Trump Makes a Very Interesting Demand of Biden Before First Debate

Everyone will laugh it off.

Trump wins. He's not in a courthouse when he's mixing it up with the Stuttering Incontinent Celery Stalk.

Trump gets more visibility and people see just how stupid Biden really is.

Biden should insist on a mental acuity test for Dumb Donald. Slurring his words, forgetting who he's running against. Trump looks bad and sounds worse.
With all of the conditions Trump agreed to, he might as well have not have accepted the debate. It will be more of an infomercial then a debate. It will be the most unusual set up for a.debate that's for sure.
So you're saying Trump can't communicate without a herd of sycophants while talking over everyone else?

Your dedication to him is unsurprising.


This is what I think of, ever time I hear or read about, both paradigms I have to deal with.
Did Trump tell the sponsor of the debate the truth? Yes, or No? Did he tell them he tested positive earlier but then retested the earlier one?

Why did Biden have to do the test under the terms required and Trump didnt?
Biden is going to destroy trump. Just like he did 4 years ago. Trump might decide to opt out of the second debate once Biden is done with him.

He'll run away like GOP elephants from a Democratic mouse



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What the hell?

Are you saying that it is just fine for government agencies and corporate America to drug test folks for jobs, but the commander of the free world doesn't have to submit to one to prove that he is lucid and can function regularly w/o stimulants?

Is this seriously how disingenuous and what a fraud you are?


Your MAGAT fantasies don't drive Biden.

They are two people setting up rules for a debate.

It is intellectual sparring, a sport of wits.

I have done debating, exposition speaking, and impromptu speaking were my events during national high school events. They were treated much like sports.

As in sports, you aren't allowed to do doping.

I don't think there would be a problem with caffeine, but. . . anything else would be disqualifying.

Sorry bitch. Thems the rules.

You want to handle this like a college debate?
Real debate prep?
Know and recite facts, dates, names?

So you're saying Trump can't communicate without a herd of sycophants while talking over everyone else?

Your dedication to him is unsurprising.

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I'm saying this isn't a real debate, clearly.

Whoever wins the election, wins. The public needs to be sure it is a real debate, why so many requirements, including and especially the moderators? These are the same people that leaks questions to Hillary! I mean, what in the actual F.

Wake up America this isn't a game, this is very serious, deadly serious. I am amazed that so many don't follow the risks around the globe right now.
Did Trump tell the sponsor of the debate the truth? Yes, or No? Did he tell them he tested positive earlier but then retested the earlier one?
Trump was the President of the United States with a busy schedule. Yes, he told the Commission on presidential debates officials the truth about what was going on. He tested at first positive, and than upon retesting, later in the day, negative.

He showed up too late in to do yet another test. These are the facts as far as I ascertain them to be true.

You can throw on them your partisan hatred if you prefer, but I do not think there was any intent to deceive at all.

Why did Biden have to do the test under the terms required and Trump didnt?

I don't believe Biden had been tested yet that day. If Biden had wanted Trump to be tested yet a third time that day, and thought he was being treated unfairly, he of course, always had the option to refuse to debate.

This is a free nation, I still believe, and I don't think he was forced or deceived into debating. It is not my opinion there was any coercion or deception going on. Given how the media habitually distorts stories around Trump, and given my critical reading of the facts presented, I think your biases are getting the best of you here.

I honestly expected better from you, than feeding into such silly narratives.

Trump, as silly and demagogic as he is, does not have the ability to pull shit like that over on the Commission on Presidential debates, the press or Biden. They could have just walked if they felt he was truly being a bully and uncooperative.

He already had two tests that day, and they all knew what the results of those had been.

This is just a sensationalized non-story to feed into folks hate of Trump to make him into a villian he is not. It is just a fake story.

Did anyone that was there get COVID? 🤔
What the hell?

Are you saying that it is just fine for government agencies and corporate America to drug test folks for jobs, but the commander of the free world doesn't have to submit to one to prove that he is lucid and can function regularly w/o stimulants?

Is this seriously how disingenuous and what a fraud you are?

That is how it worked at the corporations I worked for...people in the lower ranks, like in our distribution center, were tested, the executives were not.
Among the reasons the Dems / Marxists don’t want a debate audience. Female children are creeped on by Biden.

Yeah, if the two are going to debate each other and one side makes demands, the other side can also. I’d say that’s reasonable.
So you’d be okay with stopping the debate for up to the minute fact checking of everything the blob says? Biden could demand that, right?
Claiming that any black who is in a high position only got there because of affirmative action without knowing anything about that persons qualifications is outright racism

You never pass on a chance to demonstrate yours
Did I SAY that? No. Why do you libtards have to lie about what your enemy says in order to make a point?

I said two out of three got into their law school because of Affirmative Action. My experience in the admissions field told me that, as well as colleagues who told me. Many bright Jews and Asians has to go to lesser schools while the better school enacted racist policies.

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