The deep state goes to war with President elect, using unverified claims, as Democrats cheer


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Deep State Goes to War with President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer

IN JANUARY, 1961, Dwight Eisenhower delivered his farewell address after serving two terms as U.S. president; the five-star general chose to warn Americans of this specific threat to democracy: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” That warning was issued prior to the decadelong escalation of the Vietnam War, three more decades of Cold War mania, and the post-9/11 era, all of which radically expanded that unelected faction’s power even further.

If only we could take these loose cannons and show them in a movie how they look and the dumb asses they come off as. They can't see themselves and how blind they are.
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Again you are whining about something you call "The Deep State" when you should be concerned about "The Deep Shit" that Trump is dragging us into.
Again you are whining about something you call "The Deep State" when you should be concerned about "The Deep Shit" that Trump is dragging us into.

STFU, suffer from a case of terminal stupidity. Your screen name fits you....bulldogs are notorious for being loyalty to their masters (which in your case is the leftard clown posse) but they are not all that bright and ugly as hell.

Yes, there is a "Deep State"...what else would you call it when there are 21 security clearances higher than the CEO of USA.INC, dumb ass? Who the fuck ARE these people? Who put them in charge and where is the oversight? Have you ever thought about that?
Again you are whining about something you call "The Deep State" when you should be concerned about "The Deep Shit" that Trump is dragging us into.

STFU, suffer from a case of terminal stupidity. Your screen name fits you....bulldogs are notorious for being loyalty to their masters (which in your case is the leftard clown posse) but they are not all that bright and ugly as hell.

Yes, there is a "Deep State"...what else would you call it when there are 21 security clearances higher than the CEO of USA.INC, dumb ass? Who the fuck ARE these people? Who put them in charge and where is the oversight? Have you ever thought about that?

CEO of USA.INC? Wow, you're really hallucinating tonight, aren't you? Perhaps those 21 people are shape shifting lizard people that Alex Jones talks about.
Again you are whining about something you call "The Deep State" when you should be concerned about "The Deep Shit" that Trump is dragging us into.

STFU, suffer from a case of terminal stupidity. Your screen name fits you....bulldogs are notorious for being loyalty to their masters (which in your case is the leftard clown posse) but they are not all that bright and ugly as hell.

Yes, there is a "Deep State"...what else would you call it when there are 21 security clearances higher than the CEO of USA.INC, dumb ass? Who the fuck ARE these people? Who put them in charge and where is the oversight? Have you ever thought about that?

CEO of USA.INC? Wow, you're really hallucinating tonight, aren't you? Perhaps those 21 people are shape shifting lizard people that Alex Jones talks about.

Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity, dumb fuck......and there are 21 security CLEARANCES...that doesn't mean there are only 21 people with really are dense....kinda like a bulldog.

Again you are whining about something you call "The Deep State" when you should be concerned about "The Deep Shit" that Trump is dragging us into.

STFU, suffer from a case of terminal stupidity. Your screen name fits you....bulldogs are notorious for being loyalty to their masters (which in your case is the leftard clown posse) but they are not all that bright and ugly as hell.

Yes, there is a "Deep State"...what else would you call it when there are 21 security clearances higher than the CEO of USA.INC, dumb ass? Who the fuck ARE these people? Who put them in charge and where is the oversight? Have you ever thought about that?

CEO of USA.INC? Wow, you're really hallucinating tonight, aren't you? Perhaps those 21 people are shape shifting lizard people that Alex Jones talks about.

Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity, dumb fuck......and there are 21 security CLEARANCES...that doesn't mean there are only 21 people with really are dense....kinda like a bulldog.


If you say so. I really don't care about the details of your hallucinations. I just find them funny.
The Deep State pretty much is in control of all of the public state governance, whether the public cares to admit it or not.

That whole "birther" controversy was just a smoke screen to cover for the fact that Obama used to work for the agency. Ostensibly, he is one of theirs.

