The DNC Terrorist Machine


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
I want to just take a minute and view the top leadership of terrorists. Its NOT Obama its NOT the Clinton's as they are mere flunkies in the overall scheme to destroy America. Now the "man" democrats get their money from for flunkies like Obama and Clinton and BLM mainly come from one source.

And HIS dictates HIS demands ARE what controls the democrat party. At 14 years of age he worked for Hitler and calls it some of the HAPPIEST times of his life.

For you folks who think Hillary has pulled some sh8t ask yourself "Just HOW DID a murdering social democrat rob and kill all those Jews and NEVER did a day in jail?
The WORLD has tracked down and convicted GUARDS at those camps but NOT the person who was front and center of the stealing the evictions.

He runs the DNC Terrorist Machine PERIOD. Everybody else is just a flunky. And he HAS used HIS flunkys in THIS country to AVOID certain things such as arrest and PAYING TAXES. How much have Obama/Clinton and the DNC Terrorist Machine let him off the hook for? How does 13.3 BILLION dollars sound?

"A loophole allowed the 84-year-old billionaire to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them into his fund, where they were able to grow tax-free. Soros amassed $13.3 billion dollars through the use of deferments."

CHEAT: Liberal George Soros Owes BILLIONS In Taxes

THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars. Folks we ARE talking one hell of a lot of money. The DNC bitches about Trump being worth ten while THEIR party leader OWES more then he is worth. Pete Rose goes to PRISON for taxes and this dick head walks free? Who you kidding democrats? THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars? Why the hell are you running cover for him?

But you know folks it does NOT even stop there. NOPE there is more. The DNC Terrorist Machine does NOT respond to GLOBAL WARRANTS.
Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

So the flunky's not only run cover for him here they do it on an international scale. But folks he is BUSY with that UNPAID OWED to Americans TAX MONEY.
Where does it go? Who does he fund? Okay how about THIS for just a start?

Soros' Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:

  • Buy Politicians
  • Report "News"
  • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
  • Increase Taxes
  • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
  • Put More People on Welfare
  • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
  • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
  • Change Laws that Can Implement the Communist Takeover Plan
  • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
  • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
  • Change Laws to Control You
  • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
  • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
  • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
  • Fund Abortions
  • Limit Free Trade
  • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
  • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
  • Recruit and Put Criminals and Ex-Criminals to Work on Implementing the Communist Takeover Plan
  • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
  • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
  • Redirect Taxpayer Funds to Pay for Implementing theCommunist Takeover Plan
  • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
  • Create Misinformation
  • Control the Media
  • Limit Free Speech
  • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
  • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
  • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
  • Eliminate Religious Rights
  • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
  • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
George Soros - Communist, Socialist, Global Warming Fraud

So lets put this together shall we?
Hillary Clinton works for a man who at 14 worked for Hitler and LOVED it.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who owes CITIZENS of this country 13.3 BILLION dollars.

Hillary Clinton works for a man with a GLOBAL arrest warrant.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who funds or starts just about EVERY ANTI-American ANTI-Christian ANTI-Hetero ANTI-White ANTI-Make America Great Again group there is not only in this country BUT GLOBAL! He ORDERED I repeat ORDERED Europe to take in MORE islamic terrorist and FORMER East German Communist Merkel DID just that.

Just like Communist raised Obama will and just like Alinsky "love child" Clinton WILL. A vote FOR Hillary IS a vote FOR George. We ARE today with Obama a COMMUNIST ruled DICTATORSHIP. Trump may have money and he may speak off the cuff, but DAMN he LOVES his country and at least the VERY least he loves the people.


- Soros has paid for all the colorful revolutions in former Soviet republics and for the coup in Ukraine in 2014;
- Soros paid for Obama's presidential campaign which means he may have controlled some (may be even quite a few) Obama's actions as a President.
- Trump doesn't need anybody's money for his campaign, so nobody would be able to blackmail him or to control his actions.

If the people are tired of corruption and electing "leaders" with hundreds of skeletons in the closets, there is a huge opportunity to try something absolutely new and to vote for a person who can be independent of all the possible control (CIA+weapons makers+ Wall Street). It may work or not, but there is a huge opportunity to try...
  • Thread starter
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  • #3
- Soros has paid for all the colorful revolutions in former Soviet republics and for the coup in Ukraine in 2014;
- Soros paid for Obama's presidential campaign which means he may have controlled some (may be even quite a few) Obama's actions as a President.
- Trump doesn't need anybody's money for his campaign, so nobody would be able to blackmail him or to control his actions.

If the people are tired of corruption and electing "leaders" with hundreds of skeletons in the closets, there is a huge opportunity to try something absolutely new and to vote for a person who can be independent of all the possible control (CIA+weapons makers+ Wall Street). It may work or not, but there is a huge opportunity to try...
The best and FIRST thing this country could do is honor Russia's
warrant for his arrest. That would do more for relations then any trade deal.
I want to just take a minute and view the top leadership of terrorists. Its NOT Obama its NOT the Clinton's as they are mere flunkies in the overall scheme to destroy America. Now the "man" democrats get their money from for flunkies like Obama and Clinton and BLM mainly come from one source.

And HIS dictates HIS demands ARE what controls the democrat party. At 14 years of age he worked for Hitler and calls it some of the HAPPIEST times of his life.

For you folks who think Hillary has pulled some sh8t ask yourself "Just HOW DID a murdering social democrat rob and kill all those Jews and NEVER did a day in jail?
The WORLD has tracked down and convicted GUARDS at those camps but NOT the person who was front and center of the stealing the evictions.

He runs the DNC Terrorist Machine PERIOD. Everybody else is just a flunky. And he HAS used HIS flunkys in THIS country to AVOID certain things such as arrest and PAYING TAXES. How much have Obama/Clinton and the DNC Terrorist Machine let him off the hook for? How does 13.3 BILLION dollars sound?

"A loophole allowed the 84-year-old billionaire to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them into his fund, where they were able to grow tax-free. Soros amassed $13.3 billion dollars through the use of deferments."

CHEAT: Liberal George Soros Owes BILLIONS In Taxes

THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars. Folks we ARE talking one hell of a lot of money. The DNC bitches about Trump being worth ten while THEIR party leader OWES more then he is worth. Pete Rose goes to PRISON for taxes and this dick head walks free? Who you kidding democrats? THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars? Why the hell are you running cover for him?

