The Definitive List Of Media Screw-Ups On The Trump-Russia Story


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Liberal Media continues to prove Donald Trump right about them and their fake news every day....

The major correction issued by NBC Thursday on a story about wiretaps and Michael Cohen was just another reminder of the many media mistakes on the Russian collusion story.

'NBC initially claimed that federal investigators were listening in on Cohen’s phone calls, but it turns out they had what’s called a “pen register warrant,” which means they could see who Cohen spoke to on the phone but could not hear what was said.'

1. CNN Accuses Don Jr. Of Wikileaks Collusion

Unfortunately for CNN, it turns out their sources gave them the wrong date. Don Jr. actually received an email with access to the stolen docs on Sept. 14, 2016, after they had already been released publicly.

2. ABC Tanks Stock Market With Fake Flynn News
ABC was forced to suspend Brian Ross after he falsely reported that former national security adviser Michael Flynn was prepared to testify that then-candidate Donald Trump ordered him to make contact with the Russians.

3. The Mooch Is NOT Under Investigation
CNN earns another spot on this list for their shoddy reporting about former Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci. In June, CNN relied on a single unnamed source to claim that Scaramucci was under investigation for a meeting he took with a Russian banker prior to Trump’s inauguration - three CNN employees resigned over the botched piece.

4. Bloomberg’s Dirty Deutsche Bank Scoop
Bloomberg later admitted that Mueller was looking for records relating to “people affiliated” with Trump.

5. Sessions Exonerated - CNN...AGAIN
A little over six months later, CNN quietly walked back the scandal, explaining the FBI sent emails informing Sessions’ aide that he did not need to disclose the meetings on his forms because they were carried out in the course of his duties as a senator.

6. Russians Aren’t Just Hacking The Election — They’re Hacking Our Power Grid
The Washington Post claimed in January 2017 that Russians were hacking the U.S. power grid through a company in Vermont, only to change the story to say that only one laptop was infiltrated. It turns out that one laptop was never even connected to the power grid.

7. Republicans Funded The Dossier!
The media has perpetuated this falsehood so consistently that even former FBI director James Comey was confused, repeating the lie in an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier.

8. CNN’s Gets Comey Prediction Wildly Wrong
Sadly for them, Comey’s prepared testimony was released with the line, “During our one-on-one meeting at Trump Tower…I offered that assurance [that he was not under investigation].”

9. The ’17 Intel Agencies’ Lie
Only four intelligence agencies ultimately deemed Russia responsible for meddling because the other 13 have no business making judgments on the claim.

10. Manafort Notes Are A Nothing Burger
Turns out that not only did the word “donations” not appear in Manafort’s notes, but the word “donor” didn’t either. POLITICO had to correct the NBC report, leaving the legacy network looking awfully embarrassed.

The Definitive List Of Media Screwups In The Trump-Russia Timeline
The Liberal Media continues to prove Donald Trump right about them and their fake news every day....

The major correction issued by NBC Thursday on a story about wiretaps and Michael Cohen was just another reminder of the many media mistakes on the Russian collusion story.

'NBC initially claimed that federal investigators were listening in on Cohen’s phone calls, but it turns out they had what’s called a “pen register warrant,” which means they could see who Cohen spoke to on the phone but could not hear what was said.'

1. CNN Accuses Don Jr. Of Wikileaks Collusion

Unfortunately for CNN, it turns out their sources gave them the wrong date. Don Jr. actually received an email with access to the stolen docs on Sept. 14, 2016, after they had already been released publicly.

2. ABC Tanks Stock Market With Fake Flynn News
ABC was forced to suspend Brian Ross after he falsely reported that former national security adviser Michael Flynn was prepared to testify that then-candidate Donald Trump ordered him to make contact with the Russians.

3. The Mooch Is NOT Under Investigation
CNN earns another spot on this list for their shoddy reporting about former Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci. In June, CNN relied on a single unnamed source to claim that Scaramucci was under investigation for a meeting he took with a Russian banker prior to Trump’s inauguration - three CNN employees resigned over the botched piece.

4. Bloomberg’s Dirty Deutsche Bank Scoop
Bloomberg later admitted that Mueller was looking for records relating to “people affiliated” with Trump.

