The Dems & the GOP - Peas in a pod, again

Democrats aren't real people to me, they are scum.
Exactly! That's the whole point of the thread. They're no different than Republicans.
Nothing triggers a winger more than being compared to those they despise.

Both ends are angrily jumping in with both feet here, almost as a gift to little ol' me. Even after I point it out.

And notice -- I never have to name names.
Yawn! There are major differences between these parties. The rules for elections are the same for everyone.

DemoKKKrats Vs RepubLincolns.




Yeah: I see the difference!!!!!!!

Oh, it goes much deeper (and more amusing) than that.

Here's a few counter-productive behaviors shared by both ends:
  • Deflection (so vividly displayed by both parties right here in this thread!)
  • Tribalism
  • Distortion
  • Intellectual Myopia
  • Straw Man Arguments
  • Obtuseness
  • Willful Ignorance
  • Name-Calling
  • Nasty Personal Insults
  • Hypocrisy
  • Hate
  • Blatant Lies
.... off the top of my pointy little head.
You could do a list of every human behavior and find people of every political stripe engaged in them. The diff you consistently ignore is the predominance of behaviors - even ideological requirement - in different political groups. Just because some in one group do it does not justify the actions of many (or all) in another.

I am often amused at your penchant for wallowing in moral equivalence fallicies to justify the behavior of the left.

For instance, do you find the current Dem defense of ILLEGAL immigration to be against America's best interest, contrary to their oaths of office and arguably traitorous behavior, and can you respond with something other than "but the Repubs...?"

Mac is too stupid to understand how badly you owned him and his entire reason for being on this forum with this one post.
The beauty of this thread has been the way it has triggered wingers from both ends to jump in and act just like each other. Like peas in a pod.

Just. Perfect.

It must be horrible, being so similar in behavior to those you so despise. That must be why you people are so miserable.
The fact that you don't even think that you are a left winger when you are further left than every Democrat president we have ever had and have excused decades of lies and hypocrisy by the Democrats to pursue radical left wing agendas that never had any indication of moderating is more than enough to dismiss you as the clown that you are.

You are absolutely no different from your reactionary racist uneducated party, that is why you have voted for every single candidate that a so called "winger" of your party did.
After all the rapt attention you pay to my posts, you still don't know my politics.

Not surprising. Both ends regularly do that. Including on this very thread.

Again, thanks for illustrating the point of the thread so vividly!
I know your politics all too well.

Your a lying conniving snake who voted for Hillary despite the shit that your party has pulled and continues to pull and yet you have audacity to call someone who literally is the closest to the middle of the entire spectrum on this forum a “winger” and you also have the audacity to claim that Republicans are not doing enough to appease racist psychopaths in non-white communities just because white leftists are stupid enough to keep voting enthusiastically for a party that solely exists to destroy them.
I know your politics all too well.

Your a lying conniving snake who voted for Hillary despite the shit that your party has pulled and continues to pull and yet you have audacity to call someone who literally is the closest to the middle of the entire spectrum on this forum a “winger” and you also have the audacity to claim that Republicans are not doing enough to appease racist psychopaths in non-white communities just because white leftists are stupid enough to keep voting enthusiastically for a party that solely exists to destroy them.
Good. Get it all out.
I know your politics all too well.

Your a lying conniving snake who voted for Hillary despite the shit that your party has pulled and continues to pull and yet you have audacity to call someone who literally is the closest to the middle of the entire spectrum on this forum a “winger” and you also have the audacity to claim that Republicans are not doing enough to appease racist psychopaths in non-white communities just because white leftists are stupid enough to keep voting enthusiastically for a party that solely exists to destroy them.
Good. Get it all out.
Too stupid to come up with a response, typical Mac.
Posts to me, on this very thread.

I rest my case.

I know your politics all too well. Your a lying conniving snake who voted for Hillary despite the shit that your party has pulled and continues to pull and yet you have audacity to call someone who literally is the closest to the middle of the entire spectrum on this forum a “winger” and you also have the audacity to claim that Republicans are not doing enough to appease racist psychopaths in non-white communities just because white leftists are stupid enough to keep voting enthusiastically for a party that solely exists to destroy them.
Mac can always be counted on to dutifully parrot whatever GOP spin that TheParty feeds him. The ironic thing is how his favorite parrot line is about how Democrats can't think. In this case, TheParty is afraid because a majority of Americans agree with that Democratic base, which makes Mac and TheParty the whacked-out fringe minority. Pretending the two parties are alike is deliberately running interference for that Republican corruption. But hey, that's what Mac sees as his job.
I know your politics all too well.

