The Democrat Brave New World


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
There is no way to understand what is going on in our once great nation, without concluding that the Democrat Party is the party of felons, criminals, looters, arsonists, and anarcho-communists.

But.....see what you think:

1. "Minneapolis police on Tuesday reported a recent increase in robberies and carjackings in the Third and Fifth Precinct areas.
According to police, suspects are targeting cellphones, purses and vehicles. Some victims have been maced, dragged, assaulted and some threatened with a gun, police said.
The department said most of the incidents have occurred north of 42nd Street E.
In July alone, 100 robberies and 20 carjackings have been reported to Third Precinct police.

2. Below are some tips offered by police to prevent robberies:

  • Don't walk alone;
  • Be hyper-aware of your surroundings at all times, don't be distracted;
  • Carry only items you need and carry less cash;
  • Be prepared to give up your cellphone and purse or wallet;
  • Have your keys already in your hand as you approach your vehicle;
  • Don't fight with criminal, remember your safety is most important;
  • Be a good witness, be prepared to tell police how many suspects, what age, height, complexion, hair and eye color and any other descriptive features, as well as any weapons they had, what they left in and what direction they went.
3. Below are some tips offered by police to prevent robberies:

  • Lock your doors while driving;
  • Don't stop for strangers approaching you;
  • Park in well-lit areas;
  • Always be hyper-aware of your surroundings;
  • Use a tracking device;
  • Never leave valuable items in your vehicle;
  • Never leave your vehicle running while unattended;
  • Memorize your license plate number to help police find it faster.

4. Arguably, the Reverend Al Sharpton, from his start, represented evil. Yet he was invited to the Obama White House dozens of times by the architect of the anti-police, anti-white riots, Hussein Obama, who famously encouraged the rioters in Ferguson to continue: “Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson. According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating.” In Ferguson, Tactics Set for Grand Jury Decision in Michael Brown Case

5. “During the Obama presidency, Sharpton was welcomed in the White House more than 100 times.”
For Democrats, all paths to the White House run through the House of Sharpton

Obama and Sharpton…One wonders which one was directing the other. In 2014, Giuliani made the point: “…Obama’s anti-police rhetoric is through his association with the Rev. Al Sharpton,…”
I just saw Atlas Shrugged. It's on YouTube. I recommend it to everyone. Read the book too. It is surprising to see how it tracks with Communists democrats today.

Read it, and of course I agree with you.

Be we are the choir.....if Democrats read books, they wouldn't be Democrats.
Amazing that in Democrat precincts, they aren't about catching and punishing criminals......

....they're simply about training honest citizens on how to be a good victim.

And they want your vote in November.
'To Serve and Protect' has been replaced with 'You Are On Your Own'. There is your Democrat leadership at work.

I have often said that we should dispense with the Supreme Court.....they notified citizens that we are on our own long ago.

Gonzales, the supreme court has ruled that police agencies are not obligated to provide protection of citizens. In other words, police are well within their rights to pick and choose when to intervene to protect the lives and property of others — even when a threat is apparent.

Police Have No Duty to Protect You, Federal Court Affirms Yet ...


There is no way to understand what is going on in our once great nation, without concluding that the Democrat Party is the party of felons, criminals, looters, arsonists, and anarcho-communists.

But.....see what you think:

1. "Minneapolis police on Tuesday reported a recent increase in robberies and carjackings in the Third and Fifth Precinct areas.
According to police, suspects are targeting cellphones, purses and vehicles. Some victims have been maced, dragged, assaulted and some threatened with a gun, police said.
The department said most of the incidents have occurred north of 42nd Street E.
In July alone, 100 robberies and 20 carjackings have been reported to Third Precinct police.

2. Below are some tips offered by police to prevent robberies:

  • Don't walk alone;
  • Be hyper-aware of your surroundings at all times, don't be distracted;
  • Carry only items you need and carry less cash;
  • Be prepared to give up your cellphone and purse or wallet;
  • Have your keys already in your hand as you approach your vehicle;
  • Don't fight with criminal, remember your safety is most important;
  • Be a good witness, be prepared to tell police how many suspects, what age, height, complexion, hair and eye color and any other descriptive features, as well as any weapons they had, what they left in and what direction they went.
3. Below are some tips offered by police to prevent robberies:

  • Lock your doors while driving;
  • Don't stop for strangers approaching you;
  • Park in well-lit areas;
  • Always be hyper-aware of your surroundings;
  • Use a tracking device;
  • Never leave valuable items in your vehicle;
  • Never leave your vehicle running while unattended;
  • Memorize your license plate number to help police find it faster.

