The Democratic Candidates Are in a Bubble on Immigration

"There is no immigration crisis"

"There is an immigration crisis"

"There indeed is an immigration crisis, but it's only because we don't have an open border, and because we don't provide the immigrants with free health care"

No border = no border crisis. Simple solutions for simple people.
If there is no border there are no.immigrants- just one big happy family. Of course THEN they would have to follow the law-like be arrested if they kill somebody.
BSNBC led them around like neutered dogs on leashes.
None of them had the balls or common sense to say WAIT..... we have laws.

I think they handed Trump a new campaign ad. This picture is what Trump should carry around to every debate after they decide who the nominees is:

Pretty soon Dems will have virtually no Hetero Goyim Whites...As is many White Dems are probably Gay, or Jewish.

I think the last White Democrat Blue Collar Unionists probably switched during these Debates.

Now... I suspect even some African Americans may turn away from the Dems over excessive pandering towards Illegals.

Dems really shot themselves in the foot.
They are definitely in a bubble. The other part is that it financially benefits their backers.

Open borders is the dream for rich internationalists, and those types of people own both parties.
It’s the dream of the LEFT and DEEP STATE who’s only goal is the destruction of Western Civilization.

Who are these Globalists / Deep State / New World Order people?

Do you think Anglos planned this out?

Do you think riff- Raff African Americans, or Illegal Mexicans or Islamic Refugees had the power?

Let's get real here... They the Chosen did it.

Not alone... But with faithful Goyim servants.

That's what you Neocon Zionist Hicks get wrong 100 percent...
Clueless is a better word. The Left live in a hermetically sealed bubble world.

There is now a photograph that sums up everything wrong about America’s broken and overwhelmed immigration system. You’ve seen it, and it is hard to let it leave the mind or the conscience. Together with the accounts of horrifying abuse of children in detention — and “abuse” is not hyperbole — we can see the crisis as it is. We can no longer look away.

The starkness of the crisis is a good thing, though. Until now, many have denied that any crisis existed at all. They have, in fact, denied that the highest levels of mass immigration since the Bush years are an issue at all. As Byron York has noted, Speaker Pelosi called the arrival of close to a million asylum seekers “a fake crisis”; Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said that hundreds of thousands of men, women, and many children, overwhelming any attempt to process them with the current resources, was “a crisis that does not exist.” This included many Never-Trumpers, like Bill Kristol (“a fake crisis”), and Max Boot (“a faux crisis”). The editors of the Washington Post denied the facts reported by their own Nick Miroff, claiming it was “a make-believe crisis.”

None of these people will admit they were gravely mistaken, or that their denial and delay in acting clearly exacerbated the situation. But now that we’re on the same page, the question is: Where do we go with this now?

Yesterday was a sign of real bipartisan progress. The House passed a Senate bill to spend $4.6 billion to relieve the humanitarian crisis and tackle some of the structural inadequacies of the current failed system. The left wing of the Democratic caucus wanted to insist on various restrictions on the use of the $4.6 billion, primarily to ensure that none of it is earmarked (God forbid) for enforcement of the law.

Andrew Sullivan: Democratic Candidates Are in a Bubble on Immigration

These debates fulfill my theories.

The Dems are evolving very unaturally & illogically.

You'd have to be very, very dumb to think this is by chance, coincidence, or some accident.

They're Soros bots.

Everything I've long pointed out...Is becoming very obvious.

A.) They the Chosen are the # 1 issue.

B.) Trump really hasn't done much about illegals or abortion.

Among numerous other things I've brought up.
BSNBC led them around like neutered dogs on leashes.
None of them had the balls or common sense to say WAIT..... we have laws.

I think they handed Trump a new campaign ad. This picture is what Trump should carry around to every debate after they decide who the nominees is:

View attachment 266933
Without a doubt they did.

That is just more evidence of how STUPID American media is

The Dems really showed their Globalist & Destructive tendencies in these debates.

It actually wasn't too obvious that Dems were more Globalist than Repubs until rather recently.

Now.... I'm convinced nearly 100% that the Fascist ideology is spot on.... Before these debates I was only 70% convinced.

The New World Order is no secret... It's been spoken by many Globalists including Chosen ones like Rothschild or Soros.

Ultimately, the media, Hollywood, Facebook & 1/2 of Democrat money comes from Chosen sources.

You Neocon Hicks better get with the program....before you & your cousins & children & country lay in Dem Bolshevik blood shed propped up by the Chosen..
How many of you like it when people burn the US flag? All would raise their hands. Lemmings.
How many of you like it when people burn the US flag? All would raise their hands. Lemmings.

America had some good ideas against Internationalists ..Gun rights & Checks & Balances against a King or Queen.

However... This country has been hijacked.... Absolutely a lot of it comes down to your tribe....

Although so many are Lemmings & Servants now-a-days it's fairly but not entirely murky on who hijacked this country.

Illegals are a problem... But one being forced on us by the Globalists.
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