Zone1 The Design Argument for God’s Existence.

There is no separation of church and state in any clause of the Constitution or in any amendment. There is protection of the people from the federal government forcing any religious practices or beliefs on them and prohibiting the government from interfering with the people's religious belief and practices and that there will be no religious test to hold any federal office. Otherwise the government and the people are allowed to be as religious or non religious as they choose to be.

The Founders pretty much every single one believed that the Constitution would work for only a religious and moral people and wouldn't work for any other. The Founders themselves held Christian worship services in the Chambers of Congress.
Exactly! The Constitution shields the Church from government interference, not the government from Christian participation
Exactly! The Constitution shields the Church from government interference, not the government from Christian participation
No, no, no.....The Constitution makes the government promote the Natural Theology and morals common to Biblical religion but forbidns the Federal government from favoring a denomination. And all this because it is Christian and Jewish teaching that coerced faith is NOT faith at all.
Fort Indian makes 3 mistakes that should tell you to stop trying to reason about this

1) He argues that there is 'design' --- he says so--- but that design can happen irrespective of a Designer. Now you have to be stupid to think that. And the corollary is that his own rationality is explained by the irrational. He doesn't know the LOGOS tradition of all Western Civilization so he is uneducated too

2) He says he is looking for rational evidence and he gives irrational causes to explain his own position. What can you do with someone like that.

3) He perversely says that no smart rational educated folks disagree with him. Well let's lay this bare. IF he is talking evidence and he has none that substantiates his view then at the very least he is a trivail lazy bastard not even interested in whether there is a God.

I have known a lot of egotistical lazy self-promoters like this, IF HE REALLY WANTED ANSWSERS HE'D BE ASKING SINCERE QUESTIONS>
Exactly! The Constitution shields the Church from government interference, not the government from Christian participation
Excellent comment!

What they would not allow was a theocracy in which the government dictated what religion(s) the people would and would not be allowed. And they wanted no religious group to have power to dictate to government.

Otherwise religious people were allowed to petition their government and organize their individual societies as much as any others and be as religious or not as they chose to be. That is when we still understood and enforced the First Amendment.
He argues that there is 'design' --- he says so--- but that design can happen irrespective of a Designer.

I very explicitly said that our puny minds are fooled into assuming design where there is none.

He says he is looking for rational evidence and he gives irrational causes to explain his own position
Name one, instead of running your mouth.

He perversely says that no smart rational educated folks disagree with him.
Another lie. I said virtually all. Of course even the smartest peope can be fooled into believing childish, magical nonsense.

What a whiny, content free, pile of crap post by you.
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No, no, no.....The Constitution makes the government promote the Natural Theology and morals common to Biblical religion but forbidns the Federal government from favoring a denomination. And all this because it is Christian and Jewish teaching that coerced faith is NOT faith at all.
Also total crap. The values of our country come from secular ideas, like classical liberalism.

One strong clue: The bronze age book Of mythologies that we call the bible has been around for thousands of years. Yet no modern liberal democracy existed until two hundred fifty years ago quite in spite of religion.
To my atheist brothers and sisters, don't let what the rabid rightwingers of America has done to besmirch the name of God, Jesus and/or Christianity.

Don't let that cloud your judgement.

Seek God for yourselves, He'll be there whenever you need Him.
Science tells us that there was nothing, then there was a big bang and then there was something.

funny how the desert makes up what they then ridicule as if from others ... than themselves.

bb is cyclical energy to mass between moments of singularity repeating itself ad infinitum.

the boomerang theory, postulates -

a hand grande detonated in a motionalist state in space will eventually due to the finite angle of trajectory of the shrapnel, will reconstitute itself as a perfect replica over time as before its detonation ... hopefully that helps in understanding the cyclical bb.
Also total crap. The values of our country come from secular ideas, like classical liberalism.

One strong clue: The bronze age book Of mythologies that we call the bible has been around for thousands of years. Yet no modern liberal democracy existed until two hundred fifty years ago quite in spite of religion.
The Dictators Made God in Their Own Image

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