The Devil’s Morality


Sep 23, 2010
Joan Rivers revived an old one in this brief video:

WATCH: Which Transphobic Slur Did Joan Rivers Call Michelle Obama? |

WATCH: Which Transphobic Slur Did Joan Rivers Call Michelle Obama?
BY Parker Marie Molloy
July 03 2014 3:12 PM ET

I don’t know about Michelle, but the story about her husband went nowhere in September 2012:

“Nobody who knew Obama in the gay bar scene thought he could possibly be president,” said DuJan.

DuJan, founder and editor of the Hillary Clinton-supporting website, told WND he has first-hand information from two different sources that “Obama was personally involved in the gay bar scene.”

“If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for 25 years will tell you these stories,” DuJan said. “Obama used to go to the gay bars during the week, most often on Wednesday, and they said he was very much into older white guys.”

Obama, DuJan said, is “not heterosexual and he’s not bisexual. He’s homosexual.”​

Claim: Obama hid 'gay life' to become president
Chicago homosexual community shocked he could keep it secret
Published: 09/11/2012 at 9:53 PM

Claim: Obama hid ?gay life? to become president

Whether or not Taqiyya is a homosexual will not change anything until Americans deal with this:

The worst perverts and degenerates in the world always believe they are morally superior to everybody else. In the same vein, did you ever know a reformed drunk that not did have all of the answers? The only difference between drunks and perverts is that not every drunk believes they have a Right to govern. I’ve always suspected that being a pervert and a drunk is their criterion for governing.

I never could figure out how being a pervert entailed moral superiority. Somehow it does. So, naturally, they deserve to govern. Anomalies like Barney Frank notwithstanding, they never admitted to what they are; they always pretended to be the opposite of what they are in all things. What they actually said is that the Devil’s morality is superior to God’s morality. Now that they all out of closet and governing the rest of us it is fair to say that the Left won the gay thing. In more precise terms the Devil not only won he is a moral dude to boot.

Liberals claim there is no God. I do not know what they say about the Devil, but they sure as hell think his morality is superior. Socialists also hate Supreme Deity religions; so it’s probably cruel of me to remind them that a belief in the Devil automatically admits that God is real, and that their religion —— GOVERNMENT —— is the Devil’s religion.

Just to clarify my view one more time:

Government and organized religion will always plague mankind. Give either one too much power and freedom dies. The trick is to limit government and keep organized religion voluntary. Give either one too much power and freedom dies.​
Evaluate my observation in relation to combining the Devil’s morality with government.

Incidentally, Barack Taqiyya will be remembered as a moral president to cover his failures because he has nothing else going for him. All of the garbage he dumped on the country will be spun to show what a decent, kind, compassionate, man he was. I believe that is everything he wanted his legacy to be. It would be a big mistake for future Americans to buy it because it sets a precedent for presidents being accepted as the nation’s moral leader. Nothing is worse than a moral leader imposing his personal morality on a free people. Taqiyya the Liar proved it if he proved nothing else.

As to the charge that Barack Taqiyya is a gay blade, I found Corsi’s followup article much more informative, and convincing, than the 09/11/2012 piece:

Trinity Church members reveal Obama shocker!
'Matchmaker' Rev. Jeremiah Wright 'provided cover for gays'
Published: 10/02/2012 at 8:12 PM

Trinity Church members reveal Obama shocker!

I tried a little humor in this thread without getting into all of Corsi’s details:

Finally, Jeremiah Wright working to help homosexuals attain governing authority makes a mockery out of Christian compassion. If there is any truth to his activities on behalf of homosexuals then the question arises: Was he preaching for God or for the Devil?
If Karl Marx is the Devil’s Saint Peter than Barack Taqiyya was surely baptized by Saul Alinsky, the Devil’s forgiver of sins:

President Obama has, except on fleeting occasions, routinely disdained the customary Oval Office language of compromise and coalition-building for the low arts of sophistry and belittlement. That was to be expected, given his background as a Chicago community organizer and product of that city's corrupt Democrat political machine.


