The disturbing view of Muslims in the US

Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

In other words, you want more Muslims savages to come here?

In other words, I want cowardly assholes like you to leave.

Tough shit, asshole. I'm staying.

A cowardly, asshole squatter.

How am I a "squatter?"
Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

In other words, you want more Muslims savages to come here?

In other words, I want cowardly assholes like you to leave.

Tough shit, asshole. I'm staying.

A cowardly, asshole squatter.

How am I a "squatter?"

You're unwelcome.
You've denounced your citizenship.
You are on record as hating The United States of America.

There is no justifiable reason for you to be in my great country.
1. You did not address that Osama was pissed off BECAUSE we were helping to protect his homeland from invasion.

2. "Them" was the Afghan people, who the Soviets were oppressing and committing genocide against.

3. The fact that the Soviets were our mutual enemy would not not normally be considered a reason to NOT appreciate help. NOr does it change the fact that prior to 9-11 our history with Afghanistan was one of HELPING them against invasion, not invading. Which makes any "invasion" excuse for the behavior of the Taliban nonsensical.

1) Who cares whether Osama Bin Laden was pissed off because the US and Saudi Arabia are allies or not? There is so much stuff that made him angry. The point you made just seems to be pointing out something kind of obvious. If you hated an invading force and then they put troops somewhere, would you like them? Chances are no.

2) "them" is the Afghan people? All of them? Some of them clearly like the Taliban. The US took sides in a Civil War. Simple as. I'm not defending the Taliban, not my sort of thing.
As for the USSR. They didn't actually treat the people that badly in Afghanistan. However they were an unwanted presence there. Genocide is not something unknown to countries like the USSR, Russia, the US either.

3) If you have two enemies, and one of those enemies decides to supply you with arms, what would you say? "Oh, wow, I love you so much" or "snigger snigger we're being helped by our enemies"

The right in the US has too much arrogance. To think that these people would be grateful. I mean, are you fucking serious? You really think they'd be grateful? The US supplied them arms, they accepted, but they didn't like the US.

Says more about the US than the Afghans.

1. You're the one that cares. YOu brought up the "West's" "Invasions" as a reason for terrorism. I am debunking that.

2. The Taliban did not even exist when we were aiding them against the Soviets. The Soviets committed genocide and oppression on the People of Afghanistan. That is quite "Badly" treatment by any sane standard.

3. We were not enemies of the Afghanistan People or nation, prior to 9-11. And yes, I do expect some measure of gratitude from people we help save themselves from genocide and oppression.

You're debunking that bin Laden was angry at the West for interference, and the way you're doing it is talking about him AFTER he was converted to extremism? Unless I'm not getting your point well, this doesn't make sense.

No, the Taliban didn't exist, however the Mujaheddin did exist and there are potentially a lot of links between the two over a period of a couple of decades.
However Genocide is the deliberate killing of a group of people with the intent of killing the off, or killing their culture or way of life. Did the Soviets do this, or did they just kill a lot of people in their war and aim of having Afghanistan as a Communist nation.

"The Afghans are among the latest victims of genocide by a superpower. Large numbers of Afghans were killed to suppress resistance to the army of the Soviet Union, which wished to vindicate its client regime and realize its goal in Afghanistan. Thus, the mass killing was political."

By this explanation, this isn't genocide. It's not good, people were being killed, however genocide it's not.

You haven't shown this to be genocide either.

No, the US wasn't enemies of the Afghanis before 9/11. The Taliban hated the US. However the US made them their enemy. Bush demanded they hand over bin Laden, and the Afghans asked him to show the crimes. This is normal in an extradition. But Bush KNEW that he couldn't, and it would take time, so he simply made out the Afghans had said "no" when they hadn't said no.

1. I quoted him from his stated reasons for attacking the US. YOu said it was because of "invasions". He sited an example of US protecting his homeland FROM "invasion". YOu might consider that reason valid. I do not.

2. Really? "there are potentially a lot of links between the two over a period of a couple of decades." so we should just lump them together? I think not.

