The Donald . . .

Of course I'm right, damn it! :thanks:

Just pointing it out to the lemmings who continue to think he's the second coming of the most conservative kind. He. Isn't.

But it's cute how so many miss that point and jumped all over the amount.

Zoom, right over their pointy heads.

Well, that lemming thing is more of a traditional Democratic Party voter policy as obviously evidenced by Bill Clinton, Obama and now Hillary.

and Trump a full blow Conservative, eh, I don't really think so, he could very well represent good policies for left ,right and center the main ones being getting America back on the right track economically, in foreign policy and the break down of the corrupted political establishments (Republican & Democrat) and the special interests long time control over them.

Bookmark this post: if Trump gets the nod, wins, and this ^ occurs, I will be more than happy to eat humble pie. I'd love it if that happened. I'm not holding my breath though.

Ummm, luckily humble pie isn't fattening or you'd be up to a couple tons at least with your support for Obama/Hillary and the Democratic Socialist Party...:laugh:


Hi ZB--pay attention !! :biggrin:

Hello Dr. Dillo..
From Missourian's link:

"Trump has taken in 73,942 contributions, a total that surpasses several of GOP rivals, despite the billionaire businessman's regular declarations on the campaign trail that, "I'm self-funding my campaign."

GOP frontrunner and real estate mogul Donald Trump has made this a hallmark of his stump speeches and interviews in his quest for the nomination. It gets the loudest cheers at his speeches from crowds all over the country. And yet, according to the latest Federal Election Commission filings, Trump is no longer a self-funder. He is getting too many donations for that - especially for someone who is going out of his way not to ask for money.

The latest filings show that the vast majority of Trump's campaign expenses in the last quarter were financed by contributions, not by Trump himself."

This just goes to show that Trump is nothing more than a mouth-piece who is saying what his lemmings want to hear. Oh, this article was from Oct, 2015. Trumps numbers are higher now so it stands to reason that he's getting more donations. Yeah, he's some kind of guy.

Zoom, the point is, Trump is not seeking any contributions from anyone. He's not like Hillary, promising political favors for giving to her campaign or to the Clinton Fund. He has no fund raising activities and is beholden to none.
Bottom-line Zoom-boing is correct, Trump is taking in contributions and saying he's totally self financing.

Does it bother me, a little bit but I'm rationalizing that's it's okay in comparison to all the other candidates.

Besides, no doubt, Trump has a bit of a Democrat side to him, it's bound to be exposed to a small degree and the Democratic Party..:laugh:

Of course I'm right, damn it! :thanks:

Just pointing it out to the lemmings who continue to think he's the second coming of the most conservative kind. He. Isn't.

But it's cute how so many miss that point and jumped all over the amount.

Zoom, right over their pointy heads.

Well, that lemming thing is more of a traditional Democratic Party voter policy as obviously evidenced by Bill Clinton, Obama and now Hillary.

and Trump a full blow Conservative, eh, I don't really think so, he could very well represent good policies for left ,right and center the main ones being getting America back on the right track economically, in foreign policy and the break down of the corrupted political establishments (Republican & Democrat) and the special interests long time control over them.

Bookmark this post: if Trump gets the nod, wins, and this ^ occurs, I will be more than happy to eat humble pie. I'd love it if that happened. I'm not holding my breath though.

Ummm, luckily humble pie isn't fattening or you'd be up to a couple tons at least with your support for Obama/Hillary and the Democratic Socialist Party...:laugh:


I don't feel like explaining, do I have to?
Bottom-line Zoom-boing is correct, Trump is taking in contributions and saying he's totally self financing.

Does it bother me, a little bit but I'm rationalizing that's it's okay in comparison to all the other candidates.

Besides, no doubt, Trump has a bit of a Democrat side to him, it's bound to be exposed to a small degree..:laugh:

Of course I'm right, damn it! :thanks:

Just pointing it out to the lemmings who continue to think he's the second coming of the most conservative kind. He. Isn't.