His "so sue me" speech last week is a classic illustration of the community organizer practicing Saul Alinsky's 13th rule: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”


With 33 percent of Americans surveyed by the Quinnipiac University Poll saying he is the worst president since WWII, one might think Obama would try a new approach. He won't because Alinsky's eighth rule says “keep the pressure on. Never let up.”

Obama channels Saul Alinsky with 'so sue me' speech: Examiner Editorial
By Washington Examiner | July 3, 2014 | 11:30 am

Obama channels Saul Alinsky with 'so sue me' speech: Examiner Editorial |

Follow the money

“Money is the root of all evil.” misquotes “The want of money is the root of all evil.” The distinction is the foundation for two philosophies as far apart as right and wrong. I’ve always thought of the misquote as the first example of class warfare in addition to glorifying poverty. The first answer asks the obvious question: What do you want to do with money? Answer: “Live well.” Wanting money to live well is not evil in any way in addition to being a direct assault on the glories of poverty.

The second answer: “Control everyone.” brings us to Barack Taqiyya. Rep Louie Gohmert may not have my biblical interpretation in mind, but he goes to the heart of the matter anyway. There is no doubt that Taqiyya the Liar wants money so he can do evil.

“The Founders gave us the power of the purse. It’s going to take a lot of courage to stand up to the president and say we’re going to start defunding anything that you care deeply about that’s not important to the American people,” said Gohmert, who wants to start by removing funding for the attorney general’s office and rescinding salaries for anyone held in contempt of Congress.

“We need to start eliminating any money for any federal agency or department, including the White House, that is not following the law. Then you get their attention. That’s what the Founders anticipated.

I know our speaker [John Boehner] says we’re only half of one-third [of the government]. Well, we’re the most important half of the appropriations process. If we don’t agree to an appropriation, it doesn’t happen. It’s time we took a stronger stand in that regard,” said Gohmert.

Taqiyya the Liar went from hustling money as a community organizer to spending unlimited amounts of money. It can only get worse —— much worse —— if the House does not stop him as Rep. Gohmert laid out:

Obama is also asking for Congress to approve two billion dollars in new spending to provide better temporary shelter and to set up more judges and courts to process the cases of the illegal immigrants.

NOTE: Taqiyya the Liar wants the money to process illegal aliens into American citizenship —— not process them for rapid deportation.

Finally, I understand Gohmert’s sarcasm:

“The current rules are confusing because the law is very clear and yet the president came out and announced, like a good monarch would, that he didn’t like the law and so he pronounced new law. ‘If you meet these requirements, then we’ll let you stay here. So I have spoken, so shall it be.’ That’s what monarchs do. So because of that, it is confusing. The law itself is not,” said Gohmert.

Congressman rips into 'good monarch' Obama
Warns prez 'quickly moving' U.S. toward constitutional crisis
Saturday, July 05, 2014
Published: 17 hours ago

Congressman rips into ?good monarch? Obama

I would have said:

“The current rules are confusing because the law is very clear and yet the president came out and announced, like a dirty little moralist would, that he didn’t like the law and so he pronounced new law.” ‘If you meet these requirements, then we’ll let you stay here. So I have spoken, so shall it be.’ That’s what dirty little moralists do. So because of that, it is confusing. The law itself is not.”
If Karl Marx is the Devil’s Saint Peter than Barack Taqiyya was surely baptized by Saul Alinsky, the Devil’s forgiver of sins:

President Obama has, except on fleeting occasions, routinely disdained the customary Oval Office language of compromise and coalition-building for the low arts of sophistry and belittlement. That was to be expected, given his background as a Chicago community organizer and product of that city's corrupt Democrat political machine.


His "so sue me" speech last week is a classic illustration of the community organizer practicing Saul Alinsky's 13th rule: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”


With 33 percent of Americans surveyed by the Quinnipiac University Poll saying he is the worst president since WWII, one might think Obama would try a new approach. He won't because Alinsky's eighth rule says “keep the pressure on. Never let up.”