Your a lying conniving snake who voted for Hillary despite the shit that your party has pulled and continues to pull and yet you have audacity to call someone who literally is the closest to the middle of the entire spectrum on this forum a “winger” and you also have the audacity to claim that Republicans are not doing enough to appease racist psychopaths in non-white communities just because white leftists are stupid enough to keep voting enthusiastically for a party that solely exists to destroy them.
Good. Get it all out.
Too stupid to come up with a response, typical Mac.
Yes, I admit, you're much more intelligent than I am. Stipulated.
Well these two parties they both act like parties. They both have a chairman GD wingers. They both have fundraisers and by god they both try to win elections! Just look how they act like each other! Just when everybody is complaining the Democrats want to win the presidency here come the republicans wanting to win the presidency! This is too easy his similar they are!
Oh, it goes much deeper (and more amusing) than that.

Here's a few counter-productive behaviors shared by both ends:
  • Deflection (so vividly displayed by both parties right here in this thread!)
  • Tribalism
  • Distortion
  • Intellectual Myopia
  • Straw Man Arguments
  • Obtuseness
  • Willful Ignorance
  • Name-Calling
  • Nasty Personal Insults
  • Hypocrisy
  • Hate
  • Blatant Lies
.... off the top of my pointy little head.
You could do a list of every human behavior and find people of every political stripe engaged in them. The diff you consistently ignore is the predominance of behaviors - even ideological requirement - in different political groups. Just because some in one group do it does not justify the actions of many (or all) in another.

I am often amused at your penchant for wallowing in moral equivalence fallicies to justify the behavior of the left.

For instance, do you find the current Dem defense of ILLEGAL immigration to be against America's best interest, contrary to their oaths of office and arguably traitorous behavior, and can you respond with something other than "but the Repubs...?"

Mac is too stupid to understand how badly you owned him and his entire reason for being on this forum with this one post.
The beauty of this thread has been the way it has triggered wingers from both ends to jump in and act just like each other. Like peas in a pod.

Just. Perfect.

It must be horrible, being so similar in behavior to those you so despise. That must be why you people are so miserable.
The fact that you don't even think that you are a left winger when you are further left than every Democrat president we have ever had and have excused decades of lies and hypocrisy by the Democrats to pursue radical left wing agendas that never had any indication of moderating is more than enough to dismiss you as the clown that you are.

You are absolutely no different from your reactionary racist uneducated party, that is why you have voted for every single candidate that a so called "winger" of your party did.

excellent point good sir! How must it feel to bitch about "wingers" while pulling the lever with them.
Oh, it goes much deeper (and more amusing) than that.

Here's a few counter-productive behaviors shared by both ends:
  • Deflection (so vividly displayed by both parties right here in this thread!)
  • Tribalism
  • Distortion
  • Intellectual Myopia
  • Straw Man Arguments
  • Obtuseness
  • Willful Ignorance
  • Name-Calling
  • Nasty Personal Insults
  • Hypocrisy
  • Hate
  • Blatant Lies
.... off the top of my pointy little head.
You could do a list of every human behavior and find people of every political stripe engaged in them. The diff you consistently ignore is the predominance of behaviors - even ideological requirement - in different political groups. Just because some in one group do it does not justify the actions of many (or all) in another.

I am often amused at your penchant for wallowing in moral equivalence fallicies to justify the behavior of the left.

For instance, do you find the current Dem defense of ILLEGAL immigration to be against America's best interest, contrary to their oaths of office and arguably traitorous behavior, and can you respond with something other than "but the Repubs...?"

Mac is too stupid to understand how badly you owned him and his entire reason for being on this forum with this one post.
The beauty of this thread has been the way it has triggered wingers from both ends to jump in and act just like each other. Like peas in a pod.

Just. Perfect.

