The Dems & the GOP - Peas in a pod, again

The Paul Ryan Syndrome, playing out in the other party: Tensions Between Pelosi and Progressive Democrats of ‘the Squad’ Burst Into Flame

Too funny. Peas in a pod.
It should be pointed out that the premise of this thread stands in contradiction to the premise of another thread wherein you seek to call out people who believe the Democratic Party has not clearly moved left.
Hardly. Denial is one of the shared behaviors I listed.

I realize you have a tribe to protect, but that was a stretch.
Let’s start with this premise. Our two parties are beholden to their special interest groups first and foremost. Both parties use issues as campaign fodder for the ultimate prize: a majority in Congress and the WH. Neither party cares much about their constituents except for election and reelection. Fomenting tribalism between liberals and conservatives feeds into this cycle making our elected officials quite happy.
Except Republican special interests are largely the same special interests that the Founders had while the Democrat special interests are primarily not even Americans, and the few American special interest groups that they have are the lowest of the low in this country.
Democrat leaders losing tough with their new whacked-out base:

Mac can always be counted on to dutifully parrot whatever GOP spin that TheParty feeds him. The ironic thing is how his favorite parrot line is about how Democrats can't think.

In this case, TheParty is afraid because a majority of Americans agree with that Democratic base, which makes Mac and TheParty the whacked-out fringe minority.

The two parties obviously differ wildly on issues, and on corruption. Republican politicians are almost universally corrupt scum, Democrats aren't. Pretending the two parties are alike is deliberately running interference for that Republican corruption. But hey, that's what Mac sees as his job.

He voted for Clinton, so I doubt the GOP and him are aligned. He has also several threads attacking the behavior of Republicans.

I won’t be voting for a Republican in the Presidential election and unless the Democratic Party nominates one or two candidates, I won’t be voting for a Democrat in the Presidential election. Third party will get my vote, again. The two parties are off the rails hypocritical. The far left and right have way too much control and the parties seem to cater to their BS.
You are insane if you want to vote for any of the Democrats.
It's always fun to point out how similar our two "major" parties can be in their behaviors. No, not issues, behaviors (I put that in bold there).

And, as if to illustrate the point yet again, the Democrats are jumping in by essentially splitting into two pieces for our amusement.

Remember about four and eight years ago, when the the Tea Party Republicans were running around, threatening to "primary" anyone who wasn't pure and obedient? And remember about four years ago, when those same Republicans were shit-canning people like Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan and John Kasich because the party had passed them by?

We'll here we go again, from the kids on the the other side!

Democrats threatening to primary each other:
Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Know Who The Democratic Party Is Anymore
'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats

Democrat leaders losing tough with their new whacked-out base:
'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats
Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Know Who The Democratic Party Is Anymore | HuffPost

Seriously, this is almost unfair, it's so easy. The two ends of the spectrum can be so damn similar in their behaviors!


Haha...anybody paying attention knows for absolute fact that the Parties BEHAVE far more different than they ever have before.
One party behaves like a political party governing for Mexico while the other behaves like a party with an Americans first agenda.
They behave like enemies behave toward one another...Embrace it.

There is no party governing for Mexico. But we have a president governing for Russia.
Campaigning in Mexico makes you a party governing for Mexico.
Well these two parties they both act like parties. They both have a chairman GD wingers. They both have fundraisers and by god they both try to win elections! Just look how they act like each other! Just when everybody is complaining the Democrats want to win the presidency here come the republicans wanting to win the presidency! This is too easy his similar they are!
Oh, it goes much deeper (and more amusing) than that.

Here's a few counter-productive behaviors shared by both ends:
  • Deflection (so vividly displayed by both parties right here in this thread!)
  • Tribalism
  • Distortion
  • Intellectual Myopia
  • Straw Man Arguments
  • Obtuseness
  • Willful Ignorance
  • Name-Calling
  • Nasty Personal Insults
  • Hypocrisy
  • Hate
  • Blatant Lies
.... off the top of my pointy little head.
You could do a list of every human behavior and find people of every political stripe engaged in them. The diff you consistently ignore is the predominance of behaviors - even ideological requirement - in different political groups. Just because some in one group do it does not justify the actions of many (or all) in another.

I am often amused at your penchant for wallowing in moral equivalence fallicies to justify the behavior of the left.

For instance, do you find the current Dem defense of ILLEGAL immigration to be against America's best interest, contrary to their oaths of office and arguably traitorous behavior, and can you respond with something other than "but the Repubs...?"

