The Decay Of American Culture- Is this the result of the Godless, anything goes, no moral order type of society that Democrats have built?

Isn’t this just another case of Democrats manifesting the problems they later bitch about?
Where were all the “mass-shooters” in 1980 when America was American and American culture was celebrated and not denigrated?
When will Democrats realize that they can’t get out of their own way?
Literally, every single policy and ideal they push compromises the moral integrity of America/American’s.
There’s more to come Dems….this is what you built….the Lefts America.

America tries to remain in the 1700's, trying to not update it's constitution, it's stifling your culture. You blame the Dems, but as Darwain said, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change".

So you need to blame those that are not willing to embrace change, it's killing America.
This isn’t a “I know this one guy” or “I know of this one religious group” sort of thing…this is a vast issue that goes far beyond your personal experiences…a nation stripped of its moral order while simultaneously thrusting tens of millions of low quality human beings into the citizenry can’t result in anything positive.
We have been on a major slide since the 80’s when Reagan signed the amnesty bill.
Oh, sorry. I thought this a societal religious morality breakdown thread, rather than one of the usual xenophobic, racist threads railing against illegal immigration. Not that I approve illegal immigration, but feel free to carry on with your "It's the aliens that made us do it" thread.
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I love video games.

I play them all the time. Still I can't deny the link to the rise of violent shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield to the rise of mass shootings in America.

There is an absolute and irrefutable correspondence between first person shooters and school shooting, going all the way back to Doom and Columbine.

The ghoulish Nazis Shitting Bull and Goat Curious want to climb on top of the bodies to demand civil rights be ended - though it has no effect on what happened. We have plenty of laws.

We need to reexamine the impact of games. The amusing part is that Silicone Valley is FAR left of Kim Jong Un, yet the perpetrators of wanton violence and mass shooting simulators.

I don't know the answer beyond parenting, but I do see solid correlation.
Yeah, you and me both. I also love video games and have been playing them daily forever. ALLLLLLL of them are violent, nearly all, at least the ones that I play: lots and lots of killing, or we get bored, right? I haven't played the male violence ones much like Call of Duty, but even Tomb Raider and Assassin's Creed franchise and all the Remedy ones like Alan Wake are very frequent fighting, and we love it. Well, I do.

I didn't really look at the issue of toughening us all up to killing people until I started playing PUBG, which was the first Battle Royale, last-man-standing game. You play yourself: that is, the avatar is not a character, it's actually you. Within the first few plays I ran across a newbie, obviously female, who hid in a shower and cowered down, kneeling, trying to hide! Okay, I shot her, but I felt TERRIBLE, didn't play for a few days. My husband likes to watch this one and give advice, so I kept playing for awhile, but it's still not a favorite (and I never got the Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner. Came within two twice, though.).

I don't want a change in the games or the violence movies (just watched Ready or Not twice, humorous but non-stop gore and violence) but -------------- sure, this toughening has to be part of the picture? Anyone else think so?
What society is as free as american society?
We aren't free. Are you kidding?

Where they can force you to wear a mask, like the Taliban does? Darn.

Where they can force you to submit to totally ineffective and possibly harmful vaccinations?????

I never expected to be so unfree as we are now. I have taken in our flag off the flagpole and put it in on a lower shelf in the laundry room. I don't expect to get it out again.
Oh, sorry. I thought this a societal religious morality breakdown thread, rather than one of the usual xenophobic, racist threads railing against illegal immigration. Not that I approve illegal immigration, but feel free to carry on with your "It's the aliens the made us do it" thread., wait!
Trans, wait!, wait!, wait!, wait!

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Isn’t this just another case of Democrats manifesting the problems they later bitch about?
Where were all the “mass-shooters” in 1980 when America was American and american culture was celebrated and not denigrated?
When will Democrats realize that they can’t get out of their own way?
Literally, every single policy and ideal they push compromises the moral integrity of America/American’s.
There’s more to come Dems….this is what you built….the Lefts America.
America in the 1980s did not have our political leaders posing with assault rifles to show young people how Cool they are.
America in the 1980s did not have our political leaders posing with assault rifles to show young people how Cool they are.

That's a lie.

