The Democrats’ War on the Two-Party System


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
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The Democrats’ War on the Two-Party System

March 4, 2014 by Arnold Ahlert

While conservatives are divided on the political path forward, Democrats are showing themselves to be united in a war against the Republican Party — one with one-party rule for America as the endgame. One need only look to the political priorities Democratic lawmakers have adopted to understand this reality. Led by the Obama administration, a party hijacked by far-left radicals is determined to pass comprehensive immigration reform, prevent the passage of election integrity laws, and use the IRS as a billy club to suppress free speech. Republicans who dismiss this agenda need only look to California and see the cost of complacency and denial.

Mass immigration and sweeping amnesty initiatives are the Democrats’ primary tools for realizing their ambitions. A devastating report produced by Phyllis Schlafly, ”How Mass (Legal) Immigration Dooms a Conservative Republican Party,” details that reality in no uncertain terms. Citing surveys from the Pew Research Center, the Pew Hispanic Center, Gallup, NBC News, Harris polling, the Annenberg Policy Center, Latino Decisions, the Center for Immigration Studies and the Hudson Institute, Schlafly reveals that immigrants have always been the mainstay of the Democrat Party, emphasizing that this dynamic has been occurring for at least a century. Furthermore, as a result of the current rate of accelerated immigration that brings 1.1 million newcomers to America every year, the GOP will be reduced to fringe status with in a decade.

The statistics are daunting. A 2008 National Annenberg Election Survey revealed that 62 percent of immigrants favor single-payer, government-run healthcare. A 2010 Cooperative Congressional Election Study shows that 69 percent of immigrants favor Obamacare. The Pew Research Center revealed that 53 percent of Hispanics hold a negative view of capitalism and that 75 percent favor bigger government and more social services compared to only 41 percent of Americans. Only 37 percent of naturalized citizens believe the Constitution takes precedence over international law, compared to 67 percent of native Americans.

The state of California represents the proverbial canary in the coal mine. Ronald Reagan carried California with 59 percent of the vote in the 1984 election. Yet beginning in 1986, the amnesty bill that legalized 2.7 million illegal aliens began the transformation of that state from red to blue. Amnesty recipients began becoming citizens, reaching a level of 40 percent by 2009. By 2012, a combination of Hispanic voters naturalized by that amnesty, or related to people who were, gave 70 percent of their vote to Barack Obama. And until yesterday, when a pair of California state Senators went on indefinite leaves of absence to fight corruption charges, Democrats had an unassailable supermajority in the state legislature. They still maintain one in the lower house, aka the State Assembly, even as they also control every statewide office, and both seats in the U.S. Senate.


This toxic combination of promoting a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal aliens, along with laying a foundation for vote fraud and a codified suppression of political speech by one’s opponents are odious agendas when they are examined individually. Taken as a whole, it becomes clear that Democrats are engaged in a despicable effort to fundamentally transform the United States of America into a one-party political system with their party in permanent control. And if it takes ruining millions of workers’ futures, destroying the integrity of the electoral process and undermining the Constitution to do so, so be it. As with every historical effort to seize unassailable power, the ends justify the means.

The Democrats? War on the Two-Party System | FrontPage Magazine
The Dems aren't that smart, it's Demographics. You made yourself into the party of old white Christians, and then split in two, three really, and you won't unify around central issues and moderate enough candidates who can draw in the voters from the middle. The only young people you have are Libertarians, who march to their own drummer. The rest of the GOP-Tea Party members are old, white, Christian, and dying off. They are taking your ability to win elections literally to the grave with them.
The Dems aren't that smart, it's Demographics. You made yourself into the party of old white Christians, and then split in two, three really, and you won't unify around central issues and moderate enough candidates who can draw in the voters from the middle. The only young people you have are Libertarians, who march to their own drummer. The rest of the GOP-Tea Party members are old, white, Christian, and dying off. They are taking your ability to win elections literally to the grave with them.

They just don't get it. In 2012, Republicans should have taken back the White House considering how bad the economy was. That is just based on how voters normally react when things aren't going well economically. 2016 will pretty much come with the same scenario as the economy will still be somewhat stagnant, but with Hillary leading the way, Dems are likely to win in a landslide, especially if she chooses the right running mate. 2016 has the potential to see Texas turn blue. Just the thought of that should make Republicans rethink their political strategy, but they won't. They will continue to insist that they need to become more conservative, whatever that means, and drive even more non-whites away from their party.
The Dems aren't that smart, it's Demographics. You made yourself into the party of old white Christians, and then split in two, three really, and you won't unify around central issues and moderate enough candidates who can draw in the voters from the middle. The only young people you have are Libertarians, who march to their own drummer. The rest of the GOP-Tea Party members are old, white, Christian, and dying off. They are taking your ability to win elections literally to the grave with them.

