The death of the AGW belief system.

Let me guess. Bear513 is the last human on Earth who doesn't understand the difference between weather and climate.
Did you hear Ted Cruz at his global warming show? He repeatedly confused Arctic and Antarctic. He claimed that Arctic ice extents are growing. He wouldn't have made it on this board much less the White House

Arctic ice is growing didn't know that? The rate of ice growth in the Arctic is at this point, record breaking...

Well, yes it is growing. It is December, dumbass. But still almost two standard deviations below the 1981-2010 average.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
Did you hear Ted Cruz at his global warming show? He repeatedly confused Arctic and Antarctic. He claimed that Arctic ice extents are growing. He wouldn't have made it on this board much less the White House

Arctic ice is growing didn't know that? The rate of ice growth in the Arctic is at this point, record breaking...


Its amazing what happens when the Polar Low returns to center and the cooling settles in.. Its going to be a record setting year of ice gains.

Oh my, another Billy Boob prediction. So, let us keep a weekly watch on this prediction. LOL
How Very Odd that the Exxon Corporation would choose the moment of "Death of the AGW belief system" to jump straight into the coffin...:2up:
Even ExxonMobil says climate change is real.
December 6, 2015 :2up:

To understand how dangerously extreme the Republican Party has become on climate change, compare its stance to that of ExxonMobil.

No one would confuse the oil and gas giant with the Sierra Club. But if you visit Exxon’s website , you will find that the company believes climate change is real, that governments should take action to combat it and that the most sensible action would be a revenue-neutral tax on carbon — in other words, a tax on oil, gas and coal, with the proceeds returned to taxpayers for them to spend as they choose.

Exxon experts told us during a visit to The Post last week, average temperatures are likely to rise by a catastrophic (my word, not theirs) 5 degrees Celsius, with rises of 6, 7 or even more quite possible.

Ben van Beurden, chief executive of Shell,
acknowledges that we cannot burn all the world’s fossil fuel reserves without risking a breach of the 2C limit needed to prevent catastrophic climate change. Photograph: Bloomberg/Getty

Terry Macalister and Damian Carrington

Friday 22 May 2015[/URL]

Shell boss endorses warnings about fossil fuels and climate change

Van Beurden said Shell, along with “a majority of society”, acknowledged that climate change was a real and serious issue.
Arctic ice is growing didn't know that? The rate of ice growth in the Arctic is at this point, record breaking...


"Record breaking" ? ? ? And you try to tell me I can't read a graph.

Let me guess, the slope you see at the end of the graph for the black line doesn't mean anything to you. How unsurprising is that?
This is climate skeptics’ latest argument about melting polar ice — and why it’s wrong

in sum: 1) total (or global) polar sea ice is in fact declining, according to both NASA and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Cryosphere Today; 2) if you analyze the Arctic and Antarctic separately — which makes more sense to do, as very different things are happening to sea ice in the two places — you realize that the Arctic sea ice decline in particular is very stark; 3) there is also bad news about the melting of ice atop land, based on data that are completely outside of this discussion, but that are perhaps the most worrying of all.

So it is hard to find anything here that should make you not worry about global warming.
NEWS| February 12, 2015
Study shows global sea ice diminishing, despite Antarctic gains
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Study shows global sea ice diminishing, despite Antarctic gains

By Maria-José Viñas,
NASA's Earth Science News Team

Sea ice increases in Antarctica do not make up for the accelerated Arctic sea ice loss of the last decades, a new NASA study finds. As a whole, the planet has been shedding sea ice at an average annual rate of 13,500 square miles (35,000 square kilometers) since 1979, the equivalent of losing an area of sea ice larger than the state of Maryland every year.
NEWS| February 12, 2015
Study shows global sea ice diminishing, despite Antarctic gains
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Study shows global sea ice diminishing, despite Antarctic gains

By Maria-José Viñas,
NASA's Earth Science News Team

Sea ice increases in Antarctica do not make up for the accelerated Arctic sea ice loss of the last decades, a new NASA study finds. As a whole, the planet has been shedding sea ice at an average annual rate of 13,500 square miles (35,000 square kilometers) since 1979, the equivalent of losing an area of sea ice larger than the state of Maryland every year.

The problem is that sea ice loss in the arctic is not is decelerating at quite a rapid clip....and in fact is showing signs of growth. By the way, have you ever bothered to wonder why the sea ice record in the arctic begins where it does? It is an arbitrary, cherry picked year where sea ice happened to be at its highest extent for more than a gave the impression to the uneducated that sea ice had always been as high as it was at that time.

hardly a death spiral

I think Tyrone has been listening to other people's hysterical claims and conclusions without actually looking at the data.
Frankie Boy, that silly cartoon is wearing out.

By the way, I haven't seen you post yet on how Hillary will not win the nomination. LOL

Biden stepped out. He's too busy with the Girl Scouts or Obama would have made the switch.

She'll be the first candidate ever to be both the subject of an ongoing FBI Investigation, under indictment for lying to Congress and a congenital and pathological liar
Frankie Boy, that silly cartoon is wearing out.

By the way, I haven't seen you post yet on how Hillary will not win the nomination. LOL long as people remember who it was who got stuck in the ice and what they were trying to prove when they got will still be funny...when pompous, condescending know it alls fail on such an epic level, it can't help but be funny.
Did I not bet that you despite having been informed of the truth Frank, that you would continue to post lies? I see I won. Pay up. long as people remember who it was who got stuck in the ice and what they were trying to prove when they got will still be funny...when pompous, condescending know it alls fail on such an epic level, it can't help but be funny.

And SSDD, WHAT do you believe those scientists were "trying to prove"?

From a Time magazine article on the event:
Turney and his team of researchers were aboard the research ship as part of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition. They had hoped to recreate Australian explorer Douglas Mawson’s 100-year-old voyage to Antarctica to study how the environment has changed since the original journey.

They intended to study how the environment has changed in the past 100 years. That's not "trying to prove" anything. That's trying to expand our knowledge.
Did I not bet that you despite having been informed of the truth Frank, that you would continue to post lies? I see I won. Pay up. long as people remember who it was who got stuck in the ice and what they were trying to prove when they got will still be funny...when pompous, condescending know it alls fail on such an epic level, it can't help but be funny.

And SSDD, WHAT do you believe those scientists were "trying to prove"?

From a Time magazine article on the event:
Turney and his team of researchers were aboard the research ship as part of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition. They had hoped to recreate Australian explorer Douglas Mawson’s 100-year-old voyage to Antarctica to study how the environment has changed since the original journey.

They intended to study how the environment has changed in the past 100 years. That's not "trying to prove" anything. That's trying to expand our knowledge.

What "truth" Crick? Odd to listen to the Board's biggest pathological liar tell us he posted the truth
That the Academik Shokalskiy was trapped due to weather, not expanding ice sheets or any failure of AGW. That truth.
That the Academik Shokalskiy was trapped due to weather, not expanding ice sheets or any failure of AGW. That truth.

Weather is when the planet makes a mockery of the AGWCult

Crick, post the experiment or are you a serial and pathological lair?

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