The Democrat Party is the party of complete assholes, as proven by the "Women's March"


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The "Women's March" did prove one thing, which is that the Democrats are complete assholes.

They were cussing, and swearing, and breaking things, and setting fires.

If my children acted out like that, I would take them over my knee and spank them hard until their butts were sore.

But apparently, no one ever spanked these Democrats, so they grew up not knowing the difference between right and wrong.
The "Women's March" did prove one thing, which is that the Democrats are complete assholes.

They were cussing, and swearing, and breaking things, and setting fires.

If my children acted out like that, I would take them over my knee and spank them hard until their butts were sore.

But apparently, no one ever spanked these Democrats, so they grew up not knowing the difference between right and wrong.
You are intimidated by strong women obviously. Not one person was arrested, so your accusations are lies. Besides being a liar, you are obviously physically abusive to children.
The "Women's March" did prove one thing, which is that the Democrats are complete assholes.

They were cussing, and swearing, and breaking things, and setting fires.

If my children acted out like that, I would take them over my knee and spank them hard until their butts were sore.

But apparently, no one ever spanked these Democrats, so they grew up not knowing the difference between right and wrong.
You are intimidated by strong women obviously. Not one person was arrested, so your accusations are lies. Besides being a liar, you are obviously physically abusive to children.
Hundreds of people were arrested.

If you are against spanking naughty children, then you are part of the reason why our society has become so screwed up that an entire political party is dominated by people who think communicating a desire to blow up the White House is legitimate political expression.
The "Women's March" did prove one thing, which is that the Democrats are complete assholes.

They were cussing, and swearing, and breaking things, and setting fires.

If my children acted out like that, I would take them over my knee and spank them hard until their butts were sore.

But apparently, no one ever spanked these Democrats, so they grew up not knowing the difference between right and wrong.

Hi Blackrook I'm a Democrat, I'm a Constitutionalist who supports Cruz first and then Trump.
I don't consider myself to be one of these asshats you mention.
But yes, many liberals either corrupt or abuse political party and govt process
and/or support those type of tactics which I don't;
and some of my fellow liberals question and attack me as either being a bigot myself
or enabling bigots because I don't "categorically denounce people or whole groups" like you do
who then in exchange denounce them categorically in return for being hypocrites and bullies!

If you keep painting with such a broad brush you would miss allies like me who
are on your side, because I put the Constitution first before party or other politics and agenda.

I'm not a literal Catholic though I embrace and support all Catholics and Catholic teaching as part of the solution.

I'm a Democrat, but don't endorse pushing any agenda that contradicts
either the Constitutional principles or equal protections of others, free choice/free exercise of religion,
or inclusion of diverse beliefs and interests of others.

Not all Democrats are like the liberal elite corrupting the party and politics on all levels of govt and media.
The "Women's March" did prove one thing, which is that the Democrats are complete assholes.

They were cussing, and swearing, and breaking things, and setting fires.

If my children acted out like that, I would take them over my knee and spank them hard until their butts were sore.

But apparently, no one ever spanked these Democrats, so they grew up not knowing the difference between right and wrong.

Hi Blackrook I'm a Democrat, I'm a Constitutionalist who supports Cruz first and then Trump.
I don't consider myself to be one of these asshats you mention.
But yes, many liberals either corrupt or abuse political party and govt process
and/or support those type of tactics which I don't;
and some of my fellow liberals question and attack me as either being a bigot myself
or enabling bigots because I don't "categorically denounce people or whole groups" like you do
who then in exchange denounce them categorically in return for being hypocrites and bullies!

If you keep painting with such a broad brush you would miss allies like me who
are on your side, because I put the Constitution first before party or other politics and agenda.

I'm not a literal Catholic though I embrace and support all Catholics and Catholic teaching as part of the solution.

I'm a Democrat, but don't endorse pushing any agenda that contradicts
either the Constitutional principles or equal protections of others, free choice/free exercise of religion,
or inclusion of diverse beliefs and interests of others.