Mac is too stupid to understand how badly you owned him and his entire reason for being on this forum with this one post.
The Paul Ryan Syndrome, playing out in the other party: Tensions Between Pelosi and Progressive Democrats of ‘the Squad’ Burst Into Flame

Too funny. Peas in a pod.
It should be pointed out that the premise of this thread stands in contradiction to the premise of another thread wherein you seek to call out people who believe the Democratic Party has not clearly moved left.
Hardly. Denial is one of the shared behaviors I listed.

I realize you have a tribe to protect, but that was a stretch.
It's not a stretch. Democratic Party leadership is trying to resist a small group of leftists within their caucus.

And I don't have a tribe.
Well these two parties they both act like parties. They both have a chairman GD wingers. They both have fundraisers and by god they both try to win elections! Just look how they act like each other! Just when everybody is complaining the Democrats want to win the presidency here come the republicans wanting to win the presidency! This is too easy his similar they are!
Oh, it goes much deeper (and more amusing) than that.

Here's a few counter-productive behaviors shared by both ends:
  • Deflection (so vividly displayed by both parties right here in this thread!)
  • Tribalism
  • Distortion
  • Intellectual Myopia
  • Straw Man Arguments
  • Obtuseness
  • Willful Ignorance
  • Name-Calling
  • Nasty Personal Insults
  • Hypocrisy
  • Hate
  • Blatant Lies
.... off the top of my pointy little head.
You could do a list of every human behavior and find people of every political stripe engaged in them. The diff you consistently ignore is the predominance of behaviors - even ideological requirement - in different political groups. Just because some in one group do it does not justify the actions of many (or all) in another.

I am often amused at your penchant for wallowing in moral equivalence fallicies to justify the behavior of the left.

For instance, do you find the current Dem defense of ILLEGAL immigration to be against America's best interest, contrary to their oaths of office and arguably traitorous behavior, and can you respond with something other than "but the Repubs...?"

Mac is too stupid to understand how badly you owned him and his entire reason for being on this forum with this one post.
The beauty of this thread has been the way it has triggered wingers from both ends to jump in and act just like each other. Like peas in a pod.

Just. Perfect.

It must be horrible, being so similar in behavior to those you so despise. That must be why you people are so miserable.
It's always fun to point out how similar our two "major" parties can be in their behaviors. No, not issues, behaviors (I put that in bold there).

And, as if to illustrate the point yet again, the Democrats are jumping in by essentially splitting into two pieces for our amusement.

Remember about four and eight years ago, when the the Tea Party Republicans were running around, threatening to "primary" anyone who wasn't pure and obedient? And remember about four years ago, when those same Republicans were shit-canning people like Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan and John Kasich because the party had passed them by?

We'll here we go again, from the kids on the the other side!

Democrats threatening to primary each other:
Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Know Who The Democratic Party Is Anymore
'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats

Democrat leaders losing tough with their new whacked-out base:
'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats
Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Know Who The Democratic Party Is Anymore | HuffPost

Seriously, this is almost unfair, it's so easy. The two ends of the spectrum can be so damn similar in their behaviors!


They are very similar in more ways than just that. Trump is different and why he is so popular with Americans and so hated by both parties.
Obviously you can't read.
Having principles isn't an issue.
Ah, your tribe has principles and the other tribe doesn't. Tribalism.

Yeah, that's on the list.

It is completely possible for one group to have principles and the other not.

Your dismissal as though it is not, is not reasonable.
The fact that someone else's principles don't align with yours doesn't mean they don't have principles.

Seriously, I really would think that something this obvious wouldn't even need to be said.

That is obviously true.

But one can judge other people based on how well they live up to those principles. And/or whether those principles are very valid.

ANd it is still possible for one group to have principles and another not to.
However, the left clearly has values. They are not hard to see. That they may be wrong or misplaced is another matter. However, it is genuinely blind to state that they have none.
It actually doesn't.

The left has betrayed anything and anyone that stood with it in the past.

Reactionary racist nonsense is all that they have now.
Democrat leaders losing tough with their new whacked-out base:

Mac can always be counted on to dutifully parrot whatever GOP spin that TheParty feeds him. The ironic thing is how his favorite parrot line is about how Democrats can't think.

In this case, TheParty is afraid because a majority of Americans agree with that Democratic base, which makes Mac and TheParty the whacked-out fringe minority.

The two parties obviously differ wildly on issues, and on corruption. Republican politicians are almost universally corrupt scum, Democrats aren't. Pretending the two parties are alike is deliberately running interference for that Republican corruption. But hey, that's what Mac sees as his job.

He voted for Clinton, so I doubt the GOP and him are aligned. He has also several threads attacking the behavior of Republicans.

I won’t be voting for a Republican in the Presidential election and unless the Democratic Party nominates one or two candidates, I won’t be voting for a Democrat in the Presidential election. Third party will get my vote, again. The two parties are off the rails hypocritical. The far left and right have way too much control and the parties seem to cater to their BS.
You are insane if you want to vote for any of the Democrats.

