The Difference Between PEace Officers and Militarized Storm Troopers

This was in response to the Boston Marathon bombings, and essentially the whole city was told to 'shelter in place' meaning don't dare leave your homes or you might get shot or worse by our Storm Troopers.
This isn't true.

It meant there was a dangerous maniac on the loose who could be carrying explosives so it is safer to stay inside while the police attempt to find him. No threat was ever made about being shot by police officers, that is just you adding your own personnel paranoia and outrage to the situation.

Bullshit. Absolute utter fucking bullshit. Anyone who so much as looked out a window had loaded, cocked machine guns and APC-mounted grenade launchers pointed at them! It was something out of the Soviet Union.
And if the LEO's orders are found to be completely unjustified, then the LEO has to pay something for it.......

True. However the means to determine that is AFTER the fact, not in the heat of the moment. There is a proper procedure to be followed to complain about things, and it doesn't involve resisting the officers.

I say that as someone who truly believes there's at least a 60-70% chance I'll die at the hands of a LEO unless I am able to move to another state in the next 2-3 years

By all means: off yourself and put us out of your misery!

Anyone who thinks the police today are storm troopers never met the LAPD under Chief Parker. Nor do they know what the NYPD was like in the 50s.

We have wimpy criminals today who cry brutality at the drop of a hanky.
The problem: Katz is a psychopath who endorses and approves of police brutality, as long as it targets the "right" people. She truly is pure evil.
The problem: Katz is a psychopath who endorses and approves of police brutality, as long as it targets the "right" people. She truly is pure evil.

I also live in New Hampshire, away from the cities.

We have three dogs, and if we saw a bunch of blackshirts storming my property with AR-15s, we are immediately grabbing our AK-47s and DEMANDING to see a search warrant.

Our dogs are our CHILDREN. You shoot just ONE of my dogs, and I will shoot back!

Nobody mentioned that the surviving Boston bomber was located in a backyard, hiding inside of a boat, BY THE OWNER OF THE BOAT, who happened to be looking out of his window.

So, the cops NEVER DID LOCATE the bomber. A private citizen did.

All of that show of force and firepower netted NOTHING.

The beat cops and blackshirts should have all stayed home and let the CITIZENS track down these scumbag bombers. I'm sure the citizens would have been more than happy to deliver the lifeless carcasses of the bombers to the nearest police station.
This cop is seen as a protector of the public and he gets help from civilians in arresting a burglar who is resisting arrest.

Police Officer Helped By Good Samaritans In Fight With Suspect - Dallas News |

This video shows people being forced out of their homes while Storm Troopers hold loaded guns pointed at their heads with fingers on the trigger.

Any questions?

There is no information as to why the police were at the house in such a show of force. The police have a right to protect themselves in a situation where they could be fired upon.

This was in response to the Boston Marathon bombings, and essentially the whole city was told to 'shelter in place' meaning don't dare leave your homes or you might get shot or worse by our Storm Troopers.

But you libtards love that kind of Nazi shit these days, doncha?

Yep. Archive the threads I've started on this board about the alarming consequences of militarizing the nation's domestic police forces--the increasingly obnoxious, disrespectful and arrogantly autocratic behavior of cops toward law-abiding citizens, the outrageous harassment of those who defend their rights in police encounters, and note the political bent of those who defend these punks' behavior and their statist attitude.
The problem: Katz is a psychopath who endorses and approves of police brutality, as long as it targets the "right" people. She truly is pure evil.

I disagree. LEO's are a topic that divides some conservatives from the main stream, but Katz isn't alone in their predisposition to favor law enforcement.

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt as well. They risk a lot to protect the public day to day.

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