But it's cute how so many miss that point and jumped all over the amount.

Zoom, right over their pointy heads.
There are bigger whoppers you know. . . . .


Isn't this proof positive that Trump is qualified to fit in just nicely in D.C.? :lmao:
Trump's smart, he's strong. not just strong, he's smart.

this is bullshit. it's bullshit.

these sound like attacks from the Cruz campaign.

at least Donald J Trump reports his financials. Senator Cruz has got to report his financials. he's got to report his financials.
Point is, Trump touts that he needs no ones money but has taken $3.9 million. The amount isn't the point.

"The most powerful argument for voting for billionaire Donald Trump for president — that he can't be bought — is rapidly losing its appeal. Records show that he took in $4 million in outside cash and is tied to a super PAC."

"While he has put up some of his own money to kick-start his campaign, Trump's personal stake now amounts to just a third of his campaign receipts, currently at $5.8 million, the latest Federal Election Commission records show. The rest — $3.9 million — comes from individual contributors, including many CEOs and business owners who are pumping thousands of dollars each into his political coffers."

No, the point is you are wrong.
Point is, Trump touts that he needs no ones money but has taken $3.9 million. The amount isn't the point.

"The most powerful argument for voting for billionaire Donald Trump for president — that he can't be bought — is rapidly losing its appeal. Records show that he took in $4 million in outside cash and is tied to a super PAC."

"While he has put up some of his own money to kick-start his campaign, Trump's personal stake now amounts to just a third of his campaign receipts, currently at $5.8 million, the latest Federal Election Commission records show. The rest — $3.9 million — comes from individual contributors, including many CEOs and business owners who are pumping thousands of dollars each into his political coffers."

Run with won't get far

I will. Trumps a poser.

Well evidently this "news" has been out there since last Oct...I think ya better be prepared to go it alone LOL

Vote for Trump then. Be aware that he's not what he says he is. Of course his loyal followers will continue to buy his one lie-ners.

Ps, a couple of months ago is still current.

That's nothing new for republicans.

They've been voting for people who aren't what they say they are for decades.

trump has a super pac, his daughter is having fund raisers for it.

Plus the company that makes his stupid hats and tee shirts started the super pac. It's name is make American great again.

Funny, real Americans never believed America stopped being great.

trump is a liar. Which is no different from all other republicans and conservatives.

His followers are stupid. They tout that trump isn't or can't be bought then when they are shown that trump is indeed bought, they either ignore it or make excuses and rationalizations for it.

So much for integrity but then no republican or conservative has integrity much less knows what it is.

They're all nothing but hypocrites.
Last edited:
Anyone think that maybe Trump plans on donating that money to a charity? He doesn't need it. He spends his own money. But if people send it to him and he takes it..perhaps he has plans for it to go to someone who really needs it. Like veterans.

Or if his daughter throws fund raisers for his super pac he takes it.

You really don't want to know the truth do you?
Point is, Trump touts that he needs no ones money but has taken $3.9 million. The amount isn't the point.

"The most powerful argument for voting for billionaire Donald Trump for president — that he can't be bought — is rapidly losing its appeal. Records show that he took in $4 million in outside cash and is tied to a super PAC."

"While he has put up some of his own money to kick-start his campaign, Trump's personal stake now amounts to just a third of his campaign receipts, currently at $5.8 million, the latest Federal Election Commission records show. The rest — $3.9 million — comes from individual contributors, including many CEOs and business owners who are pumping thousands of dollars each into his political coffers."

Run with won't get far

I will. Trumps a poser.

Well evidently this "news" has been out there since last Oct...I think ya better be prepared to go it alone LOL

Vote for Trump then. Be aware that he's not what he says he is. Of course his loyal followers will continue to buy his one lie-ners.

Ps, a couple of months ago is still current.

That's nothing new for republicans.