But you know folks it does NOT even stop there. NOPE there is more. The DNC Terrorist Machine does NOT respond to GLOBAL WARRANTS.
Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

So the flunky's not only run cover for him here they do it on an international scale. But folks he is BUSY with that UNPAID OWED to Americans TAX MONEY.
Where does it go? Who does he fund? Okay how about THIS for just a start?

Soros' Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:

    • Buy Politicians
    • Report "News"
    • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
    • Increase Taxes
    • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
    • Put More People on Welfare
    • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
    • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
    • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
    • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
    • Change Laws to Control You
    • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
    • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
    • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
    • Fund Abortions
    • Limit Free Trade
    • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
    • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
    • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
    • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
    • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
    • Create Misinformation
    • Control the Media
    • Limit Free Speech
    • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
    • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
    • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
    • Eliminate Religious Rights
    • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
    • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
George Soros - Communist, Socialist, Global Warming Fraud

So lets put this together shall we?
Hillary Clinton works for a man who at 14 worked for Hitler and LOVED it.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who owes CITIZENS of this country 13.3 BILLION dollars.

Hillary Clinton works for a man with a GLOBAL arrest warrant.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who funds or starts just about EVERY ANTI-American ANTI-Christian ANTI-Hetero ANTI-White ANTI-Make America Great Again group there is not only in this country BUT GLOBAL! He ORDERED I repeat ORDERED Europe to take in MORE islamic terrorist and FORMER East German Communist Merkel DID just that.

Just like Communist raised Obama will and just like Alinsky "love child" Clinton WILL. A vote FOR Hillary IS a vote FOR George. We ARE today with Obama a COMMUNIST ruled DICTATORSHIP. Trump may have money and he may speak off the cuff, but DAMN he LOVES his country and at least the VERY least he loves the people.


I agree with you most of the time, but
Didn't the congress pass a bill to not have political money transparency a month or so ago? Makes me angry, that they vote for their $$$ buddies.

There are so many crooks with their hands in the cookie jar
  • Thread starter
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  • #6
I want to just take a minute and view the top leadership of terrorists. Its NOT Obama its NOT the Clinton's as they are mere flunkies in the overall scheme to destroy America. Now the "man" democrats get their money from for flunkies like Obama and Clinton and BLM mainly come from one source.

And HIS dictates HIS demands ARE what controls the democrat party. At 14 years of age he worked for Hitler and calls it some of the HAPPIEST times of his life.

For you folks who think Hillary has pulled some sh8t ask yourself "Just HOW DID a murdering social democrat rob and kill all those Jews and NEVER did a day in jail?
The WORLD has tracked down and convicted GUARDS at those camps but NOT the person who was front and center of the stealing the evictions.

He runs the DNC Terrorist Machine PERIOD. Everybody else is just a flunky. And he HAS used HIS flunkys in THIS country to AVOID certain things such as arrest and PAYING TAXES. How much have Obama/Clinton and the DNC Terrorist Machine let him off the hook for? How does 13.3 BILLION dollars sound?

"A loophole allowed the 84-year-old billionaire to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them into his fund, where they were able to grow tax-free. Soros amassed $13.3 billion dollars through the use of deferments."

CHEAT: Liberal George Soros Owes BILLIONS In Taxes

THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars. Folks we ARE talking one hell of a lot of money. The DNC bitches about Trump being worth ten while THEIR party leader OWES more then he is worth. Pete Rose goes to PRISON for taxes and this dick head walks free? Who you kidding democrats? THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars? Why the hell are you running cover for him?

But you know folks it does NOT even stop there. NOPE there is more. The DNC Terrorist Machine does NOT respond to GLOBAL WARRANTS.
Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

So the flunky's not only run cover for him here they do it on an international scale. But folks he is BUSY with that UNPAID OWED to Americans TAX MONEY.
Where does it go? Who does he fund? Okay how about THIS for just a start?

Soros' Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:

    • Buy Politicians
    • Report "News"
    • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
    • Increase Taxes
    • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
    • Put More People on Welfare
    • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
    • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
    • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
    • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
    • Change Laws to Control You
    • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
    • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
    • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
    • Fund Abortions
    • Limit Free Trade
    • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
    • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
    • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
    • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
    • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
    • Create Misinformation
    • Control the Media
    • Limit Free Speech
    • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
    • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
    • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
    • Eliminate Religious Rights
    • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
    • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
George Soros - Communist, Socialist, Global Warming Fraud

So lets put this together shall we?
Hillary Clinton works for a man who at 14 worked for Hitler and LOVED it.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who owes CITIZENS of this country 13.3 BILLION dollars.

Hillary Clinton works for a man with a GLOBAL arrest warrant.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who funds or starts just about EVERY ANTI-American ANTI-Christian ANTI-Hetero ANTI-White ANTI-Make America Great Again group there is not only in this country BUT GLOBAL! He ORDERED I repeat ORDERED Europe to take in MORE islamic terrorist and FORMER East German Communist Merkel DID just that.

Just like Communist raised Obama will and just like Alinsky "love child" Clinton WILL. A vote FOR Hillary IS a vote FOR George. We ARE today with Obama a COMMUNIST ruled DICTATORSHIP. Trump may have money and he may speak off the cuff, but DAMN he LOVES his country and at least the VERY least he loves the people.


I agree with you most of the time, but
Didn't the congress pass a bill to not have political money transparency a month or so ago? Makes me angry, that they vote for their $$$ buddies.

There are so many crooks with their hands in the cookie jar

Uncle George has his fair share of GOP members. Sorting them out IS going to take a while. But the first thing you do is cut the head off the snake.

Take the "elites" out AND the RINO'S. And yes its going to take a lot of work.
I want to just take a minute and view the top leadership of terrorists. Its NOT Obama its NOT the Clinton's as they are mere flunkies in the overall scheme to destroy America. Now the "man" democrats get their money from for flunkies like Obama and Clinton and BLM mainly come from one source.

And HIS dictates HIS demands ARE what controls the democrat party. At 14 years of age he worked for Hitler and calls it some of the HAPPIEST times of his life.

For you folks who think Hillary has pulled some sh8t ask yourself "Just HOW DID a murdering social democrat rob and kill all those Jews and NEVER did a day in jail?
The WORLD has tracked down and convicted GUARDS at those camps but NOT the person who was front and center of the stealing the evictions.

