The Democrat War Against Free Speech

They aren't bowing, they're selling.

There are selling, using the incredible power of Hollywood, which no capitalist can match.

They don't make ads for the Super Bowl because they love football. What they love are customers and a captive audience.

An audience captive to Hollywood.

You have the tires installed on the roof and can't understand why the car won't go down the road.

You drank a 5th for breakfast and it actually improved your reasoning skills...
Hard to fathom. Hollywood as the most powerful force in this nation. One would think churches might be more powerful.

Is that a joke? Churches?

Let's test your theory:

Churches claim that out of wedlock sex is a sin and should not be engaged in.

Hollywood since the 50's have promoted unwed sex as the goal every child strives for.

So, have the churches prevailed? Is unwed sex practically unheard of, or are 6th graders throwing orgies like they saw last night on TV?

Churches teach that a baby must be born to a mother and a father who are married and who will raise the child in an environment of the family embrace.

Hollywood teaches that women who have children out of wedlock are brave and that men really are just abusive molesters who endanger children..

So, since 1950, have the number of out of wedlock children plummeted to the point of non-existence? Or risen thousands of percent, to the point that 9 out of 10 black children are born to a single mother, and 6 out of 10 white children?

So, who influences the direction of our culture? The churches?

National political organizations such as the NRA might be more powerful than a sitcom. But if a scapegoat has to be found (and a scapegoat is always preferable to a palatable political idea for Conservatives) Hollywood will suffice.

Facts of course demonstrate the opposite of your claims We can breakdown the influnce of Hollywood versus the NRA as easily as I broke down your lie about the influence of churches...
So you blame Hollywood for the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

Did you factor in the advent of the birth control pill? Could there be social forces even stronger than the dreaded Hollywood at play here? Forces too hard to scapegoat?

Here in America, do you suppose more folks attend church on a weekly basis, or go to the movies?
I noticed that all our Liberal/Progressive/Democrat pals are deathly silent about

1. ...a Democrat Congressman suing to keep some group from advertising that his vote authorized funds for abortion....
none of the Leftists defending him???

2. ....Democrats Reid and Markey want 'hate speech' legislation ...causes of offense are "gender, race, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation."

In other words, anything.
....none of the Leftists penning posts in favor of same???

3. ....and Democrat LBJ, the 'father of illegitimacy,' made it illegal for churches to engage in political speech.
Where are all the Leftist posts supporting this unconstitutional power grab???

Where is all that vaunted Leftist 'critical thinking'????

3. The Johnson Amendment was challenged in court and the challenge lost. insist on proving Coulter correct?

  1. If liberals could trust the voters, they wouldn’t need the Court to invent ludicrous ‘constitutional rights’ for them in the first place.
  2. The only limit on liberal insanity in this country is how many issues liberals can get before a court…A lot is at stake for liberals with the court. If they lose a liberal vote, they will be forced t fight political battles through a messy little system know as ‘democracy.’
  3. When conservative judges strike down laws, it’s because of what’s in the Constitution. When liberal judges strike down laws (or impose new laws, such as tax increases), it’s because of what’s in the New York Times.

It really wasn't necessary.
They aren't bowing, they're selling.

There are selling, using the incredible power of Hollywood, which no capitalist can match.

They don't make ads for the Super Bowl because they love football. What they love are customers and a captive audience.

An audience captive to Hollywood.

You have the tires installed on the roof and can't understand why the car won't go down the road.

You drank a 5th for breakfast and it actually improved your reasoning skills...
Hollywood is Capitalism. It's about making a buck, obviously. If they were producing art films I'd actually go to the movies but I'm betting you've seen American Sniper now haven't you? A big Hollywood success, meaning it's taking in lots of cash, the whole point of the thing.
In the possibility PoliticalChic missed it, herein is my post from page 15; I have wait patiently for her usual ad hominem in response, but on the chance she might do more than name calling...:

A. "Congress shall make no law"; but it does. Are you arguing that Marbury v. Madison violates the original intent of the First Amendment? That all speech should be free and unfettered?

1. That the Freedom of Speech shall not be infringed

a. We have the right to call in a bomb scare
b. We have the right to defame anyone
c. We can commit perjury
d. We can scream fire in a crowded theater

Shall we talk about expression?

Do you support a law which denies a citizen from burning the American Flag?

Where did you stand on "Bong hits 4 Jesus" [Morse v. Frederick, 551 U.S. __, 127 S. Ct. 2618 (2007)]

Facts and Case Summary Morse v. Frederick
So you blame Hollywood for the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

The left declared war on American culture starting in the late 1950's.

Hollywood was only one of many weapons used by the left, but by far the most powerful. The left has utterly destroyed American culture.

Did you factor in the advent of the birth control pill? Could there be social forces even stronger than the dreaded Hollywood at play here? Forces too hard to scapegoat?

Here in America, do you suppose more folks attend church on a weekly basis, or go to the movies?

Far more people watch TV than attend church, and TV has VASTLY more influence on younger people than church does.

Again, simply examine the goals and results of each. Christian churches have minimal influence on American culture.

I was watching a show last week called "Major Crimes." It's generally entertaining. The show is set in Los Angeles, CA. In this episode, the bad guy gives a stolen credit card to a stranger to go in and buy a sniper rifle at a gun store so that the bad guy can murder lots of children.

