The Democrats are “locked in an abusive relationship with the Clintons”


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Democrats are “locked in an abusive relationship with the Clintons” - Hot Air

"Clearly, Hillary still sees herself as the leader of the Democratic Party. And why shouldn’t she?Democrats have been locked in an abusive relationship with the Clintons for decades, enabling, explaining, convincing themselves that next time will be different. Party faithful hew to Hillary’s excuses for losing to Donald Trump: It’s James Comey’s fault, plus the Russians, white supremacists, misogynists, the deplorables and immobilized millennials, among other things.

Her losses in 2008 and 2016 have been framed as things that happened to Hillary — not one, but two Black Swan events that stymied her historic destiny.

It’s not just Hillary Clinton, either. Her husband seems content to stay on the sidelines and deal with his foundation for the most part, but as soon as another campaign rolls around for his wife he’s back out on the trail and saying all sorts of… interesting things which frequently seem more likely to torpedo her than advance her candidacy. And would he be following that same pattern if Hillary wasn’t the only woman in the family looking at a run for elected office?"
Democrats are so addicted to the 1st Criminal Family that they actually rigged their primaries, 'fixed' the debates, and helped Hillary cheat to win the party's nomination, which is the only wY she could beat Bernie - even with all the Russian comnections and help - in order to run the worst candidate in US history...all because she dictated to them, 'It's my turn.'



There's a big difference between abuse and...



...Unless you can prove they were abused prior.
The Democrats were / are like victims of domestic abuse, women who are repeatedly abused but refuse to leave.

Scandal after scandal, Impeachment, and multiple criminal investigations just days prior to the election...abd even now if Hillary declared she wanted to be the DNC Presidential candidate in 2020 they would rig the primaries again, engage in election fraud again, help her cheat in debates again, and would give her the nomination again...only for her to drag them further down with another historic, record-setting loss...again.
Between the meat puppet faggot's corruption, as well as hitlery's plus her repulsive personality the democrooks badly need some new leadership. I hope Hitlery keeps dominating the financial resources of the sociopaths and imbeciles who donate to democrooks and throwing that money down the toilet.

Had they gone with crazy Bernie things may have ended different. It's hard to hate crazy Bernie, but it's hard to repress the urge to vomit at the thought of Hitlery in the WH again.

Their so-called dream of having a woman in office will soon come to frustration. I'll give you a hint who that woman could very well be. Course, it's conservatives who are anti-women, cuz it feels good to believe so.
Well considering the alternative Ds who could be running Pocahontas, the Bern and Moon Beam she may be the least bad candidate for the Ds
Speaking of abuse, based on how much Easyt has posted in such a short time, promoting/defending The Orange One, I'd say Easy is practicing self-abuse over Donald Trump in an obsessive way!
I can hear Easyt frantically posting away here on USMB, screaming "oh baby, oh baby, do me one more time."
The Clintons gave the Democratic party 8 years of George Bush and 4-8 year of Donald Trump you would think the idiot Dem's would have learned their lesson by now but they are dumb.
The Democrats' own leaked personal e-mails revealed it is THEY who are racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Smites. After all that they were on TV calling successful blacks 'mediocre negroes'. The only use Democrats have shown they have for minorities and women are as sheep to use to stay in power and tools with which to use to attack Conservatives. Their own e-mails and words - accidental moments of honesty - have revealed who they truly are.

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