He runs the DNC Terrorist Machine PERIOD. Everybody else is just a flunky. And he HAS used HIS flunkys in THIS country to AVOID certain things such as arrest and PAYING TAXES. How much have Obama/Clinton and the DNC Terrorist Machine let him off the hook for? How does 13.3 BILLION dollars sound?

"A loophole allowed the 84-year-old billionaire to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them into his fund, where they were able to grow tax-free. Soros amassed $13.3 billion dollars through the use of deferments."

CHEAT: Liberal George Soros Owes BILLIONS In Taxes

THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars. Folks we ARE talking one hell of a lot of money. The DNC bitches about Trump being worth ten while THEIR party leader OWES more then he is worth. Pete Rose goes to PRISON for taxes and this dick head walks free? Who you kidding democrats? THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars? Why the hell are you running cover for him?

But you know folks it does NOT even stop there. NOPE there is more. The DNC Terrorist Machine does NOT respond to GLOBAL WARRANTS.
Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

So the flunky's not only run cover for him here they do it on an international scale. But folks he is BUSY with that UNPAID OWED to Americans TAX MONEY.
Where does it go? Who does he fund? Okay how about THIS for just a start?

Soros' Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:

    • Buy Politicians
    • Report "News"
    • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
    • Increase Taxes
    • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
    • Put More People on Welfare
    • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
    • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
    • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
    • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
    • Change Laws to Control You
    • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
    • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
    • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
    • Fund Abortions
    • Limit Free Trade
    • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
    • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
    • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
    • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
    • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
    • Create Misinformation
    • Control the Media
    • Limit Free Speech
    • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
    • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
    • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
    • Eliminate Religious Rights
    • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
    • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
George Soros - Communist, Socialist, Global Warming Fraud

So lets put this together shall we?
Hillary Clinton works for a man who at 14 worked for Hitler and LOVED it.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who owes CITIZENS of this country 13.3 BILLION dollars.

Hillary Clinton works for a man with a GLOBAL arrest warrant.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who funds or starts just about EVERY ANTI-American ANTI-Christian ANTI-Hetero ANTI-White ANTI-Make America Great Again group there is not only in this country BUT GLOBAL! He ORDERED I repeat ORDERED Europe to take in MORE islamic terrorist and FORMER East German Communist Merkel DID just that.

Just like Communist raised Obama will and just like Alinsky "love child" Clinton WILL. A vote FOR Hillary IS a vote FOR George. We ARE today with Obama a COMMUNIST ruled DICTATORSHIP. Trump may have money and he may speak off the cuff, but DAMN he LOVES his country and at least the VERY least he loves the people.


I agree with you most of the time, but
Didn't the congress pass a bill to not have political money transparency a month or so ago? Makes me angry, that they vote for their $$$ buddies.

There are so many crooks with their hands in the cookie jar

You agree with him most of the time? Really?
I want to just take a minute and view the top leadership of terrorists. Its NOT Obama its NOT the Clinton's as they are mere flunkies in the overall scheme to destroy America. Now the "man" democrats get their money from for flunkies like Obama and Clinton and BLM mainly come from one source.

And HIS dictates HIS demands ARE what controls the democrat party. At 14 years of age he worked for Hitler and calls it some of the HAPPIEST times of his life.

For you folks who think Hillary has pulled some sh8t ask yourself "Just HOW DID a murdering social democrat rob and kill all those Jews and NEVER did a day in jail?
The WORLD has tracked down and convicted GUARDS at those camps but NOT the person who was front and center of the stealing the evictions.

He runs the DNC Terrorist Machine PERIOD. Everybody else is just a flunky. And he HAS used HIS flunkys in THIS country to AVOID certain things such as arrest and PAYING TAXES. How much have Obama/Clinton and the DNC Terrorist Machine let him off the hook for? How does 13.3 BILLION dollars sound?

"A loophole allowed the 84-year-old billionaire to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them into his fund, where they were able to grow tax-free. Soros amassed $13.3 billion dollars through the use of deferments."

CHEAT: Liberal George Soros Owes BILLIONS In Taxes

THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars. Folks we ARE talking one hell of a lot of money. The DNC bitches about Trump being worth ten while THEIR party leader OWES more then he is worth. Pete Rose goes to PRISON for taxes and this dick head walks free? Who you kidding democrats? THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars? Why the hell are you running cover for him?

But you know folks it does NOT even stop there. NOPE there is more. The DNC Terrorist Machine does NOT respond to GLOBAL WARRANTS.
Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

So the flunky's not only run cover for him here they do it on an international scale. But folks he is BUSY with that UNPAID OWED to Americans TAX MONEY.
Where does it go? Who does he fund? Okay how about THIS for just a start?

Soros' Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:

    • Buy Politicians
    • Report "News"
    • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
    • Increase Taxes
    • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
    • Put More People on Welfare
    • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
    • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
    • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
    • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
    • Change Laws to Control You
    • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
    • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
    • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
    • Fund Abortions
    • Limit Free Trade
    • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
    • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
    • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
    • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
    • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
    • Create Misinformation
    • Control the Media
    • Limit Free Speech
    • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
    • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
    • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
    • Eliminate Religious Rights
    • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
    • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
George Soros - Communist, Socialist, Global Warming Fraud

So lets put this together shall we?
Hillary Clinton works for a man who at 14 worked for Hitler and LOVED it.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who owes CITIZENS of this country 13.3 BILLION dollars.

Hillary Clinton works for a man with a GLOBAL arrest warrant.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who funds or starts just about EVERY ANTI-American ANTI-Christian ANTI-Hetero ANTI-White ANTI-Make America Great Again group there is not only in this country BUT GLOBAL! He ORDERED I repeat ORDERED Europe to take in MORE islamic terrorist and FORMER East German Communist Merkel DID just that.

Just like Communist raised Obama will and just like Alinsky "love child" Clinton WILL. A vote FOR Hillary IS a vote FOR George. We ARE today with Obama a COMMUNIST ruled DICTATORSHIP. Trump may have money and he may speak off the cuff, but DAMN he LOVES his country and at least the VERY least he loves the people.


I hate George Soros, he's evil.


