The Democrat War Against Free Speech

Us damn control-freaks, wanting it to be reasonably priced, uncensored, and to treat all sites equally. Damn liberals and their free speech versus corporate control.

Yeah, because nothing ensures reasonable prices like a government mandated monopoly. And the FCC would surely never engage in censorship.

PaintChipEater, you may be dumb as a fucking brick, but George Soros finds you an extremely useful idiot...
Us damn control-freaks, wanting it to be reasonably priced, uncensored, and to treat all sites equally. Damn liberals and their free speech versus corporate control.

Yeah, because nothing ensures reasonable prices like a government mandated monopoly. And the FCC would surely never engage in censorship.

PaintChipEater, you may be dumb as a fucking brick, but George Soros finds you an extremely useful idiot...

Yup.. just look at Amtrak... how can you not make a profit off food service.... on that train, you are the only food game in town.
1. Our first lesson today involves the nexus of grammar and of civics. The lesson goes beyond syntax, the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language, and centers on why, out of all the choices, particular words are used.

Begin with alpha and omega of America, the Constitution, and, perhaps, the best know portion of the Constitution, the first amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

And focus like a laser on this phrase: "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech,..."
No wiggle room there...'no law.'

Not 'just a few laws'....or 'shouldn't abridge'.....because the Founders had no intention of forming a government based on 'whatever government says, goes.'

2. is the problem. An argument can be made that there are certain acceptable limits.... Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. pretty much nailed it with the 'no shouting fire' comment.
But.... once the camel has his nose under the tent, human being do what they do best: rationalize. They make reasonable arguments increasing, more and more, the things government won't/shouldn't allow to be said.

a. Kind of like the apocryphal example of the frog in cold water...
" There's an old folk warning that if you throw a frog in boiling water he will quickly jump out. But if you put a frog in a pan of cold water and raise the temperature ever so slowly, the gradual warming will make the frog dozehappily . . .in fact, the frog will eventually cook to death, without ever waking up." Slow Boiled Frog

Regulating speech to any degree is raising the temperature on the American electorate: how much of the 'heat' can we stand, before we're not America any longer?
How much 'regulation' of free speech?

And who benefits from said 'regulation'???
Have you noticed which party is regularly behind said 'regulation'?

3. So....what value is the first amendment..... "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech,..." ?
Answer: we have to stop well before we reach the boiling point....after all....who really suffers from luke warm water?

Every law, regulation, order, mandate, code, dictum, ordinance, should be held up to the specific language "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech,..."

4. As Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist so correctly said:

" Once we have abandoned the idea that the authority of the courts to declare laws unconstitutional is somehow tied to the language of the Constitution that the people adopted, a judiciary exercising the power of judicial review appears in a quite different light."

(Justice Rehnquist was not of the party under discussion here.....)

Congress shall making no law abridging free speech? What about freedom of the press?
“President Obama’s plan marks a monumental shift toward government control of the Internet. It gives the FCC the power to micromanage virtually every aspect of how the Internet works,” he said. “The plan explicitly opens the door to billions of dollars in new taxes on broadband… These new taxes will mean higher prices for consumers and more hidden fees that they have to pay.”
Op. Cit.

Leftists drool at the prospect of a government controlled and regulated internet. The model used in China or North Korea especially thrills them.
Us damn control-freaks, wanting it to be reasonably priced, uncensored, and to treat all sites equally. Damn liberals and their free speech versus corporate control.

"....uncensored, ... Damn liberals and their free speech versus corporate control."

Jeeeezzzz....Liberals are so stupid and so easily fooled.

Watch how Democrat Kerry dresses up his demand to regulate the internet:

"Kerry: Internet 'Needs Rules to Be Able to Flourish and Work Properly'
Calls for more international Internet laws.
Speaking on behalf of the Obama administration, Kerry said that Internet policy is "a key component of our foreign policy."
Kerry Internet Needs Rules to Be Able to Flourish and Work Properly The Weekly Standard

That camel's nose is already under the tent.
Of course he'll say that, because to him, "work properly" means something far from freedom.
Us damn control-freaks, wanting it to be reasonably priced, uncensored, and to treat all sites equally. Damn liberals and their free speech versus corporate control.

Yeah, because nothing ensures reasonable prices like a government mandated monopoly. And the FCC would surely never engage in censorship.
That's correct, when there is no real competition. And I'm not sure what the hell you think they would sensor but so far it looks like nothing. The Internet is not NBC during the family hour, and never will be. To be offended you have to go looking for it, like here, so there's no need to censor anything kiddie porn and the like which is already targeted.
That's correct, when there is no real competition. And I'm not sure what the hell you think they would sensor but so far it looks like nothing. The Internet is not NBC during the family hour, and never will be. To be offended you have to go looking for it, like here, so there's no need to censor anything kiddie porn and the like which is already targeted.

Right, we only need look at how much telephone costs skyrocketed after the government mandated monopoly to AT&T ended.

I mean, I remember in 1980 paying $3 a minute to call Sacramento from Los Angeles, where today I would pay - well, nothing - Long Distance died as a concept when competition entered the market.

And it's not like FCC censors would charge the NFL millions for Janet Jackson's tit being exposed.


You truly are dumb as a brick..
“President Obama’s plan marks a monumental shift toward government control of the Internet. It gives the FCC the power to micromanage virtually every aspect of how the Internet works,” he said. “The plan explicitly opens the door to billions of dollars in new taxes on broadband… These new taxes will mean higher prices for consumers and more hidden fees that they have to pay.”
Op. Cit.

Leftists drool at the prospect of a government controlled and regulated internet. The model used in China or North Korea especially thrills them.
Us damn control-freaks, wanting it to be reasonably priced, uncensored, and to treat all sites equally. Damn liberals and their free speech versus corporate control.

"....uncensored, ... Damn liberals and their free speech versus corporate control."

Jeeeezzzz....Liberals are so stupid and so easily fooled.

Watch how Democrat Kerry dresses up his demand to regulate the internet:

"Kerry: Internet 'Needs Rules to Be Able to Flourish and Work Properly'
Calls for more international Internet laws.
Speaking on behalf of the Obama administration, Kerry said that Internet policy is "a key component of our foreign policy."
Kerry Internet Needs Rules to Be Able to Flourish and Work Properly The Weekly Standard

That camel's nose is already under the tent.

When I think of Kerry I :puke3:
Jihad Watch editor unveils the social media giants' war against freedom of speech.
September 4, 2017


Robert Spencer from DHFC on Vimeo.


Video: Robert Spencer at the David Horowitz Freedom Center

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