Now this is a fucking lie - there is a 10 day waiting period for any firearm purchase in California. Further, all gun stores are required to verify ID by federal law. So WHY did the show engage in such a blatant lie? Because the NARRATIVE that Hollywood is promoting on behalf of the party, is not served by the facts, they are engaging in propaganda to create an impression contrary to the truth in the public, with the goal in mind of revoking civil liberty.

THIS is what Hollywood does - non-stop, 24/7. Sometimes people catch it, sometimes they don't - but often it creates a subtle impression that alters the attitudes of the public. This is a power that Hollywood alone wields.
Your conservative brethren here:

Your conservative brethren here:


Did you find any posts where I said that?

You're dying to find something, anything.

You haven't.
I found plenty - like when I pointed out it was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH -- and you conveniently ignored it.

Just like you ignore anything that doesn't support your congenitally stupid OP's/
Your conservative brethren here:


Did you find any posts where I said that?

You're dying to find something, anything.

You haven't.
I found plenty - like when I pointed out it was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH -- and you conveniently ignored it.

Just like you ignore anything that doesn't support your congenitally stupid OP's/

You mean when you lied about my bringing it up??

You don't mind your lies being revealed? must be a Liberal.
Your conservative brethren here:


Did you find any posts where I said that?

You're dying to find something, anything.

You haven't.
I found plenty - like when I pointed out it was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH -- and you conveniently ignored it.

Just like you ignore anything that doesn't support your congenitally stupid OP's/

You mean when you lied about my bringing it up??

You don't mind your lies being revealed? must be a Liberal.
See? She won't discuss the facts of the matter.

It was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH.

How about you address that?
Your conservative brethren here:


Did you find any posts where I said that?

You're dying to find something, anything.

You haven't.
I found plenty - like when I pointed out it was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH -- and you conveniently ignored it.

Just like you ignore anything that doesn't support your congenitally stupid OP's/

You mean when you lied about my bringing it up??

You don't mind your lies being revealed? must be a Liberal.
See? She won't discuss the facts of the matter.

It was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH.

How about you address that?

You're an unrepentant liar.....what's to discuss?
Your conservative brethren here:


Did you find any posts where I said that?

You're dying to find something, anything.

You haven't.
I found plenty - like when I pointed out it was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH -- and you conveniently ignored it.

Just like you ignore anything that doesn't support your congenitally stupid OP's/

You mean when you lied about my bringing it up??

You don't mind your lies being revealed? must be a Liberal.
See? She won't discuss the facts of the matter.

It was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH.

How about you address that?
She approves of restricted Free Speech, just not the kind any Dem would approve of.
Your conservative brethren here:


Did you find any posts where I said that?

You're dying to find something, anything.

You haven't.
I found plenty - like when I pointed out it was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH -- and you conveniently ignored it.

Just like you ignore anything that doesn't support your congenitally stupid OP's/

You mean when you lied about my bringing it up??

You don't mind your lies being revealed? must be a Liberal.
See? She won't discuss the facts of the matter.

It was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH.

How about you address that?

You're an unrepentant liar.....what's to discuss?
I skipped some pages. Are you still fighting for and defending stuff like kiddie porn and burning the flag?
See? She won't discuss the facts of the matter.

She's stuck on the fact "all Free Speech" in her OP didn't actually mean "all Free Speech," -- so she can't even address the fact

It was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH.

Everybody is watching you evade and ignore PoliticalChicky. It's not pretty.
Your conservative brethren here:


Did you find any posts where I said that?

You're dying to find something, anything.

You haven't.
I found plenty - like when I pointed out it was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH -- and you conveniently ignored it.

Just like you ignore anything that doesn't support your congenitally stupid OP's/

You mean when you lied about my bringing it up??

You don't mind your lies being revealed? must be a Liberal.
See? She won't discuss the facts of the matter.

It was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH.

How about you address that?
She approves of restricted Free Speech, just not the kind any Dem would approve of.

Unlike Liberals and that redundant? concern for human beings invests subjects including abortion, the endangered species act, and speech that would result in injury to other humans.
See? She won't discuss the facts of the matter.

It was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH.

How about you address that?

Comrade, I gave you half a dozen examples of your filthy party attacking free speech, and you've ignored them all.

Why the double standard?
Did you find any posts where I said that?

You're dying to find something, anything.

You haven't.
I found plenty - like when I pointed out it was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH -- and you conveniently ignored it.

Just like you ignore anything that doesn't support your congenitally stupid OP's/

You mean when you lied about my bringing it up??

You don't mind your lies being revealed? must be a Liberal.
See? She won't discuss the facts of the matter.

It was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH.

How about you address that?

You're an unrepentant liar.....what's to discuss?
I skipped some pages. Are you still fighting for and defending stuff like kiddie porn and burning the flag?

So....when did you stop beating your wife?
See? She won't discuss the facts of the matter.

She's stuck on the fact "all Free Speech" in her OP didn't actually mean "all Free Speech," -- so she can't even address the fact

It was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH.

Everybody is watching you evade and ignore. It's not pretty.
I think she will come out swinging at me with some really cool insults and interesting name calling.
See? She won't discuss the facts of the matter.

She's stuck on the fact "all Free Speech" in her OP didn't actually mean "all Free Speech," -- so she can't even address the fact

It was the republicans that wanted to enshrine into law a flag desecration ban -banning FREE SPEECH.

Everybody is watching you evade and ignore. It's not pretty.
I think she will come out swinging at me with some really cool insults and interesting name calling.

You're not the first member of Masochists of America that posts on the board.
Nor the brightest.

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