The Dishonest Creationist Tactic of 'Quote Mining'

Why would you ask me that? The universe was created from nothing about 14 billion years ago. The earth is about 4 billion years old.

Here's what Genesis Chapters 1 & 2 tell us:

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation; only man has knowledge of good and evil
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation.

So who wrote Genesis 850 years after the death of Moses?
So who wrote Genesis 850 years after the death of Moses?
I believe those accounts were passed down for thousands of years before Moses existed. So whoever wrote them down were recording what was verbally passed down for thousands of years.
I believe those accounts were passed down for thousands of years before Moses existed. So whoever wrote them down were recording what was verbally passed down for thousands of years.

The Jews didn't exist for thousands of years earlier. Look at the dates for Moses and the Exodus.
Actually it's based upon reading your posts since you joined. It's pretty obvious.

I'm not antisemitic at all.. .. quit playing games.

According to historical and Biblical evidence, Abraham was born somewhere in the range of 1852-1872 BCE and died 175 years later (1677-1697). If the 400 years are accounted for differently, these dates could change significantly.

Abraham came from Urfa near Haran... They were Canaanites.
I'm not antisemitic at all.. .. quit playing games.

According to historical and Biblical evidence, Abraham was born somewhere in the range of 1852-1872 BCE and died 175 years later (1677-1697). If the 400 years are accounted for differently, these dates could change significantly.

Abraham came from Urfa near Haran... They were Canaanites.
What's your point?
The first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years.
Prior to the great migration from Mesopotamia, they all shared a common history in the region.
Haha. All nations? No. I understand that aggrandizing your favorite mythology is a fetish you cannot quite get over, but that is your problem. Nobody has to coddle you by accepting falsities.
Haha. All nations? No. I understand that aggrandizing your favorite mythology is a fetish you cannot quite get over, but that is your problem. Nobody has to coddle you by accepting falsities.
You are having a bad day, aren't you?
What's your point?

No, ding.. There were Natufians in Jericho and the Levant 14,000 years ago. They didn't all migrate from Mesopotamia unless you think the Tower of Babel is real history??

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