The Democrat War Against Free Speech

Despite the nut job fantasies and conspiracy theories, free speech is not under attack. Nothing has changed to make us afraid of having our free speech taken away. It has always been against the law to misuse speech in a way that causes unjust harm or puts peoples safety at risk. If you tell lies about a business or person and it causes them harm you will not be able to use a free speech defense. If you use speech to cause a prank or crime, you can not use free speech as a defense or excuse. Free speech can not be used as an excuse to break laws. Walking into a bank and telling the teller you would like to have some money is not protected free speech.

Yes and no matter how "stupid" a far left drone my think the OP is, the far drone that used child porn as their example should win the award for "stupidity"..

However leave it to the far left drones to overlook their own..

Just a hint to the far left: There is no such thing as freedom of speech!

Is child pornography a 1st amendment issue or not?

Why is a far left drone so obsessed with that subject?
Why do you keep professing it?
Despite the nut job fantasies and conspiracy theories, free speech is not under attack. Nothing has changed to make us afraid of having our free speech taken away. It has always been against the law to misuse speech in a way that causes unjust harm or puts peoples safety at risk. If you tell lies about a business or person and it causes them harm you will not be able to use a free speech defense. If you use speech to cause a prank or crime, you can not use free speech as a defense or excuse. Free speech can not be used as an excuse to break laws. Walking into a bank and telling the teller you would like to have some money is not protected free speech.
Polichic is trying to say that dems have tried to curtail free speech in the political arena...
Well, she's as wrong about that as everything else she posts.
He isn't, and why can't you answer why it should be illegal? Where's the "no law" part of the OP?

He blindly agreed with the OP when she implied child porn ought to be protected by the 1st Amendment and he doesn't even know he did.

No! you are the one that brought up child porn. You seem very obsessed with that subject, so can you explain why you are so upset why it is not legal?

I never said that. Learn to read.

Yes, your first on this thread disagree with what you just posted..

So just explain why you are obsessed with it being illegal..

You are either misreading my first post or just trolling. Tell us which it is.

The irony impaired far left trolling drone and their crazy obsessions..
He isn't, and why can't you answer why it should be illegal? Where's the "no law" part of the OP?

He blindly agreed with the OP when she implied child porn ought to be protected by the 1st Amendment and he doesn't even know he did.

No! you are the one that brought up child porn. You seem very obsessed with that subject, so can you explain why you are so upset why it is not legal?

I never said that. Learn to read.

Yes, your first on this thread disagree with what you just posted..

So just explain why you are obsessed with it being illegal..

You are either misreading my first post or just trolling. Tell us which it is.
Despite the nut job fantasies and conspiracy theories, free speech is not under attack. Nothing has changed to make us afraid of having our free speech taken away. It has always been against the law to misuse speech in a way that causes unjust harm or puts peoples safety at risk. If you tell lies about a business or person and it causes them harm you will not be able to use a free speech defense. If you use speech to cause a prank or crime, you can not use free speech as a defense or excuse. Free speech can not be used as an excuse to break laws. Walking into a bank and telling the teller you would like to have some money is not protected free speech.
Polichic is trying to say that dems have tried to curtail free speech in the political arena...
Well, she's as wrong about that as everything else she posts.
That's because she uses Ann Coulter as a bench mark...
Despite the nut job fantasies and conspiracy theories, free speech is not under attack. Nothing has changed to make us afraid of having our free speech taken away. It has always been against the law to misuse speech in a way that causes unjust harm or puts peoples safety at risk. If you tell lies about a business or person and it causes them harm you will not be able to use a free speech defense. If you use speech to cause a prank or crime, you can not use free speech as a defense or excuse. Free speech can not be used as an excuse to break laws. Walking into a bank and telling the teller you would like to have some money is not protected free speech.

Yes and no matter how "stupid" a far left drone my think the OP is, the far drone that used child porn as their example should win the award for "stupidity"..

However leave it to the far left drones to overlook their own..

Just a hint to the far left: There is no such thing as freedom of speech!

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

PoliticalChic says that means no law, period, no 'wiggle room', and no law means no law. That includes laws against child pornography.

I say she is wrong. I say there is 'wiggle room' in the 1st Amendment. I say child porn is not protected speech or press.

