The difference between Trump and Obama


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
The difference between Obama and Trump is exemplified by reaction to NFL players not standing for National Anthem

"I hope that people look at the pain experienced by the protesters and understand why they are kneeling during the Anthem.
But I hope the protesters consider the pain they cause many people (including veterans and relatives of those who lost their life fighting for their country) by their protest"
His message was let's work harder to understand each other. The protesters may change the way they protest and those who disagree may have more understanding.

"The NFL owners should fire the son of a bitches"
Results were more NFL players and sympathizers joined the protest; a substantial increase. Those who did not have a strong feeling either way took positions making the issue more divisive.
Trump dividing America more than ever.
The difference between Obama and Trump is exemplified by reaction to NFL players not standing for National Anthem

"I hope that people look at the pain experienced by the protesters and understand why they are kneeling during the Anthem.
But I hope the protesters consider the pain they cause many people (including veterans and relatives of those who lost their life fighting for their country) by their protest"
His message was let's work harder to understand each other. The protesters may change the way they protest and those who disagree may have more understanding.

"The NFL owners should fire the son of a bitches"
Results were more NFL players and sympathizers joined the protest; a substantial increase. Those who did not have a strong feeling either way took positions making the issue more divisive.
Trump dividing America more than ever.
Total libstained bullshit. Trump is a man not afraid to call it what it is and Obama is an apologist America hating piece of shit.
The difference between Obama and Trump is exemplified by reaction to NFL players not standing for National Anthem

"I hope that people look at the pain experienced by the protesters and understand why they are kneeling during the Anthem.
But I hope the protesters consider the pain they cause many people (including veterans and relatives of those who lost their life fighting for their country) by their protest"
His message was let's work harder to understand each other. The protesters may change the way they protest and those who disagree may have more understanding.

"The NFL owners should fire the son of a bitches"
Results were more NFL players and sympathizers joined the protest; a substantial increase. Those who did not have a strong feeling either way took positions making the issue more divisive.
Trump dividing America more than ever.
Total libstained bullshit.

Hmmm. Those are actual quotes .
The difference between Obama and Trump is exemplified by reaction to NFL players not standing for National Anthem

"I hope that people look at the pain experienced by the protesters and understand why they are kneeling during the Anthem.
But I hope the protesters consider the pain they cause many people (including veterans and relatives of those who lost their life fighting for their country) by their protest"
His message was let's work harder to understand each other. The protesters may change the way they protest and those who disagree may have more understanding.

"The NFL owners should fire the son of a bitches"
Results were more NFL players and sympathizers joined the protest; a substantial increase. Those who did not have a strong feeling either way took positions making the issue more divisive.
Trump dividing America more than ever.
Total libstained bullshit.

Hmmm. Those are actual quotes .
Hmmmm, obama is an America hating apologist piece of shit and Trump is a man not afraid to tell it like it is and not scared to offend sissy fags like you. That's an actual quote from me girlie man.
The difference between Obama and Trump is exemplified by reaction to NFL players not standing for National Anthem

"I hope that people look at the pain experienced by the protesters and understand why they are kneeling during the Anthem.
But I hope the protesters consider the pain they cause many people (including veterans and relatives of those who lost their life fighting for their country) by their protest"
His message was let's work harder to understand each other. The protesters may change the way they protest and those who disagree may have more understanding.

"The NFL owners should fire the son of a bitches"
Results were more NFL players and sympathizers joined the protest; a substantial increase. Those who did not have a strong feeling either way took positions making the issue more divisive.
Trump dividing America more than ever.
Total libstained bullshit. Trump is a man not afraid to call it what it is and Obama is an apologist America hating piece of shit.
Said like a small minded idiot that feel the experience they have had and the world they live in, is the same for everyone.
Small minded minions like you will ruin this nation.
May you learn to think and open up your small mind.
The difference between Obama and Trump is exemplified by reaction to NFL players not standing for National Anthem

"I hope that people look at the pain experienced by the protesters and understand why they are kneeling during the Anthem.
But I hope the protesters consider the pain they cause many people (including veterans and relatives of those who lost their life fighting for their country) by their protest"
His message was let's work harder to understand each other. The protesters may change the way they protest and those who disagree may have more understanding.