Not all Democrats are like the liberal elite corrupting the party and politics on all levels of govt and media.
Why are you a Democrat?
The "Women's March" did prove one thing, which is that the Democrats are complete assholes.

They were cussing, and swearing, and breaking things, and setting fires.

If my children acted out like that, I would take them over my knee and spank them hard until their butts were sore.

But apparently, no one ever spanked these Democrats, so they grew up not knowing the difference between right and wrong.

Hi Blackrook I'm a Democrat, I'm a Constitutionalist who supports Cruz first and then Trump.
I don't consider myself to be one of these asshats you mention.
But yes, many liberals either corrupt or abuse political party and govt process
and/or support those type of tactics which I don't;
and some of my fellow liberals question and attack me as either being a bigot myself
or enabling bigots because I don't "categorically denounce people or whole groups" like you do
who then in exchange denounce them categorically in return for being hypocrites and bullies!

If you keep painting with such a broad brush you would miss allies like me who
are on your side, because I put the Constitution first before party or other politics and agenda.

I'm not a literal Catholic though I embrace and support all Catholics and Catholic teaching as part of the solution.

I'm a Democrat, but don't endorse pushing any agenda that contradicts
either the Constitutional principles or equal protections of others, free choice/free exercise of religion,
or inclusion of diverse beliefs and interests of others.

Not all Democrats are like the liberal elite corrupting the party and politics on all levels of govt and media.

You are NOT alone, Em. I know many Dems on this forum and there are some I respect and would agree with even more than some Republicans. I call them "rusted on" and I would say that they are desperate for their party to get to supporting the family man/ worker/ women who are the backbone of America. Sadly, they stopped doing that with Bill Clinton. Em; America needs the likes of YOU to shed the lefty allies who are using the Dem Party as a vehicle for perversion and anti-free market pandering to those who hate their own country. Keep up the good fight, Em. Your job is harder than the Republicans.

The "Women's March" did prove one thing, which is that the Democrats are complete assholes.

They were cussing, and swearing, and breaking things, and setting fires.

If my children acted out like that, I would take them over my knee and spank them hard until their butts were sore.

But apparently, no one ever spanked these Democrats, so they grew up not knowing the difference between right and wrong.
You are intimidated by strong women obviously. Not one person was arrested, so your accusations are lies. Besides being a liar, you are obviously physically abusive to children.
Hundreds of people were arrested.

If you are against spanking naughty children, then you are part of the reason why our society has become so screwed up that an entire political party is dominated by people who think communicating a desire to blow up the White House is legitimate political expression.
I have never hit my children, and they are the best behaved kids you have ever seen. You are a lazy parent and a person who can hit someone that they are supposed to love. What kind of person does that make you?

I read an article on the BBC website that said no one was arrested during the Women's March.
The "Women's March" did prove one thing, which is that the Democrats are complete assholes.

They were cussing, and swearing, and breaking things, and setting fires.

If my children acted out like that, I would take them over my knee and spank them hard until their butts were sore.

But apparently, no one ever spanked these Democrats, so they grew up not knowing the difference between right and wrong.

Hi Blackrook I'm a Democrat, I'm a Constitutionalist who supports Cruz first and then Trump.
I don't consider myself to be one of these asshats you mention.
But yes, many liberals either corrupt or abuse political party and govt process
and/or support those type of tactics which I don't;
and some of my fellow liberals question and attack me as either being a bigot myself
or enabling bigots because I don't "categorically denounce people or whole groups" like you do
who then in exchange denounce them categorically in return for being hypocrites and bullies!

If you keep painting with such a broad brush you would miss allies like me who
are on your side, because I put the Constitution first before party or other politics and agenda.

I'm not a literal Catholic though I embrace and support all Catholics and Catholic teaching as part of the solution.

I'm a Democrat, but don't endorse pushing any agenda that contradicts
either the Constitutional principles or equal protections of others, free choice/free exercise of religion,
or inclusion of diverse beliefs and interests of others.