Do you agree with me or with her?
Despite the nut job fantasies and conspiracy theories, free speech is not under attack. Nothing has changed to make us afraid of having our free speech taken away. It has always been against the law to misuse speech in a way that causes unjust harm or puts peoples safety at risk. If you tell lies about a business or person and it causes them harm you will not be able to use a free speech defense. If you use speech to cause a prank or crime, you can not use free speech as a defense or excuse. Free speech can not be used as an excuse to break laws. Walking into a bank and telling the teller you would like to have some money is not protected free speech.

Yes and no matter how "stupid" a far left drone my think the OP is, the far drone that used child porn as their example should win the award for "stupidity"..

However leave it to the far left drones to overlook their own..

Just a hint to the far left: There is no such thing as freedom of speech!

Is child pornography a 1st amendment issue or not?

Why is a far left drone so obsessed with that subject?
Why do you keep professing it?

Why do you care? You upset that he may get more of a feeding than you?
CP is an element of Free Speech, so, should it be outlawed, which it is, or not as the OP states by implication? Pick one.

There is a reason that you are not a Supreme Court Justice - even Sotomayor has a better grasp of the concepts of law than you do.

The OP says no 'wiggle room' in the 1st amendment, which means child porn HAS to be protected under freedom of speech or of the press.

I say she's wrong. What do you say?
Despite the nut job fantasies and conspiracy theories, free speech is not under attack. Nothing has changed to make us afraid of having our free speech taken away. It has always been against the law to misuse speech in a way that causes unjust harm or puts peoples safety at risk. If you tell lies about a business or person and it causes them harm you will not be able to use a free speech defense. If you use speech to cause a prank or crime, you can not use free speech as a defense or excuse. Free speech can not be used as an excuse to break laws. Walking into a bank and telling the teller you would like to have some money is not protected free speech.

Yes and no matter how "stupid" a far left drone my think the OP is, the far drone that used child porn as their example should win the award for "stupidity"..

However leave it to the far left drones to overlook their own..

Just a hint to the far left: There is no such thing as freedom of speech!

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

PoliticalChic says that means no law, period, no 'wiggle room', and no law means no law. That includes laws against child pornography.

I say she is wrong. I say there is 'wiggle room' in the 1st Amendment. I say child porn is not protected speech or press.

Do you agree with me or with her?

Why are you obsessed with anything dealing with a child and porn?
Prostrate this, bitch.

You don't get to pick and chose that which entails Free Speech just because it doesn't suit your argument.

Who does, Comrade?

Prosecuting Obscenity - An Overview Of Past Pornography Rulings By The U.s. Supreme Court American Porn FRONTLINE PBS

The Supreme Court, or the People by constitutional amendment. Read a book.


Yeah dummy, that red text was just for adornment....
Despite the nut job fantasies and conspiracy theories, free speech is not under attack. Nothing has changed to make us afraid of having our free speech taken away. It has always been against the law to misuse speech in a way that causes unjust harm or puts peoples safety at risk. If you tell lies about a business or person and it causes them harm you will not be able to use a free speech defense. If you use speech to cause a prank or crime, you can not use free speech as a defense or excuse. Free speech can not be used as an excuse to break laws. Walking into a bank and telling the teller you would like to have some money is not protected free speech.

Yes and no matter how "stupid" a far left drone my think the OP is, the far drone that used child porn as their example should win the award for "stupidity"..

However leave it to the far left drones to overlook their own..

Just a hint to the far left: There is no such thing as freedom of speech!

Is child pornography a 1st amendment issue or not?

Why is a far left drone so obsessed with that subject?
Why do you keep professing it?