Obama channels Saul Alinsky with 'so sue me' speech: Examiner Editorial
By Washington Examiner | July 3, 2014 | 11:30 am

Obama channels Saul Alinsky with 'so sue me' speech: Examiner Editorial |

Follow the money

“Money is the root of all evil.” misquotes “The want of money is the root of all evil.” The distinction is the foundation for two philosophies as far apart as right and wrong. I’ve always thought of the misquote as the first example of class warfare in addition to glorifying poverty. The first answer asks the obvious question: What do you want to do with money? Answer: “Live well.” Wanting money to live well is not evil in any way in addition to being a direct assault on the glories of poverty.

The second answer: “Control everyone.” brings us to Barack Taqiyya. Rep Louie Gohmert may not have my biblical interpretation in mind, but he goes to the heart of the matter anyway. There is no doubt that Taqiyya the Liar wants money so he can do evil.

“The Founders gave us the power of the purse. It’s going to take a lot of courage to stand up to the president and say we’re going to start defunding anything that you care deeply about that’s not important to the American people,” said Gohmert, who wants to start by removing funding for the attorney general’s office and rescinding salaries for anyone held in contempt of Congress.

“We need to start eliminating any money for any federal agency or department, including the White House, that is not following the law. Then you get their attention. That’s what the Founders anticipated.

I know our speaker [John Boehner] says we’re only half of one-third [of the government]. Well, we’re the most important half of the appropriations process. If we don’t agree to an appropriation, it doesn’t happen. It’s time we took a stronger stand in that regard,” said Gohmert.

Taqiyya the Liar went from hustling money as a community organizer to spending unlimited amounts of money. It can only get worse —— much worse —— if the House does not stop him as Rep. Gohmert laid out:

Obama is also asking for Congress to approve two billion dollars in new spending to provide better temporary shelter and to set up more judges and courts to process the cases of the illegal immigrants.

NOTE: Taqiyya the Liar wants the money to process illegal aliens into American citizenship —— not process them for rapid deportation.

Finally, I understand Gohmert’s sarcasm:

“The current rules are confusing because the law is very clear and yet the president came out and announced, like a good monarch would, that he didn’t like the law and so he pronounced new law. ‘If you meet these requirements, then we’ll let you stay here. So I have spoken, so shall it be.’ That’s what monarchs do. So because of that, it is confusing. The law itself is not,” said Gohmert.

Congressman rips into 'good monarch' Obama
Warns prez 'quickly moving' U.S. toward constitutional crisis
Saturday, July 05, 2014
Published: 17 hours ago

Congressman rips into ?good monarch? Obama

I would have said:

“The current rules are confusing because the law is very clear and yet the president came out and announced, like a dirty little moralist would, that he didn’t like the law and so he pronounced new law.” ‘If you meet these requirements, then we’ll let you stay here. So I have spoken, so shall it be.’ That’s what dirty little moralists do. So because of that, it is confusing. The law itself is not.”

Saul Alinsky? devil?:lol: you dumb fuck white trash goyim are hilarious :lol:
Saul Alinsky? devil?:lol: you dumb fuck white trash goyim are hilarious :lol:

To guno: These are the rules parasite scum like you play by in order tear down this country:

[ame=]Barack Obama's Master, Saul Alinsky (Bradlee Dean) - YouTube[/ame]​





Here’s a bit more for you to digest you lice-infested Communist piece of garbage:

The real problem is therefore not a single human being called Obama, but an entire political apparatus that turns out Obamas like robots. Hillary is an Alinsky acolyte, and Alinsky was simply another revolutionary agitator – now called “community organizer” by our party-line press. Alinsky’s biggest innovation was to make common cause with organized crime in Chicago.

Starting with the Arab oil embargo of the 1970s, radical Muslims joined the Alinsky axis to make the toxic triangle of revolution, criminal mafias, and reactionary Islamism.