It must be horrible, being so similar in behavior to those you so despise. That must be why you people are so miserable.
The fact that you don't even think that you are a left winger when you are further left than every Democrat president we have ever had and have excused decades of lies and hypocrisy by the Democrats to pursue radical left wing agendas that never had any indication of moderating is more than enough to dismiss you as the clown that you are.

You are absolutely no different from your reactionary racist uneducated party, that is why you have voted for every single candidate that a so called "winger" of your party did.

excellent point good sir! How must it feel to bitch about "wingers" while pulling the lever with them.
Good stuff here, thanks for making this point.

Another behavior shared by both ends is binary thinking, that if a person votes a certain way, they can only be a blind, hardcore partisan ideologue like you.

It doesn't even occur to you folks that there are many people who aren't controlled by an obedience to an ideology. You just assume that everyone is as ideologically pure and intellectually paralyzed as you are. A person can only be one or the other.

The outstanding illustrations of my point just keep piling up here. Excellent, thank you.
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Well these two parties they both act like parties. They both have a chairman GD wingers. They both have fundraisers and by god they both try to win elections! Just look how they act like each other! Just when everybody is complaining the Democrats want to win the presidency here come the republicans wanting to win the presidency! This is too easy his similar they are!
Oh, it goes much deeper (and more amusing) than that.

Here's a few counter-productive behaviors shared by both ends:
  • Deflection (so vividly displayed by both parties right here in this thread!)
  • Tribalism
  • Distortion
  • Intellectual Myopia
  • Straw Man Arguments
  • Obtuseness
  • Willful Ignorance
  • Name-Calling
  • Nasty Personal Insults
  • Hypocrisy
  • Hate
  • Blatant Lies
.... off the top of my pointy little head.
You could do a list of every human behavior and find people of every political stripe engaged in them. The diff you consistently ignore is the predominance of behaviors - even ideological requirement - in different political groups. Just because some in one group do it does not justify the actions of many (or all) in another.

I am often amused at your penchant for wallowing in moral equivalence fallicies to justify the behavior of the left.

For instance, do you find the current Dem defense of ILLEGAL immigration to be against America's best interest, contrary to their oaths of office and arguably traitorous behavior, and can you respond with something other than "but the Repubs...?"

Mac is too stupid to understand how badly you owned him and his entire reason for being on this forum with this one post.
Mac's not stupid - he has lucid moments - but rather is determined to defend the left's actions and attitudes by all and any means necessary.
It should be pointed out that the premise of this thread stands in contradiction to the premise of another thread wherein you seek to call out people who believe the Democratic Party has not clearly moved left.
Hardly. Denial is one of the shared behaviors I listed. I realize you have a tribe to protect, but that was a stretch..
Ah, your tribe has principles and the other tribe doesn't. Tribalism.

Yeah, that's on the list.

It is completely possible for one group to have principles and the other not.

Your dismissal as though it is not, is not reasonable.
The fact that someone else's principles don't align with yours doesn't mean they don't have principles.

Seriously, I really would think that something this obvious wouldn't even need to be said.

That is obviously true.

But one can judge other people based on how well they live up to those principles. And/or whether those principles are very valid.

ANd it is still possible for one group to have principles and another not to.
However, the left clearly has values. They are not hard to see. That they may be wrong or misplaced is another matter. However, it is genuinely blind to state that they have none.
It actually doesn't.

The left has betrayed anything and anyone that stood with it in the past.

Reactionary racist nonsense is all that they have now.
Ironically the Dems once successfully painted the Repubs as reactionary and while the latter have successfully marginalized their rads, the Dems have indeed become reactionaries.

Politics make strange bedfellows.
Well these two parties they both act like parties. They both have a chairman GD wingers. They both have fundraisers and by god they both try to win elections! Just look how they act like each other! Just when everybody is complaining the Democrats want to win the presidency here come the republicans wanting to win the presidency! This is too easy his similar they are!
Oh, it goes much deeper (and more amusing) than that.