4. Arguably, the Reverend Al Sharpton, from his start, represented evil. Yet he was invited to the Obama White House dozens of times by the architect of the anti-police, anti-white riots, Hussein Obama, who famously encouraged the rioters in Ferguson to continue: “Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson. According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating.” In Ferguson, Tactics Set for Grand Jury Decision in Michael Brown Case

5. “During the Obama presidency, Sharpton was welcomed in the White House more than 100 times.”
For Democrats, all paths to the White House run through the House of Sharpton

Obama and Sharpton…One wonders which one was directing the other. In 2014, Giuliani made the point: “…Obama’s anti-police rhetoric is through his association with the Rev. Al Sharpton,…”
More racist bullshit. Your story about Ferguson and Obama is a lie and you were shown that.
There is no way to understand what is going on in our once great nation, without concluding that the Democrat Party is the party of felons, criminals, looters, arsonists, and anarcho-communists.

But.....see what you think:

1. "Minneapolis police on Tuesday reported a recent increase in robberies and carjackings in the Third and Fifth Precinct areas.
According to police, suspects are targeting cellphones, purses and vehicles. Some victims have been maced, dragged, assaulted and some threatened with a gun, police said.
The department said most of the incidents have occurred north of 42nd Street E.
In July alone, 100 robberies and 20 carjackings have been reported to Third Precinct police.

2. Below are some tips offered by police to prevent robberies:

  • Don't walk alone;
  • Be hyper-aware of your surroundings at all times, don't be distracted;
  • Carry only items you need and carry less cash;
  • Be prepared to give up your cellphone and purse or wallet;
  • Have your keys already in your hand as you approach your vehicle;
  • Don't fight with criminal, remember your safety is most important;
  • Be a good witness, be prepared to tell police how many suspects, what age, height, complexion, hair and eye color and any other descriptive features, as well as any weapons they had, what they left in and what direction they went.
3. Below are some tips offered by police to prevent robberies:

  • Lock your doors while driving;
  • Don't stop for strangers approaching you;
  • Park in well-lit areas;
  • Always be hyper-aware of your surroundings;
  • Use a tracking device;
  • Never leave valuable items in your vehicle;
  • Never leave your vehicle running while unattended;
  • Memorize your license plate number to help police find it faster.

4. Arguably, the Reverend Al Sharpton, from his start, represented evil. Yet he was invited to the Obama White House dozens of times by the architect of the anti-police, anti-white riots, Hussein Obama, who famously encouraged the rioters in Ferguson to continue: “Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson. According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating.” In Ferguson, Tactics Set for Grand Jury Decision in Michael Brown Case

5. “During the Obama presidency, Sharpton was welcomed in the White House more than 100 times.”
For Democrats, all paths to the White House run through the House of Sharpton

Obama and Sharpton…One wonders which one was directing the other. In 2014, Giuliani made the point: “…Obama’s anti-police rhetoric is through his association with the Rev. Al Sharpton,…”
More racist bullshit. Your story about Ferguson and Obama is a lie and you were shown that.

No vulgarity, no matter how I embarrass you.
Wrong novel. This one.

It wasn't in was a description and a warning, not a reference to Huxley,

Yes. but I love this opening scene in regards to Democrats. ;)

And this is why they are gonna win......

Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.

The virus may help with that. Teacher's unions are refusing to open schools in the fall, and many parents (the wise ones) are pooling resources and homeschooling. It's been estimated that as many as one-fourth of students will not return to public schools whether they open or not.
Wrong novel. This one.

It wasn't in was a description and a warning, not a reference to Huxley,

Yes. but I love this opening scene in regards to Democrats. ;)

And this is why they are gonna win......

Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.

The virus may help with that. Teacher's unions are refusing to open schools in the fall, and many parents (the wise ones) are pooling resources and homeschooling. It's been estimated that as many as one-fourth of students will not return to public schools whether they open or not.

From your keyboard to God's in-box!!
Seattle police have notified the people that they are on their own. Minneapolis police went one better and told law abiding citizens to cooperate with the criminals preying upon them. There is one step left. The arrest and prosecution of all those non compliant with criminal demands.
Seattle police have notified the people that they are on their own. Minneapolis police went one better and told law abiding citizens to cooperate with the criminals preying upon them. There is one step left. The arrest and prosecution of all those non compliant with criminal demands.

I love it!
Seattle police have notified the people that they are on their own. Minneapolis police went one better and told law abiding citizens to cooperate with the criminals preying upon them. There is one step left. The arrest and prosecution of all those non compliant with criminal demands.