Obama’s self-appointed mission in life is to destroy the most productive and beneficial culture in history. Obama personally taught Alinsky’s Rules to his ACORN followers, and Alinsky called us “the enemy.” That word is used in war, and radicals like Obama and Malcolm X are bitter warlike agitators. (The old word for “community organizer” was “communist agitator”). Radicals like Obama read their revolutionary heroes literally, just like any Bible-quoting fundamentalist preacher.

July 5, 2014
Dangerous Times: Obama the Betrayer
By James Lewis

Articles: Dangerous Times: Obama the Betrayer
“The Founders gave us the power of the purse. It’s going to take a lot of courage to stand up to the president and say we’re going to start defunding anything that you care deeply about that’s not important to the American people,” said Gohmert, who wants to start by removing funding for the attorney general’s office and rescinding salaries for anyone held in contempt of Congress.

“We need to start eliminating any money for any federal agency or department, including the White House, that is not following the law. Then you get their attention. That’s what the Founders anticipated.

The is no constitutional authority for the federal government’s involvement in education on any level. So even if the corrupt bureaucracies are defunded as the Constitution authorizes, the House should go further and not authorize a penny for higher education. It would be more than poetic justice to stop subsidizing an industry that refuses to teach the Constitution:

University of South Carolina president Harris Pastides is refusing to comply with a state law that requires all public universities to teach students about America’s founding documents, including the Constitution, calling it “archaic.” In a bit of irony that is apparently lost on Pastides, USC claims the state law is itself unconstitutional.

University President Calls Law Requiring Study of Constitution ‘Archaic’
Hans von Spakovsky / Jameson Broggi / July 05, 2014

University President Calls Law Requiring Study of Constitution ?Archaic?




The Israelis learned the hard way that my rules mean more than a philosophical debate:

Tuesday, July 08, 2014
'Peace with people who want to exterminate you?'
Exclusive: Laurie Cardoza-Moore examines reality, fantasy of Israel's search for peace

?Peace with people who want to exterminate you??


Israeli general: Cut U.S. aid to Palestinian Authority
'If they don't talk and find solutions, they should suffer'
Published: 12 hours ago

Israeli general: Cut U.S. aid to Palestinian Authority

Incidentally, Barack Taqiyya will be remembered as a moral president to cover his failures because he has nothing else going for him. All of the garbage he dumped on the country will be spun to show what a decent, kind, compassionate, man he was. I believe that is everything he wanted his legacy to be. It would be a big mistake for future Americans to buy it because it sets a precedent for presidents being accepted as the nation’s moral leader. Nothing is worse than a moral leader imposing his personal morality on a free people. Taqiyya the Liar proved it if he proved nothing else.


The country is being attacked from every side and Taqiyya the Liar is trying to save his legacy. Just like every other dirty little moralist freak who saw his ideology being rejected he calls his opponents cynical. Every freak that ever wanted to govern because he saw his beliefs as morally superior to all others runs into the same wall, and they all react in exactly the same way.

NOTE: Ask yourself why Hitler did not surrender in the final days when every German knew that all was lost? Don’t believe the nonsense that he thought the war would turn around. I believe that he thought the destruction of Germany did not matter because all of the good Nazis were dead anyway. Relate Hitler’s final days to Taqiyya and what he is doing to America. America-haters are far from dead, but their ideology is nearing defeat.

To hear President Barack Obama describe it, there's a creeping case of cynicism setting in across the country, leading Americans to suspect that not only is Washington broken, it's beyond fixing.


With a mix of alarm and dismay, Obama has started musing about the dangers of cynicism in nearly every major public appearance. The cautionary note has showed up in speeches to students and civil rights groups, at Democratic fundraisers - even in his meeting with Pope Francis.


