The Democrat War Against Free Speech


Open minded does not describe the words of Coulter, Limbaugh or the talking heads at Fox News, the latter echo each other from segment to segment. Such is really quite funny, sadly, the same is true of CNN and MSNBC; that is why the curious (and not the willfully ignorant) need to watch the BBC and the News Hour on PBS to fully understand current events biased free.

So, you may not agree with what others have to say, so you'll fight to the death to silence them?

Yep, you're a democrat alright.

Since you choose to post only the second of two paragraphs, a necessary action for you to build your straw man, my response is two fold:

Fuck you, you're a punk;l that is a coward who hides behind a keyboard and takes pot shots at those who disagree;

And, my words you deleted as evidence you're a liar,

"I'll not "fight to the death"; I will however point out hypocrisy, hyperbole, half-truths and propaganda when I hear it or read it."
And I should have added, lying pieces of shit like Uncensored2008
I'll not "fight to the death"; I will however point out hypocrisy, hyperbole, half-truths and propaganda when I hear it or read it.

Will you fight to THEIR death to silence the enemies of the party? You can't allow people to say things harmful to the party.

Your post, for example, states a motive I do not have; I have no desire to silence anyone of them: Limbaugh has already begun to self destruct, Coulter has a limited following (even some serial killers have a larger fan base, YES, hyperbole has its place) and Fox News, when compared to the News Hour and even the Network News is fluff, written for the true believers, not the curious.

You seek to silence those who speak against your party. What is your motive in seeking to strip freedom of speech from others? I didn't speak to that, only to the fact that you indeed seek to silence opposing views. :dunno:

Why would anyone seek to silence you, or crusaderfrank, Stephanie, Mudwhistle, or others who cannot post a credible alternative to progressive and liberal ideals?

A rebuttal by the self defined conservative element seems limited to name calling and echoing each other and the phrase of the day as uttered by Limbaugh, Levin , Hannity, and/or the Fox News plan of the day.

I offer an alternative opinion, doing so does not silence anyone, they are free to debate the differences. Of course those who have an emotional meltdown respond as I noted above, or chose to lie as do you. Speak your mind, if it is not another personal attack I'll be happy to offer my response, rebuttal or refutation.
Net Neutrality is all about free speech and access to free speech.

Even for you, that is an astoundingly stupid claim.

I get it, you have no fucking idea what net neutrality is, or what it does - but the hate sites told you to be for it - so you are.

People against it are in favor of corporate control of what will me available to users of the net, depending on which service provider is being used. It equates to straight forward fascism.

Are you actually drunk, or are you truly this ignorant?
Maybe you could explain what net neutrality is and how I got it all wrong. Tell us about what it does. Maybe you could find some links that are more smarter and betterer than the ones I might be able to find.
Still waiting for an answer.
Why would anyone seek to silence you, or crusaderfrank, Stephanie, Mudwhistle, or others who cannot post a credible alternative to progressive and liberal ideals?

While logical fallacy remains the only link you have to the concept of logic, your straw man fails.

I noted the effort that leftists have expended seeking to silence Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News, et al.

I don't have an audience of millions, ergo the priority in silencing me is low to the party. The party seeks to stifle information that is harmful to party goals.

A rebuttal by the self defined conservative element seems limited to name calling and echoing each other and the phrase of the day as uttered by Limbaugh, Levin , Hannity, and/or the Fox News plan of the day.

I understand that you lack the capacity of thought and reason - which is why you are a leftist. Still, given that I watch or listen to none of these renders your talking points utterly stupid,

I offer an alternative opinion, doing so does not silence anyone, they are free to debate the differences. Of course those who have an emotional meltdown respond as I noted above, or chose to lie as do you. Speak your mind, if it is not another personal attack I'll be happy to offer my response, rebuttal or refutation.

You offer party dogma, absent thought or reason.
Maybe you could explain what net neutrality is and how I got it all wrong. Tell us about what it does. Maybe you could find some links that are more smarter and betterer than the ones I might be able to find.

What you see is that the party has told you that you support Net Neutrality, and that evil greedy tea bagger 1% capitalist running dogs want to block you from Pokemon pron...

This is perhaps because as the doctors perform the brain transplant with a chimp - meant to increase your IQ significantly - they bogged down in their connection to the neurological database because paperview was playing Modern Warfare and downloading porn from a German Warez site. Without the ability to prioritize packets, your surgeon was left helpless and attached your logic center to your balls..

But whatchagunnado? :dunno:
Maybe you could explain what net neutrality is and how I got it all wrong. Tell us about what it does. Maybe you could find some links that are more smarter and betterer than the ones I might be able to find.

What you see is that the party has told you that you support Net Neutrality, and that evil greedy tea bagger 1% capitalist running dogs want to block you from Pokemon pron...

