The Democrat War Against Free Speech

"Coulter, unlike PC, is very bright and has used her abilities to write to convince the far right to buy her books...."

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."
Ah yes, a great broad spectrum statement for the intelligentsia meme foundation...

Evidence necessary?

The Libs voted for a proven failure in both domestic and foreign policy attempts.....TWICE!!!

Those were not "Libs" who voted for G. W. Bush, nor were the five who gave him the office of POTUS even though he had lost the popular vote.

The popular vote means as much as the amount of time an American football team controls the ball. It's a fun statistic, but meaningless when compared to the number of points scored.

It's not. The EC was a product of compromise, it strongly suggests the will of the people in the aggregate. The EC is obsolete and should be repealed.

Notice how the far left drones want the Electoral College repealed after the 2000 elections..
Evidence necessary?

The Libs voted for a proven failure in both domestic and foreign policy attempts.....TWICE!!!

Those were not "Libs" who voted for G. W. Bush, nor were the five who gave him the office of POTUS even though he had lost the popular vote.

And the far left drones show that their political narrative is more important than understanding the Constitution..

Reading your comments should make every conservative shudder in embarrassment. Are you trying to take the crown of Idiot-Gram Leader from CrusaderFrank?

And the irony impaired far left drones and their comments as they ignore their own.

Yet still prove that they do not understand the Constitution beyond their far left programming..

The best part is, none of the conservatives with even half a brain will step outside their partisan cage and denounce Kosh for what he is.

You mean the opposite right? Like all those other far left drones that do not denounce you and your obsessed topic?
Despite the nut job fantasies and conspiracy theories, free speech is not under attack. Nothing has changed to make us afraid of having our free speech taken away. It has always been against the law to misuse speech in a way that causes unjust harm or puts peoples safety at risk. If you tell lies about a business or person and it causes them harm you will not be able to use a free speech defense. If you use speech to cause a prank or crime, you can not use free speech as a defense or excuse. Free speech can not be used as an excuse to break laws. Walking into a bank and telling the teller you would like to have some money is not protected free speech.

Yes and no matter how "stupid" a far left drone my think the OP is, the far drone that used child porn as their example should win the award for "stupidity"..

However leave it to the far left drones to overlook their own..

Just a hint to the far left: There is no such thing as freedom of speech!

Is child pornography a 1st amendment issue or not?

It is not. It is the exploitation of children.
It was, once, but let's say some guy owns a picture of CP taken 40 years ago, how is that exploitation? Maybe the picture is a from a Sears catalog but he uses it as porn. Legal or not?

In the first case, you still have to deal with damage to a private individual. In the second, you have to define what you're talking about.
That makes it a "thought crime", since porno, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Why should someone who owns CP he had no part in creating be breaking the law? Why is it a crime, and it is, to use adults that only appear to be children for porn? Why is CP outlawed at all, if the OP is correct? Maybe it was created by someone who paid the kids off and they were happy to get naked, so, what's illegal about that? We pay them to model nearly nude all the time. And pictures of nudist kids are legal, so, where's the OP's 'no law" theory, besides down the toilet as usual?
7. the right of free speech an absolute, as suggested in "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech,..."


Holmes had a point.

But, according to IRS regulations, churches have a choice of either having the right to engage in political speech...or have a tax exemption.

" Churches and other non-profit organizations that hold 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status must abide by Internal Revenue Service regulations barring any involvement in partisan politics. The blanket prohibition concerns only races for public office, not issues. ... churches and pastors may not endorse candidates for public office or advise congregants to vote for or against certain candidates. Federal tax law in this area is quite strict, and the IRS has indicated that it follows a “zero tolerance” policy toward violations."
Frequently Asked Questions 8211 Project Fair Play does said 'regulation' fit with "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech,..."

Is this consistent with the Holmes doctrine? Is there potential harm to individuals????

8. The Founding Fathers based much of their concept of government on the Bible, as in Ezra 7:24 we see where they established the tax exempt status of the church:

Ezra 7:24 -“Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.”

Where does it suggest limiting what they can say?
Neither the Constitution nor the biblical prescription require such limitation on speech.....
Not 'just a few laws'....or 'shouldn't abridge'.....because the Founders had no intention of forming a government based on 'whatever government says, goes.'

And george Washington turned around and said, let there be a whickey tax...
Evidence necessary?

The Libs voted for a proven failure in both domestic and foreign policy attempts.....TWICE!!!

Those were not "Libs" who voted for G. W. Bush, nor were the five who gave him the office of POTUS even though he had lost the popular vote.

The popular vote means as much as the amount of time an American football team controls the ball. It's a fun statistic, but meaningless when compared to the number of points scored.

It's not. The EC was a product of compromise, it strongly suggests the will of the people in the aggregate. The EC is obsolete and should be repealed.

Notice how the far left drones want the Electoral College repealed after the 2000 elections..
Wow I thought we were only here since 1776.. 2000 elections = 8,000 years...

Not according to the far left their history on that starts at the year 2000..

You also showed that you do not understand the history of the US..
How can it not mean that?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

How do you get from 'no law' to being able to make some laws without the 'wiggle room' that PC insists must not exist?

