Democrats.

Neither being white, nor using the term 'white supremacists,' I looked up the term.

"a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races"

I really can't get too excited, nor see it as a pejorative, if any individual of any race sees his/her group as the very best, i.e., superior to any other group.
The proof that it is a made-up smear, a chimera....the usual strategy of the Left, is the secondary phrase in the definition..."and that white people should have control over people of other races"

Clearly this is totally bogus.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, officials, in elected offices, whether white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

The real reason the Democrat push this bogus view is that without the black vote, they would never win a national election.....and, if it causes division and violence...that Party couldn't care less.
It goes all the way back to "The Great Society". Replace a Father with a Welfare Check.

I'll see your LBJ indictment, and raise you a(n) FDR!

He brought Marxism to America.

Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg lays it all out so clearly. Democrats of the forties were enthralled by the fascists and wanted to emulate them. They did and they still do. Fascism is on the far left as shown in this political spectrum:

View attachment 343403

One of the books I always recommend!

Here's another:

View attachment 343425

Read it. Took notes. Great man, Robert Bork.

P 336 One must never underestimate what Richard John Neuhaus called “the profound bigotry and anti-intellectualism and intolerance and illiberality of liberalism.”

P 337 Liberals of the modern variety are hostile to religious conservatism in any denomination. For that reason, they regularly refer to the “religious right,” using the term as a pejorative to suggest that anything conservative is extreme. … There is no symmetry of “left” and “right” in religion, in our culture, or in our politics.

There is no group of comparable size and influence to balance the extremists of modern liberalism, no “right” that has a similarly destructive program in mind.

P 338 The effectiveness of talk radio may be gauged by the hysteria it generates in the liberal press and among liberal politicians.

Our two political parties are increasingly polarized on cultural issues and the Republican electoral victory of 1994 surely reflected dissatisfaction with the degenerate culture liberals have made.

P 339 Institutions that are overwhelmingly left-liberal [89 percent of journalists voted for Bill Clinton in 1992] will continue to misinform the public and distort public discourse.
1. At its center, all Leftism/Progressivism is aimed at the destruction of tradition, custom, laws and heritage.
Is it any surprise that the attacks on civilization that we are witnessing this week are, largely, in Democrat run enclaves?

2. Or that the Marxist/ANTIFA thugs get support from Democrats?
"Video: Kamala Harris Attends George Floyd Protest Outside White House"

3. "Joe Biden Finally Addresses Riots While His Campaign Staffers Donate Cash To Bail Out Rioters"

4. "Remember this week when it comes time to vote in November. What we’re seeing across America is what Democrats have created coming to fruition; it’s the natural end result of a progressive philosophy that works overtime to absolve individuals of their responsibility and place blame on others for political advantage. It’s rage for the sake of motivation to vote, to hate, to not think. It has worked for progressives in the past, and there’s no reason to believe it won’t work for Democrats now. But in order to work, it has to destroy. Liberalism, progressivism, or whatever they choose to call the Democratic Party’s agenda, kills.
It kills people, it kills businesses, it kills communities."

5. Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

From Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, “…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.”
Wrong wrong wrong. The white supremacist pigs created this environment. Now they will be voted out, fired, and jailed for their crimes!!!

A reminder....the Fascists are despised because they use violence to silence opposing views.I

Exactly the same with ANTIFA, the KKK and your sort.

Own up to the title.
Burn, Baby, Burn!
By Mike Cunningham On May 30th, 2020 at 3:27 pm

Dr Mary Frances Berry is a professor of history at the University of Pennsylvania and serves on the board of People for the American Way. She served on the US Commission on Civil Rights from 1980 to 2004, including as chair from 1993-2004.
She, a black, supremely well-educated American woman speaking on BBC says the rioters/protesters weren’t responsible for the fires, the cop who killed the black bloke was”!

