The democrat party, government is their god, and climate change is their religion....according to this research.

Roe v wade didn't save murdered millions of children.

Yes....evil is powerful.....racists, baby killers, child groomers....they all have tremendous power...they control the education system, hollywood, they control the main stream, democrat party media, they control the late night comedy yes....racists, baby killers, and child groomers are tough to beat.....but the fight is worth it....

I disagree.
Abortion kills no one, and families are the same size whether or not they use abortion to DELAY having kids.

If people have abortions, they can plan and ensure the best possible life for themselves, their kids, and their descendants.
If people do not have abortions, then they get stuck with the financial burden and time constraints of taking care of kids when instead they should be working on creating careers they can later depend upon.
That is a cycle of ignorance, poverty, crime, violence, and early death.
I disagree.
Abortion kills no one, and families are the same size whether or not they use abortion to DELAY having kids.

If people have abortions, they can plan and ensure the best possible life for themselves, their kids, and their descendants.
If people do not have abortions, then they get stuck with the financial burden and time constraints of taking care of kids when instead they should be working on creating careers they can later depend upon.
That is a cycle of ignorance, poverty, crime, violence, and early death.

Abortion kills a baby.

Adoption is the far better alternative.....just watch the show "Long Lost Family," and see children reunited with the parents who gave them up for adoption....far better than living with the knowledge you killed your child.
And nothing in actual real world experience supports your post......the vast majority of Western culturally based nations have shrinking, not growing populations.....including Japan and China........wealth and prosperity has created a situation where people are not having more and more children...and we are not replacing our populations.....were are facing a population catastrophe, not over population.

We need to shrink the population by at least half, since the way we bypassed the dire predictions of Malthus was by the use of fossil fuels, which will be mostly gone in less than 100 years.

What has allowed China, Japan, etc., to succeed at population reduction is abortion.
So if we end abortion, then the human race is doomed.
Abortion kills a baby.

Adoption is the far better alternative.....just watch the show "Long Lost Family," and see children reunited with the parents who gave them up for adoption....far better than living with the knowledge you killed your child.

Something that was never awake, sentient, aware, etc., is not alive so can not be killed.
We kill cells all the time, just from drinking alcohol, and no one calls that murder.
Abortion does not reduce the total number of children at all.
It just allows you to delay when an ovum is allowed to grow.
We have almost a thousand ovum, and it really does not matter which ones are allowed to grow and which will die.
All that matters is when you choose for them to grow.
Abortion kills a baby.

Adoption is the far better alternative.....just watch the show "Long Lost Family," and see children reunited with the parents who gave them up for adoption....far better than living with the knowledge you killed your child.

We need to drastically reduce the population.
It likely is about 4 times the sustainable size right now.
Such a high human population number is causing massive extinction of all other species, as well as running out of land, clean water, energy sources, causing crime, war, epidemics, etc.
Far better to kill an ovum than to know you condemned them to a miserable life of pain and discomfort.
Fathom this fact. For dems it's worship the govt. for Republicans they worship the wealthy. And we wonder why things are goofy.
I always point out that to leftists, their god is "government," and they worship in the cult of man made global warming.....

Now the research...

I clicked on that website. I found no reason to believe that man made global warming is not a serious and growing problem. The god of the right is capitalism. Like the Sadducees of the New Testament, and John Calvin, they think wealth is God's reward for righteousness.
I clicked on that website. I found no reason to believe that man made global warming is not a serious and growing problem. The god of the right is capitalism. Like the Sadducees of the New Testament, and John Calvin, they think wealth is God's reward for righteousness.

No...the God of the right is the one true God.....
Mark 10:25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Yes...especially back then when the rich could have people murdered at will......but the poor criminals are also not given a pass by guys always forget about that.......people who are evil are not given a pass no matter how much or little money they have......
Abortion kills a baby.

Adoption is the far better alternative.....just watch the show "Long Lost Family," and see children reunited with the parents who gave them up for adoption....far better than living with the knowledge you killed your child.
Every female who has an abortion is pregnant with a child she does not want to raise. What will you do with all those unwanted children? I do not see a lot of people lining up to adopt them.
Govt is their god. Its all they have.
I like the idea of a large, powerful, expensive government, paid for by extremely high taxes on rich people and corporations. Rich people who complain about taxes should have their taxes raised even more. If they avoid paying taxes, the government should confiscate everything they own.
Every female who has an abortion is pregnant with a child she does not want to raise. What will you do with all those unwanted children? I do not see a lot of people lining up to adopt them.

Thwre are more people waiting to adopt than there are babies dont have a point
I like the idea of a large, powerful, expensive government, paid for by extremely high taxes on rich people and corporations. Rich people who complain about taxes should have their taxes raised even more. If they avoid paying taxes, the government should confiscate everything they own. are evil.....taking from the people who earned the Walter Williams pointed out at least robbers take your money with their own effort

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