  • Thread starter
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  • #9
I want to just take a minute and view the top leadership of terrorists. Its NOT Obama its NOT the Clinton's as they are mere flunkies in the overall scheme to destroy America. Now the "man" democrats get their money from for flunkies like Obama and Clinton and BLM mainly come from one source.

And HIS dictates HIS demands ARE what controls the democrat party. At 14 years of age he worked for Hitler and calls it some of the HAPPIEST times of his life.

For you folks who think Hillary has pulled some sh8t ask yourself "Just HOW DID a murdering social democrat rob and kill all those Jews and NEVER did a day in jail?
The WORLD has tracked down and convicted GUARDS at those camps but NOT the person who was front and center of the stealing the evictions.

He runs the DNC Terrorist Machine PERIOD. Everybody else is just a flunky. And he HAS used HIS flunkys in THIS country to AVOID certain things such as arrest and PAYING TAXES. How much have Obama/Clinton and the DNC Terrorist Machine let him off the hook for? How does 13.3 BILLION dollars sound?

"A loophole allowed the 84-year-old billionaire to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them into his fund, where they were able to grow tax-free. Soros amassed $13.3 billion dollars through the use of deferments."

CHEAT: Liberal George Soros Owes BILLIONS In Taxes

THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars. Folks we ARE talking one hell of a lot of money. The DNC bitches about Trump being worth ten while THEIR party leader OWES more then he is worth. Pete Rose goes to PRISON for taxes and this dick head walks free? Who you kidding democrats? THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars? Why the hell are you running cover for him?

But you know folks it does NOT even stop there. NOPE there is more. The DNC Terrorist Machine does NOT respond to GLOBAL WARRANTS.
Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

So the flunky's not only run cover for him here they do it on an international scale. But folks he is BUSY with that UNPAID OWED to Americans TAX MONEY.
Where does it go? Who does he fund? Okay how about THIS for just a start?

Soros' Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:

    • Buy Politicians
    • Report "News"
    • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
    • Increase Taxes
    • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
    • Put More People on Welfare
    • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
    • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
    • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
    • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
    • Change Laws to Control You
    • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
    • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
    • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
    • Fund Abortions
    • Limit Free Trade
    • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
    • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
    • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
    • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
    • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
    • Create Misinformation
    • Control the Media
    • Limit Free Speech
    • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
    • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
    • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
    • Eliminate Religious Rights
    • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
    • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
George Soros - Communist, Socialist, Global Warming Fraud

So lets put this together shall we?
Hillary Clinton works for a man who at 14 worked for Hitler and LOVED it.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who owes CITIZENS of this country 13.3 BILLION dollars.

Hillary Clinton works for a man with a GLOBAL arrest warrant.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who funds or starts just about EVERY ANTI-American ANTI-Christian ANTI-Hetero ANTI-White ANTI-Make America Great Again group there is not only in this country BUT GLOBAL! He ORDERED I repeat ORDERED Europe to take in MORE islamic terrorist and FORMER East German Communist Merkel DID just that.

Just like Communist raised Obama will and just like Alinsky "love child" Clinton WILL. A vote FOR Hillary IS a vote FOR George. We ARE today with Obama a COMMUNIST ruled DICTATORSHIP. Trump may have money and he may speak off the cuff, but DAMN he LOVES his country and at least the VERY least he loves the people.


I agree with you most of the time, but
Didn't the congress pass a bill to not have political money transparency a month or so ago? Makes me angry, that they vote for their $$$ buddies.

There are so many crooks with their hands in the cookie jar

You agree with him most of the time? Really?

Go back to your data mining at GTs podcast. YOUR rock misses you!
- Soros has paid for all the colorful revolutions in former Soviet republics and for the coup in Ukraine in 2014;
- Soros paid for Obama's presidential campaign which means he may have controlled some (may be even quite a few) Obama's actions as a President.
- Trump doesn't need anybody's money for his campaign, so nobody would be able to blackmail him or to control his actions.

If the people are tired of corruption and electing "leaders" with hundreds of skeletons in the closets, there is a huge opportunity to try something absolutely new and to vote for a person who can be independent of all the possible control (CIA+weapons makers+ Wall Street). It may work or not, but there is a huge opportunity to try...

George Soros is also co-funding with Goldman Sachs the so-called "refugees" invading Europa.
I want to just take a minute and view the top leadership of terrorists. Its NOT Obama its NOT the Clinton's as they are mere flunkies in the overall scheme to destroy America. Now the "man" democrats get their money from for flunkies like Obama and Clinton and BLM mainly come from one source.

And HIS dictates HIS demands ARE what controls the democrat party. At 14 years of age he worked for Hitler and calls it some of the HAPPIEST times of his life.

For you folks who think Hillary has pulled some sh8t ask yourself "Just HOW DID a murdering social democrat rob and kill all those Jews and NEVER did a day in jail?
The WORLD has tracked down and convicted GUARDS at those camps but NOT the person who was front and center of the stealing the evictions.

He runs the DNC Terrorist Machine PERIOD. Everybody else is just a flunky. And he HAS used HIS flunkys in THIS country to AVOID certain things such as arrest and PAYING TAXES. How much have Obama/Clinton and the DNC Terrorist Machine let him off the hook for? How does 13.3 BILLION dollars sound?

"A loophole allowed the 84-year-old billionaire to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them into his fund, where they were able to grow tax-free. Soros amassed $13.3 billion dollars through the use of deferments."

CHEAT: Liberal George Soros Owes BILLIONS In Taxes

THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars. Folks we ARE talking one hell of a lot of money. The DNC bitches about Trump being worth ten while THEIR party leader OWES more then he is worth. Pete Rose goes to PRISON for taxes and this dick head walks free? Who you kidding democrats? THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars? Why the hell are you running cover for him?

But you know folks it does NOT even stop there. NOPE there is more. The DNC Terrorist Machine does NOT respond to GLOBAL WARRANTS.
Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

So the flunky's not only run cover for him here they do it on an international scale. But folks he is BUSY with that UNPAID OWED to Americans TAX MONEY.
Where does it go? Who does he fund? Okay how about THIS for just a start?

