The Democratic Party is holding America hostage for illegal aliens.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The corrupt and racist Democratic Party says that it will shut down the government again unless it can get amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who will hate Anglos and who will vote Democrat.

Univision's Jorge Ramos said the U.S. belongs to Latino migrants, telling a Spanish-speaking crowd that "it is our country, not theirs."
The corrupt and racist Democratic Party says that it will shut down the government again unless it can get amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who will hate Anglos and who will vote Democrat.

Univision's Jorge Ramos said the U.S. belongs to Latino migrants, telling a Spanish-speaking crowd that "it is our country, not theirs."

Very well put...and 100% accurate.
The corrupt and racist Democratic Party says that it will shut down the government again unless it can get amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who will hate Anglos and who will vote Democrat.

Univision's Jorge Ramos said the U.S. belongs to Latino migrants, telling a Spanish-speaking crowd that "it is our country, not theirs."
Trump and you are humiliated over the same issue.
Do you also have dementia like him?

Trump Disbands Voter Fraud Commission for . . . Failing to Find Proof of Voter Fraud
The corrupt and racist Democratic Party says that it will shut down the government again unless it can get amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who will hate Anglos and who will vote Democrat.

Univision's Jorge Ramos said the U.S. belongs to Latino migrants, telling a Spanish-speaking crowd that "it is our country, not theirs."

Very well put...and 100% accurate.
Lol.86% of Americans are in support of DACA.
Americans back DACA by a huge margin

Way to be on the wrong side of history once again.
Do you also think that Univision's Jorge Ramos is a racist cretin who wants Latinos to displace Anglo Americans?
12 million illegals from foreign countries voting Dem in exchange for amnesty and government handouts, overthrowing our presidential elections...apparently Dem's want to die in a civil war.
The corrupt and racist Democratic Party says that it will shut down the government again unless it can get amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who will hate Anglos and who will vote Democrat.

Univision's Jorge Ramos said the U.S. belongs to Latino migrants, telling a Spanish-speaking crowd that "it is our country, not theirs."

Very well put...and 100% accurate.
Lol.86% of Americans are in support of DACA.
Americans back DACA by a huge margin

Way to be on the wrong side of history once again.

NEGATIVE....Your poll was taken in two states...Mexifornia and Loon York....legitimate Americans prefer to keep their country American. If they wanted to live among jibber-jabber speaking thirdworld filth they would have moved to that shithole Mexico a long time ago. The fact that you Loons find this so hard to believe is mind-blowing...haha
The corrupt and racist Democratic Party says that it will shut down the government again unless it can get amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who will hate Anglos and who will vote Democrat.

Univision's Jorge Ramos said the U.S. belongs to Latino migrants, telling a Spanish-speaking crowd that "it is our country, not theirs."

You're a disgusting and lying POS. The Axis of Ryan, McConnell and Trump needs to be exposed for what it is, an ideology based on greed, and power and control over We the People, i.e. democracy itself.
The corrupt and racist Democratic Party says that it will shut down the government again unless it can get amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who will hate Anglos and who will vote Democrat.

Univision's Jorge Ramos said the U.S. belongs to Latino migrants, telling a Spanish-speaking crowd that "it is our country, not theirs."

The UN has the rest of the world convinced that America belongs to whomever wants some. Like Russia owning our uranium mines and Saudi Arabian farms in what used to be our bread basket. Then there is Nestles, helping themselves to our clean water, while we gush over celebrities, and award shows, and what underwear the Kardashians are wearing.
UN Hemisphere #1 is a snowflake vote away.
Shut 'er down. Empower the States.

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