Isn’t this just another case of Democrats manifesting the problems they later bitch about?
Where were all the “mass-shooters” in 1980 when America was American and american culture was celebrated and not denigrated?
When will Democrats realize that they can’t get out of their own way?
Literally, every single policy and ideal they push compromises the moral integrity of America/American’s.
There’s more to come Dems….this is what you built….the Lefts America.

There's only one way to survive the democratic party and prevent its destruction of Western Civilization. Some of us already know what that is. Hopefully more will come around to this realization before too long. I won't hold my breath . . .
Isn’t this just another case of Democrats manifesting the problems they later bitch about?
Where were all the “mass-shooters” in 1980 when America was American and american culture was celebrated and not denigrated?
When will Democrats realize that they can’t get out of their own way?
Literally, every single policy and ideal they push compromises the moral integrity of America/American’s.
There’s more to come Dems….this is what you built….the Lefts America.
Morality is entirely subjective.
Isn’t this just another case of Democrats manifesting the problems they later bitch about?
Where were all the “mass-shooters” in 1980 when America was American and american culture was celebrated and not denigrated?
When will Democrats realize that they can’t get out of their own way?
Literally, every single policy and ideal they push compromises the moral integrity of America/American’s.
There’s more to come Dems….this is what you built….the Lefts America.
No Japan is the same way and doesn't have this problem. And they don't have Christianity.
I agree….nutless conservatives stood there and did nothing while Democrats re-shaped and stole their nation.

They are still doing essentially nothing. Woke madness continued to spread under the 'reign' of our last republican POTUS as it does today under a largely deadlocked conservative Senate. See, democrats and their radical leftist brain trust have two things going for them American conservatives lack: conviction and ideological drive; they are fucking rabid about spreading their woke religious vision and rebuilding America in that image. Conservatives on the other hand will individually tell you on the street all about how they love traditional America and would die to bring it back, but it's all empty big talk. While conservatives swill beer, shoot at targets on the range and waste time hoping long game voting will restore order, democrats are busier than ever tearing apart the very foundations of our civilization. Truly this destruction of America is a pathetic sight to witness.
The United States has witnessed a fair share of incidents since the early twentieth century, and although it is a painful task to examine the histories of these incidents, it is important that we do, for there may be many lessons to be learned from them. For instance mass shootings in the twentieth century can be traced back to 1903. On August 14 of that year Gilbert Twigg, a war veteran, deliberately fired into a crowd of people in Winfield Kansas immediately killing 9 and wounding 25 unsuspecting others.

Thomas Jones a few years later also went on a murderous shooting spree on January 1913 in Houston, Texas as did Wesley Crow, a professor, who on June 4, 1936 shot and killed 5 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

The list continues to grow as we progress through the century. Other mass shootings happened particularly those within school settings such as the mass shootings that occurred on Pasadena Public School on May 9, 1940 when 30 year old Verlin Spencer opened fire on school property killing 4.

November 6, 1948 was witness to Melvin Collins’s tragic shootings. Collins went inside the boarding house he had been living in, and decided to shoot people walking outside from inside his hiding spot inside the boarding house. Collins killed eight people and injured countless more. In a similar fashion an ex-military man, Howard Unruh, shot thirteen people and wounded at least five others in Camden, New Jersey on September 1949.

William Bauer left seven dead including himself, in 1956 and Principal Leonard O. Redden on February 2, 1960, opened fire at a crowd of 30 students at William Reed Elementary.

Mass shootings such as these listed here portray a history that is important to acknowledge and learn from.

This brief history of violent crime in the United States, from 1891 to 1966 aims to shed light on how we understand violent crime, particularly why mass shootings happen through an examination of past mass shootings. It also aims to allow us to learn about how mass shooting incidents such as the tower shooting of 1966 are remembered, but also forgotten, and how this remembrance and forgetting have come to shape our perception of the continuity of mass shootings in the history of the United States, particularly before 1966, and the causes that deliver these. In order to comprehend the extent of Columbine, Charleston, Sandy Hook, and Virginia Tech and other mass shootings of today, however, we must examine those that happened in the past, and see how or if these historical occurrences have shaped how we understand the University of Texas’ tower shootings of August 1st, 1966.

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