Here's a few counter-productive behaviors shared by both ends:
  • Deflection (so vividly displayed by both parties right here in this thread!)
  • Tribalism
  • Distortion
  • Intellectual Myopia
  • Straw Man Arguments
  • Obtuseness
  • Willful Ignorance
  • Name-Calling
  • Nasty Personal Insults
  • Hypocrisy
  • Hate
  • Blatant Lies
.... off the top of my pointy little head.
You could do a list of every human behavior and find people of every political stripe engaged in them. The diff you consistently ignore is the predominance of behaviors - even ideological requirement - in different political groups. Just because some in one group do it does not justify the actions of many (or all) in another.

I am often amused at your penchant for wallowing in moral equivalence fallicies to justify the behavior of the left.

For instance, do you find the current Dem defense of ILLEGAL immigration to be against America's best interest, contrary to their oaths of office and arguably traitorous behavior, and can you respond with something other than "but the Repubs...?"

Mac is too stupid to understand how badly you owned him and his entire reason for being on this forum with this one post.
Mac's not stupid - he has lucid moments - but rather is determined to defend the left's actions and attitudes by all and any means necessary.
Which makes him a psychopath at best.
You could do a list of every human behavior and find people of every political stripe engaged in them. The diff you consistently ignore is the predominance of behaviors - even ideological requirement - in different political groups. Just because some in one group do it does not justify the actions of many (or all) in another.

I am often amused at your penchant for wallowing in moral equivalence fallicies to justify the behavior of the left.

For instance, do you find the current Dem defense of ILLEGAL immigration to be against America's best interest, contrary to their oaths of office and arguably traitorous behavior, and can you respond with something other than "but the Repubs...?"

Mac is too stupid to understand how badly you owned him and his entire reason for being on this forum with this one post.
The beauty of this thread has been the way it has triggered wingers from both ends to jump in and act just like each other. Like peas in a pod.

Just. Perfect.

It must be horrible, being so similar in behavior to those you so despise. That must be why you people are so miserable.
The fact that you don't even think that you are a left winger when you are further left than every Democrat president we have ever had and have excused decades of lies and hypocrisy by the Democrats to pursue radical left wing agendas that never had any indication of moderating is more than enough to dismiss you as the clown that you are.

You are absolutely no different from your reactionary racist uneducated party, that is why you have voted for every single candidate that a so called "winger" of your party did.

excellent point good sir! How must it feel to bitch about "wingers" while pulling the lever with them.
Good stuff here, thanks for making this point.

Another behavior shared by both ends is binary thinking, that if a person votes a certain way, they can only be a blind, hardcore partisan ideologue like you.

It doesn't even occur to you folks that there are many people who aren't controlled by an obedience to an ideology. You just assume that everyone is as ideologically pure and intellectually paralyzed as you are. A person can only be one or the other.

The outstanding illustrations of my point just keep piling up here. Excellent, thank you.
Thanks for proving my point yet again dumbass.

You are on the extreme liberal side and I am in the "moderate"/"leaning liberal" camp.

Almost everyone who voted for Hillary was far left.

Trump won the right and the left of center in 2016.

Mac is too stupid to understand how badly you owned him and his entire reason for being on this forum with this one post.
The beauty of this thread has been the way it has triggered wingers from both ends to jump in and act just like each other. Like peas in a pod.

Just. Perfect.

It must be horrible, being so similar in behavior to those you so despise. That must be why you people are so miserable.
The fact that you don't even think that you are a left winger when you are further left than every Democrat president we have ever had and have excused decades of lies and hypocrisy by the Democrats to pursue radical left wing agendas that never had any indication of moderating is more than enough to dismiss you as the clown that you are.

You are absolutely no different from your reactionary racist uneducated party, that is why you have voted for every single candidate that a so called "winger" of your party did.

excellent point good sir! How must it feel to bitch about "wingers" while pulling the lever with them.
Good stuff here, thanks for making this point.

Another behavior shared by both ends is binary thinking, that if a person votes a certain way, they can only be a blind, hardcore partisan ideologue like you.

It doesn't even occur to you folks that there are many people who aren't controlled by an obedience to an ideology. You just assume that everyone is as ideologically pure and intellectually paralyzed as you are. A person can only be one or the other.

The outstanding illustrations of my point just keep piling up here. Excellent, thank you.
Thanks for proving my point yet again dumbass.

You are on the extreme liberal side and I am in the "moderate"/"leaning liberal" camp.

Almost everyone who voted for Hillary was far left.