This is perhaps because as the doctors perform the brain transplant with a chimp - meant to increase your IQ significantly - they bogged down in their connection to the neurological database because paperview was playing Modern Warfare and downloading porn from a German Warez site. Without the ability to prioritize packets, your surgeon was left helpless and attached your logic center to your balls..

But whatchagunnado? :dunno:
In other words, you can't explain what net neutrality is. Unable to explain your position on the subject because you haven't a clue about it, you have come up with a ranting group of insults, but your rant actually shows how ignorant you are on this very easy to understand topic. Going through life as a fake and a liar is not a good way to go through life. You should have learned that in your youth, but maybe you are still a kid or extremely immature adult.
In other words, you can't explain what net neutrality is.

Ah, so you are every bit as dull witted as I expected. :thup:

Unable to explain your position on the subject because you haven't a clue about it, you have come up with a ranting group of insults,

Actually, I explained net neutrality precisely - highlighting the stupidity of it.

That you lack the intellect to grasp what I wrote is the reason you are a leftist.

but your rant actually shows how ignorant you are on this very easy to understand topic. Going through life as a fake and a liar is not a good way to go through life. You should have learned that in your youth, but maybe you are still a kid or extremely immature adult.

Have a good cry Comrade, then go back to ThinkProgress so that you know what you think.
The way to undo those morons is to just let them speak. Only the drones listen to them anyway.

Which is why you never hear the right demanding that Rachel Madcow or little Chrissy Tingles be censored - instead you only hear the leftists shrieking that Rush, Hannity, and Fox News be prohibited.
That can't happen. What would the Dittoheads do all day? There's only so much Christian porn one can read eh?
In other words, you can't explain what net neutrality is.

Ah, so you are every bit as dull witted as I expected. :thup:

Unable to explain your position on the subject because you haven't a clue about it, you have come up with a ranting group of insults,

Actually, I explained net neutrality precisely - highlighting the stupidity of it.

That you lack the intellect to grasp what I wrote is the reason you are a leftist.

but your rant actually shows how ignorant you are on this very easy to understand topic. Going through life as a fake and a liar is not a good way to go through life. You should have learned that in your youth, but maybe you are still a kid or extremely immature adult.

Have a good cry Comrade, then go back to ThinkProgress so that you know what you think.
You haven't explained anything about net neutrality. Your complete and total response has been a bullshit diversion to escape and hide the fact you know nothing about the topic. You seem to lazy or stupid to do a quick study and make even a semi intelligent response. Between the two of us I am the only one who has given a description and definition of net neutrality. All you have done is ranted out your diversionary childish insults. You have yet to make a single comment that indicates you have a clue about the subject. It would take a one minute search, two minute reading of net neutrality 'definition' and two or three sentences to explain your position on this very simple and basic question. Instead you are spending who knows how much time avoiding a response with your foolishness.
Maybe you could explain what net neutrality is and how I got it all wrong. Tell us about what it does. Maybe you could find some links that are more smarter and betterer than the ones I might be able to find.

What you see is that the party has told you that you support Net Neutrality, and that evil greedy tea bagger 1% capitalist running dogs want to block you from Pokemon pron...

This is perhaps because as the doctors perform the brain transplant with a chimp - meant to increase your IQ significantly - they bogged down in their connection to the neurological database because paperview was playing Modern Warfare and downloading porn from a German Warez site. Without the ability to prioritize packets, your surgeon was left helpless and attached your logic center to your balls..

But whatchagunnado? :dunno:
In other words, you can't explain what net neutrality is. Unable to explain your position on the subject because you haven't a clue about it, you have come up with a ranting group of insults, but your rant actually shows how ignorant you are on this very easy to understand topic. Going through life as a fake and a liar is not a good way to go through life. You should have learned that in your youth, but maybe you are still a kid or extremely immature adult.

"Ajit Pai, one of two Republican Commissioners on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), inferred in a tweet that President Barack Obama’s secret, 332-page “Net Neutrality” document is a scheme for federal micro-managing of the Internet to extract billions in new taxes from consumers and again enforce progressives’ idea of honest, equitable, and balanced content fairness.

.... the three Democrats on the commission had decided to avoid Congressional input regarding the Internet by adopting President Franklin Roosevelt’s 1934 Communications Act to regulate the Internet with the same federal control as the old AT&T customer monopoly. To make sure that libertarian advocates would remain in the dark, Wheeler “embargoed” release of any of the specifics in the new administrative “policy” that will act as law.

.... turning the Internet into a “telephone service” would “empower an intrusive public sector that thrives on high taxes, heavy-handed controls and the status quo.”
Republican FCC Member Warns Net Neutrality Is Not Neutral - Breitbart
Gee, the FCC or Time-Warner? Gotta go FCC on that one.

