The Decline of Technology in the 21st Century


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
There are some technological advances that are beneficial. I can track my deliveries with my phone, I can look at weather radar anytime and get weather warnings, and I can text anyone anytime.

FedEx always says my package will be delivered tomorrow yet it’s 600 miles away and I know it’s at least 2 days away.

Spam calls and texts have made phones as troublesome as they are worth.

Searching the Internet for a topic is the worst it’s ever been. 95% of what you get as a result is totally unrelated. And 99% of what’s on the internet is just intended for 5 seconds of cheap entertainment.

Autospell has gone in the shitter. I’ve had it replace common words with words I’ve never even heard of and had to look up.

My GPS of 20 years ago is a hundred times better than modern GPS’s that send me on tiny cow roads instead of keeping me on a 4 lane road because it thinks the narrow windy cow road is faster.

Amazon used to be a good source to obtain things at a good price. But now it’s filled with overpriced crap and you have to do a lot of price checking.

TV. 500 channels of surround sound 4K crap. And now your 5 shows you did watch for free are on 5 separate subscription services you can each obtain for a nominal fee.

Flying. Used to be fun flying. Direct flights, good food and service and you knew within reason your flight would be on time.

I want a printer and scanner for my pc that has nothing to do with telling me it can’t contact the manufacturer to let me print or scan. Just print the damn documents without telling me no it needs to connect to HP or Epson.

There’s more. For later.
You know what's odd? Well, a lot of things but consider that the democrats want to raise taxes on the wealthy and the big corps, right? But who provides the most funding for technological advances and innovations? So here the Left is screaming and yelling about Climate Change and a whole bunch of other issues, yet they're making it less likely to come up with ways to fix the problems or adjust to them. Breaking news - the federal gov't is NOT going to fix any of our current problems.
democrats want to raise taxes on the wealthy and the big corps, right? But who provides the most funding for technological advances and innovations?

You mean rich entrepreneurs like Elon Musk actually fix things and solve problems? Who woulda thunk. Tax the bastards into poverty like the rest of us. Yeah, that'll fix everything. :smoke:
The unhappier the 21st century gets, the more I appreciate the technology of the 19th and 20th century. I have never owned a glowing hand rectangle, nor will I ever. I'd be in hog heaven if I could get a car I could fix myself. I moved into my new home and the first thing I'm going to do to the house is yank out the microwave. (I will, however, keep the garage door opener.)

I have a corded phone and my community has a system that will let me use the phone in a power outage, just like they all used to do. I could sew by the light of a kerosene lamp on my 100 year old treadle Singer. I will soon put a wood-burning stove in my home.

The reliability of these things makes me happy.
The unhappier the 21st century gets, the more I appreciate the technology of the 19th and 20th century.
What makes you think the 21st century is getting unhappier? What do you think is the cause?

Maybe we just seem to think the centuries are the same. They are ACTUALLY different, but there are similarities and that's what those complaining notice or can't help but see.
What makes you think the 21st century is getting unhappier? What do you think is the cause?

Maybe we just seem to think the centuries are the same. They are ACTUALLY different, but there are similarities and that's what those complaining notice or can't help but see.
The worship of the state of Holy Victimhood. The induction of everyone into the Poor Me Club.
No no
Technology is exploding now
We are into the 4th age of massive human science revolutions
If anyone claims that any bygone era was a golden age of technology ... I have one word ...

... dentistry.

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