Soros' Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:

    • Buy Politicians
    • Report "News"
    • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
    • Increase Taxes
    • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
    • Put More People on Welfare
    • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
    • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
    • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
    • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
    • Change Laws to Control You
    • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
    • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
    • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
    • Fund Abortions
    • Limit Free Trade
    • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
    • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
    • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
    • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
    • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
    • Create Misinformation
    • Control the Media
    • Limit Free Speech
    • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
    • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
    • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
    • Eliminate Religious Rights
    • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
    • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
George Soros - Communist, Socialist, Global Warming Fraud

So lets put this together shall we?
Hillary Clinton works for a man who at 14 worked for Hitler and LOVED it.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who owes CITIZENS of this country 13.3 BILLION dollars.

Hillary Clinton works for a man with a GLOBAL arrest warrant.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who funds or starts just about EVERY ANTI-American ANTI-Christian ANTI-Hetero ANTI-White ANTI-Make America Great Again group there is not only in this country BUT GLOBAL! He ORDERED I repeat ORDERED Europe to take in MORE islamic terrorist and FORMER East German Communist Merkel DID just that.

Just like Communist raised Obama will and just like Alinsky "love child" Clinton WILL. A vote FOR Hillary IS a vote FOR George. We ARE today with Obama a COMMUNIST ruled DICTATORSHIP. Trump may have money and he may speak off the cuff, but DAMN he LOVES his country and at least the VERY least he loves the people.


I agree with you most of the time, but
Didn't the congress pass a bill to not have political money transparency a month or so ago? Makes me angry, that they vote for their $$$ buddies.

There are so many crooks with their hands in the cookie jar

You agree with him most of the time? Really?

Yes I do...I think we are about the same age and I get him most of the time....He is actually a nice guy.
I want to just take a minute and view the top leadership of terrorists. Its NOT Obama its NOT the Clinton's as they are mere flunkies in the overall scheme to destroy America. Now the "man" democrats get their money from for flunkies like Obama and Clinton and BLM mainly come from one source.

And HIS dictates HIS demands ARE what controls the democrat party. At 14 years of age he worked for Hitler and calls it some of the HAPPIEST times of his life.

For you folks who think Hillary has pulled some sh8t ask yourself "Just HOW DID a murdering social democrat rob and kill all those Jews and NEVER did a day in jail?
The WORLD has tracked down and convicted GUARDS at those camps but NOT the person who was front and center of the stealing the evictions.

He runs the DNC Terrorist Machine PERIOD. Everybody else is just a flunky. And he HAS used HIS flunkys in THIS country to AVOID certain things such as arrest and PAYING TAXES. How much have Obama/Clinton and the DNC Terrorist Machine let him off the hook for? How does 13.3 BILLION dollars sound?

"A loophole allowed the 84-year-old billionaire to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them into his fund, where they were able to grow tax-free. Soros amassed $13.3 billion dollars through the use of deferments."

CHEAT: Liberal George Soros Owes BILLIONS In Taxes

THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars. Folks we ARE talking one hell of a lot of money. The DNC bitches about Trump being worth ten while THEIR party leader OWES more then he is worth. Pete Rose goes to PRISON for taxes and this dick head walks free? Who you kidding democrats? THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars? Why the hell are you running cover for him?

But you know folks it does NOT even stop there. NOPE there is more. The DNC Terrorist Machine does NOT respond to GLOBAL WARRANTS.
Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

So the flunky's not only run cover for him here they do it on an international scale. But folks he is BUSY with that UNPAID OWED to Americans TAX MONEY.
Where does it go? Who does he fund? Okay how about THIS for just a start?

Soros' Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:

    • Buy Politicians
    • Report "News"
    • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
    • Increase Taxes
    • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
    • Put More People on Welfare
    • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
    • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
    • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
    • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
    • Change Laws to Control You
    • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
    • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
    • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
    • Fund Abortions
    • Limit Free Trade
    • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
    • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
    • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
    • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
    • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
    • Create Misinformation
    • Control the Media
    • Limit Free Speech
    • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
    • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
    • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
    • Eliminate Religious Rights
    • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
    • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
George Soros - Communist, Socialist, Global Warming Fraud

So lets put this together shall we?
Hillary Clinton works for a man who at 14 worked for Hitler and LOVED it.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who owes CITIZENS of this country 13.3 BILLION dollars.

Hillary Clinton works for a man with a GLOBAL arrest warrant.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who funds or starts just about EVERY ANTI-American ANTI-Christian ANTI-Hetero ANTI-White ANTI-Make America Great Again group there is not only in this country BUT GLOBAL! He ORDERED I repeat ORDERED Europe to take in MORE islamic terrorist and FORMER East German Communist Merkel DID just that.

Just like Communist raised Obama will and just like Alinsky "love child" Clinton WILL. A vote FOR Hillary IS a vote FOR George. We ARE today with Obama a COMMUNIST ruled DICTATORSHIP. Trump may have money and he may speak off the cuff, but DAMN he LOVES his country and at least the VERY least he loves the people.


Do you realize that when you post here, you're not inside some RWnut cult echo chamber? Eh?
I want to just take a minute and view the top leadership of terrorists. Its NOT Obama its NOT the Clinton's as they are mere flunkies in the overall scheme to destroy America. Now the "man" democrats get their money from for flunkies like Obama and Clinton and BLM mainly come from one source.

And HIS dictates HIS demands ARE what controls the democrat party. At 14 years of age he worked for Hitler and calls it some of the HAPPIEST times of his life.

For you folks who think Hillary has pulled some sh8t ask yourself "Just HOW DID a murdering social democrat rob and kill all those Jews and NEVER did a day in jail?
The WORLD has tracked down and convicted GUARDS at those camps but NOT the person who was front and center of the stealing the evictions.

He runs the DNC Terrorist Machine PERIOD. Everybody else is just a flunky. And he HAS used HIS flunkys in THIS country to AVOID certain things such as arrest and PAYING TAXES. How much have Obama/Clinton and the DNC Terrorist Machine let him off the hook for? How does 13.3 BILLION dollars sound?

"A loophole allowed the 84-year-old billionaire to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them into his fund, where they were able to grow tax-free. Soros amassed $13.3 billion dollars through the use of deferments."

CHEAT: Liberal George Soros Owes BILLIONS In Taxes

THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars. Folks we ARE talking one hell of a lot of money. The DNC bitches about Trump being worth ten while THEIR party leader OWES more then he is worth. Pete Rose goes to PRISON for taxes and this dick head walks free? Who you kidding democrats? THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars? Why the hell are you running cover for him?