“President Obama’s plan marks a monumental shift toward government control of the Internet. It gives the FCC the power to micromanage virtually every aspect of how the Internet works,” he said. “The plan explicitly opens the door to billions of dollars in new taxes on broadband… These new taxes will mean higher prices for consumers and more hidden fees that they have to pay.”
Op. Cit.
"Ajit Pai, one of two Republican Commissioners on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), inferred in a tweet that President Barack Obama’s secret, 332-page “Net Neutrality” document is a scheme for federal micro-managing of the Internet to extract billions in new taxes from consumers and again enforce progressives’ idea of honest, equitable, and balanced content fairness.

.... the three Democrats on the commission had decided to avoid Congressional input regarding the Internet by adopting President Franklin Roosevelt’s 1934 Communications Act to regulate the Internet with the same federal control as the old AT&T customer monopoly. To make sure that libertarian advocates would remain in the dark, Wheeler “embargoed” release of any of the specifics in the new administrative “policy” that will act as law.

.... turning the Internet into a “telephone service” would “empower an intrusive public sector that thrives on high taxes, heavy-handed controls and the status quo.”
Republican FCC Member Warns Net Neutrality Is Not Neutral - Breitbart

One cannot discuss packet prioritization with retards who have no idea what a packet is.

No doubt HuffMyPaint sent a letter to the FCC demanding equal treatment of all traffic.

He sent it priority overnight to make sure it got there on time....
“President Obama’s plan marks a monumental shift toward government control of the Internet. It gives the FCC the power to micromanage virtually every aspect of how the Internet works,” he said. “The plan explicitly opens the door to billions of dollars in new taxes on broadband… These new taxes will mean higher prices for consumers and more hidden fees that they have to pay.”
Op. Cit.

Leftists drool at the prospect of a government controlled and regulated internet. The model used in China or North Korea especially thrills them.
“President Obama’s plan marks a monumental shift toward government control of the Internet. It gives the FCC the power to micromanage virtually every aspect of how the Internet works,” he said. “The plan explicitly opens the door to billions of dollars in new taxes on broadband… These new taxes will mean higher prices for consumers and more hidden fees that they have to pay.”
Op. Cit.

Leftists drool at the prospect of a government controlled and regulated internet. The model used in China or North Korea especially thrills them.
Us damn control-freaks, wanting it to be reasonably priced, uncensored, and to treat all sites equally. Damn liberals and their free speech versus corporate control.
“President Obama’s plan marks a monumental shift toward government control of the Internet. It gives the FCC the power to micromanage virtually every aspect of how the Internet works,” he said. “The plan explicitly opens the door to billions of dollars in new taxes on broadband… These new taxes will mean higher prices for consumers and more hidden fees that they have to pay.”
Op. Cit.

Leftists drool at the prospect of a government controlled and regulated internet. The model used in China or North Korea especially thrills them.

The fascist President wants exactly what you state:
""The balkanization of the media means that we just don't have a common place where we get common facts and a common worldview the way we did 20, 30 years ago," he said."
Obama on national security I get a thick book full of death -

Sieg hiel, Barack!
Gee, the FCC or Time-Warner? Gotta go FCC on that one.

"Why Can't the Public See Obama's Proposed Internet Regulations?
....called the regulation a government "takeover" of the internet and says it amounts to a "a massive tax increase on the middle class, being passed in the dead of night without the American public really being made aware of what is going on.”

And when Lee says that the American public isn't aware of what's going on, that is in no way hyperbole. FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai has emerged as a hero for those opposed to the regulation because Pai has been taking to the airwaves decrying the fact that the public is not allowed to see 332 pages of proposed internet regulation before they are potentially passed. Pai's crusade to make the proposed regulations public is the theme of the the latest ad from Protect Internet Freedom: Coming Soon...the Department of the Internet."
Why Can t the Public See Obama s Proposed Internet Regulations The Weekly Standard
“President Obama’s plan marks a monumental shift toward government control of the Internet. It gives the FCC the power to micromanage virtually every aspect of how the Internet works,” he said. “The plan explicitly opens the door to billions of dollars in new taxes on broadband… These new taxes will mean higher prices for consumers and more hidden fees that they have to pay.”
Op. Cit.

Leftists drool at the prospect of a government controlled and regulated internet. The model used in China or North Korea especially thrills them.
Us damn control-freaks, wanting it to be reasonably priced, uncensored, and to treat all sites equally. Damn liberals and their free speech versus corporate control.

"....uncensored, ... Damn liberals and their free speech versus corporate control."

Jeeeezzzz....Liberals are so stupid and so easily fooled.

Watch how Democrat Kerry dresses up his demand to regulate the internet:

"Kerry: Internet 'Needs Rules to Be Able to Flourish and Work Properly'
Calls for more international Internet laws.
Speaking on behalf of the Obama administration, Kerry said that Internet policy is "a key component of our foreign policy."
Kerry Internet Needs Rules to Be Able to Flourish and Work Properly The Weekly Standard

That camel's nose is already under the tent.

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