The Democrat Party has met half of the 48 Communist Goals from the 1960s


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Are liberals blind? Just look at this list of Communist goals from 60 years ago, and try to argue that evil forces to turn America Communist (or Marxist) are not at work - and halfway there.

Theyā€˜ve gained control of the schools and the teacherā€™s unionsā€¦..weakened the curriculumā€¦.discredited our Founding Fathers as selfish aristocratsā€¦. broken down the moral structure and present degeneracy as ā€œnormalā€ā€¦.infiltrated the pressā€¦.emphasized the need to raise children away from the negative influence od their parentsā€¦.treat all bad behavior as mental health or social justice problemsā€¦.and on and on and on.

Are liberals blind? Just look at this list of Communist goals from 60 years ago, and try to argue that evil forces to turn America Communist (or Marxist) are not at work - and halfway there.

Theyā€˜ve gained control of the schools and the teacherā€™s unionsā€¦..weakened the curriculumā€¦.discredited our Founding Fathers as selfish aristocratsā€¦. broken down the moral structure and present degeneracy as ā€œnormalā€ā€¦.infiltrated the pressā€¦.emphasized the need to raise children away from the negative influence od their parentsā€¦.treat all bad behavior as mental health or social justice problemsā€¦.and on and on and on.
Fake news. These 'Communist' goals were written by a member of the John Birch Society, not by any communist.
Are liberals blind? Just look at this list of Communist goals from 60 years ago, and try to argue that evil forces to turn America Communist (or Marxist) are not at work - and halfway there.

Theyā€˜ve gained control of the schools and the teacherā€™s unionsā€¦..weakened the curriculumā€¦.discredited our Founding Fathers as selfish aristocratsā€¦. broken down the moral structure and present degeneracy as ā€œnormalā€ā€¦.infiltrated the pressā€¦.emphasized the need to raise children away from the negative influence od their parentsā€¦.treat all bad behavior as mental health or social justice problemsā€¦.and on and on and on.

Um, okay, you have to drill down to get to all 45 supposed goals... but some of these things are CONSERVATIVE goals now, such as.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

Gee, who moved all the factories to China again?

7. Grant recognition of Red China and admission of Red China to the U.N.

Again, leaving out that Tricky Dick was the one who recognized reality that Beijing rules China and not Taipei.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural and healthy."

Yet the US has more liberal laws on that then Russia or China do! Not seeing how this is a communist plot.

Wait. Wait... Here's a sweet one.

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

Um, isn't Trump threatening to do that? Is Trump A communist?

43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

Who decides that the native population is ready for self-government? The real problem, of course, was that after WWII, the British and French Empires were no longer viable. The war had pretty much exhausted them.

None of this really applied to the US in 1963; the only Colonial Government we had was the Philippines, which we agreed to give independence to by 1944. (actually happened in 1946 due to the war.)
Are liberals blind? Just look at this list of Communist goals from 60 years ago, and try to argue that evil forces to turn America Communist (or Marxist) are not at work - and halfway there.

Theyā€˜ve gained control of the schools and the teacherā€™s unionsā€¦..weakened the curriculumā€¦.discredited our Founding Fathers as selfish aristocratsā€¦. broken down the moral structure and present degeneracy as ā€œnormalā€ā€¦.infiltrated the pressā€¦.emphasized the need to raise children away from the negative influence od their parentsā€¦.treat all bad behavior as mental health or social justice problemsā€¦.and on and on and on.

Meanwhile back in reality, the GOP is now a firm ally of Vladmir Putin.
It also shows how Democrats combat anyone who pushes back on their attempts to destroy our country: call him or her a racist.

Race was not mentioned in the list.
Can't address me directly? More evidence of the pussy growing within your culture. Yes Lisa, we get to have the opinion that you're a racist piece of shit. Cry about it.
When did you all become such frail whites? :lmao:

When I was growing up in the 80s white people would wave their Confederate flag around and be happy to tell me that this country wasn't for me, that it was for white people. Now you cuckolded little cowards can't even handle disagreement. Suggesting the Founders were racist for owning black people as property makes little frail whites cry. :lmao:Jesus fucking christ. What happened to you people?
When did you all become such frail whites? :lmao:

When I was growing up in the 80s white people would wave their Confederate flag around and be happy to tell me that this country wasn't for me, that it was for white people. Now you cuckolded little cowards can't even handle disagreement. Suggesting the Founders were racist for owning black people as property makes little frail whites cry. :lmao:Jesus fucking christ. What happened to you people?
It's no surprise that you went straight to being a little racist TURD.
The FACT that the demented LEFT have let Marxist ideology to infiltrate our edu, media and governance over the last 100 fucking years is documented FACT.
Look up the VENONA FILES and grow a brain, idiot.
Fake news. These 'Communist' goals were written by a member of the John Birch Society, not by any communist.

So how many of those on the communist wish list has the John Birch Society achieved?
It's no surprise that you went straight to being a little racist TURD.
The FACT that the demented LEFT have let Marxist ideology to infiltrate our edu, media and governance over the last 100 fucking years is documented FACT.
Look up the VENONA FILES and grow a brain, idiot.

No. I don't care about your frail white files. They way you talk about people simply having different opinions than you as infiltration, tell us all we need to know about how fragile you are.
That list is exhibit A for what giant pussies you have all become. Take white wing grievance number 11. Discredit the Founders as aristocrats (and racist). Those are simply called facts, Snowflakes. Feel free to keep crying like bitches that people aren't tossing Founder salad like you do.
Biden is more of a racist than any of the Founders
There was nothing racist in the list, and your attempt to discredit it by falsely accusing me of racism wonā€™t work. Now run along.
Nothing racist in the Founders owning Black people as property? When you have to hide your head from obvious truths is it any wonder why you frail losers have been on a steady decline?
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