But you know folks it does NOT even stop there. NOPE there is more. The DNC Terrorist Machine does NOT respond to GLOBAL WARRANTS.
Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

So the flunky's not only run cover for him here they do it on an international scale. But folks he is BUSY with that UNPAID OWED to Americans TAX MONEY.
Where does it go? Who does he fund? Okay how about THIS for just a start?

Soros' Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:

    • Buy Politicians
    • Report "News"
    • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
    • Increase Taxes
    • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
    • Put More People on Welfare
    • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
    • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
    • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
    • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
    • Change Laws to Control You
    • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
    • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
    • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
    • Fund Abortions
    • Limit Free Trade
    • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
    • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
    • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
    • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
    • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
    • Create Misinformation
    • Control the Media
    • Limit Free Speech
    • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
    • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
    • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
    • Eliminate Religious Rights
    • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
    • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
George Soros - Communist, Socialist, Global Warming Fraud

So lets put this together shall we?
Hillary Clinton works for a man who at 14 worked for Hitler and LOVED it.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who owes CITIZENS of this country 13.3 BILLION dollars.

Hillary Clinton works for a man with a GLOBAL arrest warrant.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who funds or starts just about EVERY ANTI-American ANTI-Christian ANTI-Hetero ANTI-White ANTI-Make America Great Again group there is not only in this country BUT GLOBAL! He ORDERED I repeat ORDERED Europe to take in MORE islamic terrorist and FORMER East German Communist Merkel DID just that.

Just like Communist raised Obama will and just like Alinsky "love child" Clinton WILL. A vote FOR Hillary IS a vote FOR George. We ARE today with Obama a COMMUNIST ruled DICTATORSHIP. Trump may have money and he may speak off the cuff, but DAMN he LOVES his country and at least the VERY least he loves the people.


I agree with you most of the time, but
Didn't the congress pass a bill to not have political money transparency a month or so ago? Makes me angry, that they vote for their $$$ buddies.

There are so many crooks with their hands in the cookie jar

You agree with him most of the time? Really?

Your pretty smart yourself LoneLaughter!
I want to just take a minute and view the top leadership of terrorists. Its NOT Obama its NOT the Clinton's as they are mere flunkies in the overall scheme to destroy America. Now the "man" democrats get their money from for flunkies like Obama and Clinton and BLM mainly come from one source.

And HIS dictates HIS demands ARE what controls the democrat party. At 14 years of age he worked for Hitler and calls it some of the HAPPIEST times of his life.

For you folks who think Hillary has pulled some sh8t ask yourself "Just HOW DID a murdering social democrat rob and kill all those Jews and NEVER did a day in jail?
The WORLD has tracked down and convicted GUARDS at those camps but NOT the person who was front and center of the stealing the evictions.

He runs the DNC Terrorist Machine PERIOD. Everybody else is just a flunky. And he HAS used HIS flunkys in THIS country to AVOID certain things such as arrest and PAYING TAXES. How much have Obama/Clinton and the DNC Terrorist Machine let him off the hook for? How does 13.3 BILLION dollars sound?

"A loophole allowed the 84-year-old billionaire to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them into his fund, where they were able to grow tax-free. Soros amassed $13.3 billion dollars through the use of deferments."

CHEAT: Liberal George Soros Owes BILLIONS In Taxes

THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars. Folks we ARE talking one hell of a lot of money. The DNC bitches about Trump being worth ten while THEIR party leader OWES more then he is worth. Pete Rose goes to PRISON for taxes and this dick head walks free? Who you kidding democrats? THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars? Why the hell are you running cover for him?

But you know folks it does NOT even stop there. NOPE there is more. The DNC Terrorist Machine does NOT respond to GLOBAL WARRANTS.
Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

So the flunky's not only run cover for him here they do it on an international scale. But folks he is BUSY with that UNPAID OWED to Americans TAX MONEY.
Where does it go? Who does he fund? Okay how about THIS for just a start?

Soros' Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:

    • Buy Politicians
    • Report "News"
    • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
    • Increase Taxes
    • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
    • Put More People on Welfare
    • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
    • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
    • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
    • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
    • Change Laws to Control You
    • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
    • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
    • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
    • Fund Abortions
    • Limit Free Trade
    • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
    • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
    • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
    • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
    • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
    • Create Misinformation
    • Control the Media
    • Limit Free Speech
    • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
    • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
    • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
    • Eliminate Religious Rights
    • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
    • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
George Soros - Communist, Socialist, Global Warming Fraud

So lets put this together shall we?
Hillary Clinton works for a man who at 14 worked for Hitler and LOVED it.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who owes CITIZENS of this country 13.3 BILLION dollars.

Hillary Clinton works for a man with a GLOBAL arrest warrant.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who funds or starts just about EVERY ANTI-American ANTI-Christian ANTI-Hetero ANTI-White ANTI-Make America Great Again group there is not only in this country BUT GLOBAL! He ORDERED I repeat ORDERED Europe to take in MORE islamic terrorist and FORMER East German Communist Merkel DID just that.

Just like Communist raised Obama will and just like Alinsky "love child" Clinton WILL. A vote FOR Hillary IS a vote FOR George. We ARE today with Obama a COMMUNIST ruled DICTATORSHIP. Trump may have money and he may speak off the cuff, but DAMN he LOVES his country and at least the VERY least he loves the people.


I agree with you most of the time, but
Didn't the congress pass a bill to not have political money transparency a month or so ago? Makes me angry, that they vote for their $$$ buddies.

There are so many crooks with their hands in the cookie jar

You agree with him most of the time? Really?

Yes I do...I think we are about the same age and I get him most of the time....He is actually a nice guy.

Good for you! I'm sure you feel such pride.
- Soros has paid for all the colorful revolutions in former Soviet republics and for the coup in Ukraine in 2014;
- Soros paid for Obama's presidential campaign which means he may have controlled some (may be even quite a few) Obama's actions as a President.
- Trump doesn't need anybody's money for his campaign, so nobody would be able to blackmail him or to control his actions.

If the people are tired of corruption and electing "leaders" with hundreds of skeletons in the closets, there is a huge opportunity to try something absolutely new and to vote for a person who can be independent of all the possible control (CIA+weapons makers+ Wall Street). It may work or not, but there is a huge opportunity to try...
The best and FIRST thing this country could do is honor Russia's
warrant for his arrest. That would do more for relations then any trade deal.

