The Dow goes up 497 points

Less than half of the American People made their choice in 2000, and we will live with the results of incompetance, corruption, and lies from that administration for many generations. President Obama is doing all that he can to prevent idiocies of the previous administration from economically destroying this nation. But you people would rather see the nation fail than see the President succeed.

If quadrupling the deficit in less than 3 months is "doing all he can", you can have it.
Again with the "you want the nation to fail" bumper sticker slogan of the left. How many time does it have to be said that wanting his bad policies to fail is a far cry from wanting the nation to fail but keep shouting that lie over and still will be a lie.

It is scary that those like you are so blinded by his American Idol personality that you will follow this guy over a cliff. Unfortunately we are chained together with you and have to suffer the same fate. I wish I could say that he is all yours but everything he does affects us all and that is a shame.

did you complain with bush?

Of course...wrong is wrong no matter who is doing it. Its just that Obama is making Bush look like a tight wad.
I am still amazed at how often posters fall back on that "yeah but Bush did it too" line. It still does not make it right and it is a really lame argument.
Obama stated that he wanted to look forward, unfortunately the message board is full of posters that want to continue looking back.
The past couple of weeks, the Dow has been up more days than it has been down. On Jan 20, the Dow was at about 7950. Today it is about 7750. These are good signs. However, whether this is a single swallow....or if Spring is in the air....only time will tell!!
Today, 26 Mar 2009, the Dow closed at 7924.

Hey Infinite Puberty........where's my 50 bucks? Gonna be above 8,000 tomorrow!
No, I said WITHIN 2 weeks. I said.......Infinite Puberty has no honor, nor is he very honest, so I don't think he was doing anything other than bullshitting for bravado.

Either way......I'm just happy to be right. All it has to do is close above 8,000 within the 2 week timeframe.

Tell Pubertus Idiotus he's gonna have to eat crow.
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Tell ya the next 2 weeks, I'd be willing to bet that the Dow goes up over 8,000. Many of the economic people on the news today have been saying that one reason is because of the banks getting rid of their toxic assets.

Kinda like a bee sting actually. Once you remove the stinger (toxic assets), the swelling goes down quickly and you start to recover. Until then? Hurts like hell.

ROFL... EIGHT WHOLE THOUSAND? Sure ya would... I'M IN!
I've got $50 to slap on that. Now all you need to do is to accept the wager that the DOW doesn't close over 8000 at the end of business on Friday, 3 April, 2009.

Meaning that if the DOW closes at over 8000 on that date, that I will, upon your acceptance of the bet; a bet which you said that you'd be willing to make, pay you your Pay pal account, a summed total of $50 and where the market fails to close OVER 8000... you pay ME via Pay Pal the sum of $50...

Just go ahead and place your bet Rustpicker. It's not even 400 pts...

Of course its worth remembering that the DOW was at +/- 13,000 when the Dems rode in to rescue us from BUSH! And they've managed to ride it to ride it down to just over 6000. But that's OK, because WOO HOO! We're HEADIN' TO 8000! and up is good.

The market will remain in a bear state until poilicy is advanced which defends CAPITALISM... OKA: the natural state of economics. Where socialism is being advanced, the market will succumb to short term speculation, which finds investors looking for short term gains which hinge on temporal events known to trigger anxiety or relief... and the profits of such gains will be quickly gathered and taken out of play.

Yeah right.......from what I've seen on these boards of your sense of honor, I'm pretty sure that you'd welsh on the bet Infinite Puberty.
here was his bet and your acceptance of it

that says april 3rd
In the next 2 weeks, meaning before 2 weeks are up. I said........I don't really expect Puberty Idiot to pay up.
But.......even if Puberty Idiot doesn't pay up, I'm still gonna win, because then I'll be able to rag his stupid knuckle dragging Jarhead ass forever.

But......if he DOES by some fluke of fate manage to pay up, I'm still gonna have 50 bucks!
But.......even if Puberty Idiot doesn't pay up, I'm still gonna win, because then I'll be able to rag his stupid knuckle dragging Jarhead ass forever.

But......if he DOES by some fluke of fate manage to pay up, I'm still gonna have 50 bucks!
he hasnt lost yet
the bet he made was for it to be over 8000 on the close of april 3rd
I think there's going to be some significant resistance around 8500 or so. We were up at around 9000 during the last bear rally back in november, and I think it's going to take some heavy pressure to push us up to that mark again.

If we break 9000, I think it's smooth sailing on up to 10k.

I'm skeptical about this being the real deal, though. Unless something changes drastically, I'm taking some money off the table at 8500 and buying DXD again. I made a killing off of it these past couple months and I sold it at the precise time.

I'm staying with my long oil position, though. Commodities are going to reflate heavily.
you never know
it might, it might not

It might not.

But I'd take that bet. There's too much power under the market right now and we're only 75 points away.
yeah, but it could dive 200+ points tomorrow
what if N Korea tests its missile and it actually hit Alaska

amazing how a bottle rocket hitting a glacier (melting of course) can ruin a good day on wall street.
the dow is down over a hundred today....where the posters who said obama was responsible for the dow's rise? are you not going to be honest and now say that obama is causing the market to go down?

the dow is down over a hundred today....where the posters who said obama was responsible for the dow's rise? are you not going to be honest and now say that obama is causing the market to go down?


are you an idiot. have you ever heard of profit taking? but today there was a little bit of mixed news. while consumer spending went up for the second straight month, incomes were down which isn't good. also there was news that jpmorgan was having a little tougher month in march than in january and feburary. when you have had a rally like we have in the past week usually there will be profits taken.

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