On the Beeb’s Radio Four Toady programme, with the clip commencing around 08.49. The BBC commentator asked the perfectly reasonable question, “Aren’t the people who set fire to the Police station ‘arsonists too?” This African-American woman says, and I really think that she genuinely believed this; “No, the people who got angry, the people who wanted better accommodation, the people who protested, the people who saw what happened, they aren’t to blame for the fire: the guy who put his knee on that black man’s neck: he’s the guilty one!”

This is the kind of discombobulated thinking which has landed America in the pickle it now sees itself.

Posted in ATW
The protesters are peaceful.

It is the MAGA infiltrators who are doing the damage
The coronavirus didn't work out for ya, so send rioters in instead of peaceful protest. Liberal tolerance on display.

MAGA is sending trained infiltrators to incite violence in Democratic areas
If that’s true then why would democrats be donating bail money?

You’re an idiot.
Trump sent in his MAGA infiltrators to distract attention from his killing of 100,000 Americans this week.
Biden's campaign sent money to bail out the rioters, like to see how you want to spin that.
It goes all the way back to "The Great Society". Replace a Father with a Welfare Check.

I'll see your LBJ indictment, and raise you a(n) FDR!

He brought Marxism to America.

Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg lays it all out so clearly. Democrats of the forties were enthralled by the fascists and wanted to emulate them. They did and they still do. Fascism is on the far left as shown in this political spectrum:

View attachment 343403

One of the books I always recommend!

Here's another:

View attachment 343425

Read it. Took notes. Great man, Robert Bork.

P 336 One must never underestimate what Richard John Neuhaus called “the profound bigotry and anti-intellectualism and intolerance and illiberality of liberalism.”

P 337 Liberals of the modern variety are hostile to religious conservatism in any denomination. For that reason, they regularly refer to the “religious right,” using the term as a pejorative to suggest that anything conservative is extreme. … There is no symmetry of “left” and “right” in religion, in our culture, or in our politics.

There is no group of comparable size and influence to balance the extremists of modern liberalism, no “right” that has a similarly destructive program in mind.

P 338 The effectiveness of talk radio may be gauged by the hysteria it generates in the liberal press and among liberal politicians.

Our two political parties are increasingly polarized on cultural issues and the Republican electoral victory of 1994 surely reflected dissatisfaction with the degenerate culture liberals have made.

P 339 Institutions that are overwhelmingly left-liberal [89 percent of journalists voted for Bill Clinton in 1992] will continue to misinform the public and distort public discourse.

Bet you read this one, too:

The protesters are peaceful.

It is the MAGA infiltrators who are doing the damage
The coronavirus didn't work out for ya, so send rioters in instead of peaceful protest. Liberal tolerance on display.

MAGA is sending trained infiltrators to incite violence in Democratic areas
If that’s true then why would democrats be donating bail money?

You’re an idiot.
Trump sent in his MAGA infiltrators to distract attention from his killing of 100,000 Americans this week.
Biden's campaign sent money to bail out the rioters, like to how you want to spin that.

Repeating conservative propaganda does not make it true
The protesters are peaceful.

It is the MAGA infiltrators who are doing the damage
The coronavirus didn't work out for ya, so send rioters in instead of peaceful protest. Liberal tolerance on display.

MAGA is sending trained infiltrators to incite violence in Democratic areas
If that’s true then why would democrats be donating bail money?

You’re an idiot.
Trump sent in his MAGA infiltrators to distract attention from his killing of 100,000 Americans this week.
Biden's campaign sent money to bail out the rioters, like to how you want to spin that.

Repeating conservative propaganda does not make it true
The guy you gonna vote for is sending money to support the rioters. You idiots own this one.
The protesters are peaceful.

It is the MAGA infiltrators who are doing the damage
The coronavirus didn't work out for ya, so send rioters in instead of peaceful protest. Liberal tolerance on display.

MAGA is sending trained infiltrators to incite violence in Democratic areas
If that’s true then why would democrats be donating bail money?