"It's easy to be cynical. In fact, these days it's kind of trendy," Obama told a crowd of thousands recently in Minneapolis. Cynicism may masquerade as wisdom, he said, but it can't liberate a continent, invent the Internet or send a man to the moon. "Cynicism is a choice, and hope is a better choice."

But in Obama's stagnant second term, those inclined to cynicism haven't had to look far.


. . . in a speech to the Democratic National Committee the next year, Obama implored voters "to stop settling for what the cynics say we have to accept."


Obama isn't the only president to cast his own challenges through the broader lens of American malaise. When President Jimmy Carter felt beset by pessimism amid the energy crisis in 1979, he gave a startling speech warning that a "crisis of confidence" posed a fundamental threat to U.S. democracy. And in the run-up to the 1994 election when Democrats lost both chambers of Congress, President Bill Clinton offered a similar if more subdued warning. He blamed conservative talk radio for a "constant, unremitting drumbeat of negativism and cynicism."


"If you're fed a steady diet of cynicism that says nobody is trustworthy and nothing works, and there's no way we can actually address these problems, then the temptation is to just go it alone, to look after yourself and not participate in the larger project of achieving our best vision of America," Obama told college students at a graduation ceremony last month in Irvine, California.

Jul 8, 3:15 AM EDT
How 'hope' became Obama's fight against cynicism
Associated Press

News from The Associated Press

The devil never surrenders

The most sickening thing about Taqiyya’s justification for his failed religion is that proponents of every failed political philosophy lays the groundwork for revivals in different forms. The eternal chorus always sing the same song: True Communism —— true Socialism —— true Islam —— or true whatever —— was never fully implemented.

Last edited:
Joan Rivers one-ups David Letterman:

[ame=]David Letterman - Dave Walks Out On Joan Rivers - YouTube[/ame]​
Nobody who knew Obama in the gay bar scene thought he could possibly be president,” said DuJan.
I guess they were wrong:

OUT magazine photographed Obama for the cover of its 2015 “Ally of the Year” issue. The decision made him the first U.S. president to accept such an offer from an LGBT publication.

Obama poses for 'gay'-magazine cover
Posted By Douglas Ernst On 11/10/2015 @ 8:57 pm

Obama poses for ‘gay’-magazine cover
I wonder how much the president had to do with this:

The FDA announced that it was lifting the ban on homosexuals donating blood. The ban was put in place in 1983 because gays, by an extreme order of magnitude, were tremendously more likely to have AIDS than heterosexuals. That still hasn't changed, but what has changed is that society has become more politically correct.

However, only homosexuals who haven't had gay sex in the past year can give blood; in other words, only non practicing gays can donate blood.​

End of gay blood ban brings us closer to AIDS equality

End of gay blood ban brings us closer to AIDS equality
Nobody who knew Obama in the gay bar scene thought he could possibly be president,” said DuJan.
I would not call him Bunghole Barry without incontrovertible proof, but I can go with my gal Judi’s “Bathroom Barry":

‘Bathroom Barry’ is no longer just a figment of overworked imagination. Barack-aka-Barry-Soetoro-Obama has gone into the school washroom and he’s never coming out again.

‘Bathroom Barry’s’ Real Legacy
By Judi McLeod
May 14, 2016

‘Bathroom Barry’s’ Real Legacy
Nobody who knew Obama in the gay bar scene thought he could possibly be president,” said DuJan.
I would not call him Bunghole Barry without incontrovertible proof, but I can go with my gal Judi’s “Bathroom Barry":

‘Bathroom Barry’ is no longer just a figment of overworked imagination. Barack-aka-Barry-Soetoro-Obama has gone into the school washroom and he’s never coming out again.

‘Bathroom Barry’s’ Real Legacy
By Judi McLeod
May 14, 2016

‘Bathroom Barry’s’ Real Legacy

you know, when a person starts muttering to themselves in public its a clear sign that they have gone mental.
you know, when a person starts muttering to themselves in public its a clear sign that they have gone mental.
To hobelim: You know a person is a halfwit when they reply to my updates that go over their head.

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