The Donald is not just fighting the MSM, but the entire establishment

The establishment that has used the USA like Crooked Hillary used her personal server. Afro American don't riot, attack whitey, burn down buildings, throw bricks at cops simply because of the MSM not showing any of the daily black on black and black on white violent crimes, although the MSM tries its hardest to support racial division which helps democrat politicians. The MSM will lie about police shootings and will present arrests of savage afro americans in a way to distort the reality. But the underlying brainwashing of afro americans that creates these brainless savages starts in the public schools, with hollywood, etc.

And the establishment eunuchs and qu33rs have the chutzpah to warn The Donald about his "brash tone" that he refuses to change? "The brash tone" is why The Donald has got this far. American citizens who are taxpayers like "brash tone" when it comes to what government does with our taxpayer money.

how dare they use his own words and actual facts to report on him.


dumb Donald..... dumber trumpsters
And Hillary and Bill are political prostitutes who now owe many favors to all their foreign donors. Trumps words are just words.

The Clintons are going to be renting out the Lincoln bedroom this time by the hour.

Complete nonsense.

If the Clintons have broken any law, why hasn't the Republican Congress investigated it instead of eight Benghazi investigations?
They have. WTF do you think this flap over emails was about?

Dude. You are such a retard.

emails resulted in no charges pal
Irrelevant to your question.

Never mind that Congress held hearings before, during, and after the fact over the emails. Comey did not recommend indictment, so just keep lying yourself about it and lying about why he decided not to. He laid out enough evidence to forward an indictment but did not. Specifically because he was threatened with charges by the AG, who met with Bill just before the investigation was concluded. Also, further revelations revealed that Hillary has committed several felonies including taking bribes, destruction of evidence, obstruction of justice over her activities in relation to the Clinton Foundation.

No harm, no foul

Extensive FBI investigations resulted in no criminal charges
Yup. That's all you see. You ignore the obvious corruption and move on. And the harm is already manifested. Nobody trusts the government anymore, thus the push to take our guns. I wonder how many people will die because you and your friends refused to get real and face the truth.
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The establishment that has used the USA like Crooked Hillary used her personal server. Afro American don't riot, attack whitey, burn down buildings, throw bricks at cops simply because of the MSM not showing any of the daily black on black and black on white violent crimes, although the MSM tries its hardest to support racial division which helps democrat politicians. The MSM will lie about police shootings and will present arrests of savage afro americans in a way to distort the reality. But the underlying brainwashing of afro americans that creates these brainless savages starts in the public schools, with hollywood, etc.

And the establishment eunuchs and qu33rs have the chutzpah to warn The Donald about his "brash tone" that he refuses to change? "The brash tone" is why The Donald has got this far. American citizens who are taxpayers like "brash tone" when it comes to what government does with our taxpayer money.

how dare they use his own words and actual facts to report on him.


dumb Donald..... dumber trumpsters

Poor Losin' Donald

Everyone is conspiring against him. Hillary, the MSM....even his own party

But at least his kids like him
The establishment that has used the USA like Crooked Hillary used her personal server. Afro American don't riot, attack whitey, burn down buildings, throw bricks at cops simply because of the MSM not showing any of the daily black on black and black on white violent crimes, although the MSM tries its hardest to support racial division which helps democrat politicians. The MSM will lie about police shootings and will present arrests of savage afro americans in a way to distort the reality. But the underlying brainwashing of afro americans that creates these brainless savages starts in the public schools, with hollywood, etc.

And the establishment eunuchs and qu33rs have the chutzpah to warn The Donald about his "brash tone" that he refuses to change? "The brash tone" is why The Donald has got this far. American citizens who are taxpayers like "brash tone" when it comes to what government does with our taxpayer money.

how dare they use his own words and actual facts to report on him.


dumb Donald..... dumber trumpsters

Poor Losin' Donald

Everyone is conspiring against him. Hillary, the MSM....even his own party

But at least his kids like him
In record numbers....
The Donald is not just fighting the MSM, but the entire establishment

Yeah, well that tends to happen when one runs as an anti-establishment candidate.
I don't know why this would surprise you.
It's soooooo unfair! LOL

They're all out to get Donald.

Anybody notice that P saw how the Texas gop turned on Cruz after the convention, so P broke family ranks and endorsed Donald. LOL
I agree with the premise that Trump is fighting against the very powerful establishment. Once he started advocating putting Americans first, the NWO Globalist Elite folks began getting very nervous. For them, it's not about American Citizens. It's about making rich & powerful Globalist Elites more rich & powerful. American Citizens' interests are no longer a consideration for them. That's why i have to support Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is the very embodiment of the NWO Globalist agenda. Not to mention, she's a corrupt liar too.

All that being said, the Police have to accept some responsibility for this chaos we're seeing. They have treated African Americans pretty poorly over the years. And their militarized training has caused them to become more violent & oppressive with the citizenry. American Police violence is pretty shocking, when compared with the rest of the world. And the U.S. now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning its citizens. So we do have a Police problem. We shouldn't ignore that. If we ignore it, we can't fix the problems. Both sides need to accept responsibility. Once they do, we can move on and address things.
The media needs to stop giving Trump a free ride by accepting his lame explanations of what he said

No other candidate would receive that latitude for saying things even remotely as bad as what Trump says
The media needs to stop giving Trump a free ride by accepting his lame explanations of what he said

No other candidate would receive that latitude for saying things even remotely as bad as what Trump says

You can't be serious....
The media needs to stop giving Trump a free ride by accepting his lame explanations of what he said

No other candidate would receive that latitude for saying things even remotely as bad as what Trump says

You can't be serious....

