The Democrats are lost.


L'etat c'est moi
Yes, I understand your pain. To have simple people rise and stand against the tyranny of the state. How I see you weep. The Democratic party is a failure. Sadly it takes time for people to grasp the tragedy they are living.

People like you though. You are nothing, all the hatred you spew is simply another example of hate, the old democrats see, driving them from the radical politics you worship.
there's a reason he avoided releasing his taxes.
Could it be because HE DOESN'T HAVE TO. There is no law requiring a POTUS to share his taxes with anyone other than the IRS. If the IRS audits him and finds tax fraud, they have the authority to bring him to justice. The idiot democrats in congress have absolutely NO right to see his taxes, moron. Why don't you show me your taxes?
Democrats are sending a clear message to anyone who dares to MAGA and fight their global agenda. They have to try to tear down his legacy of being the greatest president ever.

Trump is not a failure, they are.
Yes, thank you, thank you for telling us how Trump is a much better person than yourself. I am surprised you admit you are all that and so much more.

All that and still better than anything the democratic party has to offer
Rump is a piece of $hit, and so are the liars who make excuses for him and prop him up after January 6, 2021.
I didn't even know until recently that they were still going after Trump's tax information. Seriously? Is this really what's important to you? Is this really what we want our leaders wasting their time on? What a complete and utter disappointment.

Congrats on your great victory. 👍
Lol you call them “democrats” but they are prosecutors that have been investigating Trump for yeas. You’re just calling anyone who investigates Trump democrats by default. It’s stupid.
I care because tfg is a corrupt.motherfucker and there's a reason he avoided releasing his taxes.
Hahahaha…because hardcore TDS’ing leftists say so?
Remember when Adam Schiff, the Mexicrats and all of you degenerates said Trump colluded with Russia? Remember when you dumbmotherfuckers paid Robert Mueller $50M to prove your ignorant asses wrong?
Could it be because HE DOESN'T HAVE TO. There is no law requiring a POTUS to share his taxes with anyone other than the IRS. If the IRS audits him and finds tax fraud, they have the authority to bring him to justice. The idiot democrats in congress have absolutely NO right to see his taxes, moron. Why don't you show me your taxes?
Spoken like a true criminal magaturd dirtbag.
I didn't even know until recently that they were still going after Trump's tax information. Seriously? Is this really what's important to you? Is this really what we want our leaders wasting their time on? What a complete and utter disappointment.

Congrats on your great victory. 👍

Trump just declared he wants to run for president.
Republicans just declared the MOST IMPORTANT THING for the next two years in the House is to find out what Hunter Biden's been getting up to.

This is US politics. Don't like it, change it.
You like to prop yourself up on shit? What a strange thing to say. You put it on your rump? Weird, but who can judge the lgbtf people, can we call you people
Awwwwww... I don't think you enjoyed my spot-on assessment of your Orange Albatross... :itsok:
Hahaha…I love it when the “let all the beaners in” folks call others “traitorous”. Funny shit.
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Good thing for me that I'm not one of those "let all the beaners in" folks then, isn't it? You confuse vigorous opposition to Rump with Leftism. You're wrong.

Your ignorant, incompetent, arrogant, amoral (and now, after January 6, 2021, traitorous) Orange Comb-Over Albatross had a good agenda... for a Bad Man.

Right Message... Wrong Messenger.

If you're stupid enough to run him again you're going to lose in 2024.

And thereby ensure that we get another several million beaners shoved down our throats.

Is that the best you've got, Princess? Probably. No wonder you a$$hole$ lose on a regular basis. Bigly. :abgg2q.jpg:
You assume much which shows you are wrong on too much.

How do you relate my avatar to that of a princess and not that of a Record Company?

Calling me a princess makes you a mysonigist.

And if not you have proven how wrong you are, that at best you have assumptions you are clueless to prove.

I am a man, elektra is a record label, not a warrior princess from your fantasy movie list.


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