The disturbing view of Muslims in the US

Islamophobia is the cowards' way out of avoiding having to deal with complexities. It's easier to ignore all that and just fall back on good ol' composition fallacy bigotry. Fucking pussies.

Hey, if FDR could make concentration camps in a war against the Japanese, I'm sure a conservative president could get American support to build concentration camps in a war against Islam. It really isn't too far fetched. We do, after all, have all the hallmarks of a fascist nation already thanks to the Obama administration.

If Muslims started attacking inside America, are you saying trump mccain bush or Ben carson wouldn't consider putting Muslims in camps?

If hillary Obama or berney were potus you'd be calling them weak for not.

More unfounded fear. No one is suggesting that Muslims be put into concentration camps as FDR did. What people are suggesting is that Islam enter the 21st century.

I suggest we stop importing them into this country. Immigration from predominantly Muslim countries should be terminated immediately.

All immigration should be stopped for about 10 years .

Stupid idea. Not going to happen.
Hey, if FDR could make concentration camps in a war against the Japanese, I'm sure a conservative president could get American support to build concentration camps in a war against Islam. It really isn't too far fetched. We do, after all, have all the hallmarks of a fascist nation already thanks to the Obama administration.

If Muslims started attacking inside America, are you saying trump mccain bush or Ben carson wouldn't consider putting Muslims in camps?

If hillary Obama or berney were potus you'd be calling them weak for not.

More unfounded fear. No one is suggesting that Muslims be put into concentration camps as FDR did. What people are suggesting is that Islam enter the 21st century.

I suggest we stop importing them into this country. Immigration from predominantly Muslim countries should be terminated immediately.

Not going to happen.

It will if Trump gets elected. .

Not a chance in hell.
If Muslims started attacking inside America, are you saying trump mccain bush or Ben carson wouldn't consider putting Muslims in camps?

If hillary Obama or berney were potus you'd be calling them weak for not.

More unfounded fear. No one is suggesting that Muslims be put into concentration camps as FDR did. What people are suggesting is that Islam enter the 21st century.

I suggest we stop importing them into this country. Immigration from predominantly Muslim countries should be terminated immediately.

Not going to happen.

It will if Trump gets elected. .

Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?
1. You did not address that Osama was pissed off BECAUSE we were helping to protect his homeland from invasion.

2. "Them" was the Afghan people, who the Soviets were oppressing and committing genocide against.

3. The fact that the Soviets were our mutual enemy would not not normally be considered a reason to NOT appreciate help. NOr does it change the fact that prior to 9-11 our history with Afghanistan was one of HELPING them against invasion, not invading. Which makes any "invasion" excuse for the behavior of the Taliban nonsensical.

1) Who cares whether Osama Bin Laden was pissed off because the US and Saudi Arabia are allies or not? There is so much stuff that made him angry. The point you made just seems to be pointing out something kind of obvious. If you hated an invading force and then they put troops somewhere, would you like them? Chances are no.

2) "them" is the Afghan people? All of them? Some of them clearly like the Taliban. The US took sides in a Civil War. Simple as. I'm not defending the Taliban, not my sort of thing.
As for the USSR. They didn't actually treat the people that badly in Afghanistan. However they were an unwanted presence there. Genocide is not something unknown to countries like the USSR, Russia, the US either.

3) If you have two enemies, and one of those enemies decides to supply you with arms, what would you say? "Oh, wow, I love you so much" or "snigger snigger we're being helped by our enemies"

The right in the US has too much arrogance. To think that these people would be grateful. I mean, are you fucking serious? You really think they'd be grateful? The US supplied them arms, they accepted, but they didn't like the US.

Says more about the US than the Afghans.

1. You're the one that cares. YOu brought up the "West's" "Invasions" as a reason for terrorism. I am debunking that.

2. The Taliban did not even exist when we were aiding them against the Soviets. The Soviets committed genocide and oppression on the People of Afghanistan. That is quite "Badly" treatment by any sane standard.

3. We were not enemies of the Afghanistan People or nation, prior to 9-11. And yes, I do expect some measure of gratitude from people we help save themselves from genocide and oppression.

You're debunking that bin Laden was angry at the West for interference, and the way you're doing it is talking about him AFTER he was converted to extremism? Unless I'm not getting your point well, this doesn't make sense.

No, the Taliban didn't exist, however the Mujaheddin did exist and there are potentially a lot of links between the two over a period of a couple of decades.
However Genocide is the deliberate killing of a group of people with the intent of killing the off, or killing their culture or way of life. Did the Soviets do this, or did they just kill a lot of people in their war and aim of having Afghanistan as a Communist nation.

"The Afghans are among the latest victims of genocide by a superpower. Large numbers of Afghans were killed to suppress resistance to the army of the Soviet Union, which wished to vindicate its client regime and realize its goal in Afghanistan. Thus, the mass killing was political."

By this explanation, this isn't genocide. It's not good, people were being killed, however genocide it's not.

You haven't shown this to be genocide either.

No, the US wasn't enemies of the Afghanis before 9/11. The Taliban hated the US. However the US made them their enemy. Bush demanded they hand over bin Laden, and the Afghans asked him to show the crimes. This is normal in an extradition. But Bush KNEW that he couldn't, and it would take time, so he simply made out the Afghans had said "no" when they hadn't said no.
1. You did not address that Osama was pissed off BECAUSE we were helping to protect his homeland from invasion.

2. "Them" was the Afghan people, who the Soviets were oppressing and committing genocide against.