"The NFL owners should fire the son of a bitches"
Results were more NFL players and sympathizers joined the protest; a substantial increase. Those who did not have a strong feeling either way took positions making the issue more divisive.
Trump dividing America more than ever.
Total libstained bullshit. Trump is a man not afraid to call it what it is and Obama is an apologist America hating piece of shit.
Said like a small minded idiot that feel the experience they have had and the world they live in, is the same for everyone.
Small minded minions like you will ruin this nation.
May you learn to think and open up your small mind.
Libstains always insult the intelligence of those they cannot defeat or those that disagree with their commie bent.
The difference between Obama and Trump is exemplified by reaction to NFL players not standing for National Anthem

"I hope that people look at the pain experienced by the protesters and understand why they are kneeling during the Anthem.
But I hope the protesters consider the pain they cause many people (including veterans and relatives of those who lost their life fighting for their country) by their protest"
His message was let's work harder to understand each other. The protesters may change the way they protest and those who disagree may have more understanding.

"The NFL owners should fire the son of a bitches"
Results were more NFL players and sympathizers joined the protest; a substantial increase. Those who did not have a strong feeling either way took positions making the issue more divisive.
Trump dividing America more than ever.
I need to throw a little math at your dumb ass.

It is reported that just over 200 players decided to protest the President.
Mkay......before you start celebrating let's bring some perspective to this.

Currently the rules allow 53 active members on each teams roster.
There are 32 teams in the NFL.

53 x 32 = 1696 players

200 divided by 1696 = .1179

.1179 x 100 = 11.8%

Less than 12% of all NFL players decided to protest America.

So obviously a very small percentage of players decided to be assholes.
Which means the media is once again lying to us.

Just over 6 players on each team decided to protest. The rest were good Americans.
Said like a small minded idiot that feel the experience they have had and the world they live in, is the same for everyone.
Small minded minions like you will ruin this nation.
May you learn to think and open up your small mind.
What might ruin this nation is the hoard of communist proletariats who do as instructed by their goose-stepping masters to bring about the revolution.
Well, one's a pure bred and POTUS while the other is a mongrel and a has been.
The difference? Obama has no male X chromosome. :laugh:
Trump is constantly trying to prove his manhood by talking tough and bragging what he can do with women.
Trump is a phony. I doubt he has ever been in a real fight in his life. He picks fights and then let's other fight them for him.
Said like a small minded idiot that feel the experience they have had and the world they live in, is the same for everyone.
Small minded minions like you will ruin this nation.
May you learn to think and open up your small mind.
What might ruin this nation is the hoard of communist proletariats who do as instructed by their goose-stepping masters to bring about the revolution.
Trump's supporters are the ones in lock step with what the idiot says. They are fearful of not agreeing with him. Like North Korea, Russia, Germany 1940.
You are a brainless minion following an absolute idiot.
Do you grab women by the pussy because Trump said you could?
The difference? Obama has no male X chromosome. :laugh:
Trump is constantly trying to prove his manhood by talking tough and bragging what he can do with women.
Trump is a phony. I doubt he has ever been in a real fight in his life. He picks fights and then let's other fight them for him.

LOL Trump is married to a super model, owns his own jet and helicopter, is a billionaire and POTUS, you?? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
The difference? Obama has no male X chromosome. :laugh:
Trump is constantly trying to prove his manhood by talking tough and bragging what he can do with women.
Trump is a phony. I doubt he has ever been in a real fight in his life. He picks fights and then let's other fight them for him.

Have an example of that?
Do I have an example of that; you have to be kidding. Have you been living in a cave the past 2 years?
You definitely heard him say he can grab women by the pussy because he is famous. Insecure teenagers brag about their sexual prowess.
He has been insulting Kim Jong-un like a grade school bully. If any of his threats come to pass it will not be Trump administering them. It will be young American soldiers putting their life on the line.
Fire the son of a bitches referring to the NFL players. He cannot fire them. He does not own a team.
He is a fricking wuss just like everyone who supports him. (not everyone who voted for him but everyone who continues to support the sorry son of a bitch.

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