Not all Democrats are like the liberal elite corrupting the party and politics on all levels of govt and media.
Why are you a Democrat?

There are some very good reasons to stay. The main one is that they are determined to get their party back from the corrupt and the loons. That would be very good indeed.

The "Women's March" did prove one thing, which is that the Democrats are complete assholes.

They were cussing, and swearing, and breaking things, and setting fires.

If my children acted out like that, I would take them over my knee and spank them hard until their butts were sore.

But apparently, no one ever spanked these Democrats, so they grew up not knowing the difference between right and wrong.
You are intimidated by strong women obviously. Not one person was arrested, so your accusations are lies. Besides being a liar, you are obviously physically abusive to children.
Hundreds of people were arrested.

If you are against spanking naughty children, then you are part of the reason why our society has become so screwed up that an entire political party is dominated by people who think communicating a desire to blow up the White House is legitimate political expression.
I have never hit my children, and they are the best behaved kids you have ever seen. You are a lazy parent and a person who can hit someone that they are supposed to love. What kind of person does that make you?

I read an article on the BBC website that said no one was arrested during the Women's March.

I have. Cleaned several up at once when I was walking around a corner on the veranda and they ran into me/I walked into them. I only cried a little bit.

The "Women's March" did prove one thing, which is that the Democrats are complete assholes.

They were cussing, and swearing, and breaking things, and setting fires.

If my children acted out like that, I would take them over my knee and spank them hard until their butts were sore.

But apparently, no one ever spanked these Democrats, so they grew up not knowing the difference between right and wrong.

Hi Blackrook I'm a Democrat, I'm a Constitutionalist who supports Cruz first and then Trump.
I don't consider myself to be one of these asshats you mention.
But yes, many liberals either corrupt or abuse political party and govt process
and/or support those type of tactics which I don't;
and some of my fellow liberals question and attack me as either being a bigot myself
or enabling bigots because I don't "categorically denounce people or whole groups" like you do
who then in exchange denounce them categorically in return for being hypocrites and bullies!

If you keep painting with such a broad brush you would miss allies like me who
are on your side, because I put the Constitution first before party or other politics and agenda.

I'm not a literal Catholic though I embrace and support all Catholics and Catholic teaching as part of the solution.

I'm a Democrat, but don't endorse pushing any agenda that contradicts
either the Constitutional principles or equal protections of others, free choice/free exercise of religion,
or inclusion of diverse beliefs and interests of others.

Not all Democrats are like the liberal elite corrupting the party and politics on all levels of govt and media.
Why are you a Democrat?

Dear Blackrook
1. I'm prochoice, but from that position I believe in including and defending beliefs in right to life equally from any biased legislation that infringes on that side of the spectrum either. From the prochoice position we can achieve the goals of prolife in preventing and eliminating abortion 100% by education, support and free choice; but not vice versa because the prolife laws preclude prochoice. So the way I found to be equally inclusive of both is to use prochoice as the universal foundation and then include and represent the beliefs and interest of prolife without exclusion censorship or oppression. The Democrats have made prochoice their principle, so I hold them to it, and denounce things like the ACA mandates that clearly penalized and regulated free choice. They do not necessarily answer to Constitutional principles, but to their own party platform which is best enforced by supporting members to carry weight.
2. I believe in inclusion and representing and uplifting the minority interests as a critical focus of establishing equal protection and justice under laws.
I believe in achieving this through microlending and business training in law, financial and business management, and property ownership
and Constitutional governance.
3. Because Democrats will only listen to fellow members of their own constituency and following, it takes being a member in order to
effect and implement change from within.

I don't see the Republicans or Libertarians having as much issue, or I'd be over there helping them more. With the Tea Party, Cruz and both Pauls, they've got leadership at the top already checking their own party against the Constitution which the Democrats are weak on doing in comparison.