They've been voting for people who are what they say they are for decades.

trump has a super pac, his daughter is having fund raisers for it.

Plus the company that makes his stupid hats and tee shirts started the super pac. It's name is make American great again.

Funny, real Americans never believed America stopped being great.

trump is a liar. Which is no different from all other republicans and conservatives.

His followers are stupid. They tout that trump isn't or can't be bought then when they are shown that trump is indeed bought, they either ignore it or make excuses and rationalizations for it.

So much for integrity but then no republican or conservative has integrity much less knows what it is.

They're all nothing but hypocrites.

Uh...yeah... under Obama - the top 7% have seen their incomes rise 33%...the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have seen their benefits slashed AND their incomes dropped 5%.

But you keep going on about hats and t-shirts...I know it makes you feel better.
Run with won't get far

I will. Trumps a poser.

Well evidently this "news" has been out there since last Oct...I think ya better be prepared to go it alone LOL

Vote for Trump then. Be aware that he's not what he says he is. Of course his loyal followers will continue to buy his one lie-ners.

Ps, a couple of months ago is still current.

That's nothing new for republicans.

They've been voting for people who are what they say they are for decades.

trump has a super pac, his daughter is having fund raisers for it.

Plus the company that makes his stupid hats and tee shirts started the super pac. It's name is make American great again.

Funny, real Americans never believed America stopped being great.

trump is a liar. Which is no different from all other republicans and conservatives.

His followers are stupid. They tout that trump isn't or can't be bought then when they are shown that trump is indeed bought, they either ignore it or make excuses and rationalizations for it.

So much for integrity but then no republican or conservative has integrity much less knows what it is.

They're all nothing but hypocrites.

Uh...yeah... under Obama - the top 7% have seen their incomes rise 33%...the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have seen their benefits slashed AND their incomes dropped 5%.

But you keep going on about hats and t-shirts...I know it makes you feel better.

That has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of this thread.

Stop violating the board rules by trying to change the subject.

The subject is that trump is a liar and you stupid people don't care.

When shown he's a liar you make excuses and rationalizations for it or like you did above, try to change the subject.

That's not going to change the honest facts. The man has been bought. He has a super pac and his daughter is raising money for it from filthy rich donors. Just like the rest of the politicians.

He's no different from what you people say you hate yet you gobble up his lies and make excuses for why you do it.

You're nothing but pathetic hypocrites.

Oh and those super pacs you conservatives don't like were forced on us by the conservatives on the supreme court by way of a case brought to the court by an ultra conservative group. So you have your fellow conservatives to thank for what you hate so much.

All the liberals on the supreme court voted against the super pacs.

ted cruz lies and says the repeal of super pacs is abolishing the first Amendment and freedom of speech. So all your candidates just love what the conservatives on the supreme court did in 2010. They will lie and cheat to make sure that those super pacs are allowed to continue to exist and never have to disclose their who their donors are. The republicans in congress already have killed a bill that would require full disclosure of donors.

But hey, keep voting for, supporting and lying for those conservatives. They're not working for you and they're lying through their teeth. Which is apparently what you want.
I will. Trumps a poser.

Well evidently this "news" has been out there since last Oct...I think ya better be prepared to go it alone LOL

Vote for Trump then. Be aware that he's not what he says he is. Of course his loyal followers will continue to buy his one lie-ners.

Ps, a couple of months ago is still current.

That's nothing new for republicans.

They've been voting for people who are what they say they are for decades.

trump has a super pac, his daughter is having fund raisers for it.

Plus the company that makes his stupid hats and tee shirts started the super pac. It's name is make American great again.

Funny, real Americans never believed America stopped being great.

trump is a liar. Which is no different from all other republicans and conservatives.

His followers are stupid. They tout that trump isn't or can't be bought then when they are shown that trump is indeed bought, they either ignore it or make excuses and rationalizations for it.

So much for integrity but then no republican or conservative has integrity much less knows what it is.

They're all nothing but hypocrites.