5. Sessions Exonerated - CNN...AGAIN
A little over six months later, CNN quietly walked back the scandal, explaining the FBI sent emails informing Sessions’ aide that he did not need to disclose the meetings on his forms because they were carried out in the course of his duties as a senator.

6. Russians Aren’t Just Hacking The Election — They’re Hacking Our Power Grid
The Washington Post claimed in January 2017 that Russians were hacking the U.S. power grid through a company in Vermont, only to change the story to say that only one laptop was infiltrated. It turns out that one laptop was never even connected to the power grid.

7. Republicans Funded The Dossier!
The media has perpetuated this falsehood so consistently that even former FBI director James Comey was confused, repeating the lie in an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier.

8. CNN’s Gets Comey Prediction Wildly Wrong
Sadly for them, Comey’s prepared testimony was released with the line, “During our one-on-one meeting at Trump Tower…I offered that assurance [that he was not under investigation].”

9. The ’17 Intel Agencies’ Lie
Only four intelligence agencies ultimately deemed Russia responsible for meddling because the other 13 have no business making judgments on the claim.

10. Manafort Notes Are A Nothing Burger
Turns out that not only did the word “donations” not appear in Manafort’s notes, but the word “donor” didn’t either. POLITICO had to correct the NBC report, leaving the legacy network looking awfully embarrassed.

The Definitive List Of Media Screwups In The Trump-Russia Timeline
The media has always dished out fake news, its just that now, the highest Authority in the U.S. has pointed it out. Kind of like how roaches scatter when you turn the light on. No Russia collusion!!
The Liberal Media continues to prove Donald Trump right about them and their fake news every day....

The major correction issued by NBC Thursday on a story about wiretaps and Michael Cohen was just another reminder of the many media mistakes on the Russian collusion story.

'NBC initially claimed that federal investigators were listening in on Cohen’s phone calls, but it turns out they had what’s called a “pen register warrant,” which means they could see who Cohen spoke to on the phone but could not hear what was said.'

1. CNN Accuses Don Jr. Of Wikileaks Collusion

Unfortunately for CNN, it turns out their sources gave them the wrong date. Don Jr. actually received an email with access to the stolen docs on Sept. 14, 2016, after they had already been released publicly.

2. ABC Tanks Stock Market With Fake Flynn News
ABC was forced to suspend Brian Ross after he falsely reported that former national security adviser Michael Flynn was prepared to testify that then-candidate Donald Trump ordered him to make contact with the Russians.

3. The Mooch Is NOT Under Investigation
CNN earns another spot on this list for their shoddy reporting about former Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci. In June, CNN relied on a single unnamed source to claim that Scaramucci was under investigation for a meeting he took with a Russian banker prior to Trump’s inauguration - three CNN employees resigned over the botched piece.

4. Bloomberg’s Dirty Deutsche Bank Scoop
Bloomberg later admitted that Mueller was looking for records relating to “people affiliated” with Trump.

5. Sessions Exonerated - CNN...AGAIN
A little over six months later, CNN quietly walked back the scandal, explaining the FBI sent emails informing Sessions’ aide that he did not need to disclose the meetings on his forms because they were carried out in the course of his duties as a senator.

6. Russians Aren’t Just Hacking The Election — They’re Hacking Our Power Grid
The Washington Post claimed in January 2017 that Russians were hacking the U.S. power grid through a company in Vermont, only to change the story to say that only one laptop was infiltrated. It turns out that one laptop was never even connected to the power grid.

7. Republicans Funded The Dossier!
The media has perpetuated this falsehood so consistently that even former FBI director James Comey was confused, repeating the lie in an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier.

8. CNN’s Gets Comey Prediction Wildly Wrong
Sadly for them, Comey’s prepared testimony was released with the line, “During our one-on-one meeting at Trump Tower…I offered that assurance [that he was not under investigation].”

9. The ’17 Intel Agencies’ Lie
Only four intelligence agencies ultimately deemed Russia responsible for meddling because the other 13 have no business making judgments on the claim.

10. Manafort Notes Are A Nothing Burger
Turns out that not only did the word “donations” not appear in Manafort’s notes, but the word “donor” didn’t either. POLITICO had to correct the NBC report, leaving the legacy network looking awfully embarrassed.

The Definitive List Of Media Screwups In The Trump-Russia Timeline
/-----/ Liberal Rapid Response Team Reply: "Tain't no big thang."

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