The Chosen One

CRB | The Chosen One, by Angelo M. Codevilla
All in the Family

In the 1950s and '60s few cared where, say, the State Department or foundations such as Ford ended and the CIA began. The leading members of the U.S. government's influence network moved easily from public to private stations and vice versa. Here are a few examples. Howard P. Jones, U.S. ambassador to Indonesia between 1958 and 1965—arguably the chief planner of the coup that removed the Sukarno regime—became chancellor of the University of Hawaii's East-West Center. Ann Dunham's second husband, Lolo Soetoro, returned from the East-West Center to Jakarta to help in the struggle that the coup had begun. Another of Ann's employers, the Ford Foundation's international affairs division, was led by Stephen Cohen, who had come to Ford from the directorship of the International Association of Cultural Freedom, previously known as the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), which organized countless left-leaning American academics into a corps (lavishly financed by the CIA) to promote social democracy around the world, and to staff many of the councils on foreign relations that spread around America in the 1950s. Among the participants were countless actual and future college presidents, including Richard C. Gilman, who ran Occidental when young Barack Obama enrolled there in 1979. In those years, any number of companies were CIA fronts, including Business International Corporation, which gave young Obama his first job after graduation from college. Perhaps these are only coincidences. More importantly, U.S. international corporations in general had countless officers who were proud cooperators with U.S. covert activities abroad. Any serious attempt to sketch this network would result in something like an x-ray of the American ruling class's skeleton.

The point here is that this network was formed precisely to help the careers of kindred folk, while ruining those of others, and to move the requisite money and influence unaccountably, erasing evidence that it had done so. Exercising influence abroad on America's behalf—the network's founding purpose—never got in the way of playing a partisan role in American life and, of course, of taking care of its own.

As I pointed out in my book Informing Statecraft (1992), when Congress first authorized the U.S. government's various influence activities abroad it worried loudly and mostly sincerely that these activities might "blow back" onto American political life: The U.S. government, so went the widely accepted argument, might have to say and do all sorts of things abroad, train and deploy any number of operatives in black arts on the whole country's behalf, knowing that these activities and operatives might well be distasteful to any number of Americans at home. Because the U.S. government must not take a partisan part in U.S. domestic life—so went the argument of an era more honest than our own—it must somehow isolate its foreign influence network from domestic life. But preventing blowback was destined to be a pious, futile wish, especially since many of those in the influence network were at least as interested in pressing their vision of social democracy on America as they were in doing it to other countries. Foremost among these was Cord Meyer, who ran CIA's covert activities in "international organizations" beginning in 1954. Between 1962 and 1975 he directed or supervised all CIA covert action. Meyer explained what he was about in his book Facing Reality (1980).

Meyer and his upscale CIA colleagues considered themselves family members of the domestic and international Left. They believed that America's competition with Soviet Communism was to be waged by, for, and among the Left. Their strategy was to fight the Soviet fire by lighting and feeding socio-political counter-fires as close to it as possible. This meant clandestinely giving money and every imaginable form of U.S. government support to persons as far to the political and cultural left as possible, so long as they were outside Soviet operational control. American leftists were best fit to influence their foreign counterparts this way. Paradigmatic was the Congress for Cultural Freedom, which spawned and fed many "voluntary" organizations at home and abroad with U.S. influence and money. Its director, Michael Josselson, was so little distinguishable from the Communists, his leftism so anti-American, that the U.S. chapter of CCF disaffiliated in protest. Alas, CIA's fires eventually went out of control and singed American life.

Among the many U.S. organizations founded and fed by Meyer's Covert Action staff were the National Students' Association (NSA) and the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). In the late 1950s the CIA and foundation executives like Meyer (and below them operatives like the Dunham family) were surprised when these groups were taken over by the radical elements within them and became the so-called New Left. By 1961, when Barack Obama, Jr., was born, these organizations' connections or lack thereof with Communist parties had already become irrelevant. That is because whereas old-line liberals like Meyer felt only mild disdain for what they supposed to be the American people's ignorance, whereas their vision for America was only a more complete Rooseveltian New Deal, these New Leftists had adopted, more virulently than the Communists, the Marxist analysis that American society as it exists is based on "power relationships" (economic, racial, and sexual) that they believe must be overturned entirely. In short, the New Left saw America as a cancer upon the globe and themselves as the surgeons. It is impossible to overstate the importance of this attitude.

Not all government-sponsored leftists adopted this attitude about America. Already in 1962, before the Vietnam War, Michael Harrington felt conscience—bound to lead people who called themselves "Democratic Socialists of America" out of SDS, NSA, and other organizations that had become thoroughly anti-American. By the mid-1960s these organizations, into which CIA had poured so much money, which it had sustained so energetically with its network of influence, had come entirely into the hands of upscale activists like William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who called themselves "Weathermen." These children of Meyer's rich, well-connected friends worked to defeat America in the Vietnam War, planted terrorist bombs, and murdered police. Other CIA-funded organizations underwent similar radicalization and internecine splits. In 1967, Ramparts magazine's revelation of many leftist groups' dependence on CIA caused the U.S. government to shift its funding of such organizations or their leaders to other agencies—primarily those waging the so-called "war on poverty." By the 1970s, the people whom CIA had endowed with money and prominence in American domestic life as part of its covert action abroad were grinding their ideological distinctions against one another while engaging in "community organizing" here in America.