3. The fact that the Soviets were our mutual enemy would not not normally be considered a reason to NOT appreciate help. NOr does it change the fact that prior to 9-11 our history with Afghanistan was one of HELPING them against invasion, not invading. Which makes any "invasion" excuse for the behavior of the Taliban nonsensical.

1) Who cares whether Osama Bin Laden was pissed off because the US and Saudi Arabia are allies or not? There is so much stuff that made him angry. The point you made just seems to be pointing out something kind of obvious. If you hated an invading force and then they put troops somewhere, would you like them? Chances are no.

2) "them" is the Afghan people? All of them? Some of them clearly like the Taliban. The US took sides in a Civil War. Simple as. I'm not defending the Taliban, not my sort of thing.
As for the USSR. They didn't actually treat the people that badly in Afghanistan. However they were an unwanted presence there. Genocide is not something unknown to countries like the USSR, Russia, the US either.

3) If you have two enemies, and one of those enemies decides to supply you with arms, what would you say? "Oh, wow, I love you so much" or "snigger snigger we're being helped by our enemies"

The right in the US has too much arrogance. To think that these people would be grateful. I mean, are you fucking serious? You really think they'd be grateful? The US supplied them arms, they accepted, but they didn't like the US.

Says more about the US than the Afghans.

Some were thankful especially the Kurds and women who got to vote and no longer were residents of Saddams son's rape rooms. Only the left wishes to spin victory into defeat. I think because they are so used to defeat.

The Iraq War Was a Good Idea, If You Ask the Kurds

Of course some were thankful. I mean, some would be thankful if they took down the US govt and replaced it with Sharia Law. That doesn't mean everyone would be happy, does it?

Of course not everyone is ever happen. Those on the side of Saddam, who profited from Saddam, were not happy. It is easily illustrated by observing how unhappy the left in America is that Bush removed the Butcher of Baghdad.

Those whom Saddam oppressed and killed with WMD were very happy as I have illustrated.

Funny thing about those saying that Iraqis are not happy having gotten rid of the Butcher of Baghdad is that they never quote Iraqis it always seem as if it is they who are not happy.

Iraq war, over faster then then the liberals predicted, less casualties then the left predicted and all objective met. Iraq has a democracy unlike many in the ME and it makes the left wing mad, real mad.

Many of the left are unhappy because the right basically decided that it's this power that can do what it likes. People didn't like Saddam, but didn't want him to be removed by the US. Had he been removed by his own people or by someone else, then this is okay.

Why would the Iraqis be happy? They got rid of Saddam and replaced it with ISIS due to amazing incompetence on behalf of Bremer and Bush.

Iraq has a "democracy"? It has a puppet government that has ISIS beating down on it. Don't pretend that this is good.

Also, the right claiming it's good that they have Democracy is like the Saudis saying it's good that Yemen has Human Rights. The right couldn't give a flying fuck about democracy in other countries. Bush helped the removal of DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and the US press spent the whole time claiming he was a dictator. At the same time they've supported enough dictators in their time.
More unfounded fear. No one is suggesting that Muslims be put into concentration camps as FDR did. What people are suggesting is that Islam enter the 21st century.

I suggest we stop importing them into this country. Immigration from predominantly Muslim countries should be terminated immediately.

Not going to happen.

It will if Trump gets elected. .

Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
I suggest we stop importing them into this country. Immigration from predominantly Muslim countries should be terminated immediately.

Not going to happen.

It will if Trump gets elected. .

Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?
I'll say it again. Muslems who whine about "having a hard time" in the freest, most tolerant Country in the world that invented the concept of government of and by the people and still respects the first ten Amendments to the Constitution known as the Bill of Rights, need to get some freaking perspective. Lefties who whine about the "hard time" that Muslems allegedly experience in the greatest Country in the world need to experience Sharia law or worse.
I suggest we stop importing them into this country. Immigration from predominantly Muslim countries should be terminated immediately.

Not going to happen.

It will if Trump gets elected. .

Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?

What "straw man" are you referring to? Are you implying Muslims from Syria are civilized?
Not going to happen.

It will if Trump gets elected. .

Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?
Not going to happen.

It will if Trump gets elected. .

Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?

What "straw man" are you referring to? ....

I didn't think you understood the term, moron.
It will if Trump gets elected. .

Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

In other words, you want more Muslims savages to come here?
It will if Trump gets elected. .

Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?
I asked you a fucking question. Don't only ask me questions or make your little bitch comments if you will never answer a question. Piss off gooky
It will if Trump gets elected. .

Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?
I can't do anything about a bigoted coward who's already here. But why would I want to invite more in? Do we need them? Or you?
Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

In other words, you want more Muslims savages to come here?
I don't think the japs ever got over heroshima or the camps. I think they are secretly plotting against us. That's why unkotard want them in.
Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

In other words, you want more Muslims savages to come here?
I don't think the japs ever got over heroshima or the camps. I think they are secretly plotting against us. That's why unkotard want them in.

How nice that you're proud of being a fucking idiot.
Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?
I can't do anything about a bigoted coward who's already here....

You could try growing a pair.
Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

In other words, you want more Muslims savages to come here?

In other words, I want cowardly assholes like you to leave.
Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

In other words, you want more Muslims savages to come here?

In other words, I want cowardly assholes like you to leave.

Tough shit, asshole. I'm staying.
Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

In other words, you want more Muslims savages to come here?

In other words, I want cowardly assholes like you to leave.

Tough shit, asshole. I'm staying.

A cowardly, asshole squatter.

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