You’re an idiot.
You cannot take anything rightwinger says seriously. It's all about spreading the propaganda. Argue with him and it's only an excuse for more propaganda.

President Trump just designated the democrat backed antifa a terrorist organization
The protesters are peaceful.

It is the MAGA infiltrators who are doing the damage
The coronavirus didn't work out for ya, so send rioters in instead of peaceful protest. Liberal tolerance on display.

MAGA is sending trained infiltrators to incite violence in Democratic areas
If that’s true then why would democrats be donating bail money?

You’re an idiot.
You cannot take anything rightwinger says seriously. It's all about spreading the propaganda. Argue with him and it's only an excuse for more propaganda.

President Trump just designated the democrat backed antifa a terrorist organization

The most prodigious liar on the board.
1. At its center, all Leftism/Progressivism is aimed at the destruction of tradition, custom, laws and heritage.
Is it any surprise that the attacks on civilization that we are witnessing this week are, largely, in Democrat run enclaves?

2. Or that the Marxist/ANTIFA thugs get support from Democrats?
"Video: Kamala Harris Attends George Floyd Protest Outside White House"

3. "Joe Biden Finally Addresses Riots While His Campaign Staffers Donate Cash To Bail Out Rioters"

4. "Remember this week when it comes time to vote in November. What we’re seeing across America is what Democrats have created coming to fruition; it’s the natural end result of a progressive philosophy that works overtime to absolve individuals of their responsibility and place blame on others for political advantage. It’s rage for the sake of motivation to vote, to hate, to not think. It has worked for progressives in the past, and there’s no reason to believe it won’t work for Democrats now. But in order to work, it has to destroy. Liberalism, progressivism, or whatever they choose to call the Democratic Party’s agenda, kills.
It kills people, it kills businesses, it kills communities."

5. Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

From Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, “…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.”
Wrong wrong wrong. The white supremacist pigs created this environment. Now they will be voted out, fired, and jailed for their crimes!!!

A reminder....the Fascists are despised because they use violence to silence opposing views.I

Exactly the same with ANTIFA, the KKK and your sort.

Own up to the title.
Bullshit. Antifa is the only thing protecting me FROM white supremacists. If I could contribute financially to them, you damn well know I would.

My grandfather was in a hellhole POW camp after the Bataan Death March. He stood up to the Japanese Nazis to protect his men and was savagely beaten. If need be, I will be on the front lines WITH Antifa to stop the Nazis from reclaiming power in this country!
It goes all the way back to "The Great Society". Replace a Father with a Welfare Check.

I'll see your LBJ indictment, and raise you a(n) FDR!

He brought Marxism to America.

Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg lays it all out so clearly. Democrats of the forties were enthralled by the fascists and wanted to emulate them. They did and they still do. Fascism is on the far left as shown in this political spectrum:

View attachment 343403

One of the books I always recommend!

Here's another:

View attachment 343425

Read it. Took notes. Great man, Robert Bork.

P 336 One must never underestimate what Richard John Neuhaus called “the profound bigotry and anti-intellectualism and intolerance and illiberality of liberalism.”

P 337 Liberals of the modern variety are hostile to religious conservatism in any denomination. For that reason, they regularly refer to the “religious right,” using the term as a pejorative to suggest that anything conservative is extreme. … There is no symmetry of “left” and “right” in religion, in our culture, or in our politics.

There is no group of comparable size and influence to balance the extremists of modern liberalism, no “right” that has a similarly destructive program in mind.

P 338 The effectiveness of talk radio may be gauged by the hysteria it generates in the liberal press and among liberal politicians.

Our two political parties are increasingly polarized on cultural issues and the Republican electoral victory of 1994 surely reflected dissatisfaction with the degenerate culture liberals have made.

P 339 Institutions that are overwhelmingly left-liberal [89 percent of journalists voted for Bill Clinton in 1992] will continue to misinform the public and distort public discourse.
Rush Limbaugh kept Conservatism alive at that time. Great American Hero.

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