3. So, it's our fault. Because we demanded that the man that killed 3,000 of our citizens be handed over to US to face justice? Really? That was unreasonable of US? That is your position? Seriously?
It will if Trump gets elected. .

Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

It is a completely valid question.

Why do we want more Muslims to come to America?
It will if Trump gets elected. .

Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?
Why would we want more Muslims coming to America, creep?
Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?
Why would we want more Muslims coming to America, creep?
He can't tell you. He just knows that it's wrong to keep Muslims out of the country. The people brainwashed him didn't give him a pat answer as to why.

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Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?
Why would we want more Muslims coming to America, creep?
He can't tell you. He just knows that it's wrong to keep Muslims out of the country. The people brainwashed him didn't give him a pat answer as to why.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Guys like him always say and think the politically correct thing but his way is going to get us blown up. I can't stand unkotare regardless. Can't take a joke, very judgmental, offers absolutely zero to the conversation. Other people have started post asking if he bugs us as much as he bugs or creeps them out. And he has a few friends on here but that's easy when you are so neutral/boring/unclear/never elaborate. He just jumps in and comments on something you said. But notice he never actually says anything himself? I actually hate him more than the people I completely disagree with. I probably agree with him on a lot of things but he is such a douch I don't think I'll ever find out. And you can't trash his position because he has no position. All we know is he thinks YOU are wrong. But never why you are wrong. He's one of the rare ones I'd like to meet and I would want to punch them in the face. Luke warm pussy. Metrosexual knowitall boring sonofabitch. Jap bastard.
If Unkotare were a character on Star Trek, it'd be an insignificant one who dies off. Certainly not a main character with any lines. Maybe a 1 liner.
Not a chance in hell.

Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

It is a completely valid question.

Why do we want more Muslims to come to America?

It's not a valid question because in the US we don't base immigration decisions on one's religion. If you understood anything about my country you wouldn't need to be told that, you damn simpleton.
He's one of the rare ones I'd like to meet and I would want to punch them in the face. .....


No you really wouldn't, scrub. Keep flexing them internet muscles, Sally. A few more beers and you'll be a real badass! :lol:
Why do you insist that we have to import these bloodthirsty barbarians into our country?

Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

It is a completely valid question.

Why do we want more Muslims to come to America?

It's not a valid question because in the US we don't base immigration decisions on one's religion. If you understood anything about my country you wouldn't need to be told that, you damn simpleton.

We haven't in the past, but there's no reason we can't start.
Does your straw man like to cuddle after?
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

It is a completely valid question.

Why do we want more Muslims to come to America?

It's not a valid question because in the US we don't base immigration decisions on one's religion. If you understood anything about my country you wouldn't need to be told that, you damn simpleton.

We haven't in the past, but there's no reason we can't start.

There's a very good reason we won't start, moron.
Why would we want more Muslims to come to America?

Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

It is a completely valid question.

Why do we want more Muslims to come to America?

It's not a valid question because in the US we don't base immigration decisions on one's religion. If you understood anything about my country you wouldn't need to be told that, you damn simpleton.

We haven't in the past, but there's no reason we can't start.

There's a very good reason we won't start, moron.
It's a stupid reason. Tradition is the dumbest reason of all.
Why would we want bigoted cowards to stay in America?

It is a completely valid question.

Why do we want more Muslims to come to America?

It's not a valid question because in the US we don't base immigration decisions on one's religion. If you understood anything about my country you wouldn't need to be told that, you damn simpleton.

We haven't in the past, but there's no reason we can't start.

There's a very good reason we won't start, moron.
It's a stupid reason. Tradition is the dumbest reason of all.

Proving once again you understand nothing about this great country you hate so much.
1. I quoted him from his stated reasons for attacking the US. YOu said it was because of "invasions". He sited an example of US protecting his homeland FROM "invasion". YOu might consider that reason valid. I do not.

2. Really? "there are potentially a lot of links between the two over a period of a couple of decades." so we should just lump them together? I think not.

