The Donald is not just fighting the MSM, but the entire establishment

I hope this nasty virus passes through the party's body quickly.
The country needs two strong, serious parties..
The Jeb Bush, John Kasich illegal loving traitors will never get my vote, ever they can burn in hell!!
There's that virus again.

There's that arrogant GOP establishment attitude again, go ahead try to win a presidential election without us like you bragged that you could. Your candidates couldn't even garner 5% of the primary vote, what does that tell you? Yes that you establishment types are a small minority of the party.
So now I'm a Republican again.

No, I'm not in the party, nor am I conservative. I'm just an independent. And your strategy has your party in danger of losing to the most vulnerable possible Dem candidate.

This is going to be a self-inflicted wound, but you folks won't admit it.

You took over a party that didn't want you and ran it into the ground.
I agree with the premise that Trump is fighting against the very powerful establishment. Once he started advocating putting Americans first, the NWO Globalist Elite folks began getting very nervous. For them, it's not about American Citizens. It's about making rich & powerful Globalist Elites more rich & powerful. American Citizens' interests are no longer a consideration for them. That's why i have to support Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is the very embodiment of the NWO Globalist agenda. Not to mention, she's a corrupt liar too.

All that being said, the Police have to accept some responsibility for this chaos we're seeing. They have treated African Americans pretty poorly over the years. And their militarized training has caused them to become more violent & oppressive with the citizenry. American Police violence is pretty shocking, when compared with the rest of the world. And the U.S. now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning its citizens. So we do have a Police problem. We shouldn't ignore that. If we ignore it, we can't fix the problems. Both sides need to accept responsibility. Once they do, we can move on and address things.
Blacks have had a problem with authority for decades. In reality, they have nobody to blame for that than themselves.
I hope this nasty virus passes through the party's body quickly.
The country needs two strong, serious parties..
The Jeb Bush, John Kasich illegal loving traitors will never get my vote, ever they can burn in hell!!
There's that virus again.

There's that arrogant GOP establishment attitude again, go ahead try to win a presidential election without us like you bragged that you could. Your candidates couldn't even garner 5% of the primary vote, what does that tell you? Yes that you establishment types are a small minority of the party.
So now I'm a Republican again.

No, I'm not in the party, nor am I conservative. I'm just an independent. And your strategy has your party in danger of losing to the most vulnerable possible Dem candidate.

This is going to be a self-inflicted wound, but you folks won't admit it.

You took over a party that didn't want you and ran it into the ground.
So vote for Hillary and watch the country burn to the ground.

The establishment that has used the USA like Crooked Hillary used her personal server. Afro American don't riot, attack whitey, burn down buildings, throw bricks at cops simply because of the MSM not showing any of the daily black on black and black on white violent crimes, although the MSM tries its hardest to support racial division which helps democrat politicians. The MSM will lie about police shootings and will present arrests of savage afro americans in a way to distort the reality. But the underlying brainwashing of afro americans that creates these brainless savages starts in the public schools, with hollywood, etc.

And the establishment eunuchs and qu33rs have the chutzpah to warn The Donald about his "brash tone" that he refuses to change? "The brash tone" is why The Donald has got this far. American citizens who are taxpayers like "brash tone" when it comes to what government does with our taxpayer money.

I thought Trump got this far by 'saying what he means'. Except when he doesn't mean what he says.
It's funny to see a person take an outline of the U.S.A. , color it in , and claim it is what Americans are thinking.
Unfortunately whoever gets in office will probably be subject to the effects of the news stories that will grab the headlines more than any bill or tax shelter they claim to change during their run for office.
I agree with the premise that Trump is fighting against the very powerful establishment. Once he started advocating putting Americans first, the NWO Globalist Elite folks began getting very nervous. For them, it's not about American Citizens. It's about making rich & powerful Globalist Elites more rich & powerful. American Citizens' interests are no longer a consideration for them. That's why i have to support Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is the very embodiment of the NWO Globalist agenda. Not to mention, she's a corrupt liar too.

All that being said, the Police have to accept some responsibility for this chaos we're seeing. They have treated African Americans pretty poorly over the years. And their militarized training has caused them to become more violent & oppressive with the citizenry. American Police violence is pretty shocking, when compared with the rest of the world. And the U.S. now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning its citizens. So we do have a Police problem. We shouldn't ignore that. If we ignore it, we can't fix the problems. Both sides need to accept responsibility. Once they do, we can move on and address things.
Blacks have had a problem with authority for decades. In reality, they have nobody to blame for that than themselves.

Both sides are responsible. Police have a sordid history when it comes to their treatment of African Americans. But burning down gas stations isn't the answer. We have to stop militarizing our Police. It's led to them becoming more violent and oppressive.

And citizens need to be decent people. Instead of being out on the streets all night, they should just stay home and spend time with their families. Just be decent folks. If you're a decent person, you won't likely run into any problems with the Police. Both sides just need to chill out and see each other's perspectives. Violence isn't the answer.

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