The democrat party, government is their god, and climate change is their religion....according to this research.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I always point out that to leftists, their god is "government," and they worship in the cult of man made global warming.....

Now the research...

Pew agrees.....Most everything the dems hang their hat on involves the .gov.

I always point out that to leftists, their god is "government," and they worship in the cult of man made global warming.....

Now the research...

A blog?!?! :auiqs.jpg:
I always point out that to leftists, their god is "government," and they worship in the cult of man made global warming.....

Now the research...

There is no such party in power named the democrat party.
I always point out that to leftists, their god is "government," and they worship in the cult of man made global warming.....

Now the research...

The reason why you are always so misinformed and wrong is because you keep reading bloggers, and not scientific papers, you stupid dolt.

You simply scour the Internet, looking for other fools who confirm your closely held delusions.
Whereas for the riotous right, Trumpybear is their God and all Democrats and MSM are Satan.
I always point out that to leftists, their god is "government," and they worship in the cult of man made global warming.....

Now the research...

This is my understanding as well. It goes along with the old adage "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything". It is an observation about the nature of human beings.

The history of the adage has a much more robust meaning. It is very applicable to today's struggle between truth seekers and status quo psudo religious people. The following quote is in reference to what we faced during the great war, talking about some of the soldiers:
We are trying to show him not only what we are fighting against, but what we are fighting for. So many of these boys have only a very hazy idea of the real issues of the war. About all they see is “going back to the good old days.” This is a dangerous state. If they don’t stand for something, they will fall for anything. They need to realize that we are fighting two wars—the war of arms and the war of ideas—that other war of which the war of arms is one phase.

This quote is taken from Alexander Hamilton – Quote Investigator®
The American right literally has no principles except "might makes right". They are a group completely lacking in morals and ethics. They will do whatever it takes to grab more power and money, and then try to justify it afterwards, usually by projecting what they just did on to the Democrats.

See: this thread.

Look at ... Trump.

<mic drop>

It's not possible to have a garbage human like Trump as your leader and then honestly claim to have principles. Sure, someone can try, but everyone instantly knows that person is lying.
The American right literally has no principles except "might makes right". They are a group completely lacking in morals and ethics. They will do whatever it takes to grab more power and money, and then try to justify it afterwards, usually by projecting what they just did on to the Democrats.

See: this thread.

Look at ... Trump.

<mic drop>

It's not possible to have a garbage human like Trump as your leader and then honestly claim to have principles. Sure, someone can try, but everyone instantly knows that person is lying.

Yeah.....bullshit........Conservatives in America believe in the Bill of Rights, limited government, checks and balances, the rights of the individual....none of that supports "Might makes Right." Meanwhile, you guys, believe in the most powerful centralized government you can get, with power of the government forcing everyone to conform......

You don't see it, you can't grasp are simply blind...
Yeah.....bullshit........Conservatives in America believe in the Bill of Rights, limited government, checks and balances, the rights of the individual...
No, they _say_ they believe that.

Then they do the exact opposite, every single time.

And you love it.

Liberals fight for liberty, you fight for a one-party authoritarian state.
No, they _say_ they believe that.

Then they do the exact opposite, every single time.

And you love it.

Liberals fight for liberty, you fight for a one-party authoritarian state.

Liberals fight for liberty?


This isn’t the humor thread…….l

The left in this country is totalitarian and violent…….and freedom is not something they care about…
Liberals fight for liberty?
That's why you fascist shitstains hate us. You've all been trained to hate anything that's good and decent. You get a sick pervy tingle up the leg when you attack liberty.

That's why the nation hates you, and why you have to use tyranny to cling to power as a corrupt minority.
Liberals fight for liberty?


This isn’t the humor thread…….l

The left in this country is totalitarian and violent…….and freedom is not something they care about…

Who told you that??? FOX News??? Breitbart???? The Gateway Pundit????

Republicans have turned their base into FreeDumb loving lemmings get all their information from radical right wing sources and who believe any stupid thing the radical grifters and fund raisers tell them.

You’re trying to recreate a past that never was. Roe v Wade was celebrated because it saved women’s lives. Those celebrating its demise weren’t even alive to know what life was like before abortion was legal.

I would like to thank the Supreme Court for overturning 50 years of rights for Gays, Blacks and Women this past year. And for declaring gerrymandering illegal

Republicans are going to have really hard time getting elected anywhere in 2024.
Who told you that??? FOX News??? Breitbart???? The Gateway Pundit????

Republicans have turned their base into FreeDumb loving lemmings get all their information from radical right wing sources and who believe any stupid thing the radical grifters and fund raisers tell them.

You’re trying to recreate a past that never was. Roe v Wade was celebrated because it saved women’s lives. Those celebrating its demise weren’t even alive to know what life was like before abortion was legal.

I would like to thank the Supreme Court for overturning 50 years of rights for Gays, Blacks and Women this past year. And for declaring gerrymandering illegal

Republicans are going to have really hard time getting elected anywhere in 2024.

Roe v wade didn't save murdered millions of children.

Yes....evil is powerful.....racists, baby killers, child groomers....they all have tremendous power...they control the education system, hollywood, they control the main stream, democrat party media, they control the late night comedy yes....racists, baby killers, and child groomers are tough to beat.....but the fight is worth it....
Abortion is their sacrament.

Abortion is the only desperate hope for human survival.
Historically all primates are prey, so have the very high reproductive rates of rabbits.
Since we used technology to turn from prey to predators, our reproductive rate is about 3.5 times too high to be able to survive as a species.
If we do not artificially reduce our reproductive rate from 6.5 down to 2.1, then we will not only go extinct, but destroy the whole planet along with us.
Abortion is the only desperate hope for human survival.
Historically all primates are prey, so have the very high reproductive rates of rabbits.
Since we used technology to turn from prey to predators, our reproductive rate is about 3.5 times too high to be able to survive as a species.
If we do not artificially reduce our reproductive rate from 6.5 down to 2.1, then we will not only go extinct, but destroy the whole planet along with us.

And nothing in actual real world experience supports your post......the vast majority of Western culturally based nations have shrinking, not growing populations.....including Japan and China........wealth and prosperity has created a situation where people are not having more and more children...and we are not replacing our populations.....were are facing a population catastrophe, not over population.

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