Not with Obama in the White House.

I want to just take a minute and view the top leadership of terrorists. Its NOT Obama its NOT the Clinton's as they are mere flunkies in the overall scheme to destroy America. Now the "man" democrats get their money from for flunkies like Obama and Clinton and BLM mainly come from one source.

And HIS dictates HIS demands ARE what controls the democrat party. At 14 years of age he worked for Hitler and calls it some of the HAPPIEST times of his life.

For you folks who think Hillary has pulled some sh8t ask yourself "Just HOW DID a murdering social democrat rob and kill all those Jews and NEVER did a day in jail?
The WORLD has tracked down and convicted GUARDS at those camps but NOT the person who was front and center of the stealing the evictions.

He runs the DNC Terrorist Machine PERIOD. Everybody else is just a flunky. And he HAS used HIS flunkys in THIS country to AVOID certain things such as arrest and PAYING TAXES. How much have Obama/Clinton and the DNC Terrorist Machine let him off the hook for? How does 13.3 BILLION dollars sound?

"A loophole allowed the 84-year-old billionaire to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them into his fund, where they were able to grow tax-free. Soros amassed $13.3 billion dollars through the use of deferments."

CHEAT: Liberal George Soros Owes BILLIONS In Taxes

THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars. Folks we ARE talking one hell of a lot of money. The DNC bitches about Trump being worth ten while THEIR party leader OWES more then he is worth. Pete Rose goes to PRISON for taxes and this dick head walks free? Who you kidding democrats? THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars? Why the hell are you running cover for him?

But you know folks it does NOT even stop there. NOPE there is more. The DNC Terrorist Machine does NOT respond to GLOBAL WARRANTS.
Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

So the flunky's not only run cover for him here they do it on an international scale. But folks he is BUSY with that UNPAID OWED to Americans TAX MONEY.
Where does it go? Who does he fund? Okay how about THIS for just a start?

Soros' Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:

    • Buy Politicians
    • Report "News"
    • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
    • Increase Taxes
    • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
    • Put More People on Welfare
    • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
    • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
    • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
    • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
    • Change Laws to Control You
    • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
    • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
    • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
    • Fund Abortions
    • Limit Free Trade
    • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
    • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
    • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
    • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
    • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
    • Create Misinformation
    • Control the Media
    • Limit Free Speech
    • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
    • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
    • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
    • Eliminate Religious Rights
    • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
    • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
George Soros - Communist, Socialist, Global Warming Fraud

So lets put this together shall we?
Hillary Clinton works for a man who at 14 worked for Hitler and LOVED it.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who owes CITIZENS of this country 13.3 BILLION dollars.

Hillary Clinton works for a man with a GLOBAL arrest warrant.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who funds or starts just about EVERY ANTI-American ANTI-Christian ANTI-Hetero ANTI-White ANTI-Make America Great Again group there is not only in this country BUT GLOBAL! He ORDERED I repeat ORDERED Europe to take in MORE islamic terrorist and FORMER East German Communist Merkel DID just that.

Just like Communist raised Obama will and just like Alinsky "love child" Clinton WILL. A vote FOR Hillary IS a vote FOR George. We ARE today with Obama a COMMUNIST ruled DICTATORSHIP. Trump may have money and he may speak off the cuff, but DAMN he LOVES his country and at least the VERY least he loves the people.


I agree with you most of the time, but
Didn't the congress pass a bill to not have political money transparency a month or so ago? Makes me angry, that they vote for their $$$ buddies.

There are so many crooks with their hands in the cookie jar

You agree with him most of the time? Really?

Your pretty smart yourself LoneLaughter!

Well...lets not get crazy. I'm no 214.
I want to just take a minute and view the top leadership of terrorists. Its NOT Obama its NOT the Clinton's as they are mere flunkies in the overall scheme to destroy America. Now the "man" democrats get their money from for flunkies like Obama and Clinton and BLM mainly come from one source.

And HIS dictates HIS demands ARE what controls the democrat party. At 14 years of age he worked for Hitler and calls it some of the HAPPIEST times of his life.

For you folks who think Hillary has pulled some sh8t ask yourself "Just HOW DID a murdering social democrat rob and kill all those Jews and NEVER did a day in jail?
The WORLD has tracked down and convicted GUARDS at those camps but NOT the person who was front and center of the stealing the evictions.

He runs the DNC Terrorist Machine PERIOD. Everybody else is just a flunky. And he HAS used HIS flunkys in THIS country to AVOID certain things such as arrest and PAYING TAXES. How much have Obama/Clinton and the DNC Terrorist Machine let him off the hook for? How does 13.3 BILLION dollars sound?

"A loophole allowed the 84-year-old billionaire to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them into his fund, where they were able to grow tax-free. Soros amassed $13.3 billion dollars through the use of deferments."

CHEAT: Liberal George Soros Owes BILLIONS In Taxes

THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars. Folks we ARE talking one hell of a lot of money. The DNC bitches about Trump being worth ten while THEIR party leader OWES more then he is worth. Pete Rose goes to PRISON for taxes and this dick head walks free? Who you kidding democrats? THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars? Why the hell are you running cover for him?

But you know folks it does NOT even stop there. NOPE there is more. The DNC Terrorist Machine does NOT respond to GLOBAL WARRANTS.
Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

So the flunky's not only run cover for him here they do it on an international scale. But folks he is BUSY with that UNPAID OWED to Americans TAX MONEY.
Where does it go? Who does he fund? Okay how about THIS for just a start?

Soros' Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:

    • Buy Politicians
    • Report "News"
    • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
    • Increase Taxes
    • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
    • Put More People on Welfare
    • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
    • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
    • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
    • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
    • Change Laws to Control You
    • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
    • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
    • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
    • Fund Abortions
    • Limit Free Trade
    • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
    • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
    • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
    • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
    • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
    • Create Misinformation
    • Control the Media
    • Limit Free Speech
    • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
    • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
    • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
    • Eliminate Religious Rights
    • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
    • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
George Soros - Communist, Socialist, Global Warming Fraud

So lets put this together shall we?
Hillary Clinton works for a man who at 14 worked for Hitler and LOVED it.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who owes CITIZENS of this country 13.3 BILLION dollars.