Uh...yeah... under Obama - the top 7% have seen their incomes rise 33%...the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have seen their benefits slashed AND their incomes dropped 5%.

But you keep going on about hats and t-shirts...I know it makes you feel better.

That has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of this thread.

Stop violating the board rules by trying to change the subject.

The subject is that trump is a liar and you stupid people don't care.

When shown he's a liar you make excuses and rationalizations for it or like you did above, try to change the subject.

That's not going to change the honest facts. The man has been bought. He has a super pac and his daughter is raising money for it from filthy rich donors. Just like the rest of the politicians.

He's no different from what you people say you hate yet you gobble up his lies and make excuses for why you do it.

You're nothing but pathetic hypocrites.

Oh and those super pacs you conservatives don't like were forced on us by the conservatives on the supreme court by way of a case brought to the court by an ultra conservative group. So you have your fellow conservatives to thank for what you hate so much.

All the liberals on the supreme court voted against the super pacs.

ted cruz lies and says the repeal of super pacs is abolishing the first Amendment and freedom of speech. So all your candidates just love what the conservatives on the supreme court did in 2010. They will lie and cheat to make sure that those super pacs are allowed to continue to exist and never have to disclose their who their donors are. The republicans in congress already have killed a bill that would require full disclosure of donors.

But hey, keep voting for, supporting and lying for those conservatives. They're not working for you and they're lying through their teeth. Which is apparently what you want.

What's the matter? Don't like a little truth with your morning Froot Loops?

I will. Trumps a poser.

Well evidently this "news" has been out there since last Oct...I think ya better be prepared to go it alone LOL

Vote for Trump then. Be aware that he's not what he says he is. Of course his loyal followers will continue to buy his one lie-ners.

Ps, a couple of months ago is still current.

That's nothing new for republicans.

They've been voting for people who are what they say they are for decades.

trump has a super pac, his daughter is having fund raisers for it.

Plus the company that makes his stupid hats and tee shirts started the super pac. It's name is make American great again.

Funny, real Americans never believed America stopped being great.

trump is a liar. Which is no different from all other republicans and conservatives.

His followers are stupid. They tout that trump isn't or can't be bought then when they are shown that trump is indeed bought, they either ignore it or make excuses and rationalizations for it.

So much for integrity but then no republican or conservative has integrity much less knows what it is.

They're all nothing but hypocrites.

Uh...yeah... under Obama - the top 7% have seen their incomes rise 33%...the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have seen their benefits slashed AND their incomes dropped 5%.

But you keep going on about hats and t-shirts...I know it makes you feel better.

That has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of this thread.

Stop violating the board rules by trying to change the subject.

The subject is that trump is a liar and you stupid people don't care.

When shown he's a liar you make excuses and rationalizations for it or like you did above, try to change the subject.

That's not going to change the honest facts. The man has been bought. He has a super pac and his daughter is raising money for it from filthy rich donors. Just like the rest of the politicians.

He's no different from what you people say you hate yet you gobble up his lies and make excuses for why you do it.

You're nothing but pathetic hypocrites.

Oh and those super pacs you conservatives don't like were forced on us by the conservatives on the supreme court by way of a case brought to the court by an ultra conservative group. So you have your fellow conservatives to thank for what you hate so much.

All the liberals on the supreme court voted against the super pacs.

ted cruz lies and says the repeal of super pacs is abolishing the first Amendment and freedom of speech. So all your candidates just love what the conservatives on the supreme court did in 2010. They will lie and cheat to make sure that those super pacs are allowed to continue to exist and never have to disclose their who their donors are. The republicans in congress already have killed a bill that would require full disclosure of donors.

But hey, keep voting for, supporting and lying for those conservatives. They're not working for you and they're lying through their teeth. Which is apparently what you want.
Oh my gosh! You declare TRUMP is a liar! Compare him to Hill! She's got him beat tenfold! HA HA HA HA!

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