Zone1 Yale Jewish Student in Hospital after Antisemite Stabs him in Eye…

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All the hard work of thousands destroyed by a small number of selfish narcissist. That’s what liberals do.

What they should do is lock them all up for trespassing, and keep them in jail so the May 15 graduation can go on.

These people are getting immense satisfaction knowing how much they’re disrupting students’ lives with their antisemitic-based protest.
The political left in the US already believes they are engaging in an holy war against “fascists” and “racists”. They are probably going to end up like these psychos in the not to distant future.

First they had the homosexual NPCs supporting the Nazis in Ukraine. Now they have them supporting terrorists in Palestine.

Listen to the they/them behind the camera. The American counter protester ain’t wrong.

Student loan forgiveness? Forget that. Double tuition. Eliminate government subsidies for these factories of un-diverse thought.
I am sure that every leftist would rather live in Israel than in any Muslim country in the world.
It’s just like when they all threaten to “move to Canada” if they don’t get their way but they never threaten to move to Mexico.
I'll try to stay off of extremist places like the Ivy League. Thanks for the link.

Even though I am not now, nor have ever been a member of the Jewish faith, I've been verbally identified and attacked by lib antisemites countless times during my life. If I had a dime for every time I've been called a "GD Jew boy" , "Christ Killer" or "K***" by a lib I didn't know, I'd be a wealthy man. So I guess that makes me "visibly Jewish"?
Sorry that happened to you. So senseless and cruel regardless of whether you were Jewish or not. Good people teach their children not to do that. Good schools instill good manners, courtesy, kindness in their students.

I had most of my public schooling in the "Little Texas" area of southeastern New Mexico, 17 miles from the West Texas state line. Mostly rough necks and red neck business people and rancher/farmer types, fiercely independent, mostly Christian.

Schools were segregated much of that time until our little town decided it was stupid for the black kids to be bussed 20 miles to the 'black school' and decided to integrate years before Jim Crow laws were made illegal. Because we had God fearing administrators and teachers who coached us in courtesy and diplomacy, the white kids took in the black kids as friends and to the best of my knowledge there were no ugly racial incidents.

Many adults had grown up in deep south culture and swallowed hard when the kids started bringing their black friends home to play, for dinner, for slumber parties, etc. but they stepped up and handled it like troopers.

We knew some of our classmates were Jewish too and didn't think anything about it. The junior high and high school choir director at some point became aware of the Jewish students among us and included some Hannukah songs in our Christmas concert and the Christian kids enjoyed singing those as much as the Jewish kids enthusiastically sang the Christian songs. No KKK or other racist groups in our part of the world then.

It really is possible for people to get along and coexist peacefully and productively. The KKK and such racist groups were in decline and ill repute. Were there racists among us? Of course. Did they have any power? Nope. They were just shrugged off and the rest of us got along just fine.

I think this positive cultural shift started to change when the Atheists got together and started suing towns, schools, public facilities etc. who acknowledged the Christian faith in any way. And made worse when militant racial groups got militant instead of pushing for peaceful integration MLK style. And anger and hatred began to grow again instead of decline. And some began to make an industry out of and get rich by race baiting and it is those who are perpetuating racism, antisemitism, anti-Christian forces and other uglies in our society now.
Why would they even think you’re Jewish?

But yeah, I can relate….couldn’t tell you how many times I was called a Christ Killer by the Catholic School boys, starting around 4th grade.
Huh, I've never heard that before.
Why would they even think you’re Jewish?

But yeah, I can relate….couldn’t tell you how many times I was called a Christ Killer by the Catholic School boys, starting around 4th grade.

The Jews are supposed to be God’s chosen people. The sacrifice of his only son was the whole plan behind sending Jesus to earth. Who does it make more sense for God to task with the dirty deed? Some rapist from Africa? Or God’s homies?

Im just joking around. The Romans killed Jesus. It was political.
Rather than making concessions, we should have got them to leave like the first minute and a half of this video.

The Jews are supposed to be God’s chosen people. The sacrifice of his only son was the whole plan behind sending Jesus to earth. Who does it make more sense for God to task with the dirty deed? Some rapist from Africa? Or God’s homies?

Im just joking around. The Romans killed Jesus. It was political.
And for a similar reason that we see the Democrats going after Trump. The “state” - be it the Romans or the Biden Regime - see as a threat to their power a man who has a dedicated following because they want the loyalty to be to THEM. It is also why the far-left Dems are against religious people In general.
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