The disturbing view of Muslims in the US

, more Americans die from Americans than they do from Muslims......

"American" and "Muslim" are not mutually exclusive terms, you filthy bigot.

They should be.

They won't be, coward.

I know that's what idiots like you want to impose on America.

please use the reply button so we know who you are responding to.

Uhmmmmmm . . . . I did.
"American" and "Muslim" are not mutually exclusive terms, you filthy bigot.

They should be.

They won't be, coward.

I know that's what idiots like you want to impose on America.

"Impose" the principles expressed in the US Constitution? Once again you prove that you understand nothing about my country, squatter.

What "principle" says .....

The principles that make my country antithetical to vile racist pussies like you. Read the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights if you can stand to see founding documents of a nation you hate so much.
"American" and "Muslim" are not mutually exclusive terms, you filthy bigot.

They should be.

They won't be, coward.

I know that's what idiots like you want to impose on America.

please use the reply button so we know who you are responding to.

Uhmmmmmm . . . . I did.

guess it didn't work--------------------------------MODS !
They should be.

They won't be, coward.

I know that's what idiots like you want to impose on America.

"Impose" the principles expressed in the US Constitution? Once again you prove that you understand nothing about my country, squatter.

What "principle" says .....

The principles that make my country antithetical to vile racist pussies like you. Read the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights if you can stand to see founding documents of a nation you hate so much.

I didn't realize Islam was a race. Where does either document say we don't have the right to determine who is allowed entry to our country?
They won't be, coward.

I know that's what idiots like you want to impose on America.

"Impose" the principles expressed in the US Constitution? Once again you prove that you understand nothing about my country, squatter.

What "principle" says .....

The principles that make my country antithetical to vile racist pussies like you. Read the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights if you can stand to see founding documents of a nation you hate so much.

I didn't realize Islam was a race.

YOU mentioned race, moron.
Islam. Uses people to crash airplanes as human missiles, stones people to death, hangs people from cranes or chops of their heads. Please don't defend that, Unakatre. You yourself have attacked these same Muslim extremist. I know, YOU aren't defending them, yadda yadda, been there done that. What are you defending?
Pre-judgment of Muslims is usually found with people who haven't had much higher education. I'm talking about well-meaning people who are, unfortunately, uniquely vulnerable to powerful media forces with political agendas.

Racism (or, more generally, a fear/hatred of cultural difference) greases the wheels of empire. Let me explain: if Nation A believes Nation B is evil or dangerous or pre-modern, then Nation A has a justification for intervening in Nation B's politics or its resources or its economy. This is how strong nations gain control over the oil of weak nations - by framing the weak nation for practical purposes, to satisfy needs).

There are plenty of people who were born Muslim but who don't take religion seriously or literally. Christianity is also filled with people who don't take the barbarism in the bible literally.

The whole point is judge each human on their actions - not their religion divorced from their actions. Why can't Republicans assume that Jesus created Muslims with freedom. On this theory, Muslims can transcend their religious socialization and choose to live in peace. There are millions of muslims who fit this description.

Turn off FOX News and go to college.
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Pre-judgment of Muslims is usually found with people who haven't had much higher education. I'm talking about well-meaning people who are, unfortunately, uniquely vulnerable to powerful forces with political agendas.

Racism (or, more generally, a fear/hatred of cultural difference) greases the wheels of empire. Let me explain: if Nation A believes Nation B is evil or dangerous or pre-modern, then Nation A has a justification for intervening in Nation's B politics, resources and economy. This is how string nations gain control over the oil of weak nations - by framing the weak nation for practical purposes, to satisfy needs).

There are plenty of people who were born Muslim but who don't take religion seriously or literally. Christianity is also filled with people who don't take the barbarism in the bible literally.

The whole point is judge each human on their actions - not their religion divorced from their actions. Why can't Republicans assume that Jesus created Muslims with freedom. On this theory, Muslims can transcend their religious socialization and choose to live in peace. There are millions of muslims who fit this description.