I like the governor of Montana, that so far is all they have and he isn’t polling well.
Well these two parties they both act like parties. They both have a chairman GD wingers. They both have fundraisers and by god they both try to win elections! Just look how they act like each other! Just when everybody is complaining the Democrats want to win the presidency here come the republicans wanting to win the presidency! This is too easy his similar they are!
Oh, it goes much deeper (and more amusing) than that.

Here's a few counter-productive behaviors shared by both ends:
  • Deflection (so vividly displayed by both parties right here in this thread!)
  • Tribalism
  • Distortion
  • Intellectual Myopia
  • Straw Man Arguments
  • Obtuseness
  • Willful Ignorance
  • Name-Calling
  • Nasty Personal Insults
  • Hypocrisy
  • Hate
  • Blatant Lies
.... off the top of my pointy little head.
You could do a list of every human behavior and find people of every political stripe engaged in them. The diff you consistently ignore is the predominance of behaviors - even ideological requirement - in different political groups. Just because some in one group do it does not justify the actions of many (or all) in another.

I am often amused at your penchant for wallowing in moral equivalence fallicies to justify the behavior of the left.

For instance, do you find the current Dem defense of ILLEGAL immigration to be against America's best interest, contrary to their oaths of office and arguably traitorous behavior, and can you respond with something other than "but the Repubs...?"

Mac is too stupid to understand how badly you owned him and his entire reason for being on this forum with this one post.
The beauty of this thread has been the way it has triggered wingers from both ends to jump in and act just like each other. Like peas in a pod.

Just. Perfect.

It must be horrible, being so similar in behavior to those you so despise. That must be why you people are so miserable.
The fact that you don't even think that you are a left winger when you are further left than every Democrat president we have ever had and have excused decades of lies and hypocrisy by the Democrats to pursue radical left wing agendas that never had any indication of moderating is more than enough to dismiss you as the clown that you are.

You are absolutely no different from your reactionary racist uneducated party, that is why you have voted for every single candidate that a so called "winger" of your party did.
Republicans have core principles while Democrats have none.

Like what?
Like free tra... Nevermind. Small gover... wait.

Good question.

Yep. It's all falling away pretty rapidly.
That is entirely because of the Democrats.

You do realize this, right?

Republicans are forced to ignore corruption, and ignore or excuse racism against white people(entirely caused by Democrats), forced to recognize degenerate culture as valid, forced to forsake any spirituality that they may have etc all so they can even have a chance of winning in what were once very red states, much less the completely morally bankrupt blue states that a demon would be deemed too conservative for.
Most everyone has principles.

Claiming that my tribe does and yours doesn't is an example of tribalism.
There are simple facts in politics that we have to face up to.
There are always exceptions, but for the most part, most of the degenerates vote for the commies in the Democrat Party. Purely out of hatred for someone or something.

There are always exceptions, but for the most part, most of the ___________ vote for the _________ in the _____________ Party. Purely out of hatred for someone or something.

Thanks. Way to unknowingly nail the point of the OP, genius.
It just doesn't stop, y'know?
It does not as long as what mudwhistle said is true, and it is. The last part that is.

People tend to vote because they fear or hate the other side. As long as we vote based on the lesser of two evils because the other guy eats babies every night Trump is what we will end up with.

I used to think it was a core problem of having parties but I am not so sure that is where the problem lies. I think it is more a problem with how the parties select their candidates. The primaries, by FAR the most important time to vote, are ignored by almost anyone that is not a partisan 'winger' leaving the rest of us to chose from candidates that have done nothing but play to the extremes and have been vetted by them. By then, it is just a matter of convincing the rest of us that the other guy is more extreme than they are.

We get what we deserve and an apathetic electorate deserves Trump.

I couldn't agree more. The primaries are hard swings to the extreme and then the summer of the election is trying to win the middle. The extremists on both sides are dictating who we get in office and leads to the lesser of two evils. I went third party because I hate voting for the lesser of two evils, why in the hell would anyone vote for evil?
Republicans have been winning the middle decisively since the 90s.
Republicans have core principles while Democrats have none.

Like what?
Like free tra... Nevermind. Small gover... wait.

Good question.

Yep. It's all falling away pretty rapidly.
That is entirely because of the Democrats.

You do realize this, right?

Republicans are forced to ignore corruption, and ignore or excuse racism against white people(entirely caused by Democrats), forced to recognize degenerate culture as valid, forced to forsake any spirituality that they may have etc all so they can even have a chance of winning in what were once very red states, much less the completely morally bankrupt blue states that a demon would be deemed too conservative for.

Republicans have core principles while Democrats have none.

Like what?
Like free tra... Nevermind. Small gover... wait.

