The discovery of a Philistine cemetery in Israel that was there centuries before Christ

Yes, but the point is that "Palestine" has been used for centuries and "israel" for only part of a century.

From the Jewish Britannica:

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza.

Let's put this into perspective. It was Palestine since at least 12 centuries before Christ and israel since 1948.

View attachment 139383
It's been called Zion for the last 4000 years and even during Jesus' time, idiot. Keep displaying your ignorance and stupidity.
Again, jewish religious hogwash does not equate to historical truth.
It's also historically accurate. There are hundreds of thousands of artifacts and archeological sites that prove the existence of Israel and Zion since ancient times. There isn't a shred of evidence of the existence of of this mythical Arab Nation called Palestine. No Palestinian ruler, no capital, no currency, no borders. JACKSHIT.
It's also historically accurate. There are hundreds of thousands of artifacts and archeological sites that prove the existence of Israel and Zion since ancient times.

They obviously teach neither history, nor archeology at your temple.

There isn't a shred of evidence of the existence of of this mythical Arab Narion called Palestine. No Palestinian ruler, no capital, no currency, no borders. JACKSHIT.
Except for the entire temple mount which includes the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets.
Yes, but the point is that "Palestine" has been used for centuries and "israel" for only part of a century.

From the Jewish Britannica:

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza.

Let's put this into perspective. It was Palestine since at least 12 centuries before Christ and israel since 1948.

View attachment 139383
It's been called Zion for the last 4000 years and even during Jesus' time, idiot. Keep displaying your ignorance and stupidity.
Again, jewish religious hogwash does not equate to historical truth.

your anti-semitic hogwash does not equate to historic truth
If Achmed's antisemtic bullshit could bounce, he'd be in orbit! :lmao:
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It's also historically accurate. There are hundreds of thousands of artifacts and archeological sites that prove the existence of Israel and Zion since ancient times.

They obviously teach neither history, nor archeology at your temple.

There isn't a shred of evidence of the existence of of this mythical Arab Narion called Palestine. No Palestinian ruler, no capital, no currency, no borders. JACKSHIT.
Except for the entire temple mount which includes the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets.
Dome of Crock doesnt prove there was a Palestine, it only proves that Arab Muslim savages invaded and made the Jewish holy land part of their shit Caliphate, like they did in every country they invaded and forced their religion down the people's throats at the point of a sword, after of course raping and looting.

In other words, try again. You have nothing.
You claimed "There isn't a shred of evidence of the existence." I simply proved you wrong. The entire temple mount is proof.
Pay attention numbskull, I asked for an Arab nation called Palestine, the Muslim savages invaded the Jewish holy land to establish a Caliphate. After they invaded they took the holiest religious sites, and turned it into a Muslim shrine. That's why they chose the Temple Mount, because they knew its significance to the local inhabitants...The Jews and Christians. Muslims did that shit all over the world, every time they invaded, including in Turkey and India, where they killed tens of millions to Islamicize the continent.
Pay attention numbskull, I asked for an Arab nation called Palestine, the Muslim savages invaded the Jewish holy land to establish a Caliphate. After they invaded they took the holiest religious sites, and turned it into a Muslim shrine. That's why they chose the Temple Mount, because they knew its significance to the local inhabitants...The Jews and Christians. Muslims did that shit all over the world, every time they invaded, including in Turkey and India, where they killed tens of millions to Islamicize the continent.
Whatever, "Palestine" was used by the world 12 centuries before Christ. "Israel" has been used by the world since 1948.

Pay attention numbskull, I asked for an Arab nation called Palestine, the Muslim savages invaded the Jewish holy land to establish a Caliphate. After they invaded they took the holiest religious sites, and turned it into a Muslim shrine. That's why they chose the Temple Mount, because they knew its significance to the local inhabitants...The Jews and Christians. Muslims did that shit all over the world, every time they invaded, including in Turkey and India, where they killed tens of millions to Islamicize the continent.
Whatever, "Palestine" was used by the world 12 centuries before Christ. "Israel" has been used by the world since 1948.

So you got nothing then. And it wasn't Palestine, they were referring to Philistine, having NOTHING to do with Palestine, you undereducated moron. in other words the Arabs or Muslims never called it Palestine, until recently, when they stole it from the Europeans. Isn't that a hoot though, people who complain about a European invasion end up changing the name of a land to what Europeans called it. Ha ha ha.
You are wrong. This has been posted multiple times and you still don't get it. That is why we I have to believe that you are illiterate.

From the Jewish Britannica:

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza.

You claimed "There isn't a shred of evidence of the existence." I simply proved you wrong. The entire temple mount is proof.

the mount was there since before the Romans, how does that prove anything about the palestinians?
It was there before the arab conquest, still no proof of palestinans
Omar invited jews to show them where the temple was so they could build Aqsa on the far edge, out of the way of pilgrimages
There used to be a basilica on the mount, so it's not muslim
Greeks and romans speak of the beauty of the jewish temple
Babylonians destroyed the temple, Cyrus allowed and aided in the rebuilding of it.

Where is palestine in any of it?

Kingdom of Jerusalem, sanjuk of Jerusalem, southern syria, under the byzantians paleastina was south of beer sheva, down around petra and into the sinai other wise it was judea and north of that was phoenicia, arabs called Urduea
You are wrong. This has been posted multiple times and you still don't get it. That is why we I have to believe that you are illiterate.

From the Jewish Britannica:

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza.

We went through this before would you like me to embarass you again? philistines were a totally defeated and extinct people of European ancestry. The invading Romans renamed israel Palestine to piss off the Jews. You are an ignoramus.
You are wrong. This has been posted multiple times and you still don't get it. That is why we I have to believe that you are illiterate.

From the Jewish Britannica:

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza.


five philistine cities in the gaza
You are wrong. This has been posted multiple times and you still don't get it. That is why we I have to believe that you are illiterate.

From the Jewish Britannica:

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza.

We went through this before would you like me to embarass you again? philistines were a totally defeated and extinct people of European ancestry. The invading Romans renamed israel Palestine to piss off the Jews. You are an ignoramus.
It was Palestine since 12 BCE, stop whining, illiterate.
Where is palestine in any of it?
The entire temple mount which includes the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets.

built by arabs, nothing to do with palestinians

The dome was originally for pilgrims, not muslims

Dome of Chains....>>it is not a mosque or shrine, but is used as a prayer house. It was built by the Umayyads, became a Christian chapel under the Crusaders<< it is an open pavilion.

Umayyads came as conquerors from arabia, they were not palestinian.
built by arabs, nothing to do with palestinians

The dome was originally for pilgrims, not muslims

Dome of Chains....>>it is not a mosque or shrine, but is used as a prayer house. It was built by the Umayyads, became a Christian chapel under the Crusaders<< it is an open pavilion.

Umayyads came as conquerors from arabia, they were not palestinian.
And nothing built by jews.

"Palestine" since 12 BCE. "Israel" since 1948.

Wake up.
the mount itself was build by jews for the temple. The last temple was destroyed by the romans. They built their own temple there, along with military barracks.
the mount itself was build by jews for the temple. The last temple was destroyed by the romans. They built their own temple there, along with military barracks.

No "the Mount" was built by the Canaanites. The Jews were invaders.
Phillistine cemetery found in Israel?

No problem.

Move the graves to suburban Tyre.

Hezbollah can supply the honor guard.

Fantastic bait, for a concentrated and surgical IDF airstrike.

Great fun.

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