No other candidate has gotten the free ride that Trump has

Who else would buy in to the lame explanations that come out of the Trump camp?
The media needs to stop giving Trump a free ride by accepting his lame explanations of what he said

No other candidate would receive that latitude for saying things even remotely as bad as what Trump says

You can't be serious....

No other candidate has gotten the free ride that Trump has

Who else would buy in to the lame explanations that come out of the Trump camp?

OK, that's hillarious.
The media needs to stop giving Trump a free ride by accepting his lame explanations of what he said

No other candidate would receive that latitude for saying things even remotely as bad as what Trump says

You can't be serious....

No other candidate has gotten the free ride that Trump has

Who else would buy in to the lame explanations that come out of the Trump camp?

OK, that's hillarious.

Is there another candidate in history who would have gotten away with saying "I prefer those who weren't captured" or who openly mocked a handicapped man?
Coincidentally Rush is talking about the content of my opening post at this very moment! Turn on!
The Donald is not just fighting the MSM, but the entire establishment

I know, right? Any time now I'm expecting to hear how Trump has purchased a large tract of land in South America in the jungle where he's having a compound built for he and his dwindling devotees to live out the rest of his political life. After November, Trump's going to serve them all Koolaide. His family will be forced to drink it too, since after they're done damaging the GOP, nobody is going to want to do business with the Trump kids either.
Trump has been provided latitude by the press that is unprecedented

No other major political candidate has gotten away with as much as Trump

The MSM has never lied so blatantly and shamelessly about any other candidate, and all Democrats sucking hillary's hemorrhoids know it for a fact, which is why her apologists are clearly sociopaths and have less than zero credibility any more. Even the Burned by Bernies aren't voting for her. All you're left with is the low information voters, and they aren't noted for their turnout records. Most will stay home, and especially when the other shoes start dropping next month she'll hae zero chance outside of a few bastions of billionaires and their flunkies, and the truly stupid.
Complete nonsense.

If the Clintons have broken any law, why hasn't the Republican Congress investigated it instead of eight Benghazi investigations?
They have. WTF do you think this flap over emails was about?

Dude. You are such a retard.

emails resulted in no charges pal
Irrelevant to your question.

Never mind that Congress held hearings before, during, and after the fact over the emails. Comey did not recommend indictment, so just keep lying yourself about it and lying about why he decided not to. He laid out enough evidence to forward an indictment but did not. Specifically because he was threatened with charges by the AG, who met with Bill just before the investigation was concluded. Also, further revelations revealed that Hillary has committed several felonies including taking bribes, destruction of evidence, obstruction of justice over her activities in relation to the Clinton Foundation.

No harm, no foul

Extensive FBI investigations resulted in no criminal charges
Yup. That's all you see. You ignore the obvious corruption and move on. And the harm is already manifested. Nobody trusts the government anymore, thus the push to take our guns. I wonder how many people will die because you and your friends refused to get real and face the truth.

They are hardcore racists and vermin; all they really want is more hate crimes and dead cops. The rest isn't important to them.
Trump has been provided latitude by the press that is unprecedented

No other major political candidate has gotten away with as much as Trump

The MSM has never lied so blatantly and shamelessly about any other candidate, and all Democrats sucking hillary's hemorrhoids know it for a fact, which is why her apologists are clearly sociopaths and have less than zero credibility any more. Even the Burned by Bernies aren't voting for her. All you're left with is the low information voters, and they aren't noted for their turnout records. Most will stay home, and especially when the other shoes start dropping next month she'll hae zero chance outside of a few bastions of billionaires and their flunkies, and the truly stupid.

The MSM has never openly accepted as many lame excuses for bad behavior as they have for Trump
Trump has been provided latitude by the press that is unprecedented

No other major political candidate has gotten away with as much as Trump

The MSM has never lied so blatantly and shamelessly about any other candidate, and all Democrats sucking hillary's hemorrhoids know it for a fact, which is why her apologists are clearly sociopaths and have less than zero credibility any more. Even the Burned by Bernies aren't voting for her. All you're left with is the low information voters, and they aren't noted for their turnout records. Most will stay home, and especially when the other shoes start dropping next month she'll hae zero chance outside of a few bastions of billionaires and their flunkies, and the truly stupid.

The MSM has never openly accepted as many lame excuses for bad behavior as they have for Trump

Now you're going completely delusional. What have they 'accepted', exactly? lol lol nothing, and in fact make up utter nonsense to feed the mushrooms with.
Boot the Globalist Elite Establishment. It doesn't serve American Citizens' best interests. It hasn't for many years. Trump has to be the choice if you're fed up. Hillary Clinton dutifully serves the Globalist Elite Establishment's interests.
I hope this nasty virus passes through the party's body quickly.
The country needs two strong, serious parties..
The Jeb Bush, John Kasich illegal loving traitors will never get my vote, ever they can burn in hell!!
There's that virus again.

There's that arrogant GOP establishment attitude again, go ahead try to win a presidential election without us like you bragged that you could. Your candidates couldn't even garner 5% of the primary vote, what does that tell you? Yes that you establishment types are a small minority of the party.

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