Trump won the right and the left of center in 2016.
Okay, I'm sure that's true!
The beauty of this thread has been the way it has triggered wingers from both ends to jump in and act just like each other. Like peas in a pod.

Just. Perfect.

It must be horrible, being so similar in behavior to those you so despise. That must be why you people are so miserable.
The fact that you don't even think that you are a left winger when you are further left than every Democrat president we have ever had and have excused decades of lies and hypocrisy by the Democrats to pursue radical left wing agendas that never had any indication of moderating is more than enough to dismiss you as the clown that you are.

You are absolutely no different from your reactionary racist uneducated party, that is why you have voted for every single candidate that a so called "winger" of your party did.

excellent point good sir! How must it feel to bitch about "wingers" while pulling the lever with them.
Good stuff here, thanks for making this point.

Another behavior shared by both ends is binary thinking, that if a person votes a certain way, they can only be a blind, hardcore partisan ideologue like you.

It doesn't even occur to you folks that there are many people who aren't controlled by an obedience to an ideology. You just assume that everyone is as ideologically pure and intellectually paralyzed as you are. A person can only be one or the other.

The outstanding illustrations of my point just keep piling up here. Excellent, thank you.
Thanks for proving my point yet again dumbass.

You are on the extreme liberal side and I am in the "moderate"/"leaning liberal" camp.

Almost everyone who voted for Hillary was far left.

Trump won the right and the left of center in 2016.
Okay, I'm sure that's true!
Denying facts doesn't make them go away.
The fact that you don't even think that you are a left winger when you are further left than every Democrat president we have ever had and have excused decades of lies and hypocrisy by the Democrats to pursue radical left wing agendas that never had any indication of moderating is more than enough to dismiss you as the clown that you are.

You are absolutely no different from your reactionary racist uneducated party, that is why you have voted for every single candidate that a so called "winger" of your party did.

excellent point good sir! How must it feel to bitch about "wingers" while pulling the lever with them.
Good stuff here, thanks for making this point.

Another behavior shared by both ends is binary thinking, that if a person votes a certain way, they can only be a blind, hardcore partisan ideologue like you.

It doesn't even occur to you folks that there are many people who aren't controlled by an obedience to an ideology. You just assume that everyone is as ideologically pure and intellectually paralyzed as you are. A person can only be one or the other.

The outstanding illustrations of my point just keep piling up here. Excellent, thank you.
Thanks for proving my point yet again dumbass.

You are on the extreme liberal side and I am in the "moderate"/"leaning liberal" camp.

Almost everyone who voted for Hillary was far left.

Trump won the right and the left of center in 2016.
Okay, I'm sure that's true!
Denying facts doesn't make them go away.
My goodness, you're still going.

Let me make this as clear as I can for you: I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe what you're saying.

So we're good! And this is one of the primary things I find so fascinating about this board.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything, and I'm perfectly comfy with whatever personal attacks you'd like to toss my way. You'll notice that I never named you by name, and I'm not attacking you personally.

I very much appreciate your contributions to this thread, I truly do.
Intellectual myopia. One of the behaviors on my list..

Both sides do it .... but you do it yourself way, way more. That's what makes you so ironically funny.

You are an interesting psychological case study. What emotional need drives you to pretend that you're above it all, even though observation shows you to be below it all?

My guess it that it's standard special snowflakism. You want to feel special and superior to everyone else, so you create a reality where the only pure and perfect ones are members of your "tribe of the sacred center".
I got this.

Intellectual myopia. One of the behaviors on my list..

Both sides do it .... but you do it yourself way, way more. That's what makes you so ironically funny.

You are an interesting psychological case study. What emotional need drives you to pretend that you're above it all, even though observation shows you to be below it all?

My guess it that it's standard special snowflakism. You want to feel special and superior to everyone else, so you create a reality where the only pure and perfect ones are members of your "tribe of the sacred center".

Thanks for proving his point yet again :D
Dude, Democrats and Republicans are totally the same.

I remember back in 2010, when I (ignorantly) had Fox News controlling my thoughts, I'd watch a few hours and then bitch about Obama playing too much golf. 2017 hits and Democrats are bitching about Trump golfing too much after a few hours of CNN.

Couldn't be more similar.

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