They just don't get it. In 2012, Republicans should have taken back the White House considering how bad the economy was. That is just based on how voters normally react when things aren't going well economically. 2016 will pretty much come with the same scenario as the economy will still be somewhat stagnant, but with Hillary leading the way, Dems are likely to win in a landslide, especially if she chooses the right running mate. 2016 has the potential to see Texas turn blue. Just the thought of that should make Republicans rethink their political strategy, but they won't. They will continue to insist that they need to become more conservative, whatever that means, and drive even more non-whites away from their party.
The last election was theirs to lose, and they did when they shouldn't have. Reagan would be appalled at their circular firing squads and infighting. The party leaders know what needs to be done, they have the reports and have published them, but the foot soldiers of the talk radio and Fox refuse to listen. They would rather lose than comprise and that's not how you win elections.
The demise of the GOP is the worst thing that could happen to the Democrats. Getting rid of their phony competition would only lead to their own demise (eventually).
The Dems aren't that smart, it's Demographics. You made yourself into the party of old white Christians, and then split in two, three really, and you won't unify around central issues and moderate enough candidates who can draw in the voters from the middle. The only young people you have are Libertarians, who march to their own drummer. The rest of the GOP-Tea Party members are old, white, Christian, and dying off. They are taking your ability to win elections literally to the grave with them.

Even if you're right; I don't think racist amoral d-bags are going to solve our nation's problems. Do you?
The Dems aren't that smart, it's Demographics. You made yourself into the party of old white Christians, and then split in two, three really, and you won't unify around central issues and moderate enough candidates who can draw in the voters from the middle. The only young people you have are Libertarians, who march to their own drummer. The rest of the GOP-Tea Party members are old, white, Christian, and dying off. They are taking your ability to win elections literally to the grave with them.

Even if you're right; I don't think racist amoral d-bags are going to solve our nation's problems. Do you?
I think your question isn't one.
The Dems aren't that smart, it's Demographics. You made yourself into the party of old white Christians, and then split in two, three really, and you won't unify around central issues and moderate enough candidates who can draw in the voters from the middle. The only young people you have are Libertarians, who march to their own drummer. The rest of the GOP-Tea Party members are old, white, Christian, and dying off. They are taking your ability to win elections literally to the grave with them.

Even if you're right; I don't think racist amoral d-bags are going to solve our nation's problems. Do you?
I think your question isn't one.'s indeed a question.
The demise of the GOP is the worst thing that could happen to the Democrats. Getting rid of their phony competition would only lead to their own demise (eventually).
And then what?

And it's working out fine so far.

What is is 'it'? Seriously, try to be clear in your communications. That's two posts in a row that you gave me bunk.
1. The "demise" is working out fine so far.
2. What comes after "eventually", meaning who will be the political parties then?
And then what?

And it's working out fine so far.

What is is 'it'? Seriously, try to be clear in your communications. That's two posts in a row that you gave me bunk.
1. The "demise" is working out fine so far.
2. What comes after "eventually", meaning who will be the political parties then?

At what point did I say that a demise was currently in effect? And your cockiness comes standard. You love to bitch about all this country's problems even though it's your policies creating them. Convenience is a staple of Democrats. Well, convenience only lasts so long. I'm sorry you haven't seemingly learned that in life yet.

I don't have a crystal ball as to what will happen to the GOP/Dems. I do believe that the GOP are crumbling. But before you get too happy about that, it is mainly because they are Democrats underneath it all. And if Democrats whether in name or not are destroying the system, then it's not going to be good for them when they don't have their scapegoat.
What is is 'it'? Seriously, try to be clear in your communications. That's two posts in a row that you gave me bunk.
1. The "demise" is working out fine so far.
2. What comes after "eventually", meaning who will be the political parties then?

At what point did I say that a demise was currently in effect? And your cockiness comes standard. You love to bitch about all this country's problems even though it's your policies creating them. Convenience is a staple of Democrats. Well, convenience only lasts so long. I'm sorry you haven't seemingly learned that in life yet.

