The Democratic panic over ObamaCare has officially begun

Every problem in the US can now be traced right down to Obamacare. Our toilet clogs up and we know the cause--Obamacare. Social Security had problems when it began but FDR had the Congress and the nation backing him, with only the Republicans resisting. Some years from now someone will be writing on these very boards how Obamacare had problems when it was introduced but few will be interested because a new law will have been enacted with multiple problems, problems that have caused Republicans to shut down the government and has the nation ready to go under.
And so it goes.
The Ds elect a commie crook from Chicago, he robs the nation blind and you're cool with it. I suggest a neurological exam is needed by you.
Very cool. The people elected Obama twice, and they didn't ignore the two Republican candidates, whoever they were, they rejected them. We have no major wars going on at the present, the economy is improving, and General Motors is still with us. plus we have a new health care law that will eventually protect all Americans. But better than even that the Republican party is of on the ropes at this time, no leader, no program of note except to shut the government down and call the president a commie. I think the Republicans have called every Democratic president since Wilson a commie. Yeah, I'm cool, how about you?

You really must join us in the real world soon. We have no major wars, just no major allies, lol. One of the Feds just apologized warning of the QE easing and the next bubble, how much does Government Motors owe the tax payers? And of course we have Obamaboondoggle.

But better than that, the Democrats up for reelection are panicking and running to the WH demanding the president to do something after lying to the people yet again about keeping their insurance if they want to. Then the president after pressure from all sides, succumbs and makes the "fix" speech yesterday and announcing that, without checking with insurance regulators, that the people may if they wish and if the insurance companies agree, keep their cancelled policies! LOL! WTF! Said Insurance CEO's and came knocking on his door the very next day!

They spent 3 years preparing for the cancelations and records, and data, they couldn't undo it in 30 days! States are saying no, regulators are going on drinking binges as we speak! lol! Fred Upton, realizing Obama again went around Congress and what he did was illegal, put the same message in a bill and added that others could buy insurance if they didn't have policies as well! It went up for vote today and passed. NOW it was legal! But NOW Obama says he will veto it! It was what he wanted yesterday! Now he is going to veto it! It was a Republican that made it legal! Dear Dear! How do you like this REAL WORLD so far, regent? Do I have to go on?
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The Ds elect a commie crook from Chicago, he robs the nation blind and you're cool with it. I suggest a neurological exam is needed by you.
Very cool. The people elected Obama twice, and they didn't ignore the two Republican candidates, whoever they were, they rejected them. We have no major wars going on at the present, the economy is improving, and General Motors is still with us. plus we have a new health care law that will eventually protect all Americans. But better than even that the Republican party is of on the ropes at this time, no leader, no program of note except to shut the government down and call the president a commie. I think the Republicans have called every Democratic president since Wilson a commie. Yeah, I'm cool, how about you?

You really must join us in the real world soon. We have no major wars, just no major allies, lol. One of the Feds just apologized warning of the QE easing and the next bubble, how much does Government Motors owe the tax payers? And of course we have Obamaboondoggle.

But better than that, the Democrats up for reelection are panicking and running to the WH demanding the president to do something after lying to the people yet again about keeping their insurance if they want to. Then the president after pressure from all sides, succumbs and makes the "fix" speech yesterday and announcing that, without checking with insurance regulators, that the people may if they wish and if the insurance companies agree, keep their cancelled policies! LOL! WTF! Said Insurance CEO's and came knocking on his door the very next day!

They spent 3 years preparing for the cancelations and records, and data, they couldn't undo it in 30 days! States are saying no, regulators are going on drinking binges as we speak! lol! Fred Upton, realizing Obama again went around Congress and what he did was illegal, put the same message in a bill and added that others could buy insurance if they didn't have policies as well! It went up for vote today and passed. NOW it was legal! But NOW Obama says he will veto it! It was what he wanted yesterday! Now he is going to veto it! It was a Republican that made it legal! Dear Dear! How do you like this REAL WORLD so far, regent? Do I have to go on?

Well your take on the real world doesn't sound too good. Social Security has been the law since 1935 and we are still adjusting and fixing it, that's the way complex legislation works in a society that also continues to change. Even the military has to make changes and update at times. Yeah you can go on, but I think the Obama is a commie, works better for Republicans.
Uh_Oh somebody let that Fauxrage out of the Echo-Chamber and the MSM smells "profit".
Typical Rightyloon I get paid for my opinion article. Not really panic. The Dems in congress don't need his lame duck ass now. They are going back to worrying about the only important thing there is.


Ooh I better clarify for the sheeple who think it's you. I mean THEM. Your well being is about as important to them as a fart in their shorts.
I am thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of ObamaCare heading into a death spiral.

Good times.
Panic! Death of the presidency!

lol, the shrill chorus on the Right is taking shrill to a new level.

No... not even your pathetic attempts to bull shit your way around it are working at this point.

The left is in serious trouble, from the top down... it's a beautiful things. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.
are we allowed to sue the term 'panic'? has anyone checked with bodecea?
Now Obama has told Americans that they can keep their inferior plans, and the healthcare companies must tell them that they can do better on the exchanges.

Inferior to make an 85 year old woman carry birth control coverage?? Inferior to have a 90 year old man living in assisted living carry substance abuse coverage? Inferior to make a 20 year old healthy person carry more than catastrophic care??


Freedom to choose and live with the results of your choices.. something you and your ilk cannot stand
I am thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of ObamaCare heading into a death spiral.

Good times.
Not going to happen. In 2017 the subsidies will end and any kind of state plan can be declared compliant. Why on Earth or for that matter Mars would the GOP spend any capital to save Dems from their own stupidity? At least one state will still be using Obamacare at the turn of the century.
December 1 will be "America Held Hostage" Day 61. Yup, the Democrats will be holding guns to our heads, forcing us to buy their crappy health-care plan on line, despite the "Opening Blue Screen". We are sorry, but because of George Bush, our websight will be broken until 2017.
If you were a Democrat running for office in 2014 and you had voted for the passage of Obamacare, what would you do to save your seat next November?
If you were a Democrat running for office in 2014 and you had voted for the passage of Obamacare, what would you do to save your seat next November?
I disagree with the above. More than 90% of Dem house seats are anything but getting caught in bed with a dead child safe.

In the Senate except for two or three appointments to vacant seats all senators running won either because or despite of Obama heading the ticket in 2008. The despites will win the becauses won't.

I don't see the voting record having any significance in 90% of the races.

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