The Decay Of American Culture- Is this the result of the Godless, anything goes, no moral order type of society that Democrats have built?

That's nice - utterly irrelevant, but nice.

Fact: Murder Harms society - it is an objective moral position.

Murder is absolutely immoral.

The point being, that when you democrats murdered your slaves, it was both immoral and illegal.

Of course the fact that you had (and continue to have) slaves at all is immoral.
Let's start again and go step without the lashing out and personal snide attacks and let's see if your argument stands up to intellectual and logical scrutiny. You said:

Fact: Murder Harms society - it is an objective moral position.

and then you said:

Murder is absolutely immoral.

Well doesn't it kind of depend on the society? In a slaver society where killing your enslaver is murder is that really morally wrong to you? Yes or no?
Let's start again and go step without the lashing out and personal snide attacks and let's see if your argument stands up to intellectual and logical scrutiny. You said:

Fact: Murder Harms society - it is an objective moral position.

and then you said:

Murder is absolutely immoral.

Well doesn't it kind of depend on the society? In a slaver society where killing your enslaver is murder is that really morally wrong to you? Yes or no?

No, as the study provided shows, murder harms society.
No, as the study provided shows, murder harms society.
Which doesn't necessarily make it immoral. That would depend on the society. In restrictive Muslim societies where it's okay to sell your daughter and its illegal for her to murder her slaver husband that too would be considered harmful to that society. Would you also call it immoral? Its a yes or no. I can make it about Muslims instead of white European slavers if answering it that way makes you feel better.
Which doesn't necessarily make it immoral. That would depend on the society. In restrictive Muslim societies where it's okay to sell your daughter and its illegal for her to murder her slaver husband that too would be considered harmful to that society. Would you also call it immoral? Its a yes or no. I can make it about Muslims instead of white European slavers if answering it that way makes you feel better.

I understand, for you there is no right or wrong, only the party.

Moral relativism is vital to sociopaths.
I never even mentioned anything about any political party, you did. Why can't you answer my simple question?

When one is as much a sociopathic fascist as you, no need to mention that you're a democrat.

I already answered your equivocation. You need to claim there is no right or wrong to justify the tyranny and atrocities you hope to commit.
I love video games.

I play them all the time. Still I can't deny the link to the rise of violent shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield to the rise of mass shootings in America.

There is an absolute and irrefutable correspondence between first person shooters and school shooting, going all the way back to Doom and Columbine.

The ghoulish Nazis Shitting Bull and Goat Curious want to climb on top of the bodies to demand civil rights be ended - though it has no effect on what happened. We have plenty of laws.

We need to reexamine the impact of games. The amusing part is that Silicone Valley is FAR left of Kim Jong Un, yet the perpetrators of wanton violence and mass shooting simulators.

I don't know the answer beyond parenting, but I do see solid correlation.
A part of it. Add to that the medicating of children with strong anti depressants, loss of family structures, a sense of entitlement, lack of role models to teach behavioral limits, loss of personal responsibility, no work ethic...etc...

But no one wants to examine those things, just blame a gun.
Oh, sorry. I thought this a societal religious morality breakdown thread, rather than one of the usual xenophobic, racist threads railing against illegal immigration. Not that I approve illegal immigration, but feel free to carry on with your "It's the aliens that made us do it" thread.

We've had the problem of mass shootings for quite awhile.

When one is as much a sociopathic fascist as you, no need to mention that you're a democrat.
Your emotional outbursts and name calling aren't actual arguments, they're tantrums.
I already answered your equivocation. You need to claim there is no right or wrong to justify the tyranny and atrocities you hope to commit.
No you did not. You claimed murder is immoral. I asked you whether slaves who were executed for murdering their masters were immoral and you hooted and hollered about Democrats. What I'm trying to establish is the intellectual consistency of your arguments but since you refuse to answer a basic question regarding them I can only assume you see the folly in your argument and wish to try and avoid embarrassment. I'm not sure acting like a child is your best play at that but you do you.
Isn’t this just another case of Democrats manifesting the problems they later bitch about?
Where were all the “mass-shooters” in 1980 when America was American and american culture was celebrated and not denigrated?
When will Democrats realize that they can’t get out of their own way?
Literally, every single policy and ideal they push compromises the moral integrity of America/American’s.
There’s more to come Dems….this is what you built….the Lefts America.
Notice no mention of Mereekastan in the bibles ending. It's non-existant at that time.
How many dark people are in Japan? Is their citizenry comprised of 20% of people there illegally without consent from the core people?
So why haven't we stopped illegals by fining employers who hire illegals like Trump?
We've had the problem of mass shootings for quite awhile.

The problem of mass school shootings arose when the dems made schools Gun free zones just to get votes.
Your emotional outbursts and name calling aren't actual arguments, they're tantrums.


Are you a bot from one of the Nazi hate sites?

No you did not. You claimed murder is immoral.

I did indeed - which it is.

But you are a sociopath who is part of a totalitarian party that needs to obliterate objective reality so that only the party exists. Nothing your party does is wrong, because there is no wrong or right.

I asked you whether slaves who were executed for murdering their masters were immoral and you hooted and hollered about Democrats.

You presented what you thought would be a "gotcha" - but you're clumsy.

You want to make the claim that circumstance determines morality. If LeBron James was beating his Slave, she has the moral right to kill him, if he was treating her well and she killed him, she didn't.

But Murder is a legal term, the circumstance is inherent. If it were justified, it wouldn't be murder.

What I'm trying to establish is the intellectual consistency of your arguments but since you refuse to answer a basic question regarding them I can only assume you see the folly in your argument and wish to try and avoid embarrassment. I'm not sure acting like a child is your best play at that but you do you.

What you're trying to do is support moral relativism, deny objective truth in favor of capricious and specious justifications. Is murder immoral? Objectively yes. The Whataboutism logical fallacy you engage in merely attempts to argue that some killings are not murder.

"The defense offered by evil men is that good does not exist." - John Locke

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