The Democratic panic over ObamaCare has officially begun

and to think that everyday Sargeant Schultz keeps making up scenarios where all of this BS is Bush's and Republicans fault. (yah, but he never mentions that the GOP voted against the bill,,,and weren't involved in the the technical programming of the exchange!!!)
and to think that everyday Sargeant Schultz keeps making up scenarios where all of this BS is Bush's and Republicans fault. (yah, but he never mentions that the GOP voted against the bill,,,and weren't involved in the the technical programming of the exchange!!!)
As in ED SHULTZ? That guy is a raging lunatic.
out of his 50,000 viewers, 35,00 are palmetto bugs, the other 15,000 are borderline coma patients sitting in a hospital being forced to watch MSNBC 24/7.
These fixes will wind up in the courts costing tons of money. The wildcard is whether there is any possible fix that will not lead to shutdown and default by the Ds. I sure don't see one. Is there anything that will reopen the hospitals in rural Georgia?
Ed Schultz is such an obvious phony! the only reason he pretends to like minorites/liberal leaders is because he is so fat/ugly, no conservative network would hire him. does anyone really think that Ed Schultz has never said "G.D. Dumbass N-Word" when they cut him off in traffic?
anyone say to Obama,,, yah, easy for you to say, now who is gonna do all of that paperwork to re-instate 67 million policies? someone has to pay all of these people to go back on line and redo all of these policies, will Obama volunteer a few weeks of his time to assist Blue-Cross?

That's the trouble with the big-eared ape in our WH. He is stupid and has no head for details. He just concerns himself with the "big picture". He's gonna tell his aids to " clean up this mess while i'm out playing golf."

Most blacks are like this. They are talkers and few can read or do third grade arithmetic. Obozo is prolly smarter than your average black but way dumber than your average white. Clinton was much smarter than O. Even bush was!
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These fixes will wind up in the courts costing tons of money. The wildcard is whether there is any possible fix that will not lead to shutdown and default by the Ds. I sure don't see one. Is there anything that will reopen the hospitals in rural Georgia?

Best way to reopen hospitals in georgia or any other state is to toss out the illegals that have bankrupted hundreds of hospitals the last 10 years. But no - obozo supports illegals too!!
These fixes will wind up in the courts costing tons of money. The wildcard is whether there is any possible fix that will not lead to shutdown and default by the Ds. I sure don't see one. Is there anything that will reopen the hospitals in rural Georgia?

Best way to reopen hospitals in georgia or any other state is to toss out the illegals that have bankrupted hundreds of hospitals the last 10 years. But no - obozo supports illegals too!!
With voter ID he has to.
Every problem in the US can now be traced right down to Obamacare. Our toilet clogs up and we know the cause--Obamacare. Social Security had problems when it began but FDR had the Congress and the nation backing him, with only the Republicans resisting. Some years from now someone will be writing on these very boards how Obamacare had problems when it was introduced but few will be interested because a new law will have been enacted with multiple problems, problems that have caused Republicans to shut down the government and has the nation ready to go under.
And so it goes.
Every problem in the US can now be traced right down to Obamacare. Our toilet clogs up and we know the cause--Obamacare. Social Security had problems when it began but FDR had the Congress and the nation backing him, with only the Republicans resisting. Some years from now someone will be writing on these very boards how Obamacare had problems when it was introduced but few will be interested because a new law will have been enacted with multiple problems, problems that have caused Republicans to shut down the government and has the nation ready to go under.
And so it goes.
The Ds elect a commie crook from Chicago, he robs the nation blind and you're cool with it. I suggest a neurological exam is needed by you.
Every problem in the US can now be traced right down to Obamacare. Our toilet clogs up and we know the cause--Obamacare. Social Security had problems when it began but FDR had the Congress and the nation backing him, with only the Republicans resisting. Some years from now someone will be writing on these very boards how Obamacare had problems when it was introduced but few will be interested because a new law will have been enacted with multiple problems, problems that have caused Republicans to shut down the government and has the nation ready to go under.
And so it goes.
The Ds elect a commie crook from Chicago, he robs the nation blind and you're cool with it. I suggest a neurological exam is needed by you.
Very cool. The people elected Obama twice, and they didn't ignore the two Republican candidates, whoever they were, they rejected them. We have no major wars going on at the present, the economy is improving, and General Motors is still with us. plus we have a new health care law that will eventually protect all Americans. But better than even that the Republican party is of on the ropes at this time, no leader, no program of note except to shut the government down and call the president a commie. I think the Republicans have called every Democratic president since Wilson a commie. Yeah, I'm cool, how about you?
An Obamacare "Loser" Speaks Out ... About Not Being an Entitled Douche

Since it’s been estimated that about 3% of the US population will end up “losers” under Obamacare, I thought I’d write in and give you my perspective as a 3-percenter. However, I suspect that I belong to a smaller subset of the 3%, that being people who find it appallingly self-indulgent and shamefully self-pitying to think of ourselves as losers.

Having insurance, even crappy insurance, in the individual market means we are almost by definition, healthy and relatively young. If we were not, we wouldn’t be able to get coverage of any kind in the non-group market. If our ACA-compliant replacement policy costs us more, it’s likely because we’re too affluent to qualify for subsidies.

It takes a remarkable degree of self-absorption and sense of self-entitlement to be healthy, young(ish) and affluent—and yet consider oneself a “loser.” It’s a label I reject out of shame (no matter how much the lazy, superficial MSM want to fixate on me and my “plight”) NOT because there’s anything shameful about being a loser; the shame is in thinking oneself a loser when one is actually fortunate.
The Democratic panic over ObamaCare has officially begun

Meanwhile, Republicans are singing "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas". :D
The Democratic panic over ObamaCare has officially begun

Meanwhile, Republicans are singing "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas". :D
True but have you forgotten that there is a reason the Rs are currently out of power? D does stand for dumber but that makes the Rs who?
the GOP will win big if all of America's voter registrations are still around 30% Monkees, 30%GOP/Conservatives 33% Undecided!!

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