Good question.

Yep. It's all falling away pretty rapidly.
That is entirely because of the Democrats.

You do realize this, right?

Republicans are forced to ignore corruption, and ignore or excuse racism against white people(entirely caused by Democrats), forced to recognize degenerate culture as valid, forced to forsake any spirituality that they may have etc all so they can even have a chance of winning in what were once very red states, much less the completely morally bankrupt blue states that a demon would be deemed too conservative for.

You are wrong and ignorant of obvious realities then.
Like what?
Like free tra... Nevermind. Small gover... wait.

Good question.

Yep. It's all falling away pretty rapidly.
That is entirely because of the Democrats.

You do realize this, right?

Republicans are forced to ignore corruption, and ignore or excuse racism against white people(entirely caused by Democrats), forced to recognize degenerate culture as valid, forced to forsake any spirituality that they may have etc all so they can even have a chance of winning in what were once very red states, much less the completely morally bankrupt blue states that a demon would be deemed too conservative for.

You are wrong and ignorant of obvious realities then.

Of course. I'm not in your party. Blow me.
Like free tra... Nevermind. Small gover... wait.

Good question.

Yep. It's all falling away pretty rapidly.
That is entirely because of the Democrats.

You do realize this, right?

Republicans are forced to ignore corruption, and ignore or excuse racism against white people(entirely caused by Democrats), forced to recognize degenerate culture as valid, forced to forsake any spirituality that they may have etc all so they can even have a chance of winning in what were once very red states, much less the completely morally bankrupt blue states that a demon would be deemed too conservative for.

You are wrong and ignorant of obvious realities then.

Of course. I'm not in your party. Blow me.
Democrats aren't real people to me, they are scum.
That is entirely because of the Democrats.

You do realize this, right?

Republicans are forced to ignore corruption, and ignore or excuse racism against white people(entirely caused by Democrats), forced to recognize degenerate culture as valid, forced to forsake any spirituality that they may have etc all so they can even have a chance of winning in what were once very red states, much less the completely morally bankrupt blue states that a demon would be deemed too conservative for.

You are wrong and ignorant of obvious realities then.

Of course. I'm not in your party. Blow me.
Democrats aren't real people to me, they are scum.

Exactly! That's the whole point of the thread. They're no different than Republicans.
Democrats created the Republican party you hate so much, as I pointed out before. Democrats and their insanity caused people like John McCain or Mitch McConnell to be the only Republicans who can win in once morally grounded states, and they also caused both of them to automatically win their primaries due to 'electability".

Cut off the head(the Democrats) and the snake(the 2 party bureaucracy)dies.
Well these two parties they both act like parties. They both have a chairman GD wingers. They both have fundraisers and by god they both try to win elections! Just look how they act like each other! Just when everybody is complaining the Democrats want to win the presidency here come the republicans wanting to win the presidency! This is too easy his similar they are!
Oh, it goes much deeper (and more amusing) than that.

Here's a few counter-productive behaviors shared by both ends:
  • Deflection (so vividly displayed by both parties right here in this thread!)
  • Tribalism
  • Distortion
  • Intellectual Myopia
  • Straw Man Arguments
  • Obtuseness
  • Willful Ignorance
  • Name-Calling
  • Nasty Personal Insults
  • Hypocrisy
  • Hate
  • Blatant Lies
.... off the top of my pointy little head.
You could do a list of every human behavior and find people of every political stripe engaged in them. The diff you consistently ignore is the predominance of behaviors - even ideological requirement - in different political groups. Just because some in one group do it does not justify the actions of many (or all) in another.

I am often amused at your penchant for wallowing in moral equivalence fallicies to justify the behavior of the left.

For instance, do you find the current Dem defense of ILLEGAL immigration to be against America's best interest, contrary to their oaths of office and arguably traitorous behavior, and can you respond with something other than "but the Repubs...?"

Mac is too stupid to understand how badly you owned him and his entire reason for being on this forum with this one post.
The beauty of this thread has been the way it has triggered wingers from both ends to jump in and act just like each other. Like peas in a pod.

Just. Perfect.

It must be horrible, being so similar in behavior to those you so despise. That must be why you people are so miserable.
The fact that you don't even think that you are a left winger when you are further left than every Democrat president we have ever had and have excused decades of lies and hypocrisy by the Democrats to pursue radical left wing agendas that never had any indication of moderating is more than enough to dismiss you as the clown that you are.

You are absolutely no different from your reactionary racist uneducated party, that is why you have voted for every single candidate that a so called "winger" of your party did.
After all the rapt attention you pay to my posts, you still don't know my politics.

Not surprising. Both ends regularly do that. Including on this very thread.

Again, thanks for illustrating the point of the thread so vividly!

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