Why do you care? You upset that he may get more of a feeding than you?
Tell you what Kosh, let's say, for the sake of argument, that the US outlaws this. Is it right or wrong based on the OP's "no law" theory? Should Dog Porn be legal or not?
In New York v. Ferber,1132 the Court recognized another category of expression that is outside the coverage of the First Amendment, the pictorial representation of children in films or still photographs in a variety of sexual activities or exposures of the genitals. The basic reason such depictions could be prohibited was the governmental interest in protecting the physical and psychological well-being of children whose participation in the production of these materials would subject them to exploitation and harm. The state may go beyond a mere prohibition on the use of the children, because it is not possible to protect children adequately without prohibiting the exhibition and dissemination of the materials and advertising about them. Thus, “the evil to be restricted so overwhelmingly outweighs the expressive interests, if any, at stake, that no process of case-by-case adjudication is required.”1133 But, since expression is involved, government must carefully define what conduct is to be prohibited and may reach only “works that visually depict sexual conduct by children below a specified age.”1134

I agree with the above decision. How many of you disagree?
Despite the nut job fantasies and conspiracy theories, free speech is not under attack. Nothing has changed to make us afraid of having our free speech taken away. It has always been against the law to misuse speech in a way that causes unjust harm or puts peoples safety at risk. If you tell lies about a business or person and it causes them harm you will not be able to use a free speech defense. If you use speech to cause a prank or crime, you can not use free speech as a defense or excuse. Free speech can not be used as an excuse to break laws. Walking into a bank and telling the teller you would like to have some money is not protected free speech.

Yes and no matter how "stupid" a far left drone my think the OP is, the far drone that used child porn as their example should win the award for "stupidity"..

However leave it to the far left drones to overlook their own..

Just a hint to the far left: There is no such thing as freedom of speech!

Is child pornography a 1st amendment issue or not?

It is not. It is the exploitation of children.
Well liberals throwing out extreme idiotic examples to deflect was entirely predictable.
Really, isn't any example, no matter insane it is, that is outlawed against the OP?

What's so extreme about yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire just to watch people run? Or calling in a fake fire report to watch the fire department and cops respond? Sounds like what a kid would do for fun to me, and they are both illegal.

And there you have it, another example ^^^
There's nothing extreme about that, or fighting words, or inciting a riot, and threatening to kill the President. It's just words right? Aren't adults supposed to be able to handle that? Why do we only give money for family planning organizations overseas if they don't mention abortion, which they are restricted from doing? Aren't we a nation that believes in Free Speech?

I think we have enough examples of liberal deflection, no need to go overboard.
Despite the nut job fantasies and conspiracy theories, free speech is not under attack. Nothing has changed to make us afraid of having our free speech taken away. It has always been against the law to misuse speech in a way that causes unjust harm or puts peoples safety at risk. If you tell lies about a business or person and it causes them harm you will not be able to use a free speech defense. If you use speech to cause a prank or crime, you can not use free speech as a defense or excuse. Free speech can not be used as an excuse to break laws. Walking into a bank and telling the teller you would like to have some money is not protected free speech.
Polichic is trying to say that dems have tried to curtail free speech in the political arena...
Yes, I realize that, but her OP is a total ridiculous fail and discussing it with her is just feeding a boring (not always, but today on this topic) troll. Kosh however is hilarious and entertaining.
No, only a crazed loon would say something like. Nutcake Coulter obviously has a problem with First Amendment.

This is gilding the lily, but let me point out what a stupid post yours is....

Coulter has penned some dozen best sellers that make the Left apoplectic.....speech is her 'sword' and that's what you Leftists hate.

See how stupid this sounds:"Nutcake Coulter obviously has a problem with First Amendment."

Coulter, unlike PC, is very bright and has used her abilities to write to convince the far right to buy her books. She has created a niche for herself by writing what the far right wants to hear, taking demagoguery to the next level and herself to the bank.

"Coulter, unlike PC, is very bright and has used her abilities to write to convince the far right to buy her books...."

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."
Ah yes, a great broad spectrum statement for the intelligentsia meme foundation...

Evidence necessary?

The Libs voted for a proven failure in both domestic and foreign policy attempts.....TWICE!!!

Those were not "Libs" who voted for G. W. Bush, nor were the five who gave him the office of POTUS even though he had lost the popular vote.
CP is an element of Free Speech, so, should it be outlawed, which it is, or not as the OP states by implication? Pick one.

There is a reason that you are not a Supreme Court Justice - even Sotomayor has a better grasp of the concepts of law than you do.

The OP says no 'wiggle room' in the 1st amendment, which means child porn HAS to be protected under freedom of speech or of the press.

I say she's wrong. What do you say?

Is it still feeding time for you far left drone? You are upsetting the others by hogging all the food!

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