These factions and organizations, personifying leftisms of varying virulence, bid for recruits. Young Barry Obama was one of those who affiliated pretty much with the leftward-most among them.
This should be in Conspiracy Theories.
Try reading some books about things you know nothing about.

These aren't theories, these are facts, documented by both scholars and bureaucrats that have worked in the government and taught in our most prestigious universities.

On the right. . .

And from the left. . .
FOR MONTHS, the CIA, with unprecedented clarity, overtly threw its weight behind Hillary Clinton’s candidacy and sought to defeat Donald Trump. In August, former acting CIA Director Michael Morell announced his endorsement of Clinton in the New York Times and claimed that “Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.” The CIA and NSA director under George W. Bush, Gen. Michael Hayden, also endorsed Clinton, and went to the Washington Post to warn, in the week before the election, that “Donald Trump really does sound a lot like Vladimir Putin,” adding that Trump is “the useful fool, some naif, manipulated by Moscow, secretly held in contempt, but whose blind support is happily accepted and exploited.”


Interesting part in this article though.
Again you are whining about something you call "The Deep State" when you should be concerned about "The Deep Shit" that Trump is dragging us into.
Speaking of which...
How is cunnilingus similar to being a spy?
One slip of the tongue and you're in deep shit.
FOR MONTHS, the CIA, with unprecedented clarity, overtly threw its weight behind Hillary Clinton’s candidacy and sought to defeat Donald Trump. In August, former acting CIA Director Michael Morell announced his endorsement of Clinton in the New York Times and claimed that “Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.” The CIA and NSA director under George W. Bush, Gen. Michael Hayden, also endorsed Clinton, and went to the Washington Post to warn, in the week before the election, that “Donald Trump really does sound a lot like Vladimir Putin,” adding that Trump is “the useful fool, some naif, manipulated by Moscow, secretly held in contempt, but whose blind support is happily accepted and exploited.”


Interesting part in this article though.

I noticed they forget this Deep State actor who was behind Hillary. . .

And he is still ACTING DHS director!

A subtle takedown of Donald Trump by Homeland Security’s Jeh Johnson
A subtle takedown of Donald Trump by Homeland Security's Jeh Johnson
This should be in Conspiracy Theories.
Try reading some books about things you know nothing about.

These aren't theories, these are facts, documented by both scholars and bureaucrats that have worked in the government and taught in our most prestigious universities.

On the right. . .

And from the left. . .

These are works of fiction designed to take money from the tinfoil hat wearing brigade.
This should be in Conspiracy Theories.
Try reading some books about things you know nothing about.

These aren't theories, these are facts, documented by both scholars and bureaucrats that have worked in the government and taught in our most prestigious universities.

On the right. . .

And from the left. . .

These are works of fiction designed to take money from the tinfoil hat wearing brigade.

Well, it's now official, you are as unhinged as guno or steve mcracist. Next stop, ban land.
Personally, I'd be cool with USA.INC if they weren't such a god damn failure at it. I mean, fuck, at least break even ya dip shits...
This should be in Conspiracy Theories.
Try reading some books about things you know nothing about.

These aren't theories, these are facts, documented by both scholars and bureaucrats that have worked in the government and taught in our most prestigious universities.

On the right. . .

And from the left. . .

These are works of fiction designed to take money from the tinfoil hat wearing brigade.

Well, it's now official, you are as unhinged as guno or steve mcracist. Next stop, ban land.

So, are you gonna do that personally, have someone in a black helicopter do it?
This should be in Conspiracy Theories.
Try reading some books about things you know nothing about.

These aren't theories, these are facts, documented by both scholars and bureaucrats that have worked in the government and taught in our most prestigious universities.

On the right. . .

And from the left. . .

These are works of fiction designed to take money from the tinfoil hat wearing brigade.

Well, it's now official, you are as unhinged as guno or steve mcracist. Next stop, ban land.

So, are you gonna do that personally, have someone in a black helicopter do it?


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