Turn off FOX News and go to college.
Really? I am not finding Islam too respectful of higher learning, are you bloody kidding? Wow. Islam smashes art and holy shrines and condemns apostates to death. And they still stone people to death, over silly things. So what is it I am missing about Islam (sharia law) that chopping off hands and all that, WHAT am I missing?
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Pre-judgment of Muslims is usually found with people who haven't had much higher education. I'm talking about well-meaning people who are, unfortunately, uniquely vulnerable to powerful forces with political agendas.

Racism (or, more generally, a fear/hatred of cultural difference) greases the wheels of empire. Let me explain: if Nation A believes Nation B is evil or dangerous or pre-modern, then Nation A has a justification for intervening in Nation's B politics, resources and economy. This is how string nations gain control over the oil of weak nations - by framing the weak nation for practical purposes, to satisfy needs).

There are plenty of people who were born Muslim but who don't take religion seriously or literally. Christianity is also filled with people who don't take the barbarism in the bible literally.

The whole point is judge each human on their actions - not their religion divorced from their actions. Why can't Republicans assume that Jesus created Muslims with freedom. On this theory, Muslims can transcend their religious socialization and choose to live in peace. There are millions of muslims who fit this description.

Turn off FOX News and go to college.
Really? I am not finding Islam too respectful of higher learning, are you bloody kidding? Wow. Islam smashes art and holy shrines and condemns apostates to death. And they still stone people to death, over silly things. So what is it I am missing about Islam (sharia law) that chopping off hands and all that, WHAT am I missing?

You're referring to Al Qaeda and other political radical yahoos as "Islam".

That'd be like referring to the Westboro Batshit Church plus Eric Rudolph, Scott Roeder and a player to be named later as "Christianism".
Pre-judgment of Muslims is usually found with people who haven't had much higher education. I'm talking about well-meaning people who are, unfortunately, uniquely vulnerable to powerful forces with political agendas.

Racism (or, more generally, a fear/hatred of cultural difference) greases the wheels of empire. Let me explain: if Nation A believes Nation B is evil or dangerous or pre-modern, then Nation A has a justification for intervening in Nation's B politics, resources and economy. This is how string nations gain control over the oil of weak nations - by framing the weak nation for practical purposes, to satisfy needs).

There are plenty of people who were born Muslim but who don't take religion seriously or literally. Christianity is also filled with people who don't take the barbarism in the bible literally.

The whole point is judge each human on their actions - not their religion divorced from their actions. Why can't Republicans assume that Jesus created Muslims with freedom. On this theory, Muslims can transcend their religious socialization and choose to live in peace. There are millions of muslims who fit this description.

Turn off FOX News and go to college.
Really? I am not finding Islam too respectful of higher learning, are you bloody kidding? Wow. Islam smashes art and holy shrines and condemns apostates to death. And they still stone people to death, over silly things. So what is it I am missing about Islam (sharia law) that chopping off hands and all that, WHAT am I missing?

You're referring to Al Qaeda and other political radical yahoos as "Islam".

That'd be like referring to the Westboro Batshit Church plus Eric Rudolph, Scott Roeder and a player to be named later as "Christianism".

Isn't that exactly what libturds like you do?
1. You said "Invasions" was one reason. Osama cited an example of being protected from invasion as a reason for 9-11. You don't see any relevance between those two statements?

2. You did lump them together.

3. Standing on "proper channels" with an enraged superpower was a choice. It would have been a far better choice for everyone involved to hand him over. Do you doubt that Osama was behind 9-11?

1) No, I don't seem much relevance in your statements. The Middle East has suffered a lot from the West. Many Arabs hate the West because of historical things.

2) You want to get pedantic or you want to debate?

3) Do I doubt it? Doesn't matter does it? Would it have been a better choice for the Taliban? Seriously? I doubt it. I mean, they've been getting their fight, they kicked the US out, they're coming back again. Just watch them creep up on Kabul.

1. If they choose to hate based on centuries old grievances, that's their choice. And it demonstrates a culture that we don't need in this country. Ask me how many centuries old grievances I hate people for.