3. So, it's our fault. Because we demanded that the man that killed 3,000 of our citizens be handed over to US to face justice? Really? That was unreasonable of US? That is your position? Seriously?

1) You quoted something without any other context. I'm not saying he was happy that the US was in Saudi Arabia, I'm saying you're trying to make a case this is the reason he hates the West, yet all you've shown is that he was angry at something.

I'm not tell you the exact reasons why bin Laden was angry at the West, merely speculating, but pointing out that what you're claiming just doesn't stand up to scrutiny or logic.

2) I didn't say we should lump them together. However the Mujaheddin has positive connotations in the West and the Taliban negative. Maybe this has a lot to do with all of this.

3) Yes, it's the US's fault for demanding something that was never going to happen. Knowing it was never going to happen, but LYING about the situation in order to further the goals of Bush.

If Iraq wanted the US to hand over Bush or Bremer, responsible for far more than 3,000 deaths in Iraq, would the US hand either of them over straight away at the first request? No they would not. So why should Afghanistan hand someone over when NONE of the proper channels had ever been accessed?

You're dreaming.
It is a completely valid question.

Why do we want more Muslims to come to America?

It's not a valid question because in the US we don't base immigration decisions on one's religion. If you understood anything about my country you wouldn't need to be told that, you damn simpleton.

We haven't in the past, but there's no reason we can't start.

There's a very good reason we won't start, moron.
It's a stupid reason. Tradition is the dumbest reason of all.

Proving once again you understand nothing about this great country you hate so much.

NO, it proves I understand logic. Doing something because that's what you did in the past is the dumbest possible reason for doing it.
It's not a valid question because in the US we don't base immigration decisions on one's religion. If you understood anything about my country you wouldn't need to be told that, you damn simpleton.

We haven't in the past, but there's no reason we can't start.

There's a very good reason we won't start, moron.
It's a stupid reason. Tradition is the dumbest reason of all.

Proving once again you understand nothing about this great country you hate so much.

NO, it proves I understand logic. Doing something because that's what you did in the past is the dumbest possible reason for doing it.

You understand nothing of logic or of the principles upon which my nation was founded. Hell, you didn't even understand my last post.
1. I quoted him from his stated reasons for attacking the US. YOu said it was because of "invasions". He sited an example of US protecting his homeland FROM "invasion". YOu might consider that reason valid. I do not.

2. Really? "there are potentially a lot of links between the two over a period of a couple of decades." so we should just lump them together? I think not.

3. So, it's our fault. Because we demanded that the man that killed 3,000 of our citizens be handed over to US to face justice? Really? That was unreasonable of US? That is your position? Seriously?

1) You quoted something without any other context. I'm not saying he was happy that the US was in Saudi Arabia, I'm saying you're trying to make a case this is the reason he hates the West, yet all you've shown is that he was angry at something.

I'm not tell you the exact reasons why bin Laden was angry at the West, merely speculating, but pointing out that what you're claiming just doesn't stand up to scrutiny or logic.

2) I didn't say we should lump them together. However the Mujaheddin has positive connotations in the West and the Taliban negative. Maybe this has a lot to do with all of this.

3) Yes, it's the US's fault for demanding something that was never going to happen. Knowing it was never going to happen, but LYING about the situation in order to further the goals of Bush.

If Iraq wanted the US to hand over Bush or Bremer, responsible for far more than 3,000 deaths in Iraq, would the US hand either of them over straight away at the first request? No they would not. So why should Afghanistan hand someone over when NONE of the proper channels had ever been accessed?

You're dreaming.

What a load of anti-American crap. You and Bripunk are made for each other. You are both idiots who hate America.
What's the point here? I don't like Islam. I also don't like Christianity. Doesn't mean I wouldn't stand up for people from both religions to have freedoms, rights, and the chance to just get on with their life.
Why not just stand up for the common good of Americans?

How many atrocities and mass murders are we allowed to happen here before we should take greater measures to protect our civilians? As though 9/11 was a total one and done. If another such as that occurs at the hands of Islamic fanatics can we then do some profiling and investigation of mosques and deporting fake Arab students?

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