At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

“…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!
There is no way to understand what is going on in our once great nation, without concluding that the Democrat Party is the party of felons, criminals, looters, arsonists, and anarcho-communists.

But.....see what you think:

1. "Minneapolis police on Tuesday reported a recent increase in robberies and carjackings in the Third and Fifth Precinct areas.
According to police, suspects are targeting cellphones, purses and vehicles. Some victims have been maced, dragged, assaulted and some threatened with a gun, police said.
The department said most of the incidents have occurred north of 42nd Street E.
In July alone, 100 robberies and 20 carjackings have been reported to Third Precinct police.

2. Below are some tips offered by police to prevent robberies:

  • Don't walk alone;
  • Be hyper-aware of your surroundings at all times, don't be distracted;
  • Carry only items you need and carry less cash;
  • Be prepared to give up your cellphone and purse or wallet;
  • Have your keys already in your hand as you approach your vehicle;
  • Don't fight with criminal, remember your safety is most important;
  • Be a good witness, be prepared to tell police how many suspects, what age, height, complexion, hair and eye color and any other descriptive features, as well as any weapons they had, what they left in and what direction they went.
3. Below are some tips offered by police to prevent robberies:

  • Lock your doors while driving;
  • Don't stop for strangers approaching you;
  • Park in well-lit areas;
  • Always be hyper-aware of your surroundings;
  • Use a tracking device;
  • Never leave valuable items in your vehicle;
  • Never leave your vehicle running while unattended;
  • Memorize your license plate number to help police find it faster.

4. Arguably, the Reverend Al Sharpton, from his start, represented evil. Yet he was invited to the Obama White House dozens of times by the architect of the anti-police, anti-white riots, Hussein Obama, who famously encouraged the rioters in Ferguson to continue: “Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson. According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating.” In Ferguson, Tactics Set for Grand Jury Decision in Michael Brown Case

5. “During the Obama presidency, Sharpton was welcomed in the White House more than 100 times.”
For Democrats, all paths to the White House run through the House of Sharpton

Obama and Sharpton…One wonders which one was directing the other. In 2014, Giuliani made the point: “…Obama’s anti-police rhetoric is through his association with the Rev. Al Sharpton,…”

The sith lords of the democrat party have pulled back their hoods and now openly act against freedom and justice in the Galaxy...
There is no way to understand what is going on in our once great nation, without concluding that the Democrat Party is the party of felons, criminals, looters, arsonists, and anarcho-communists.

But.....see what you think:

1. "Minneapolis police on Tuesday reported a recent increase in robberies and carjackings in the Third and Fifth Precinct areas.
According to police, suspects are targeting cellphones, purses and vehicles. Some victims have been maced, dragged, assaulted and some threatened with a gun, police said.
The department said most of the incidents have occurred north of 42nd Street E.
In July alone, 100 robberies and 20 carjackings have been reported to Third Precinct police.

2. Below are some tips offered by police to prevent robberies:

  • Don't walk alone;
  • Be hyper-aware of your surroundings at all times, don't be distracted;
  • Carry only items you need and carry less cash;
  • Be prepared to give up your cellphone and purse or wallet;
  • Have your keys already in your hand as you approach your vehicle;
  • Don't fight with criminal, remember your safety is most important;
  • Be a good witness, be prepared to tell police how many suspects, what age, height, complexion, hair and eye color and any other descriptive features, as well as any weapons they had, what they left in and what direction they went.
3. Below are some tips offered by police to prevent robberies:

  • Lock your doors while driving;
  • Don't stop for strangers approaching you;
  • Park in well-lit areas;
  • Always be hyper-aware of your surroundings;
  • Use a tracking device;
  • Never leave valuable items in your vehicle;
  • Never leave your vehicle running while unattended;
  • Memorize your license plate number to help police find it faster.

4. Arguably, the Reverend Al Sharpton, from his start, represented evil. Yet he was invited to the Obama White House dozens of times by the architect of the anti-police, anti-white riots, Hussein Obama, who famously encouraged the rioters in Ferguson to continue: “Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson. According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating.” In Ferguson, Tactics Set for Grand Jury Decision in Michael Brown Case

5. “During the Obama presidency, Sharpton was welcomed in the White House more than 100 times.”
For Democrats, all paths to the White House run through the House of Sharpton

Obama and Sharpton…One wonders which one was directing the other. In 2014, Giuliani made the point: “…Obama’s anti-police rhetoric is through his association with the Rev. Al Sharpton,…”

The sith lords of the democrat party have pulled back their hoods and now openly act against freedom and justice in the Galaxy...

Goes back a pretty long in the subsidiary they created:

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

. "The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."

From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

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