Hillary Clinton works for a man with a GLOBAL arrest warrant.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who funds or starts just about EVERY ANTI-American ANTI-Christian ANTI-Hetero ANTI-White ANTI-Make America Great Again group there is not only in this country BUT GLOBAL! He ORDERED I repeat ORDERED Europe to take in MORE islamic terrorist and FORMER East German Communist Merkel DID just that.

Just like Communist raised Obama will and just like Alinsky "love child" Clinton WILL. A vote FOR Hillary IS a vote FOR George. We ARE today with Obama a COMMUNIST ruled DICTATORSHIP. Trump may have money and he may speak off the cuff, but DAMN he LOVES his country and at least the VERY least he loves the people.


I agree with you most of the time, but
Didn't the congress pass a bill to not have political money transparency a month or so ago? Makes me angry, that they vote for their $$$ buddies.

There are so many crooks with their hands in the cookie jar

Uncle George has his fair share of GOP members. Sorting them out IS going to take a while. But the first thing you do is cut the head off the snake.

Take the "elites" out AND the RINO'S. And yes its going to take a lot of work.

What about the Koch brothers who basically are the puppet masters of everyone but Trump? What about Sheldon who is the biggest ass ever.
I agree with Soro, but don't you need to include all of them?

I want to just take a minute and view the top leadership of terrorists. Its NOT Obama its NOT the Clinton's as they are mere flunkies in the overall scheme to destroy America. Now the "man" democrats get their money from for flunkies like Obama and Clinton and BLM mainly come from one source.

And HIS dictates HIS demands ARE what controls the democrat party. At 14 years of age he worked for Hitler and calls it some of the HAPPIEST times of his life.

For you folks who think Hillary has pulled some sh8t ask yourself "Just HOW DID a murdering social democrat rob and kill all those Jews and NEVER did a day in jail?
The WORLD has tracked down and convicted GUARDS at those camps but NOT the person who was front and center of the stealing the evictions.

He runs the DNC Terrorist Machine PERIOD. Everybody else is just a flunky. And he HAS used HIS flunkys in THIS country to AVOID certain things such as arrest and PAYING TAXES. How much have Obama/Clinton and the DNC Terrorist Machine let him off the hook for? How does 13.3 BILLION dollars sound?

"A loophole allowed the 84-year-old billionaire to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them into his fund, where they were able to grow tax-free. Soros amassed $13.3 billion dollars through the use of deferments."

CHEAT: Liberal George Soros Owes BILLIONS In Taxes

THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars. Folks we ARE talking one hell of a lot of money. The DNC bitches about Trump being worth ten while THEIR party leader OWES more then he is worth. Pete Rose goes to PRISON for taxes and this dick head walks free? Who you kidding democrats? THIRTEEN POINT THREE BILLION dollars? Why the hell are you running cover for him?

But you know folks it does NOT even stop there. NOPE there is more. The DNC Terrorist Machine does NOT respond to GLOBAL WARRANTS.
Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

So the flunky's not only run cover for him here they do it on an international scale. But folks he is BUSY with that UNPAID OWED to Americans TAX MONEY.
Where does it go? Who does he fund? Okay how about THIS for just a start?

Soros' Portfolio Gives Him the Ability to:

    • Buy Politicians
    • Report "News"
    • Create Illegal Votes (ACORN)
    • Increase Taxes
    • Lower and Redistribute US Citizen Wealth
    • Put More People on Welfare
    • Funnel Illegal Aliens into Unions, Direct Their Votes and Collect Their Annual Membership Dues
    • Change and Relax Immigration Laws
    • Changes Laws to Expand Union Influence Over Businesses
    • Change Laws to Modify the US Financial System
    • Change Laws to Control You
    • Obtain Votes from (Primarily Poor) Blacks
    • Obtain Votes from Hispanics and Other People of Color
    • Obtain Votes from Gays and Lesbians
    • Fund Abortions
    • Limit Free Trade
    • Hide Crimes and Allow Criminals to Be Freed
    • Redirect Taxpayer Wealth to Unnecessary Green Projects, While Simultaneously Making US Businesses Less Profitable and Less Competitive
    • Change Laws and Take Guns Away from Citizens
    • Protray America in a Strongly Negative Light, Both in the US and Around the World
    • Changes Laws to Make It Easier for Terrorists and Criminals to Operate
    • Create Misinformation
    • Control the Media
    • Limit Free Speech
    • Enable Communists and Terrorists to Enter America
    • Resist and Stop US Military and Police Efforts
    • Create Local and National Racial Conflicts and Distrust
    • Eliminate Religious Rights
    • Indoctrinate Your Children with Communism in Their Schools and Media Viewings
    • Fundamentally Change America, Transforming it in a Communist Nation
George Soros - Communist, Socialist, Global Warming Fraud

So lets put this together shall we?
Hillary Clinton works for a man who at 14 worked for Hitler and LOVED it.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who owes CITIZENS of this country 13.3 BILLION dollars.

Hillary Clinton works for a man with a GLOBAL arrest warrant.

Hillary Clinton works for a man who funds or starts just about EVERY ANTI-American ANTI-Christian ANTI-Hetero ANTI-White ANTI-Make America Great Again group there is not only in this country BUT GLOBAL! He ORDERED I repeat ORDERED Europe to take in MORE islamic terrorist and FORMER East German Communist Merkel DID just that.

Just like Communist raised Obama will and just like Alinsky "love child" Clinton WILL. A vote FOR Hillary IS a vote FOR George. We ARE today with Obama a COMMUNIST ruled DICTATORSHIP. Trump may have money and he may speak off the cuff, but DAMN he LOVES his country and at least the VERY least he loves the people.


I agree with you most of the time, but
Didn't the congress pass a bill to not have political money transparency a month or so ago? Makes me angry, that they vote for their $$$ buddies.

There are so many crooks with their hands in the cookie jar

Uncle George has his fair share of GOP members. Sorting them out IS going to take a while. But the first thing you do is cut the head off the snake.

Take the "elites" out AND the RINO'S. And yes its going to take a lot of work.

What about the Koch brothers who basically are the puppet masters of everyone but Trump? What about Sheldon who is the biggest ass ever.
I agree with Soro, but don't you need to include all of them?


Need to include them ALL yes. But Trump is NOT one of them. Bush IS so the house cleaning at the GOP IS underway.
The DNC has not even admitted to having filth. Tossing Clinton WOULD be a huge start.

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