The Democrats Must Think We're All Suckers. Higher Taxes Needed To Pay For Their Fun


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Joe Biden cost us over half a million for one night in a Paris hotel in January. Nearly that amount for 136 rooms in a London hotel in Feburary.

Obama takes $20 million dollar Christmas vacations in Hawaii.

An outing of golf with Tiger Woods, $1,000,000.00

Michelle has announced that Beyonce and Adelle will sing at her 50th birthday bash. The First Family claims they will pay for the multimillion dollar event out of their own pocket......which I seriously doubt. If you believe that then you'll believe Benghazi was caused by a terrible, terrible, disgusting video.

Yet these assholes think we won't mind if they raise our taxes to pay for all of this.

It's clear that these low-life bastards are partying their collective asses off while we're being stuck with the tab. None of them are taking care of business because they're too busy spending money that we don't have.

When will America wake the fuck up and boot these SOBs out of office.



Biden's One-Night Paris Hotel Tab: $585,000.50 | The Weekly Standard

Biden's $459,388.65 Hotel Bill | The Weekly Standard

Senate Passes $3.7 Trillion Budget, Its First in 4 Years

MoS Diary: Adele lands her biggest ever gig at Michelle Obama's 50th birthday party | Mail Online
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Given how stupid so many people are, they won't care so long as a democrat says that expecting a woman to pay $9 for birth control at target a month is the same thing as banning it.
Remember when Obama said Democrats were only going to Tax the rich?
The point being that it is impossible for the Democrats to appear like they give a shit about higher taxes and ever increasing debt when they continue to live such lavish lifestyles........but they figure the media will continue to bail them out whenever they're caught.

This is corruption plain and simple.....and it's happening right under our noses.
so you dont think this president should be treatecd like all other presidents?

Is it becuase hes a black man?
so you dont think this president should be treatecd like all other presidents?

Is it becuase hes a black man?

He sets a very poor example for us. I don't feel inclined to listen him preaching about 'skin in the game' and telling us we need to tighten our belts while he's living high on the hog. The worst leader is one that never practices what he preaches. That's something I learned long ago and it's served me well. Doing it his way has always resulted in resentment.

Obama is going beyond what every other president has done. I can understand needed extra security and all, but the crap he's constantly expecting goes way beyond the pale of reason.

If you want to constantly bring up his race....I think it is a factor in his careless attitude toward the debt.

He figures us whiteys need to pay for his black ass and we need to shut the fuck up and take it.

Basically that SOB thinks we owe him.....even thou he nor any of his relatives have been oppressed by anyone in America. His poor attitude is turning people off to the prospect of voting blacks into office because his fucked up example put a nasty taste in everyone's mouth. All these years waiting for a black president and he turns out to be a racist bastard that acts like Nero.
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Nobody gives a flying-fuck about this spending it appears.

Now let's go grab some more guns, shall we????

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