The Decay Of American Culture- Is this the result of the Godless, anything goes, no moral order type of society that Democrats have built?

But you are a sociopath who is part of a totalitarian party that needs to obliterate objective reality so that only the party exists. Nothing your party does is wrong, because there is no wrong or right.
I have said repeatedly that old slaver Democrats and old segregationists Democrats were pieces of shit. So this is a lie. But it's also a projection because when I've said the same in the past about American Founders who were slavers and even Confederates themselves you responded by telling me we can't judge them by the standards of this time. You yourself have made the case previously that morality was "relative" to time.
You presented what you thought would be a "gotcha" - but you're clumsy.
What I tried to do was walk you through the simple logic that murder is a legal distinction, not a moral one and that when slaves in a slave society like America at its Founding killed or tried to kill their masters and were charged and executed for murder that that didn't make their actions immoral. Thus, the legal charge of murder is not always immoral. It depends on the legal structure of the society and who the law was designed to protect. Was it designed to protect people from slavery? Or was it designed to protect Slave masters from their slaves? Of course all that flew over your head so you decided to herp and derp about nazis and Democrats and LeBron James...
You want to make the claim that circumstance determines morality. If LeBron James was beating his Slave, she has the moral right to kill him, if he was treating her well and she killed him, she didn't.

But Murder is a legal term, the circumstance is inherent. If it were justified, it wouldn't be murder.
And if the law was designed to protect LeBron instead of his slave then what you simpleton? 😄
What you're trying to do is support moral relativism, deny objective truth in favor of capricious and specious justifications. Is murder immoral? Objectively yes. The Whataboutism logical fallacy you engage in merely attempts to argue that some killings are not murder.
If your argument was objectively sound you wouldn't have to resort to name calling as your only defense of it.
"The defense offered by evil men is that good does not exist." - John Locke
John Locke couldn't prove evil exists and neither can you. You can prove violence exists, you can prove violence in a manner that is illegal exists, you can't prove violence is evil. I challenge you to try.
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If I were to focus on any one factor, it would be the gradual replacement of the melting pot with multiculturalism and the corresponding elimination of liberalism as the guiding principle of the left.

In the melting pot approach to culture, people arrive here adding their own flavor to the stew, but committed to the American ideal. Multiculturalism, on the other hand, involves the distinctness of various cultures as separate entities living within a greater political framework.

This, in turn, has been embraced by the left so thoroughly that identity is now all that matters and we have reverted to a more primitive state - tribalism. Instead of an American ideal to be embraced by all and based upon principles, we have become Balkanized and reduced to internecine cultural war based upon identity, instead.

We have fallen far away from the liberal ideal of creating a color-blind society. Today. It is all ABOUT color as well as gender or other factors, and is so far removed from liberal ideals as to be unrecognizable.

The Decay Of American Culture- Is this the result of the Godless, anything goes, no moral order type of society that Democrats have built?


No question about it

Children are being driven insane by the modern liberal culture
If I were to focus on any one factor, it would be the gradual replacement of the melting pot with multiculturalism and the corresponding elimination of liberalism as the guiding principle of the left.
This is objectively false. We have become more liberal as we've embraced multiculturalism and if you understand Liberalism to be the willingness to respect differences of opinions and lifestyles then respecting the right of people to embrace other cultures or even invent new ones is at the core of liberalism.
This, in turn, has been embraced by the left so thoroughly that identity is now all that matters and we have reverted to a more primitive state - tribalism. Instead of an American ideal to be embraced by all and based upon principles, we have become Balkanized and reduced to internecine cultural war based upon identity, instead.
This doesn't just happen on the left. Anyone who's spent any time down here in South Florida knows how much the Cuban population is proud of their culture and their heritage and even though I myself aren't Cuban I love that. I love Cuban culture, Cuban jazz, Cuban coffee, I love playing dominoes with my Cuban neighbors. In predominantly Cuban neighborhoods like Little Havana and Hialeah they don't even advertise in English. Most of the signage is in Spanish to serve the predominantly Cuban population. You going to tell Cuban American voters that they don't get to carve out a little piece of America and make it their own? They're your own voters predominately. I don't see that playing well, nor do I see you losing Florida as being good for you politically. 😂 You already lost the war against multiculturalism. The party of white supremacists needs brown voters just to stay in the game. 😂 That will never stop being funny.
We have fallen far away from the liberal ideal of creating a color-blind society. Today. It is all ABOUT color as well as gender or other factors, and is so far removed from liberal ideals as to be unrecognizable.
Which liberals are you talking about that wanted a color blind society? I'd love to hear this nonsense. 😁
So why haven't we stopped illegals by fining employers who hire illegals like Trump?
Because filthy lefties shit their pants when we did. Remember?

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