Most of the rightwing are willing to work with a fellow Constitutionalist (even if I am from the Democrat Green progressive side) but NOT vice versa; so we don't have that barrier.
But dealing with liberals and Democrats, this support and change has to come from within or they reject any talk of Constitutional principles coming from the "right" as "opposition and obstruction" and not seeing this as empowerment by sticking to unifying principles.

I would bet that's why God placed me there, where the interactions and ideas from Greens
and Libertarians and other Constitutionalists can do the most good and have an impact and influence.

I do a lot of cheerleading and support for people oppressed within their ranks who have ideas
and commitment to implement solutions. So more of these in need of support and development
are collecting in the Democratic Party as their starting point.

The first step in getting involved in the political process is to follow others.
Then the process is to become more and more independent.

The Libertarians and Republicans tend to be ahead in terms of understanding teaching and practicing
Constitutional laws and principles.

But the people who depend on liberal and Democratic party tend not to have this same level of
education and experience. it is SEVERELY lacking because of the historical stigma treating
blacks and poor as marginalized, while the people with knowledge of laws and ownership of property
have had all the advantages. So there is more work to overcome this backlog in the learning curve
that has been stunted by minorities without the same knowledge of laws and property ownership
that liberates others with generations of this experience. The Blacks in particular have a history of
being up to 150 years behind in the process of property ownership, where some of their generations
today are the first to vote or go to college because of this historical lag and racial STIGMA against
the predominant "white" Christian and Constitutional culture that appears more oppressive than liberating.

that whole stigma has to be overcome.
So I hope with Obama and Trump bringing this issue out in the open
we can finally overcome it as a nation, get past it, recognize that it
has held people back on all sides, and strive for solutions like Microlending
and business training and education we all know can break the cycle of poverty and oppression.

The solutions I have found come primarily from
the Green and Democratic party communities that have struggled with these issues
and developed sustainable solutions that work.


The key to empowerment is to work with groups not against them.
To uplift and provide the resources and support to become self-governing
instead of being so overreliant that these groups are exploited politically.

4. Overall, the key to Democrats getting to sustainable health care is reforming the
prison system and better investing those resources in medical education, jobs and training to support the social and health services currently being pushed through federal govt
instead of empowering states and districts locally to govern own and manage their own resources.

The Greens and Democrats tend to attract the poor workers and former inmates starting at the ground level with no ownership or sense of equal empowerment. And likewise, the representation among Democrats has long promised to reform these systems, and put in their platform. So the way to get this done is to help those members and leaders fulfill the plans in the party platform.

I guess Blackrook this is similar to how the morals and standards you see in Catholicism are what makes you a member who identifies and lives by that.

I BELIEVE in reforming prisons for Restorative Justice and this will liberate people and resources to fulfill Democratic goals of inclusion and equality for all.

The Republicans and Libertarians focus on rule of law, which I already get.
What we need is to educate and train everyone on the laws, process and defense of representation so we can ALL enforce the rule of law without coercion or exclusion by bullying
as used today.

the models for conflict resolution and consensus building come out of the
Green liberal and progressive Peace and Justice movement that tends to
flock to the Democrats. So the solutions including the minority interests
and focus on empowerment for equality are based there.

Once the right leadership, direction and plans for longterm solutions
rise up from the Democrats, amid the ashes and ruins of the unconstitutional
mandates and mess pushed by Obama Clinton and other abusive politics,
I am confident the other parties, the Republicans and Libertarians, will gladly
microlend and mentor these leaders and business plans through Greens/Democrats
and develop them properly on local levels respecting states and free market.

By giving tax breaks as incentives to shift resources and mgmt of health care and educational
endeavors back to states and people, we can all agree how to do this Constitutionally.
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The "Women's March" did prove one thing, which is that the Democrats are complete assholes.

They were cussing, and swearing, and breaking things, and setting fires.

If my children acted out like that, I would take them over my knee and spank them hard until their butts were sore.

But apparently, no one ever spanked these Democrats, so they grew up not knowing the difference between right and wrong.

You aren't a Democrat.

Hence the Democrats can't be the party of complete assholes.

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