The Democrat Party's racism problem just keeps getting worse


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Under Democratic leadership, the federal government is rolling out numerous race-based economic initiatives that explicitly dole out taxpayer money along racially discriminatory lines. Here are four examples, as identified by Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty attorney Dan Lennington.
  1. A nearly $10 billion Treasury Department mortgage-assistance initiative plans explicitly to favor “socially disadvantaged individuals,” essentially defined as nonwhite people, in assigning the funds.
  2. A $1 billion Department of Agriculture initiative targeting “socially disadvantaged farmers” would specifically dole out taxpayer money “based on race and ethnicity.”
  3. Another USDA program would spend up to $400 million to buy food from “local, regional, and socially disadvantaged farmers,” with “socially disadvantaged” once again basically standing in for “non-white.”
  4. A $10 billion Small Business Administration credit program intends to emphasize funding businesses with nonwhite ownership

Race based laws and policies are unconstituional under the 14th amendment.
But, denying people government assistance based upon race is also unethical and immoral and racism.
Bascially the Democrats are neglecting about 40% of the people who are living in poverty in our country because of their race.
This is based upon old left wing bigot racial stereotypes of who are the Oppressors vs who are the Oppressed.
Assistance should be based upon need, not race.
The Democratic Party's racism problem just keeps getting uglier.


The Democratic party has supported racism since it's inception.

The Republican party has opposed racism since it's inception.
So democrats are from urban plantations, aka the coastal archipelago, and Republicans are more suburban and rural.
They look like the populations they represent. You have a problem with that?
Standard "Divide & Conquer" strategy. These types of situations are designed to 'hopefully' get both sides of the artificially divided segment of society going after one another's throats. This then gives g'ment an excuse to crack down on the 'insurgents' of their choice. It's a Hitler vs the Jews, white man vs the Indians, us vs them type of situation that goes back into time from the beginning of mankind. Ever notice how societies never seem to learn from the mistakes of past fallen societies throughout the ages??? I mean what are the odds here?

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