The Disappointing Outcomes of the Ohio and the New Hampshire Primaries: Dems in the Deepest Crisis

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
What have the results of primaries in these two states showed? They showed that the American people are abandoning the traditional democratic “chewing gum” and are waiting for radical changes in the political and economic system.

In other words, it is all about the "rise and fall" of Corporate capitalism in America.

Sanders is NOT a "socialist" - he is a realist who would like to save this country from the inevitable collapse

But don't worry...Trump told them to go out & vote for the WORST democrat candidate.

The only problems is...which is the worst?

They are all horrible :auiqs.jpg:
They we all at the Trump rally :banana:

I defended Trump while he was being bullied. I think very soon I will begin to criticize him. ALREADY have something to criticize him for. You can not scatter words. the meanings of which you do not know. And if you know, but allow out of the question interpretation, then this is DECEPTION. The same is done in relation to the word "socialism" or "socialist" democrats



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