Twice I have provided you with a comprehensive link to all the applicable SCOTUS decisions, with the actual text and reasoning of the justices in the rulings. Again you fail to bother reading what is handed to you on a silver platter, instead spewing idiocy.

But whatchagunnado? :dunno:
7. the right of free speech an absolute, as suggested in "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech,..."


Holmes had a point.

But, according to IRS regulations, churches have a choice of either having the right to engage in political speech...or have a tax exemption.

" Churches and other non-profit organizations that hold 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status must abide by Internal Revenue Service regulations barring any involvement in partisan politics. The blanket prohibition concerns only races for public office, not issues. ... churches and pastors may not endorse candidates for public office or advise congregants to vote for or against certain candidates. Federal tax law in this area is quite strict, and the IRS has indicated that it follows a “zero tolerance” policy toward violations."
Frequently Asked Questions 8211 Project Fair Play does said 'regulation' fit with "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech,..."

Is this consistent with the Holmes doctrine? Is there potential harm to individuals????

8. The Founding Fathers based much of their concept of government on the Bible, as in Ezra 7:24 we see where they established the tax exempt status of the church:

Ezra 7:24 -“Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.”

Where does it suggest limiting what they can say?
Neither the Constitution nor the biblical prescription require such limitation on speech.....

The IRS code on churches was done by LBJ as he was paranoid of being unseated by the Catholics..
Not 'just a few laws'....or 'shouldn't abridge'.....because the Founders had no intention of forming a government based on 'whatever government says, goes.'

And george Washington turned around and said, let there be a whickey tax...
Those were not "Libs" who voted for G. W. Bush, nor were the five who gave him the office of POTUS even though he had lost the popular vote.

The popular vote means as much as the amount of time an American football team controls the ball. It's a fun statistic, but meaningless when compared to the number of points scored.

It's not. The EC was a product of compromise, it strongly suggests the will of the people in the aggregate. The EC is obsolete and should be repealed.

Notice how the far left drones want the Electoral College repealed after the 2000 elections..
Wow I thought we were only here since 1776.. 2000 elections = 8,000 years...

Not according to the far left their history on that starts at the year 2000..

You also showed that you do not understand the history of the US..
The electoral college had nothing to do with who was president after the 2000 elections...
Not 'just a few laws'....or 'shouldn't abridge'.....because the Founders had no intention of forming a government based on 'whatever government says, goes.'

And george Washington turned around and said, let there be a whickey tax...
The popular vote means as much as the amount of time an American football team controls the ball. It's a fun statistic, but meaningless when compared to the number of points scored.

It's not. The EC was a product of compromise, it strongly suggests the will of the people in the aggregate. The EC is obsolete and should be repealed.

Notice how the far left drones want the Electoral College repealed after the 2000 elections..
Wow I thought we were only here since 1776.. 2000 elections = 8,000 years...

Not according to the far left their history on that starts at the year 2000..

You also showed that you do not understand the history of the US..
The electoral college had nothing to do with who was president after the 2000 elections...

Is it still your feeding time?

Currently the electoral college applies in all elections..
Coulter is a comedian, but you guys don't get the joke. And she was right about Romney. You ran him and you lost.

Romney was the choice of the left for the GOP to run. Now you demand the GOP run Jeb Bush.

If they listen to you again, they deserve to lose.
We would have run people far worse than Romney, and there were plenty of them.
7. the right of free speech an absolute, as suggested in "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech,..."


Holmes had a point.

But, according to IRS regulations, churches have a choice of either having the right to engage in political speech...or have a tax exemption.

" Churches and other non-profit organizations that hold 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status must abide by Internal Revenue Service regulations barring any involvement in partisan politics. The blanket prohibition concerns only races for public office, not issues. ... churches and pastors may not endorse candidates for public office or advise congregants to vote for or against certain candidates. Federal tax law in this area is quite strict, and the IRS has indicated that it follows a “zero tolerance” policy toward violations."
Frequently Asked Questions 8211 Project Fair Play does said 'regulation' fit with "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech,..."

Is this consistent with the Holmes doctrine? Is there potential harm to individuals????

8. The Founding Fathers based much of their concept of government on the Bible, as in Ezra 7:24 we see where they established the tax exempt status of the church:

Ezra 7:24 -“Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.”

Where does it suggest limiting what they can say?
Neither the Constitution nor the biblical prescription require such limitation on speech.....

The IRS code on churches was done by LBJ as he was paranoid of being unseated by the Catholics..


Are you stating that ANOTHER restriction on free speech was due to the machinations of a DEMOCRAT?????
Coulter is a comedian, but you guys don't get the joke. And she was right about Romney. You ran him and you lost.

Romney was the choice of the left for the GOP to run. Now you demand the GOP run Jeb Bush.

If they listen to you again, they deserve to lose.
There's always a scapegoat, isn't there? Why didn't the far right candidates do as well as Romney in the primaries? Because they titillated the GOP rabid base while frightening the GOP majority. So, the rabid GOP base, constantly looking for someone else to blame, fell back on their favorite scapegoat: The Left.

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