The Despicable Derrick Bell

Science and education are bad and slavery was a "lucky break" for African Americans.

Yep, he's a "conservative".

It was a lucky break for African Americans living today. Otherwise, they would be living in Africa. I doubt you'll find a single African American who would prefer to live in Africa.

Also, he didn't say science and education are bad.

As usual, you're a moron, rdean.

The march of science and technology does not imply growing intellectual complexity in the lives of most people. It often means the opposite.
Thomas Sowell

Science is the opposite of "growing intellectual complexity". Yea, sounds real fucking good.

Who knows the history of Africa if it hadn't been raided of human beings.

Nice to know that Republicans and conservatives agree slavery was a "lucky break".
I see why Breitbitch and company decided to hold off on releasing this video (which has been publicly available for years) until the 2012 election - if they tried to pull this race-card "scary black man" crap during the 2008 campaign, Bell could have actually defended himself.

So they had to wait until the poor man died.
Science and education are bad and slavery was a "lucky break" for African Americans.

Yep, he's a "conservative".

It was a lucky break for African Americans living today. Otherwise, they would be living in Africa.

wow. You should put that little gem in the RNC platform.

Just think, if they hadn't been enslaved the Irish and the Spanish and the Italians never would have migrated here! oh that right?
Science and education are bad and slavery was a "lucky break" for African Americans.

Yep, he's a "conservative".

It was a lucky break for African Americans living today. Otherwise, they would be living in Africa.

wow. You should put that little gem in the RNC platform.

Just think, if they hadn't been enslaved the Irish and the Spanish and the Italians never would have migrated here! oh that right?

bripat is really a prepube brat

You tell them fingerboy.....

They would still be a bunch of jungle bunnies if it weren't for people like you

I said they would be living in Africa where their yearly income would probably be about $370 and their life expectancy would be about 35 years.

You're the one who characterized Africans as "jungle bunnies," not me.
You tell them fingerboy.....

They would still be a bunch of jungle bunnies if it weren't for people like you

I said they would be living in Africa where their yearly income would probably be about $370 and their life expectancy would be about 35 years.

You're the one who characterized Africans as "jungle bunnies," not me.

Come on fingerboy......tell us what you really think of those darkies
It was a lucky break for African Americans living today. Otherwise, they would be living in Africa.

wow. You should put that little gem in the RNC platform.

Just think, if they hadn't been enslaved the Irish and the Spanish and the Italians never would have migrated here! oh that right?

There's no point in discussing this topic with an imbecile like you.
It was a lucky break for African Americans living today. Otherwise, they would be living in Africa.

wow. You should put that little gem in the RNC platform.

Just think, if they hadn't been enslaved the Irish and the Spanish and the Italians never would have migrated here! oh that right?

There's no point in discussing this topic with an imbecile like you.

Did your ancestors arrive here courtesy of enslavement, Bripat?


<hint: not every African living in the US is a descendant of slaves. Our president, for example>
I imagine the meaning will be lost on you but here goes...

“It’s amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites. ”
&#8213; Thomas Sowell


okay champ,
mahers calls women ever name in the book and donates 1 million to odumbo while obumer gives neg rant at limbaugh....double sstandard much?????

does obamo return the money with regards to his daughters?

if your confused because you chose to or either to lazy and will rant incoherently that's your provocative.

morality of left in 3 2 1.

morality on the left? I'm a liberal, not a leftists, or a progressive, or a democrat.

on the whole, I dislike Bill Maher never thought he was funny.

imagine that

You're not a leftist? Yeah, right, and I'm the Queen of England.
wow. You should put that little gem in the RNC platform.

Just think, if they hadn't been enslaved the Irish and the Spanish and the Italians never would have migrated here! oh that right?

There's no point in discussing this topic with an imbecile like you.

Did your ancestors arrive here courtesy of enslavement, Bripat?


<hint: not every African living in the US is a descendant of slaves. Our president, for example>

Hint: You're an idiot.
You tell them fingerboy.....

They would still be a bunch of jungle bunnies if it weren't for people like you

I said they would be living in Africa where their yearly income would probably be about $370 and their life expectancy would be about 35 years.

You're the one who characterized Africans as "jungle bunnies," not me.

So tell me fingerboy

In your revisionist history. Would blacks have been better off if they had come this country on their own choice and were paid the same wages as whites?
Yep, far, far right.

Face it. Briebart's last effort is a total dud. Nobody cares.

"Nobody cares."

Ya' know, Rocks... you're old enough to know about those in Russia who said the same about their version of Bolsheviks... should be wise enough to care.
You tell them fingerboy.....

They would still be a bunch of jungle bunnies if it weren't for people like you

I said they would be living in Africa where their yearly income would probably be about $370 and their life expectancy would be about 35 years.

You're the one who characterized Africans as "jungle bunnies," not me.

So tell me fingerboy

In your revisionist history. Would blacks have been better off if they had come this country on their own choice and were paid the same wages as whites?

"...come this country on their own choice..."

"Since 1990, according to immigration figures, more have arrived voluntarily than the total who disembarked in chains before the United States outlawed international slave trafficking in 1807. More have been coming here annually - about 50,000 legal immigrants - than in any of the peak years of the middle passage across the Atlantic, and more have migrated here from Africa since 1990 than in nearly the entire preceding two centuries."
As usual lefties are afflicted with selective short term memory loss. Anything that happened in the 90's is ancient history as well as the 70's but their hatred of Reagan keeps some memories of the 80's alive.


Who hates Reagan?

He was a terrible president, among our worst and I hate what he did to our country. But the man? Who cares? Not me.

What cracks me up is that the entire country KNEW he was poison, just as they knew W was poison but, thanks to the selective memory of the wacko rw's, its SAINT Ronnie now.

Low long before drunk druggie George is canonized?

(and please, don't bother with the fiction of how he's all kinds of clean and sober now. That's bullshit and all you have to do is spend some time on You tube to know it.)
Well now we know the source of some of Papa Obama's radical ideas

[ame=]Obama Says--White Folk's Greed Runs a World In Need - YouTube[/ame]
Well now we know the source of some of Papa Obama's radical ideas

Obama Says--White Folk's Greed Runs a World In Need - YouTube

Brazil’s President, while meeting Gordon Brown, has said the global financial crisis was caused by “white people with blue eyes”.
Fausta's Blog » Blog Archive » Lula: &#8220;White people with blue eyes&#8221; created the financial crisis

Obama embraces a race-baiter

By Michelle Malkin • April 3, 2009 11:23 AM
Hey, you remember Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva , the Brazilian president who used the global financial meltdown to demagogue about “white people with blue eyes?”
Well, you’ll be happy to know that our president gave him two thumbs up and offered this praise. He’s loco for Lula!
“This is my man, right here. I love this guy.”
Michelle Malkin » Obama embraces a race-baiter

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