The Decay Of American Culture- Is this the result of the Godless, anything goes, no moral order type of society that Democrats have built?

Oh, sorry. I thought this a societal religious morality breakdown thread, rather than one of the usual xenophobic, racist threads railing against illegal immigration. Not that I approve illegal immigration, but feel free to carry on with your "It's the aliens that made us do it" thread.
Sorry, the truth often hurt feelings but that’s OK… Maybe it’s time for scared pussies open their eyes to see what’s really going on?
Instead of shouting racist and everything that causes your paranoia don’t you think it’s time you consider it?
What has changed in America since 1980 besides demography and the absence of God and a moral order?
No Japan is the same way and doesn't have this problem. And they don't have Christianity.
How many dark people are in Japan? Is their citizenry comprised of 20% of people there illegally without consent from the core people?
Sorry, the truth often hurt feelings but that’s OK… Maybe it’s time for scared pussies open their eyes to see what’s really going on?
Instead of shouting racist and everything that causes your paranoia don’t you think it’s time you consider it?
What has changed in America since 1980 besides demography and the absence of God and a moral order?
Just stating facts, not that I am scared of racists or the ones racist or white nationalists. Not scared of the groups they rale against, either. I am easily the best armed, best trained, person in my subdivision for several blocks around.
Lots of things have changed since 1980, but don't blame me, I was still a military combat arms Officer and instructor guy much of that time. Of course, that probably accounts for why I don't feel threatened easily.
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Sorry, the truth often hurt feelings but that’s OK… Maybe it’s time for scared pussies open their eyes to see what’s really going on?
Instead of shouting racist and everything that causes your paranoia don’t you think it’s time you consider it?
What has changed in America since 1980 besides demography and the absence of God and a moral order?
If you want to debate truth then prove objective morality really exists rather than insisting it does without any proof like a whiney little bitch.
We praise and encourage freakazoids to parade around shouting about being a 13 pronoun sheman, religion is talked about a promoted less, people stopped saying they love america and instead switched to complaining what they don't like about america, we let criminals run around unchecked as they steal and burn shit, morals are now considered oppression and hate and so on.

And this all really started at the same time as the major decline of American society.

There are no coincidences.
Yep, this is what your harvest looks like when you sow such seeds.
More guns than people, the worst inequality upward mobility and hate misinfo ever and anywhere and a huge giveaway to the rich, the longest stupidest wars ever, a corrupt world depression and the worst reponse to the pandemic STILL NOT VAXED - ALL UNDER THE GOP, and it's the Dems? who can't get anything passed? You are a brainwashed ignoramus...
I love video games.

I play them all the time. Still I can't deny the link to the rise of violent shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield to the rise of mass shootings in America.

There is an absolute and irrefutable correspondence between first person shooters and school shooting, going all the way back to Doom and Columbine.

The ghoulish Nazis Shitting Bull and Goat Curious want to climb on top of the bodies to demand civil rights be ended - though it has no effect on what happened. We have plenty of laws.

We need to reexamine the impact of games. The amusing part is that Silicone Valley is FAR left of Kim Jong Un, yet the perpetrators of wanton violence and mass shooting simulators.

I don't know the answer beyond parenting, but I do see solid correlation.
89% want background checks and a great majority would like a ban on future sales of military style weapons 9criminy there are over 20 million out there now... You are brainwashed functionally clueless....these nutjobs don't know how to buy a gun illegally....
America tries to remain in the 1700's, trying to not update it's constitution, it's stifling your culture. You blame the Dems, but as Darwain said, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change".

So you need to blame those that are not willing to embrace change, it's killing America.
Are you saying our constitution timed out? That it was only good for 200 years? What “change” have progressives pushed that has resulted in something good for America as a whole?
There's only one way to survive the democratic party and prevent its destruction of Western Civilization. Some of us already know what that is. Hopefully more will come around to this realization before too long. I won't hold my breath . . .

The answer:

Just stating facts, not that I am scared of racists or the ones racist or white nationalists. Not scared of the groups they rale against, either. I am easily the best armed, best trained, person in my subdivision for several blocks around.
Lots of things have changed since 1980, but don't blame me, I was still a military combat arms Officer and instructor guy much of that time. Of course, that probably accounts for why I don't feel threatened easily.

Should the inferior race, the white supremacists, be tracked by the federal government? Maybe have a serial number tattooed on them? Perhaps a GPS implant so the government can control them? We all know whites are the biggest threat to the Reich and must be dealt with...
If you want to debate truth then prove objective morality really exists rather than insisting it does without any proof like a whiney little bitch.
Haha…silly foreigner. America was pillared by a moral order derived from Christianity, our founding people and our founding documents. You’d have to be a foreign fool trying hard not to see the obvious to believe otherwise.
Americas identity has been slowing eroding since the 80’s….pull your head from your ass and study the data. We simply have too many different people with too many differences. SIMPLE SHIT!
If you want to debate truth then prove objective morality really exists rather than insisting it does without any proof like a whiney little bitch.

With you? You'd change the results to fit your agenda. You have a habit of doing dishonest shit like that.

"Objective Morality?" ROFL

Okay Goat Curious, it is objectively proven that murder is harmful to society.

{Murder invokes a particularly virulent and long-term form of bereavement, which can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. Moreover, the degree of violence across the world has created a tertiary victim, that of global society itself}

Now, you are both low-brow and unethical, so you'll either lie, equivocate, or use the usual Nazi "nuhn uhn" response.

But this objectively proves a moral precept.
More guns than people, the worst inequality upward mobility and hate misinfo ever and anywhere and a huge giveaway to the rich, the longest stupidest wars ever, a corrupt world depression and the worst reponse to the pandemic STILL NOT VAXED - ALL UNDER THE GOP, and it's the Dems? who can't get anything passed? You are a brainwashed ignoramus...

You lie freely, but remain an irrelevant fascist.
89% want background checks

For video games?
and a great majority would like a ban on future sales of military style weapons

Fucking liar.

9criminy there are over 20 million out there now... You are brainwashed functionally clueless....these nutjobs don't know how to buy a gun illegally....

Yet criminals know how to buy a gun illegally - so you acknowledge that your goal is to disarm the law abiding, to provide easy victims for the criminals you and your Reich promote.

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