I don't have a crystal ball as to what will happen to the GOP/Dems. I do believe that the GOP are crumbling. But before you get too happy about that, it is mainly because they are Democrats underneath it all. And if Democrats whether in name or not are destroying the system, then it's not going to be good for them when they don't have their scapegoat.
Your partisan response is acknowledged. You have one thing correct, it's a two-party system and they need each other however the GOP is no longer one party, and also no longer winning elections that it should be, like the last presidential.

In all of that answer I never had to call you or your side scum. Nice huh?
1. The "demise" is working out fine so far.
2. What comes after "eventually", meaning who will be the political parties then?

At what point did I say that a demise was currently in effect? And your cockiness comes standard. You love to bitch about all this country's problems even though it's your policies creating them. Convenience is a staple of Democrats. Well, convenience only lasts so long. I'm sorry you haven't seemingly learned that in life yet.

I don't have a crystal ball as to what will happen to the GOP/Dems. I do believe that the GOP are crumbling. But before you get too happy about that, it is mainly because they are Democrats underneath it all. And if Democrats whether in name or not are destroying the system, then it's not going to be good for them when they don't have their scapegoat.
Your partisan response is acknowledged. You have one thing correct, it's a two-party system and they need each other however the GOP is no longer one party, and also no longer winning elections that it should be, like the last presidential.

In all of that answer I never had to call you or your side scum. Nice huh?

LOL -- You're a buttfucking moron. I have absolutely called the Republicans sellouts, and I'm allegedly partisan? I honestly don't think you bother to put much thought at all into your posts, and it shows.
At what point did I say that a demise was currently in effect? And your cockiness comes standard. You love to bitch about all this country's problems even though it's your policies creating them. Convenience is a staple of Democrats. Well, convenience only lasts so long. I'm sorry you haven't seemingly learned that in life yet.

I don't have a crystal ball as to what will happen to the GOP/Dems. I do believe that the GOP are crumbling. But before you get too happy about that, it is mainly because they are Democrats underneath it all. And if Democrats whether in name or not are destroying the system, then it's not going to be good for them when they don't have their scapegoat.
Your partisan response is acknowledged. You have one thing correct, it's a two-party system and they need each other however the GOP is no longer one party, and also no longer winning elections that it should be, like the last presidential.

In all of that answer I never had to call you or your side scum. Nice huh?

LOL -- You're a buttfucking moron. I have absolutely called the Republicans sellouts, and I'm allegedly partisan? I honestly don't think you bother to put much thought at all into your posts, and it shows.
So, the Republicans are sell-outs and the Democrats are scum, which leaves you voting for who exactly?
The Dems aren't that smart, it's Demographics. You made yourself into the party of old white Christians, and then split in two, three really, and you won't unify around central issues and moderate enough candidates who can draw in the voters from the middle. The only young people you have are Libertarians, who march to their own drummer. The rest of the GOP-Tea Party members are old, white, Christian, and dying off. They are taking your ability to win elections literally to the grave with them.

Even if you're right; I don't think racist amoral d-bags are going to solve our nation's problems. Do you?
Only pretend to and cause more problems. The only solution, is for them to mind their own damned business and shut the Hell up...leave the people alone.
1. The "demise" is working out fine so far.
2. What comes after "eventually", meaning who will be the political parties then?

At what point did I say that a demise was currently in effect? And your cockiness comes standard. You love to bitch about all this country's problems even though it's your policies creating them. Convenience is a staple of Democrats. Well, convenience only lasts so long. I'm sorry you haven't seemingly learned that in life yet.

I don't have a crystal ball as to what will happen to the GOP/Dems. I do believe that the GOP are crumbling. But before you get too happy about that, it is mainly because they are Democrats underneath it all. And if Democrats whether in name or not are destroying the system, then it's not going to be good for them when they don't have their scapegoat.
Your partisan response is acknowledged. You have one thing correct, it's a two-party system and they need each other however the GOP is no longer one party, and also no longer winning elections that it should be, like the last presidential.

In all of that answer I never had to call you or your side scum. Nice huh?

While the party itself is undergoing some pretty deep fissures that it is going to solve the tired old mantra of them not winning elections is asinine. the fact is that the GOP is winning far more elections than the democrats are atm and the idea that a single presidency is indication that the party itself is going to crumble is ludicrous.

You mention the fact that Obama managed to get reelected. You did note that BUSH was reelected - the man that the left claims is one of the worst presidents ever. Apparently, the fact that a crap president won reelection is completely meaningless to the overall health of the two parties.

I also find it rather interesting that the lefties here continually state that the right cant win elections and yet also complain that they are freezing up government. Well, what is it? That is a prime example of Doublethink. If they have enough to stop the government then obviously they are winning elections.

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