2. No. I want you to not dishonestly lump them together. Reagan had nothing to do with the Taliban.

3. Yes it matters. YOu are defending the Taliban's actions in NOT turning over Osama for trial. Do you doubt that Osama was behind 9-11? DO you think the Taliban wanted to be invaded and occupied and killed by the tens of thousands?
Pre-judgment of Muslims is usually found with people who haven't had much higher education. I'm talking about well-meaning people who are, unfortunately, uniquely vulnerable to powerful media forces with political agendas.

Racism (or, more generally, a fear/hatred of cultural difference) greases the wheels of empire. Let me explain: if Nation A believes Nation B is evil or dangerous or pre-modern, then Nation A has a justification for intervening in Nation B's politics or its resources or its economy. This is how strong nations gain control over the oil of weak nations - by framing the weak nation for practical purposes, to satisfy needs).

There are plenty of people who were born Muslim but who don't take religion seriously or literally. Christianity is also filled with people who don't take the barbarism in the bible literally.

The whole point is judge each human on their actions - not their religion divorced from their actions. Why can't Republicans assume that Jesus created Muslims with freedom. On this theory, Muslims can transcend their religious socialization and choose to live in peace. There are millions of muslims who fit this description.

Turn off FOX News and go to college.

So, people who disagree with you do it because they are stupid?

ANd you probably think you have an open mind, don't you?
Pre-judgment of Muslims is usually found with people who haven't had much higher education. I'm talking about well-meaning people who are, unfortunately, uniquely vulnerable to powerful forces with political agendas.

Racism (or, more generally, a fear/hatred of cultural difference) greases the wheels of empire. Let me explain: if Nation A believes Nation B is evil or dangerous or pre-modern, then Nation A has a justification for intervening in Nation's B politics, resources and economy. This is how string nations gain control over the oil of weak nations - by framing the weak nation for practical purposes, to satisfy needs).

There are plenty of people who were born Muslim but who don't take religion seriously or literally. Christianity is also filled with people who don't take the barbarism in the bible literally.

The whole point is judge each human on their actions - not their religion divorced from their actions. Why can't Republicans assume that Jesus created Muslims with freedom. On this theory, Muslims can transcend their religious socialization and choose to live in peace. There are millions of muslims who fit this description.

Turn off FOX News and go to college.
Really? I am not finding Islam too respectful of higher learning, are you bloody kidding? Wow. Islam smashes art and holy shrines and condemns apostates to death. And they still stone people to death, over silly things. So what is it I am missing about Islam (sharia law) that chopping off hands and all that, WHAT am I missing?

You're referring to Al Qaeda and other political radical yahoos as "Islam".

That'd be like referring to the Westboro Batshit Church plus Eric Rudolph, Scott Roeder and a player to be named later as "Christianism".

Isn't that exactly what libturds like you do?

Dafuck are you babbling about now?

You find me any post anywhere about anything where I engaged in a Composition Fallacy and I'll send you a year's supply of napkins to wipe that stoopid jelly off your face.
Third World nations with crappy educations, skills, culture and politics.....

Ignorant generalization.

NOpe. True factual generalization....

Wrong, racist douche coward. A higher percentage of Muslim immigrants hold college degrees than native-born Americans. That means nothing more than that your spineless, bigoted bullshit is baseless.

That's only because they came here specifically to go to school.
Third World nations with crappy educations, skills, culture and politics.....

Ignorant generalization.

NOpe. True factual generalization....

Wrong, racist douche coward. A higher percentage of Muslim immigrants hold college degrees than native-born Americans. That means nothing more than that your spineless, bigoted bullshit is baseless.
Please, what planet do you live on?
Third World nations with crappy educations, skills, culture and politics.....

Ignorant generalization.

NOpe. True factual generalization....

Wrong, racist douche coward. A higher percentage of Muslim immigrants hold college degrees than native-born Americans. That means nothing more than that your spineless, bigoted bullshit is baseless.

College degrees we recognize?


And I note you don't defend their crappy third world culture and politics.

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